Solving systems of polynomial equations


We have found out from the previous pages that the system of polynomial equations f1(x1,x2,...,xn) = f2(x1,x2,...,xn) = ... = fs(x1,x2,...,xn) = 0 is equivalent to g1(x1,x2,...,xn) = g2(x1,x2,...,xn) = ... = gt(x1,x2,...,xn) = 0 where {g1,g2,...,gt}is a Groebner basis for <f1,f2,...,fs>. This becomes useful when the Groebner basis is computed w.r.t. the lex order which ensures the elimination of the variables (see The Elimination Theorem in [3]). Moreover, the order of elimination corresponds to the ordering of the variables: if x1>x2>...>xn, then x1 is eliminated first, then x2 is eliminated second, and so on. Anyway, if we want to eliminate only some variables from our equations, a much more efficient way is to use a monomial order of k-elimination type since lex order may lead to some very unpleasant Groebner bases.


Let us consider the system

f1 = x2 + y + z - 1 = 0
f2 = x + y2 + z - 1 = 0
f3 = x + y + z2 - 1 = 0.

Then, a Groebner basis for I = <f1,f2,f3> w.r.t. lex order with x>y>z is given by

g1 = x + y + z2 - 1
g2 = y2 - y - z2 + z
g3 = 2yz2 + z4 - z2
4 = z6 - 4z4 + 4z3 - z2.

Hence the systems f1 = f2 = f3 = 0 and g1 = g2 = g3 = g4 = 0 have the same solutions. But, in the second one, g4 = z6 - 4z4 + 4z3 - z2 = z2(z - 1)2(z2 + 2z -1) = 0involves only z and it is easy to solve: we get 0, 1, -1-sqrt(2), -1+sqrt(2)as the possible z's. Substituting these values into g2 = y2 - y - z2 + z = 0 and g3 = 2yz2 + z4 - z2 = 0, we get the possible y's and, finally, g1 = x + y + z2 - 1 = 0gives the corresponding x's. So the system f1 = f2 = f3 = 0 has exactly five solutions:

(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (-1-sqrt(2),-1-sqrt(2),-1-sqrt(2)), (-1+sqrt(2),-1+sqrt(2),-1+sqrt(2)).

Note that changing the order of the variables will also change the order of their elimination. If we had used lex order with z>y>x we would have eliminated z first, instead of x.

In this example we have seen that each possible value of z could be extended to a complete solution of the system. This is not always possible, as shown by the following example.


Consider the system

f1 = xy - 1 = 0
f2 = xz - 1 = 0.

A Groebner basis for I = <f1,f2> w.r.t. lex order is given by

g1 = xy - 1
g2 = y - z.

Hence, from g2 = y - z = 0 we get the partial solutions (a, a) which all extends to complete solutions (1/a, a, a) except for the partial solution (0, 0).

The Extension Theorem tells us when a partial solution can be extended to a complete solution in an algebraically closed field. Before stating it, we must premit the following definition.

Definition 1. Given I = <f1,f2,...,fs> in K[x1,x2,...,xn], the kth elimination ideal Ik is the ideal of K[xk+1,...,xn] defined by

Ik = I I K[xk+1,...,xn].

Thus, Ik consists of all consequences of f1 = ... = fs = 0 which eliminates the variables x1,...,xk.
In the first example above we have I1 = <g2, g3, g4> and I2 = <g4>, whereas in the latest example I1 = <g2>.
Theorem 2 (The Extension Theorem)[3]. Let I = <f1,f2,...,fs> be an ideal in C[x1,x2,...,xn] and let I1 be the first elimination ideal of I. Rearrange the terms of the generators fi with respect to the decreasing powers of x1. If the leading coefficients hi(x2,...,xn) (with respect to this new order) do not vanish simultaneously at the partial solution (a2,...,an), then there exists a1 in C such that the partial solution (a2,...,an) extends to the complete solution (a1,a2,...,an).
  1. In C[x,y,z], consider the system

f1 = x2 - y = 0
f2 = x2 - z = 0.

A Groebner basis for I = <f1,f2> w.r.t. lex order is given by

g1 = x2 - y
g2 = x2 - z
g3 = y - z.

All partial solutions y = z = a do extend in C to complete solutions since 1 never vanishes at y = z = a.
Note that over R, only the partial solutions with a >= 0 extend.

Although the Extension Theorem is stated only for the case of eliminating the first variable x1, it can be used multiple times to eliminate any number of variables; this follows from the fact that Ik+1 C K[xk+2,...,xn] is the first elimination ideal of Ik C K[xk+1,...,xn].


In C[x,y,z], consider the system

f1 = x2 + y2 + z2 - 1 = 0
f2 = xyz - 1 = 0.

A Groebner basis for I = <f1,f2> w.r.t. lex order is given by

g1 = y4z2 + y2z4 - y2z2 + 1
g2 = x + y3z + yz3 - yz.

We have

I1 = I I C[y,z] = <g1>
I2 = I I C[z] = I1I C[z] = {0}.

Every z = c in C is a partial solution, but which partial solutions c extend to (a,b,c) in V(I)? We use the Extension Theorem one coordinate at a time. We first go from I2 to I1: since the coefficient of y4 in g1 is z2, c extends to (b,c) whenever c<>0. Now (b,c) can be extended to (a,b,c) because in f1 the coefficient of x2 is 1 which never vanishes.
Thus the Extension Theorem tells us that all partial solutions c<>0 extend to V(I) in C.

We will find an interesting application of the Extension Theorem when we talk about the implicitization problem.
Now we will conclude this section with two results about how to detect unsolvable systems and systems with finitely many solutions. Buchberger [2] proved the following two facts.

Theorem 3 (Unsolvable systems). Let I = <f1,f2,...,fs> be an ideal in C[x1,x2,...,xn]. Then the system of polynomial equations f1(x1,x2,...,xn) = f2(x1,x2,...,xn) = ... = fs(x1,x2,...,xn) = 0is unsolvable if and only if the reduced Groebner basis of I is {1}.
We must be careful when we work on R[x1,x2,...,xn]: a system might be unsolvable even though the groebner basis of the ideal is other than {1} (consider the equation x2 + 1 = 0!). However, if {1}is the reduced Groebner basis of our ideal, we are sure that the system cannot be solved.


Consider the system

f1 = x2y - z3 = 0
f2 = 2xy - 4z - 1 = 0
f3 = y2 - z = 0
f4 = x3 - 4yz = 0.

The reduced Groebner basis for I = <f1,f2,f3,f4> w.r.t. lex order is {1}, hence the system is unsolvable.

Theorem 4 (Systems with finitely many solutions). Let I = <f1,f2,...,fs> be an ideal in C[x1,x2,...,xn]. Then the system of polynomial equations f1(x1,x2,...,xn) = f2(x1,x2,...,xn) = ... = fs(x1,x2,...,xn) = 0 has finitely many solutions if and only if for all i (1<=i<=s) there exists a power of xi which belongs to <LT(I)>.
For an example of a polynomial system with finitely many solutions see the first example in this page. You will see that x, y2 and z6 are in <LT(I)>.


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