[Witty Home Page Tittle Goes Here]

Long-Term Interests
Short-Term Interests
This is me
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male (XY)
  • Location: Northfield, CT, U.S.A.
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 215 lbs. (97.5 kg)
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Brown

Once upon a time, at a computer who-knows how far away, I sat at it, and I made my first Web site. It's set up so you can find out some more about me without having to ask all those questions I've had to answer ten million times already. And yes, that would be me, right over there to the right. If you suddenly feel like gouging your eyes out, feel free to do so--I honestly don't care, or would prefer that you do. (A world full of blind people would sign a lot of things without reading them...)

So let me explain what my site's about. My bored page is about stuff to do and read when you have nothing better to do--those things have kept me occupied for countless mind-numbing hours already. My organisms page is about people and animals I know. The short-term interests and long-term interests pages have some info about what I like to do not just when I'm bored.

Yep...so that's about it. Now before you go asking me a bunch of fruitless questions, do us both the favor of at least skimming through my site to see if it's got your answers, and whether you even really want to bother talking with me.

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