"I’m gonna miss you guys when you leave," Julia told Justin, watching JC push Micah on a swing.

"We’re gonna miss you too," Justin replied, watching Britney sitting the swing next to them, talking to JC, Joey, and Kelly. "It’s been great spending time with you."

"You too. Micah loves it too."

"I’ve gotten the impression he hasn’t been around a whole lot of men."

"Just my dad," Julia said. "I don’t have many guy friends anymore and dating is out the question."


"I don’t wanna confuse Micah, bringin guys around and all that, ya know?" she shrugged.

"So what, you’re gonna be by yourself for the rest of your life?"

"Naw when Micah’s older I’ll start dating again."

"I always figured you and Joey would get married before Joey got with Kelly."

"Tell you the truth, I thought so too but I’m glad Joey found Kelly, couldn’t think of anyone better for him. She was always there for him when I was being Julia."

"You weren’t so bad for him, Julia."

Julia shook her head. "You weren’t around when we first started dating in high school, I was terrible and Kelly was there to fix him up when we went rounds."

"I’ve heard a few of those stories, but they weren’t always your fault, Joey helped out," Justin replied.

"He’s right," Kelly said appearing behind them. "There were a few times when I wanted to finish what you started when Joey told me what had started it that time."

"Hey, Kelly," Julia smiled, pushing over so she could sit down. "Good thing you didn’t though, who knows where we’d all be if you had."

"Suppose your right," she nodded. "So how’ve you been? I’ve gotten half assed second hand stories from Joey, but you know how those go."

"I’ve been pretty good. School and Micah don’t leave much time to get in trouble," Julia replied. "How about you?"

"Can’t complain but I know what you mean about kids not leaving much time," Kelly answered.

"Just gets more fun, Kelly," Julia laughed.

"Glad to know I’ve got so much to look forward to," Kelly smiled.

"I want a kid," Justin sighed, cracking up the two women sitting next to him. "What’s so funny?"

"I’ll let you take Micah for a night and you tell me if you still want a kid," Julia replied.

"Or you can take Brianna," Kelly offered. "Why do you think you want a kid?"

"Why not? I’d be a good dad and then I could be over there with Joey and JC while Brit sat here talking to you two about every little thing, and how much time kids take up," he answered.

Julia giggled. "That’s not a reason to want a kid. Sure you’d be a good dad but you’re still young. I was your age when I had Micah and I love him more than anything, but if I could’ve done it differently I would’ve waited to have him until I was older."

"I suppose but it’d still be great to have a kid of my own."

"Don’t worry, you and Britney will get married someday and have a million kids," Kelly replied.

"I don’t think we’ll have quite that many but we’ll have a few," Britney said, sitting down next to Justin.

"Someday," Justin smiled.


"So, how are things in Orlando?" JC asked Julia.

"All right, I guess. Micah misses you guys though," she answered. "Keeps asking when you’re gonna come back and play with him."

"Tell him I promise we’ll be back soon," JC replied.

"All right I will," Julia smiled. "So where are you all again?"

"We’re heading to LA as we speak," JC said. "Don’t suppose I could talk you and Micah into visiting?"

"Actually we’re already suppose to be in LA this weekend, so maybe I’ll bump into you."

"You’re gonna be in LA?!"

"I’ve got an audition."

"Really? For what?"

"For a small role on Days of Our Lives…"

"Days? Wow! Congratulations," JC said. "And good luck."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"Where are you staying?"

"At a hotel, not sure which yet, but I’ll let you know when I do."

"Nonsense, come stay at my house," he replied. "No sense you staying at a hotel when you could stay here," he added when Julia started to protest.

"You are too much, C," Julia sighed.

"So when do you get in?"

"5:15 tomorrow evening."

"All right. When’s you audition?"

"Friday morning."

"Well then I will have a car pick you up at the airport tomorrow and bring you to the venue and then after the concert we’ll go back to my house."

