"I love you so much, Lance," Austin said laying her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too," Lance smiled, passing a hand on her swollen stomach. "And I love our baby too."

"Me too," Austin smiled, kissing his cheek. "We're going to be such great parents."

"I know! I can't wait, then our family is going to be prefect."

They sat in silence, enjoying being together before Austin spoke again. "Baby, I hate to ask you but will you go get me some ice cream? Like from Braums," she asked, giving him puppy eyes.

"Whatever you want, babe," Lance answered getting up. "I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much!!"

Austin settled herself on the couch, deciding to rest a little before Lance got back. They hadn't slept much in the last few days because Lance was only home for two weeks before he had to leave with his group again. They always tried to spend as much time together when he was home as they could. A knock at the door woke Austin sometime later, glancing at the clock she realized it'd been over two hours since Lance had left to get her ice cream.

"Hello," Austin said opening the door.

"Austie," said her best friend, outside Lance, Chris, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

"Chris? Hey," Austin smiled. "Good to hear from you."

"Where have you been?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"At home, why? What's wrong Chris?"

"Have you been watching the news?"

"No I was taking a short nap while I waited for Lance to bring me some ice cream home," she replied. "Why? What brings you out here?"

"We need to get to the hospital..."

"Ohmigod, what's wrong? Who's hurt?"

"Austie, I don't know how to tell you this..."

"What's wrong?" Austin asked

"Lance was in an accident and we need to get to the hospital," Chris finally said.

"That's not funny," Austin said hitting him. "I thought something was really wrong! Lance just went to get me some ice cream, he should be back any second now."

"Austie, I'm not joking..."

"Yes you are," Austin insisted. "There's no way Lance was in an accident. Watch. I'll call his cell phone and he'll tell me he's on his way home right now."

"Austie, come on, we need to go to the hospital, now!" Chris said, ignoring her rambling and grabbing her coat. "Lance needs us to be there for him right now."

"No," Austin said, wiping at her tears. "God please tell me you're joking, Chris!! Please," she begged as he led her to his car.

"I'm so sorry, Austie," Chris answered hugging her again, allowing her to cry on him for a few minutes before starting the car and heading to the hospital.

"Austin," Lance's mother Diane cried the minute she stepped into the waiting room, wrapping her in a hug.

"Where's Lance? Is he okay?" Austin asked as she settled in one of the cushioned waiting room chairs.

"He's still in surgery," Diane answered. "But the doctors say it looks good and that there's a good chance he'll live. Right now we need to pray for him."

"He is going to be okay," Austin stated. "He can't not be okay! The baby and I need him so much! Everyone needs him so much!"

"He will be okay," Diane insisted, grabbing one of her hands as Chris held the other. "We all need him," she said nodding toward Lance's other group members that sat across from them.

"Mrs. Bass?" a doctor asked waiting into the room.

"Yes?" Austin and Diane spoke at the same time.

"Mother and wife, I assume? I'm Dr. Riley. Lance is out of surgery and in his private room now."

"Can we see him?" Diane asked, standing up.

"Two at a time and only family at the present time," Dr. Riley nodded.

"But Lance would want to see these guys too," Austin stated. "They're like his brothers or something."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bass, but we have rules."

"I don't care! My husband, one of their best friends, was just in an accident and you're worried about your stupid rules?"

Wrapping an arm around Austin, Chris whispered in her ear, "Austie, calm down. We'll see Lance later. Right now you and Diane need to be in there with him."


"Go," Chris said nudging her slightly. "I'm sure he'll be stable enough for us to see him later. For now we'll be out here praying for him."

"Finally Austin walked in the direction that Dr. Riley had taken Diane. Stepping into Lance's room, she froze, not believing that it was her husband under all of the tubes and bandages.

"Dr. Riley said for us to talk to him and let him know we're here for him," Diane said from her seat next to the bed.

Austin nodded, and pulled the other chair next to his bed and grabbed one of his hands. She and Diane spent the next hour talking to Lance and to each other, pretending everything was all right. As they spoke Austin kept repeating a silent pray over and over again in her head. At some point Diane excused herself to allow Austin sometime alone with Lance. She sat there begging him to be okay, if not for her, for their baby.

"Atin," Lance mumbled, his special nickname for Austin.

