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Edited on April 13, 2000

Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Vilayat Guliyev announced
lately that the information on the OSCE Minsk Group
co-chairs?  intention to propose a new package of
proposals linked with Karabakh conflict solution proved to
be false.  According to the minister, if it was like it
was announced, the co-chairs would have already proposed
them.  "The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs haven't proposed
any new suggestion and they still have the "common state"
principle earlier rejected by Azeri president,"  Guliyev
said.  The former advisor on foreign policy issues Vafa
Guluzadeh says that one shouldn't wait any meaningful
proposal from the Minsk Group.  It's clear that the fact
that Russia defending Armenia's interests is represented
in the Minsk Group makes it impossible to grant Karabakh a
status that Azerbaijan wants.  Although the ex-state
advisor is not against continuing direct talks between
Azeri and Armenian presidents, he reckons that it's
meaningless to pin all hopes to them.  The head of Azeri
Presidential Administration's foreign relations department
Novruz Mamedov said the direct talks between the two
presidents serve the cause the OSCE Minsk Group is working
towards.  Mamedov says he has information the Group's
co-chairs are currently engaged in elaboration of new
proposals.  "The conflict's solution is granting Karabakh
a status to suit both sides,"  the state official said.
By Leyla Tagiyeva


The 6th summit of Turkic states made Azeris to hope that
the Turkic leaders will try to solve the problem of
Azerbaijan's territorial integrity stating they defend the
country's struggle for inviolability of its frontiers.
Instead, the leaders of Turkic state talked about Turkic
cultural monuments in Europe and Asia.  The Karabakh
problem was the one to stay out of Turkic leaders'
attention, although Azerbaijan needs help in this sphere
badly.  It was possible to hear the word "Karabakh"  only
once.  The dire straits of Azeri refugees were mentioned
only once as well.  The most attention was paid to oil
issues in which Turkic states are very much interested.
On the whole, the summit?s main topic was oil and gas
By Parvana Sabirgizi

14,000 refugees from Fuzuli and Jabrayil regions occupied
by Armenian occupants have settled in a tent village in
the Saatli region of Azerbaijan.  It is said that the
temporary residents of this village are gradually
returning to their home in the territories released from
under Armenian occupation.  Nadir Hajiyev, the head of the
regional executive power's department, noted 14 families
returned to the Fuzuli region over the last week.  5,230
refugees have settled in Saatli's tent village No.  1.
Three schools, two kindergartens, a 7-year musical school,
a library, a medical centre and a weaving workshop are
operating in the tent village.  If someone dies among
those temporarily settled in the tent village, they are
buried in their homeland in Fuzuli according to Muslim
By Aladdin Azimov

ANS News, April 11, 2000

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Elin Suleymanov
(202) 842 0001

Azerbaijan Protests Russo - Armenian War Games

Washington, D.C. - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Azerbaijan on April 11 issued a statement calling upon the Russian
Federation and Armenia to reconsider their extensive military cooperation
until a peaceful settlement is reached for the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
Expansion of military ties between Armenia and Russia, including a recent
agreement on extending the lease of Russian military bases and deployment of
S-300 missiles, is seen not only as destabilizing the regional military
balance but also undermining stability and chances for peace in the area.

In the statement, the Ministry strongly criticized Russia for leading
military exercises in Armenia on March 27-30, 2000. The Azerbaijani side is
concerned that these exercises took place at a time of political instability
in Armenia, which occupies 20% of Azerbaijani territory, and while the peace
process is virtually frozen by the Armenian side.

The Ministry considers unacceptable the participation of the self-proclaimed
"Defense Minister" of the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in
these exercises conducted under supervision of the Commander of Russian
Troops in the Caucasus, Lt.General Vladimir Andreev. This contradicts Russia
's officially stated policy in the South Caucasus, particularly its position
on territorial integrity, and seriously undermines its credibility as a
Co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Peace Process.

Especially disturbing as a potential threat to the cease-fire signed in 1994
are the words of Mikael Arutinian, Chief of Staff of the Armenian Army,
about "total defeat of the Azerbaijani army by joint military forces." Such
a statement from a high-ranking Armenian official reveals the true objective
of bilateral military cooperation between Armenia and Russia and raises
doubts about this country's adherence to resolving conflict by peaceful

"Azerbaijan holds destructive forces in Armenia and Russia responsible for
conducting a policy of aggression and destabilization in the region,"
concludes the statement.