"All right… thank you so much, JC," she smiled.

"It’s not a problem," he replied. "Micah still up?"

"We’re finishing Law and Order then it’s bed time," she answered.

"Lemme tell him goodnight?"

"All right, hold on," Julia replied. "Micah, JC’s on the phone," she said sitting down next to him.

"Jace!!" Micah exclaimed.


"So how do you think it went?" JC asked when Julia returned to his house after her audition.

"Pretty good. Probably could’ve done better though," she answered. "Micah behave himself?"

"Yep. We messed around with the keyboard, kid’s got some real talent, Ju."

"Of course! He’s my kid," Julia giggled.

"I’m serious."

"I know you are and I’ve noticed, but hell every mother thinks their kid’s the best at whatever they do."

"True, but Micah is really good. You should signing him up for piano lessons or something."

"Maybe after his birthday, don’t wanna start ‘im too early. My parents started me out when I was three and I was bored with it by the time I turned thirteen."

"Guess that’s true, but still I think he’d be great at it."


"So when do you find out if you got the part or not?" Justin questioned when they were all sitting down for dinner.

"They said they’d call with in the next week," Julia shrugged.

"That’s cool. If you get it how long would you be in Cali?" Lance asked.

"Depends on how long they plan to keep the character on the show. They said anywhere from a month to who knows how long."

"Were any of them there when you auditioned?" Britney inquired.

"Yah Kyle Lowder and Frank Parker," she nodded.

"Shawn and Brady?! Ohmigod, they’re so hot!! Did you getta talk to them?"

"Aren’t they?" Julia laughed. "I managed to get in a few words, but I was still in awe that those kids could look so good and be so young."

"Just like she’s still in awe about how good I look," Justin said.

"Whatever, kid," Julia laughed. "I’ll admit when you were little you looked good, but now you just look like Matt Castleton."

"You think Justin looks like Matt??" Joey laughed.

"In the ‘Pop’ video yah and he’s still got it going on," Julia nodded.

"Who’s Matt Castleton?" Justin asked.

"This guy Julia was in love with for like a year," Joey answered.

"I wasn’t in love with Matt!!" Julia denied.

"Jace, Kelly?"

"You were," Kelly nodded.

"JC moved to O-town after the whole Matt thing," Julia replied.

"Oh yah, but still you were totally in love with him," Joey said.

"No more than I was with you."

"Girl you were head over for Joey," JC exclaimed.

"Whatever," Julia shook her head. "I had to settle for him, remember?"

"Cause I wouldn’t go out with you, I remember," JC laughed.

"Poor me."

"Okay so back to talking about Days, what’s the part?" Britney asked.

"The part’s Bo’s niece who’s come to spend time with her family in Salem and is living with Bo, Hope, and Shawn, don’t know much more," Julia shrugged.

"Bo, Hope?" JC thought for a moment. "Those are the same people that were on the show when you’d drag me over to your house when we were skipping out on fourth."

"They’re probably still going through the same stuff too, but so what?" Julia laughed.

"You made him watch Days with you?" Justin asked. "How horrible!"

"I didn’t make him doing anything! I got him out of Mr. Maxwell’s Spanish class for a year and made sure he still managed to pass with an A," Julia replied.

"Exactly how did you do that?" Lance inquired.

"Same way I got Joey all As for a semester."

"She hacked into the system," Joey filled them in.

"But ya know the Fatones didn’t believe Joey got all As so I had to hack back in and change them," Julia giggled.

"You’re a bad girl, Julia," Justin laughed. "Still any good at hacking, though?"

"Yep, but I don’t do it very often anymore."

"You’d fit perfect on Days," Britney said.

"Wouldn’t I though? Hacker, former stripper, unwed mother who has no clue who the father of her child is, that’s grade A soap opera character," Julia giggled.


"Julia Cobb speaking, how may I help you?" Julia said answering her phone, later that week.