Lance!! Baby, you're okay," she exclaimed standing up. "I'm here! So is your mom and the guys! Everyone else will be here later!"

"I love you, Atin," Lance mumbled. "Tell the others I love them too and take care of the baby, okay?"

"We're gonna take care of the baby together, Lance," Austin insisted.

"I love you," Lance repeated.

"I love you too," Austin said, kissing his forehead, as a beeping sound filled the room.

Austin just stood there stroking his forehead and holding his hand, telling him how much she loved him. Doctors filled the room moments later

and a nurse pulled Austin away from Lance into the hallway where Diane stood, crying. Finally Austin registered what was going on and burst

into tears. Diane wrapped her arms around her and they stood in the hallway together until Austin broke free and ran out.

"Austin," Chris' voice came as she felt his hand on her shoulder, as she sat outside the hospital.

"He can't be dead, Chris," Austin cried looking up at him. "I need him so much!!"

"None of us want this, Austie," Chris whispered, sitting down next to her and wrapping his arms around her. "Lance and you don't deserve


"How am I going to get through this? Who's going to be there for Diane? I can't be there for her," Austin rambled.

"We're all here to help you both through this," Chris answered.

They sat together crying for a while before Joey convinced them to come back into the hospital. Austin went to check on Diane and to see

Lance's body again before Chris drove her back to her home. Austin asked him to stay with her as she settled into one of the guest rooms, not

sleeping, just shutting herself way, being unable to sleeping in her and Lance's room.

Several days after the funeral Chris was still staying at the house because Austin couldn't bare to be there alone. He hadn't left her side since the

night of the funeral when she'd tried to kill herself, claming she couldn't continue leaving without Lance. Austin went out to the deck where

Lance and her had spent their finally evening together and sat, looking at the gardens Lance had, had put in for her enjoyment, before dozing


"Atin," she heard someone whisper.

Opening her eyes she saw Lance sitting on the end of her lawn chair. "Lance!! I've missed you so much," she exclaimed wrapping her arms

around him.

"I miss you too, Atin, but you know I'm always here for you if you need me," Lance whispered.

"Then where have you been? I've needed you everyday so much since you left me," Austin cried, hugging him tighter, fearing he'd leave her.

"I'm only able to visit you when you sleep," Lance explained, wiping her tears. "You're so tired, baby, why haven't you let yourself sleep?"

"Because I've never been able to sleep not knowing how you are."

"I'm fine, honey, don't worry about me," Lance answered. "You worry about taking care of our baby and moving on in life."

"How can I move on, Lance? I love you so much! It hurts to think about life without you."

"You can move on, sweetie," Lance insisted. "I know it may seem hard now but I promise you, you can make it through life without me being

there psychically cause I'll always be here for you, and so is Chris."

"Chris has been so great through all of this," Austin said. "I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for him..."

"I saw that scene in the bathroom, promise me you'll never try anything like that again," Lance said softly.

"I promise," Austin finally answered him.

ver the next few weeks Chris and Austin spent more and more time together as each week passed. *NSYNC's tour had been canceled

because the four remaining members didn't feel right going out without Lance, they weren't whole without him. Lance continued to visit Austin in

her sleep, helping her the best he could through her pregnancy. Chris helped with the psychical stuff by making sure Austin went to her

appointments and took her vitamins. Austin confided in Chris about her dreams one day during their talks and Chris confessed that he believed

if it were possible, Lance would visit her in her dreams because he loved her that much.

"You're falling in love with Chris," Lance commented one night as he and Austin lie in their bed, which she'd finally been able to move back into.

"What? Don't be silly, Lance," Austin laughed.

"It's okay, sweetie, really," Lance replied. "Chris is a good guy, and someone I would choose to help raise our child."

"But I'm not in love with Chris," Austin insisted. "I mean yes he has been very good to me and I love him as a friend, but I'm on in love with


"He loves you too, you know," Lance continued, ignoring Austin. "And he'll love Chance when he's born."

"Your mother and father are coming in a few days," Austin said, changing the subject. "We're going to visit your grave and put fresh flowers


"That's nice," Lance smiled. "Is Chris going with you?"

"No Chris is going to be in Pennsylvania visiting his family," Austin answered.