Azerbaijani Ambassador to U.S. Hafiz Pashayev said: "This should be of great
concern not only to Azerbaijan, but to all members of the OSCE Minsk Group,
especially to the Co-Chairs, the United States and France."

Oskanian says Meghri proposal rejected
HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

YEREVAN (Armenpress) Responding to allegations of
possible concessions (the exchange of Meghri region of
Armenia for Karabakh) allegedly being considered during
negotiations, Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian
said at a press conference that such proposals had been
made but "they were not seen by Armenia as a ground for
the resumption of negotiations."

"There has been much activity in the sphere of foreign
policy in the last three months," said Oskanian. "Although
president Kocharian has been very active in the sphere, no
significant progress was made in the Karabakh conflict
peace process."

Oskanian pointed out that the main focus of foreign policy
was on regional problems. The work was done in three
areasregulation of conflicts, regional security and
stability and economic cooperation.

He asserted that Armenia was ready and able to continue
peace negotiations.

Regarding economic cooperation, the minister said that
during Kocharian's visit to Romania, the prospect of using
transport communications between Armenia, Georgia and
Romania within the TRACECA project had been
discussed. However, this issue is inextricably linked with
the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

Oskanian also referred to Kocharian's March 31 decree on
the coordination of activities of the branches of executive
power in conducting a unified foreign policy. The decree
stipulates the creation of a common foreign policy field in
the executive system.

In Oskanian's words, the Armenian parliament is the most
independent and autonomous body with respect to
conducting foreign policy. "The participation of a number
of Armenian parliament members in the session of
Russia-Belarus Union is proof of this reality," said he.

Speaking about Armenia's foreign policy doctrine,
Oskanian said that his ministry had elaborated such a
document two years ago, but the doctrine had been
changed into an agenda, since "in the present we lack
institutional possibilities for working out a doctrine."
Oskanian said that the agenda remained deficient and
"needs to be made integral."

As to Armenia's membership to the Council of Europe,
Oskanian said that the issue is to be discussed May 3 at an
extraordinary sitting of the PACE political issues
commission. The commission is expected to present its
conclusions and suggestions to the PACE May 15.

Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with senior
government officials responsible for conducting the
country's foreign policy to discuss practical steps
necessary for ensuring the efficient implementation of the
decree he signed March 31 "On Coordinating the Activities
of the Executive Branches of Power in Conducting a
Unified Foreign Policy," reported president Kocharian's
press office.

"Armenia must present itself to the world with a unified
position in important political and economic issues,"
stressed Kocharian.

He also said the foreign ministry, being in charge of
conducting Armenia's foreign policy, will be regulating the
activities and relations of other branches of executive
power working in this sphere. These activities must be
implemented in agreement with the Foreign Ministry.

In its turn, the Foreign Ministry will provide the executive
branches of power with relevant information for
conducting international activities.

According to Kocharian, some structural changes will be
made in the Foreign Ministry to ensure efficient
implementation of the March 31 decree.

Kocharian also said that the decree in question does not
cover relations with international financial institutions
which are organized in other ways.

Copyright 2000 Armenpress

Referred from Habarlar-L

Oskanian on 12 April dismissed an
Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry statement the previous day criticizing as
"destabilizing" the recent joint military maneuvers in Armenia by Russian
and Armenian troops, RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau reported (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 12 April 2000). He also said that Yerevan "does not take
seriously" statements by a group of retired Azerbaijani military officers
calling for a new war to return Nagorno-Karabakh to the control of the
Azerbaijani central government (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 24 March 2000).
Oskanian said such statements do not reflect the official position of the
Azerbaijani leadership. LF

Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission chairman Djafar Veliev has termed
the 18 June parliamentary elections in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic "a political show" that violates the Azerbaijani Constitution,
Turan reported on 12 April (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 11 April 2000). Veliev
predicted that no country will recognize the poll as valid. LF

Copyright RFE/RL

Edited on April 12, 2000

In a statement issued in Baku on 11 April, the
Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry implied that the joint
maneuvers conducted in Armenia late last month were intended as preparation
for military action against Azerbaijan, Turan reported (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 29 March and 3 April 2000). The statement noted that one of the
stated objectives of the maneuvers was to improve the performance of both
countries' troops in wooded and mountainous terrain. Baku regards the
conduct of such exercises as a destabilizing factor in the South Caucasus
and as undermining confidence between Armenia and Azerbaijan as well as the
1994 cease-fire, the statement continued. The statement termed the
exercises counter to Russia's professed policy of furthering stability and
security in the South Caucasus. It urged Moscow to suspend such exercises
until a final solution to the Karabakh conflict is reached. LF