"Julia, this is Kevin Marten from Days of Our Lives, calling about your audition last week for the role of Phoebe Brady," answered a man.

"Mr. Marten, hello," Julia said.

"All right basically you did a wonderful job and we’d love for you to take the part, if you’re interested."

"Are you kidding me? I’d have to be crazy to turn down the part!" Julia answered.

"Great, so we start filming Phoebe’s parts in a month, can you make it?"

"Yes I can, sir."

"Great, I’ll have someone send you your first script and everything you need to know and I will see you in a month."

"All right, thank you."

"No thank you for accepting the part."

As soon as Julia hung up with Mr. Marten she was dialing JC’s cell phone number. She tapped her fingers on the counter while she waited for him to answer.

"JC’s phone, Justin speaking."

"Justin, it’s Julia, put JC on the phone."

"Hello to you too, Julia," Justin replied.

"Hi Jus, now put C on the phone," Julia sighed.

"Fine, didn’t wanna talk to you anyway," Justin muttered.

"Hello, Julia? Everything okay?" JC asked.


"What part?"

"On Days!"

"Ohmigod, Julia! That’s great!! When do you start??"

"In a month!"

"How awesome, congratulations!!"

"Thank you," Julia smiled. "Think you’ll have time to go with me to find a place to live?"

"Why not my house? You don’t know how long they’re gonna keep you on the show and also that way my house gets some use out of it, ya know?"

"JC, I couldn’t do that. It’s your home, Micah and I would be in the way."

"No you wouldn’t," he replied. "You can at least stay there until you know how long you’re gonna be on the show, can’t you?"

"I guess until I found a decent place, and you promise me we wouldn’t be in the way…"

"I promise."


"I can’t believe you’re moving," Alyson sighed, watching as Julia loaded her stuff into her 4 Runner.

"I can’t either, but I promise I’ll be back to see you whenever I can," Julia replied, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"And you’re more than welcome to stay at my house and visit them," JC said, putting in another box.

"Thanks," Alyson smiled. "So you’ll call me when you stop for the night?" she added to Julia.

"Of course," she nodded. "And I’ll tell you all about the wonderful scenery in between Orlando and wherever I stop."

"All right," Alyson smiled. "Can I have a hug, Micah?" she added to the little boy.

"Bye, Aunt Alyson," he said hugging her tightly.

"Bye, Micah. Behave for your mama and JC, okay?"

"I will," he nodded.

"Bye Al," Julia said hugging her. "It’s gonna be rough without you. Sure I can’t talk you into moving to LA when I’ve got my own place?"

"Who knows?" Alyson shrugged. "Take care of yourself, and don’t push yourself too hard in the driving, okay?"

"All right. Love you, girl."

"Love ya too," Alyson replied. "Bye, JC," she added.

"Bye, Alyson."

"I can’t thank you enough for driving with me," Julia said when they were on the highway.

"Not a problem," JC replied. "I’ve got the time off and you needed someone to keep you company."

"Still you could’ve spent your time off doing something more fun."

"What’s more fun then driving cross country with Julia Cobb?" JC replied, remembering when he, Julia, and Joey had done just that.

"Guess you’re right, but at least this time we won’t get a phone call at three am because your parents’ found out you weren’t spending Spring Break with my family at the lake," Julia giggled.

"Man did we ever get in some trouble for that," he laughed.

"But we had fun in Detroit while it lasted."



"Oh that’s a great shirt to wear around a three year old," JC said when Julia came out of the bathroom dressed in her pajamas.

"Micah knows which words he can use, don’t you sweetie?" Julia replied, looking at her Kid Rock shirt. "Thanks for watching him though while I changed," she added.

"Not a problem," he replied. "I’ll see you in the morning, okay?"

"All right, night," Julia said laying down next to Micah while JC went into his adjoining hotel room.

"Night, Julia," he replied.