"When does he leave?"

"Tomorrow afternoon," Austin answered.


"Austin, are you up?" Chris asked coming into her room the next morning. "I'm getting ready to leave for the airport," he continued when he

noticed Austin was awake.

"I'll ride with you," Austin offered. "I haven't been into the city since Lance died."

"All right. The limo should be here in about twenty minutes," Chris replied. "Joey offered to come stay with you while I'm gone if you want him

to," he added.

"Cassie will be here, but I think I might invite Joey over too," Austin smiled. "Those two are going to fall in love if I have to look them in the


"What makes you so sure they should be in love?" Chris asked.

"Because I want them to be," Austin replied. "It's no crazier than what Lance told me last night."

"Oh and what was that?"

"That you were in love with me and I was in love with you," Austin laughed. "Isn't that the silliest thing you've ever heard?"

Chris stood silent for a moment then replied, "Do you really think so? Is it really so crazy for me to be in love with you?"

"What?" Austin asked looking at him.

"I love you, Austie," Chris confessed. "I know this is like the worst time to tell you, but I do and I understand if you don't feel the same, but I

can't help it."

"I-- I think I'm going to stay here and not go to the airport," Austin said sitting back down on her bed. "I'll see you when you get back from


Chris nodded and exited the bedroom. Austin laid back on the bed and fell asleep.

"Atin," Lance said. "Don't hide your feelings, I'll still be with you in your dreams, even when you admit your feelings for Chris."

"Sing to me," Austin said, ignoring Lance. "Sing 'With You In Your Dreams' to me."

Sighing Lance began to sing the Hanson song to Austin, knowing his voice comforted her. Austin smiled and laid her head on his chest, feeling

the rumbling of his voice.

"You're going to have to swallow your pride tomorrow and call Chris," Lance said after he'd finished the song. "You know you want him here

for you when you give birth to Chance and that's tomorrow."

"How can it be tomorrow?" Austin asked lifting her head. "I'm not due for another two weeks."

"Just trust me on this, Atin, okay?"

Austin just nodded and went back to enjoying her time with Lance.

"I got here as soon as I could," Chris said to Austin as he rushed into her room. "Are you okay?"

Austin just nodded and stared off into space. "Thank you for coming," she said. "Lance was right, I do want you here, Chris. You're the only

other person in the world that should be here besides Lance. He's here too you know."

"Yah I know," Chris nodded as her doctor walked into the room. "How far a long is she?"

"It should be anytime now," the doctor answered.

"May I ask why she's so spacy?" Chris asked looking at Austin.

"We gave her something to help with the pain, but it doesn't usually affect people this much," Dr. Stevens said. "I mean not many people clam

their dead husbands are with them. As she gotten any help for that?"

"She tells me about it," Chris replied. "Although it may not be the healthiest thing in the world for her to believe, that Lance visits her in her

sleep, it helps her coop with things and she is moving on with her life bit by bit so I don't really see the harm."

"Chris has a degree in psychology," Austin said from the bed. "He knows what he's talking about. Since he's not a singer anymore I think he

should go be a psychologist, Dr. Kirkpatrick and I'll be Dr. Bass, and we'll run our own practice. Lance thinks it's a good idea, but that I'm

gonna be Dr. Kirkpatrick, he's silly though cause Chris can't be Dr. Bass, that's my last name!"

"Austie, shh," Chris tried to quiet her. "We'll talk about this after you have the baby, okay?"

"Okay Chris," Austin smiled. "I love you though. Lance was right again. He's so smart! Always knows everything."

"I meant it you know," Austin said to Chris as he wheeled her out to his car a few days after she'd given birth to Chance Bruce Bass.

"Meant what?" Chris asked, placing Chance in his car seat.

"When I said I loved you."

"Austin," Chris said, not knowing what else to say.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do," Chris said hugging her as he helped her into the car.

"Good," she smiled as he started the car. "Oh I like this song," she commented as 'With You In Your Dreams' filled her ears.

Chris noticed the far off look Austin got on her face as she began to sing softly to herself. He could have almost sworn he could hear Lance's

voice as they drove.

"Lance sings this to me when I sleep," Austin explained. "This his way of talking me he's happy with me. And that he approves."

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