Copyright RFE/RL

Azerbaijan calls upon Russian Federation to stop military cooperation with Armenia until settlement of the Armenian-Azeri conflict
Baku. 11.04.2000. /AzadInform/. The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Azerbaijan made
a statement. The statement says, on March 27-30, 2000 joint command-staff
exercises of the 102nd Russian military bases personnel and Armenian national
forces were held at the military range after general Bagramyan located in
Armavir region of Armenia within the frameworks of the Russian-Armenian military
cooperation program for 2000. Azerbaijan considers conclusion of a protocol on
March 1 between the Republic of Armenia and Russian Federation on leasing the
territories and all facilities till Gumri to the 102nd Russian Military base for
25 years and agreement signed between Defense Ministries on March 16 of the both
countries on joint battle duty, air attack protection a widening of jeopardous
military cooperation in the region.

The Azeri side considers such military exercises threatening the current
military-political stability in the region and peace in the South Caucasus an
action representing a danger to negotiation process and cease-fire regime
between conflicting sides. Because strengthening of Russia's military presence
in Armenia threatens realization of the regional security ideas.

Azerbaijan makes some provocative forces in the Russian Federation and Armenia
responsible for unstable situation in the region and aggressive policy in the
South Caucasus and reserves all rights for taking important measures to provide
his own security.

Beyond this, the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Azerbaijan calls upon the Russian
Federation to stop broadening and strengthening of Armenian-Russian military
cooperation until settlement of the Armenian-Azeri conflict over Upper Karabakh
and to reconsider her position.

UN intends to render additional aid to restoration of liberated territories
Baku. 11.04.2000. /AzadInform/. Today the Foreign minister of Azerbaijan V.
Guliyev received the head of the mission on the UN specialized organizations'
representatives Omer Bahet.

Mr. Omer Bahet noted the visit aimed at familiarization with the current
situation in the region and rendering additional assistance to carrying on
restoration works in territories liberated from Armenian occupation. V. Guliyev
considered the UN activity in Azerbaijan of great significance and expressed his
readiness to hear all proposals of the organization regarding improvement of the
situation in the region. V. Guliyev imparted to the guest about democratic
reforms set up in the republic, Armenian-Azeri conflict, hard plight of Azeri
refugees and peace negotiations current state at the Minsk group.

The two discussed some questions of mutual interests on the UN specialized
organizations' operation in Azerbaijan.

AzadInform news bulletin for 11/04/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

  Edited on April 11, 2000

Heads of Turkic Language States support resolution of the Azeri-Armenian conflict based on the OSCE principles
Baku. 10.04.2000. /AzadInform/. Heads of Turkic States adopted a Declaration
yesterday at the VI Summit. The Baku Declaration of the VI Summit of heads of
Turkic States makes an emphasis on effectiveness of the Baku meeting and
reflects following items: necessity to develop bilateral and multilateral
cooperation, including close collaboration inside the international
organizations, keeping to the democratic principles, market economy development;
enlargement of the Turksoy organization's activity sphere; functioning of the
Euro-Asia transport corridor; stimulation of the Caspian energy reserves'
bringing to the World markets; taking urgent wide-range measures to provide
stable environment of the region.

Heads of the Turkic States declare their readiness to render any assistance to
stimulation of effectiveness of UN, OSCE and other international organizations
activity and blamed growth of any aggression, tension in the conflicting regions
and militarization what threaten the states' security. They stated strict
support to UN Security Council's resolutions over the Armenian-Azeri conflict
and its settlement in conformity with 3 basic principals of the OSCE Lisbon
Summit and struggle against drugs business, international terrorism, religious
extremism and separatism as well as provide information exchange over the above
mentioned activity spheres. They called expedient to establish the Turkic States
Heads Secretariat to be located in Turkey. Heads of the Turkic States made a
decision to hold the next meeting in Istanbul, April 2001. Exact time of the
next summit will be fixed through the diplomatic channels.

Meeting of the speakers of the South Caucasus Parliaments

Baku. 10.04.2000. /AzadInform/. The next fourth meeting of speakers of the South
Caucasian countries - Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia Parliaments will be held
in Strasbourg on May 5-6, Murtuz Aleskerov, chairman of the Azeri Parliament,
said. Issues on stimulation of resolution of the Upper Karabakh conflict and
other questions of the mutual interests will be considered at the meeting. One
of the next meeting is scheduled to be held in Austria.