"Wonder what’s going on here," Julia mumbled to herself as she drove her 4 Runner through the car packed streets of the small Kansas town.

"Looks like some sort of fair," JC said, pointing to the glowing lights in the distance.

"Fair, huh?" Julia said looking at the lights. "What do you say we stop and check it out?"

"Please?" Micah said from the back seat.

"Yah please, JC?" Julia giggled.

"You’re driving, Ju, so it’s up to you," JC replied.

"All right then, I say we’re stopping," Julia decided, smiling as she found a parking spot. "Mmm, do you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

"It smells like Disney and Universal but cleaner somehow," Julia replied.

"If you say so," JC shrugged, grabbing his hat. "Suppose sunglasses would be a bit much?"

"Yep, too dark," Julia nodded. "I doubt anyone will notice you though, so don’t worry too much."

"Why wouldn’t anyone notice me?"

"Besides the fact that we’re somewhere in the Midwest, you aren’t traveling with the other four and you’re traveling with a woman and child," Julia reasoned.

"Guess you’re right," he replied.

"So lets go see what this all is," Julia said, picking Micah out of his seat.

"Yay," Micah squealed.

They walked a short distance behind a group of teenagers that seemed to know where they were going, which led them to a street lined with food carts and you could see rides on the next street over.

"Excuse me," Julia said walking up to the group in front of them when they reached the street.

"Yes?" asked one of the girls.

"Hi, we’re just passin through town and we noticed the lights and everything and decided to check it out, could you possibly tell me what this all is?" Julia asked.

"It’s Neewollah," answered the girl, continuing at Julia’s blank face. "It’s a Halloween celebration of sorts. We have a fair, there’s a couple of parades later in the week, a play/musical, and a Queen’s contest. Just a way to have fun."

"Well that sounds like a lot of fun, thanks for telling me," Julia smiled.

"No problem. Enjoy yourself," the girl smiled back, walking up to catch up with her friends.

"See, she didn’t even bat an eye at you JC," Julia said. "And she’s wearing a Pop Odyssey shirt."

"I’m not sure that makes me feel all that good," JC shook his head.

"We’ll just have to have some fun so that you forget about it then," Julia replied, grabbing his hand. "What do you wanna do first, Micah?"


"Rides it is then," Julia said.


"I can’t believe you convinced that girl you were Lance’s cousin," JC laughed as Julia, Micah, and he settled into their room.

"I can’t either," Julia giggled. "She about died, poor kid."

"I bet she’s at home right now writing in her diary about how she met you right now."

"I feel bad. Think I could talk you into spending her y’alls autograph?"

"Why not? Lance is gonna have some questions though as to how his cousin was spotted in Independence, Kansas," JC replied.

"How in the world would Lance find out about this?"

"If she’s the girl I think she is, Lance is well um sorta addicted to her stuff and she rambles about everything that happens to her."

"What makes you think she’s the girl?"

"I dunno, guess cause of how she talked about Neewollah, Lance’s computer friend’s been writing long e-mails about something like this for months now."

"Well cool, we’ll have to tell him we met his friend."

"He’ll be jealous," JC laughed.

"She seems like a nice girl, does she know she’s "talking" to Lance?"

"No I’m pretty sure she thinks he’s a Backstreet Boy or Justin."

"Why’s that?" Julia asked after calming down.

"Cause anytime one of us has read an e-mail she’s written to him she’s like ‘you can tell me, I promise I won’t tell’ stuff like that."

"Poor girl. Not only does she write e-mails to Lance but she talked to JC Chasez for half an hour and didn’t even know it."

"I got the impression she wasn’t too impressed by me so I don’t think it matters."

"Not impressed with you? You got easy compared to how she talked about Chris," Julia laughed.

"I’ll admit she did have some rather awful things to say about Chris, but he’s been pretty awful lately."

"Yah, what’s up with that? He’s changed a lot."

