Skie looked at the Christmas tree and all the other Christmas decorations. It was suppose to be their first official Christmas together, as man and wife. Sighing she realized it was the same thing that happened on Thanksgiving. He had to work and she understood that. She just wished for once they could actually spend a holiday together.

"I should’ve taken off work and gone with him," she said aloud to her gray Tabby-cat, Dharma, as she slipped in a CD. "But no! I had to spend my first Christmas as a married woman at home with my family. I couldn’t let his not being here affect me being able to show off my house and all the fine things I got for marrying young."

Lighting the giant fireplace, Skie began to sing along with the CD softly. Once the fire was lit she grabbed her blanket and laid down on the couch listening to the CD. As Dharma crawled onto her stomach Skie mutter, "At least I can hear his voice and tomorrow night after everyone’s gone home I can watch him doing what he loves on TV."

She fall asleep with Dharma laying beside her, as the finally notes of "Kiss Me At Midnight" sounded making her Christmas wish, ‘I wish Lance could be home for this’. The next morning she woke up just as the sun was beginning to raise. Looking around the living-room she sighed.

"Looks like we’ve got a lot of work a head of us if we’re going to have people over at 10:30, Dharma," she said laying the cat on the floor. "And I’ve still got to feed Lance’s dogs."

Walking to Lance and her room quickly she changed into some grubby clothes so she could get some work done. Walking passed the CD player she hit play and turned it up before getting down to work. After feeding Dharma she went to feed Willie and Husker.


"Bye Momma. Bye Daddy," she said walking her parents to their cars later that night. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Baby," her father said hugging her.

"Merry Christmas, Skie," her mother said giving her a kiss before getting into her car.

Waiting until they were both gone, Skie walked inside. Looking at her watch she realized it was time for the show. She laid on the couch just in time to see the opening credits. When she read N SYNC, she sighed. When they came out they began to sing 'Home For Christmas.' Staring at Lance and listening to the words she began to cry softly.

"Christmas isn’t the time for tears, Skiebear," she heard a voice say behind her.

Sitting up Skie stared at the blonde haired guy behind her. As he started to wipe her tears away they began to fall harder.

"Lance!!" she exclaimed wrapping her arms around his next. "What are you doing here?? I thought you had shows to do in New York!"

Kissing her Lance said, "I explained to the guys that I was going to be with you on Christmas and left as soon as we finished taping the first song. Sorry I couldn’t be here for your family Christmas. I know that meant a lot to you."

"Lance," she started wiping her tears away, "you can’t just leave when you have to work! How are the guys going to explain that you’re gone?"

"Watch." He said turning up the television.

"Hey! Welcome back to our Christmas Special!" spoke Chris. "If you’ve noticed we’re missing a member of the group-"

"You spend way too much time learning stuff about us! Who notices Lance?" cut in Joey.

"Okay... Whatever," said JC. "Anyway yes Lance is gone. Seeing as it’s Christmas Lance got some crazy idea he should spend it with his beautiful new wife, Skie."

"That’s right, Lance and Skie have been married five months for all those of you gasping ‘Lance is married??’" said Justin.

"So lets all wish them a Merry Christmas, oh and Lance, good luck on getting that baby you’ve been taking about getting since you got married," Chris said smiling cheerily at the camera.

"Ohmigod! I thought we were going to keep it a secret until after the album was out," Skie said hugging Lance.

"Think of it as a ‘I’m sorry for missing your party’ present," Lance said kissing her.

"Speaking of presents," Skie said gesturing toward the pile of presents still under the tree.

"I’ve got the only present I need." Lance said hugging her, tightly.

Kissing him once more, Skie said, "How about we go work on the Christmas wish of yours? I got mine after all."

"I like the sound of that," he said grinning sexily.

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