AzadInform #344(424) 10/04/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L


Meeting in Stepanakert on 8 April, the parliament of the unrecognized
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic scheduled elections to a new 33-
deputy legislature for 18 June, RFE/RL's Stepanakert
correspondent reported. All seats will be contested in
single-mandate constituencies. Deputies also approved the
enclave's draft budget for 2000, which is largely dependent
on loans and subsidies from Armenia. The budget envisages
15.4 billion drams ($29 million) in expenditures, but only
5.4 billion drams in revenues. LF

Copyright RFE/RL

Edited on April 7, 2000

The Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) urged the
United Nations to enforce its Karabakh-related
resolutions through an address to the UN secretary
general K. Annan.
The appeal was passed by participants of the KLO
meeting, dedicated to the 7th anniversary of Kalbajar`s
occupation by Armenia and attended by several retired
Azeri generals.
The address also says that as a result of the occupation
of Kalbajar by Armenian Armed Forces, thousands of
peaceful residents were killed, while over 60,000 ousted
from their homes.
In this connection, on April 30, 1993, the UN Security
Council adopted the Resolution No. 822, demanding an
unconditional withdrawal from the occupied lands.
A total of 4 UN SC resolutions containing the same
demand have been adopted, but none of them have been
implemented so far. The appeal, signed by generals
Tajaddin Mehdiyev, Dadash Rzayev, Ramiz Mammadov,
national hero Shahin Tagiyev and others, urges UN to
protect the trampled human rights of thousands of
Azernews-Azerkhabar, No.14 (144), April 5 - 11, 2000

Armenian News by Armenpress and Noyan Tapan, April 6, 2000
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 10:57:39 -0700 (PDT)

HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

Karabakh Makes Preparations For Parliamentary

--A sitting of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic Central Electoral Commission attended by heads of regional
administrations took place in Stepanakert recently. It dealt with issues
concerning the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

The participants got acquainted with the details of the March 15, 2000
law "On Elections of the Deputies to the National Assembly". Issues
concerning the formation of municipal, regional and district election
committees and their financing, as well as military vote procedures
were discussed. The participants underlined the importance of
involving representatives of all the parties functioning in the election

Deputies to the National Assembly will be elected from single-mandate
constituencies only. The number of constituencies remains 33. The
Parliament has not fixed the exact date of the elections yet.

AI public statement on Karabakh arrests
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 16:11:02 +0100
News Service: 67/00

AI Index: EUR 55/01/00
7 April 2000

                            PUBLIC STATEMENT


     Journalist detained in self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
                    -- a blow to freedom of expression

The Karabakh authorities should provide further information on the
detention of journalist Vagram Aghajanian by officials in the
self?proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, a disputed enclave within
Azerbaijan, Amnesty International urged today.

     "If, as some reports reveal, Vagram Aghajanian was detained solely in
connection with recent articles critical of the Karabakhi authorities, then
this would be a serious blow to freedom of expression," the organization

     "We would welcome further information on the charges against Vagram
Aghajanian as well as assurances that journalists, and every one else in
Karabakh, are able to voice their opinion without fear of imprisonment."

     Vagram Aghajanian was detained on 28 March after officials from the
Karabakh Ministry of Internal Affairs searched his home, reportedly without
presenting a warrant, for items such as arms and drugs.  No such items were
found, but Vagram Aghajanian is subsequently said to have been sentenced to
10 days' administrative detention after being found guilty of "hampering
the implementation of martial law". According to some reports his articles
were regarded by officials as "contributing to internal tension" and
thereby violating a 1999 presidential decree extending martial law in the

     Vagram Aghajanian is a correspondent of the Tasnerord naang and
Iravunk newspapers.  These publications have recently been supportive of
former Karabakh Minister of Defence Samvel Babaian, who was detained in a
wave of arrests following an armed attack which injured Karabakh President
Arkady Gukasian and two others on 22 March.  Among those also detained in
connection with the attack are Samvel Babaian's brother, his
brother-in-law, the head of his bodyguard and two bodyguards.