"None of us are quite sure, really. At one point we thought it was the break up with Dani, but hell it’s been a year and last I knew, they were trying to work things out again."

"Maybe it’s cause he’s thirty now," Julia suggested.

"Could be, although he hardly acts it."

"That’s the truth. He acts younger than Justin when he’s not in a crabby mood."

"That he does," JC agreed. "Hope you don’t mind but I’m about to fall asleep, so how about we call it a night?"

"Sounds good. Got a long day a head of us tomorrow."

"I’ll drive tomorrow, if you want," JC offered.

"I can handle it," Julia declined his offer. "You can drive once we get closer to LA, cause Lord knows I can’t drive in traffic like that."

"How’d you ever survive in Orlando all this time?"

"Why do you think my apartment was so close to the daycare and to the college?" Julia replied.


"So how are things going with the show?" JC asked.

"Good, hey hold on, okay?" Julia replied, stepping out of her car. "He’s not home, sweeties, and won’t be for a while, so you might wanna go home," she said to the group of girls who had gathered outside JC’s home.

"Who are you?" inquired one fan.

"A friend. I’m staying here while he’s on tour until I get my own place," Julia answered, going inside.

"Lord you’re fans are devoted. There’s a new group of them everyday," she told JC.

"What can I say? They love me," JC laughed. "So how’s the showing going again? You didn’t finish."

"It’s going really good. The others are really great and it’s so cool to work with all these people I’ve watched on TV since I was like five, ya know?"

"I bet that is cool," JC agreed.

"How’s touring?"

"It’s going pretty good. I’ll be glad when it’s over though. I’m ready to spend time with my family as everyone, not on the road, ya know?"

"I imagine you would like to."

"Yah so I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving. Have you decided where you’re spending it?"

"Yah Micah and I will spend it in Orlando with my parents and everyone who flies in for it," Julia replied. "You?"

"Maryland, most likely."

"That’ll be fun. We used to go to my grandparents in Maryland every year of Thanksgiving before they moved to Florida. It was always so much fun."

"It’s all right, cold though."

"That’s the best part! I always looked forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas cause that meant I was gonna see snow and everything that comes with that," Julia exclaimed.

"I bet you still spend Christmas in Detroit, don’t you?"

"Drag Micah there every year," Julia blushed. "So what, though? How else is he gonna see snow?"

"I guess. He there?"

"No, the baby-sitter took them zoo today so they won’t be back until later."

"So what are you gonna do with your free time then?"

"Go over my lines, listen to those CDs I have that Micah’s not allowed to listen to."

"Sounds fun."

"Yah. You got a concert tonight?"

"Yah. Backstage right now, waiting for Samantha to finish."

"Well good luck with the show," Julia said.



"Wow, you live here?" Kirsten Storm exclaimed, looking at the house Julia stopped in front of. "How can you afford this? I’ve been acting for a while and I can’t afford a house like this."

"A friend’s letting me stay here until I get a place of my own," Julia explained.

"Nice friend," replied Nadia Bjorlin.

"Yah he is."

"He?" Kirsten repeated.

"Boyfriend, perhaps?" Kyle Lowder questioned.

"No, just a friend."

"Duh, Kyle, she’s liking dating Lance Bass," Kirsten exclaimed.

"I’m not dating Lance, where’d you hear that?" Julia laughed.

"They were talking about it on TRL today."


"They were on TRL today and a fan asked him about it and the other four were like, yah he’s dating her and Lance denied it but they kept saying he was during the interview."

"What, no way," Julia giggled, walking over to the TV. "This, I’ve gotta see."

"You taped TRL?" Kyle laughed.

"What? My son happens to be a big fan of *NSYNC and I promised him I’d tape it cause they don’t watch MTV at his baby-sitter’s."

"You’ve got to be the coolest mom in the how world, Julia," Kirsten exclaimed. "My parents would’ve never let me watch MTV when I was three."

"Mine either," agreed the other three.

"Thanks. Mine were pretty liberal about what they let me and my siblings do so I think it’s only fair I’m the same way with Micah," Julia replied. "Here’s it’s starting."

"Hey guys, always a pleasure to have you on the show," Carson Daly said.

"Thanks for having us," they replied together.

"We’ve got some fans that went through some crazy stuff to ask you guys some questions, so how about we get to those first?"

"All right."

"Hi guys, ohmigod I can’t believe I’m talking to you," freaked a petite brunette. "Okay my question is, I read somewhere that one of you was dating the girl that plays Phoebe Brady on Days of Our Lives, is that true and if so which one of you is?"

"Lance is," Joey answered.

"Yah Lance is dating Julia Cobb, that’s her name by the way," JC put in.

"They’ve been together for a while now," Justin said.

"And he’s like a father to her kid," Chris continued.

"They’re just kidding. None of us are dating Julia Cobb," Lance stated.

"They’re practically engaged, that’s why he doesn’t consider it dating," Joey said.

"Thanks guys, my parents are gonna kill me for finding out this way," Lance joked. "No but seriously, we’re not dating or engaged, or secretly married," he added when Chris opened his mouth.

"So what do you do with your free time?" asked another fan.

"Well Lance doesn’t have much time in between the group, his companies and spending time with Julia planning their wedding while being a father to her son," Chris said. "But the rest of us do normal things, hang out with friends and family and what not."

"Ohmigod, I am so going to kill those four next time I see them," Julia exclaimed when the tape was over.

"You know them??" Kirsten cried.

"I went to high school with Joey and JC and worked at Universal with Joey and Chris," Julia explained. "God I can’t believe they did that to me."

"You gotta admit it’s kinda funny. You got a crush on him or something?" Frank Parker said.

"What Lance, no! He and I barely talk when I’m around the others," Julia replied. "Okay so how about we work on those lines before I get too wound up about this?" she suggested after a moment.

"Yah all right," agreed the other four.


"Really cute, Chasez," Julia said the next day while she was waiting to get her hair and make up done.


"I saw y’all on TRL. And even if I hadn’t everyone and their brother has asked me about it."

"Oh, that," JC laughed. "Lance about died. He wanted to call you and make sure you didn’t think we did it because he had a crush on you or something but we wouldn’t tell him your number."

"You guys are horrible. Kirsten took you all serious."



"Oh yah. Oops."

"It’s not funny. My mom called to make sure it wasn’t true too, then I had to listen to her talk about how I wasn’t ready to live all by myself with Micah."

"Sorry?" JC offered.

"Whatever," Julia sighed. "Gotta go, they’re ready for me."

"All right, good luck."

"Thanks. You too."




"Find an apartment yet?" Alyson asked.

"No," Julia sighed. "I’m looking but nothing’s right. There’s no way I’m gonna find something before JC gets back from Maryland."

"When’s that?"

"Right about now," Julia sighed again as she heard the front door open.

"Julia? You home?" JC called.

"I’ll call you back later, okay, Alyson?" Julia said. "Yah JC, in the living room."

"All right, talk to you later. And Good luck."


"Have a good Christmas?" JC asked, coming into the room.

"Yah it was a lot of fun," Julia nodded. "Did you?"

"If you don’t count the number of times I was asked when I was going to get married, it wasn’t too bad," he nodded sitting down next to her on the couch.

"Isn’t family wonderful?" Julia laughed. "I get asked the same question anytime I talk to mine."

"So what are you doing with your time off?" JC asked, after sympathizing with her.

"I got talked into helping with some charity event some of the cast put together to help raise money for one of the children centers."

"Julia Cobb doing charity, what’s this?"

"I used to do volunteer work all the time, JC!"

"Only cause your parents agreed to give you something."

"I still volunteered, didn’t I?" she replied. "And don’t act like you didn’t help out when my mom offered Madonna tickets."