     Amnesty International is calling on the Karabakh authorities to ensure
that all necessary procedures for a fair trial are observed at each stage
of the criminal proceedings into the 22 March attack.  Such procedures
include ensuring that all law enforcement officials are aware of, and
adhere to, the absolute prohibition under international law of torture or
other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.  They also include
the presumption of innocence, which requires among other things that public
authorities, particularly prosecutors and police, should not make public
statements about the guilt or innocence of an accused person before the
outcome of the trial.

     As a result of hostilities the Azerbaijani government is at present
unable to exercise de facto control over the disputed Karabakh region, and
adjacent territories currently under Karabakhi control.  Amnesty
International addresses authorities in this region as those with de facto
control (and responsibility) over the area, and not as a recognition of
their status de jure.

For more information please call Amnesty International's press office in
London,  UK, on +44 171 413 5566 or visit our website at

Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 6, 2000


Azerbaijani Deputy Defense Minister Colonel Mamed
Beydullaev and Colonel General Baha Tuzuner, who is commander
of the Turkish ground forces, signed a protocol in Baku on 5
April on training military personnel, Interfax and Turan
reported. LF


Some 200 representatives of the majority ethnic
Armenian population of Samtskhe-Djavakheti in southern
Georgia held a protest demonstration in the regional center
of Akhalkalaki during Georgian President Eduard
Shevardnadze's election campaign visit there on 4 April,
Caucasus Press reported on 5 April, citing "Rezonansi." The
protesters called upon the Georgian leadership to acknowledge
as genocide the killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey in
1915. They also demanded measures to improve social and
economic conditions in the region (see "End Note," "RFE/RL
Newsline," 20 September 1999). LF
Copyright RFE/RL

As is known, Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze faced a
200-strong picket in the Akhalkalaki region while meeting the
region's voters within the framework of his pre-election
campaign.  The picketers of Armenian origin demanded granting
autonomy to the Javakhetia region, recognition of the alleged
1915 genocide of Armenians and solution of their social
problems.  Georgia?s Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to Azerbaijan, Zurab Gumberidze noted the
Embassy didn't receive such information through official
channels and refused to comment on unofficial information.  The
First Secretary of the Azerbaijani Embassy to Georgia, Mazahir
Sadikhov said official Tbilisi refuses to confirm the
information either.  According to Sadikhov, confirmation of the
information would upset the balance of power among presidential
nominees on the eve of presidential election.  It's nonetheless
noteworthy that the information found reflection in the news
bulletins issued by Prime-News and Kavkaz-Centre news agencies
and the article on this topic was published in the Georgian
newspaper Rezonansi with the reference to the mentioned news
agencies.  As for official newspapers, Shevardnadze's meetings
with voters in the Akhalkalaki region are being described in
vivid colours.  According to official statistics, Georgia?s
Armenian community numbers 500,000.  The Akhalkalaki region is
the densest place where Armenians live.  The head of
Akhalkalaki?s executive power Muradian brushed aside the
allegations the picket was arranged by the Virk Union.  It
should be observed that Georgia's High Court refused to
register Virk as party since the latter was founded based on
nationalistic considerations.  Despite that, the Union operates
as a public organization.


The primary obligation imposed on all Council of Europe (COE)
members is solution of all domestic and international conflicts
in accordance with the international law principles.  The task
is stipulated in the Karabakh-related obligations laid down
before Azerbaijan, who has recently expressed its desire to
become a COE member.  It was added to the obligations that
Azerbaijan must give up not only using force against its
neighbours, but even threatening them to do it.  But according
to MP Nazim Imanov, the term "neighbour"  is unacceptable
because:  firstly, the Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan's
integral part and secondly, if the country becomes a COE member
and is unable to solve the conflict in a peaceful way, the
problem?s solution will remain vague.  The head of the
Presidential Administration's Diaspora and International
Organizations Department, Rustam Mamedov said complying with
the mentioned obligation is inevitable.  The viewpoint on this
matter expressed by the ex-state advisor on foreign policy
issues, Vafa Guluzadeh is completely different.  Guluzadeh says
if Azerbaijan decides to fight back its occupied lands, the COE
can?t distract it from its intentions.  Among other
obligations, Azerbaijan must sign and ratify the Convention on
Protection of National Minorities.  Mamedov also said by
joining the Convention Azerbaijan will once again confirm its
territorial integrity, since the Convention states on the
rights granted by national majorities.  Azerbaijan's acception
into the COE would serve its economic development but solution
of the Karabakh problem remains unsettled.

By Leyla Tagiyeva
ANS News, April 6, 2000

Referred from Habarlar-L

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