"Okay so maybe I did... still it’s cool of you to do this."

"Thanks," she smiled.


"Let me get this straight, you think you’re Micah’s father?" Justin questioned, looking at JC like he was insane.

"Hear me out, I’ve put a lot of thought into this," JC replied. "Julia had Micah in May of 1998, which means she would’ve convinced in August of 1997. She broke up with the guy in Europe towards the end of July, beginning of August. He’s not the father, and she thought Joey might have been but she would’ve already been pregnant when they got together in October. She and I got together on my birthday, which was right after she broke up with Billiam, two months before she got with Joey. In all the times we’ve talked about it, she’s never mentioned anyone between Joey and me."

"C, if that was true, that there wasn’t anyone else, don’t you think Julia would’ve thought of it?" Lance said. "Maybe she just doesn’t want to mention the others because she can’t remember..."

"Julia wasn’t like that, Lance," Joey objected. "If there was anyone else, she’d remember. She didn’t sleep around, hell she made me wait a year before we had sex the first time."

"So what, you think C’s right, that he’s Micah’s father?" Chris asked.

"I don’t know, but I think he should talk to Julia about this. If there were someone else she’ll tell him," Joey answered.

"You’re right, Joe, I need to talk to Julia."

"This is crazy," Justin stated.

"Seriously," Lance agreed.


"You wanted to talk?" Julia questioned when JC had sat in her living room for twenty minutes, not speaking.

"You’ve done a nice job with the apartment," he commented.

"Thanks. I’m gonna miss it if I go back to Orlando after "Phoebe" goes back to Florida," Julia said.

"You’re character is leaving the show?" JC exclaimed.

"I’ve got two more months, but unless they suddenly change their minds, yah," Julia nodded. "Of course it would happen after I found a great apartment, but I knew it wouldn’t be long term."

"But why are you going back to Orlando?"

"I didn’t say I was for sure, but my family’s there and my friends. Hell you’re there more than you are here and you own a house here," Julia replied.

"What about the people on Days? I thought you were friends with them."

"We are, I guess, and we’ll keep in contact, but I miss Alyson, the girls at Butterfly Gardens, my other friends, and my family," she answered. "All right, now I know that’s not what you came to talk about, since you didn’t know, so out with it."

"Was there anyone between Joey and me?" JC blurted out.


"I’ve thought a lot about this. You’ve never mentioned anyone besides Billiam and Joey when you talked about who might be Micah’s father and well if there wasn’t anyone else and Joey and Billiam aren’t his father..."

Julia took a deep breath the said, "I’ve thought about that too, JC, but the thing is, I don’t know if there was someone else or not. I went through a small wild phase when Billiam and I broke up, I was twenty and it was the first time I’d been single since I was thirteen and didn’t have anyone in mind, so I partied a lot, and drank more than my fair share. Alyson saved my ass more than a few times but neither of us were sure if there was someone or not... Hell when I hooked up with Joey it started out him saving me from some random guy because he’d happen to spot me and that wasn’t the only time I’d gone out by myself. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t want to get you worked up if you weren’t Micah’s father... I mean what would you have done, JC? I didn’t want to risk loosing you and Joey again, or the others."

"I understand, Ju," he replied. "I’d like to have a test done, just to find out one way or another, ya know?"

"Of course," Julia nodded.


"Hey, guys," Jay Leno said when *NSYNC came out,

"Hey, Jay."

"All right, so we’ve gotten a ton of letters and e-mails asking about this, so I’m gonna get it out of the way," he said half way into the interview. "JC, are you the father of Julia Cobb’s baby?"

"We’re still waiting for the results," JC answered.

"C’s a chicken, so it took them a while to get his blood taken," Justin put in.

"So there is a chance then?"

"Yes there is," JC nodded.

"If the results come out positive, what’ll happen?" Jay asked.

"I’ll do my part to raise Micah."

"What about you and Julia?"

"Truthfully, I don’t know. We’ve never talked about what’ll happen between us."

"Are you dating?"

"No, we’re just friends."

"If you do turn out to be the father, will you date?"

"Julia doesn’t date guys her age," JC joked. "Thanks to Joey, anyway."

"No way, it was Matt’s fault she doesn’t," Joey answered.

"Anyways... We haven’t talked about it. She’s a beautiful lady and I love her to death. She’s one of my closest friends, but both of us agree that we shouldn’t date just because of the chance I could be his father. If we aren’t right for each other, it’ll just hurt Micah, and that’s the last thing we want to do."

"All right... Well lets see what else have I heard," Jay said. "Lance, you’re producing another movie?"

"Yah I am," he nodded, and they began to discuss that.


"Have you heard anything?" JC asked the minute the interview was over and he got Julia on the phone.

"Still waiting," Julia replied. "How’d the interview go?"

"Pretty good. Talked about you and Micah."

"Your fans already know?"

"My fans find things about me before I do half the time," JC replied. "You’ll get used to it when your career blows up. Between Rent and Lance’s movie, there’s bound to be something there."

"Y’alls fans’ll make sure they both do well I’m sure. I don’t think even I could keep them from Justin on the big screen or seeing something Lance produced," Julia replied. "At least they’ll be seeing something with more depth than Dude Where’s My Car?"

"You liked that movie," JC pointed out.

"It’s funny but Rent is a classic and deals with serious stuff. My parents took me to see it anytime they got a chance."

"I remember."

"Hmm! That’s my other line, hold on," Julia exclaimed. "JC, you still there?" she asked ten minutes later.

"Yah, I was beginning to wonder if you hadn’t hung up on me."

"That was the doctor."

"What’d she say?" JC asked, grasping the seat in front of him. Him smiled at Justin, when he put a comforting hand on hi shoulder, and at Joey as well when he grabbed his hand.

"99.5% positive... You’re Micah’s father."

"Ohmigod!! I can’t believe it!! I’ll be on the next plane to Orlando."

"Great... I’m glad it’s you..."

"Me too."

"Congrats, man," Justin said, hugging him after he and Julia hung up.

"Yah seriously," agreed Chris.

"Yay! Now I’m not the other father," Joey answered. "Someone to talk about being a dad with!"

"Treat ‘em right, huh?" Lance said. "Everything I said to Joey when he told us about Kelly, goes for you too."

"Thanks guys," JC smiled. "And don’t worry, Lance, I won’t ever hurt them."

The rest of the ride to the hotel was in silence expect for JC making plans to fly back to Orlando. When they got to the hotel, it was crowded with fans,

"JC, have you found out about your DNA test?" screamed several fans. While other simple asked if he was a father.

"I’m a father!!" JC exclaimed, smiling as he made his way through the crowd, stopping at the hotel door to do a little dance.

"Poor kid," Chris laughed watching JC.

"And we thought Brianna had it bad," Justin put in. "Joey’s celebration wasn’t nearly that dorky."

"Shut up," Joey said making a face at them. "What would you do if you just found out Britney was pregnant?"

"Drop to my knees and pray cause it’s the second coming of Jesus."

"I’d be praying too cause it wouldn’t be Jesus, it’d be the devil, cause you know they both sold their souls," Chris said.

"Screw you," Justin said, shoving Chris.

"You wanna know what’s really scary?" Lance said.

"What’s that?"

"You know Bri and Micah are gonna spend a lot of time together growing up… What if they get together and have children?"

"A child sharing Fatone, Baldwin, Cobb, and Chasez DNA?" Chris said. "I shudder to think what it’d be like."

"Screw you," Joey said. "Won’t have to worry about it though, cause JC’s kid ain’t gettin no where near Brianna."

"Julia’s father said the same thing about you," JC said, coming up to them. "Me too, come to think of it, but we see how that worked out."

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