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Edited on April 27, 2000

Aide on Victims of Armenians in 20th Century
Turan in Russian 1219 GMT 31 Mar 00 (past issue)

Baku, 31st March:  Ten thousand Azeris were annihilated in Irevan
guberniya [province of the Russian empire] in 1915 alone, a year which
Armenians so often like to recall [for other reasons].  Three thousand
Azeris were killed in Gyumri town on 29th April 1918.  In the same year,
returning from Kars [region in Turkey], Armenian detachments annihilated
221 [Azeri] villages in Irevan guberniya.  Detachments of Dashnaks, who
were lording it over in Baku, organized pogroms and the mass killings of
Azeris in 1918 in 229 villages in Baku guberniya, 272 villages in Gyandzha (Gyanja-my note)
guberniya, 115 villages in Zangezur [stretch of Azerbaijani land which was
given to Armenians in 1920s, thus separating Nakhichevan from the rest of
Azerbaijan] and 157 villages in Karabakh.  About 565,000 Azeris were
killed in Armenia between 1918-1920 alone.  About 2.5m Azeris became the
victims of the genocide that Armenians committed against Azeris in the
20th century.  These figures were given at a press conference held by the
Azerbaijani state adviser on ethnic issues, Hidayat Orujev.  The press
conference was devoted to the anniversary of the genocide of Azeris, which
is commemorated annually on 31st March [the day of the pogrom of Azeris
committed by Armenians in Baku in 1918].

    The state adviser said that without the Russian empire's patronage
Armenians could not have committed these mass killings of Azeris.   He
said that by falsifying history, the Armenians were trying to conceal the
truth from the world and to portray themselves as innocent victims.
Invented history has been taught in Armenia for decades and the Armenian
people themselves are the hostage of myths and lies which ranked as
national ideology and propaganda.   However, no-one in the world, except
the Armenians themselves, can save them from this madness, the state
adviser believes.

Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 22:35:50 -0700 (PDT)
Referred from Habarlar-L

RFE/RL Armenia: Thousands mark anniversary of 1915 killings
By Emil Danielyan
Yerevan, 25 April 2000 (RFE/RL) -- Tens of thousands of people marched
to a memorial in the Armenian capital Monday in an annual remembrance
of the estimated more than one million Armenians massacred in Ottoman
Turkey in 1915.

A steady stream of people, among them the country's entire leadership,
began mounting the Tsitsernakaberd hill in Yerevan this morning to pay
their respects to the victims of what Armenia refers to as "the genocide."
April 24 is marked as the beginning of the tragedy 85 years ago, when
hundreds of Istanbul-based Armenian intellectuals were rounded up and
executed by the Ottoman government. The arrests were followed by mass
deportations from Armenian-populated eastern provinces of the
disintegrating Ottoman Empire, and mass killings.

The government of Turkey has consistently denied that the killings
constituted genocide. Ankara says that far fewer than a million Armenians
died in 1915 and that their deaths did not result from a premeditated
government policy to exterminate the Ottoman Empire's ethnic-Armenian

The differing interpretation of the events is at the heart of the strained
relationship between Armenia and Turkey.

In a message to the nation, Armenian President Robert Kocharian said,
"International recognition of the Armenian genocide is on the agenda of
our foreign policy." What Kocharian called the "acceptance of historical
truth" by Turkey would facilitate a reconciliation between the two
countries. He said such a reconciliation is vital for stability in the

The two countries have no diplomatic relations. Turkey says relations
cannot be established until Armenia accepts Azerbaijani sovereignty over
the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

April 24 is a traditional day of protests outside Turkish diplomatic
missions in countries with large ethnic Armenian communities populated mainly by
descendants of those who survived the 1915 killings.

Such a rally took place on Monday in Paris, where protestors also
demanded that France's upper house of parliament endorse a bill adopted
in 1998 by the lower house recognizing the mass killings as a genocide.
The French government is opposed to the bill, fearing a deterioration of
relations with Turkey.

An initiative to recognize the killings as genocide is also gaining
momentum in the U.S. Congress, where several dozen lawmakers have
pledged support for a bill pushed forward by Armenian-American lobbying

Copyright 2000 RFE/RL

Armenpress: Armenia Marks Genocide Anniversary
YEREVAN (Armenpress)--Hundreds of thousands of Armenians from
Armenia proper, Nagorno Karabakh and numerous countries walked
up the Dzidzernagabert hill in Yerevan to the 1915 Genocide
Memorial on April 24.

In Yerevan, President Kocharian, Prime Minister Aram Sargsyan,
Parliament Speaker Aram Khachatrian, His Holiness Karekin II,
other key government members, representatives of political
parties, and top clerics laid wreaths on twelve columns bent
over a ceremonial fire.

The 1915 genocide was premeditated by the Ottoman Turkish
leadership and aimed at the annihilation of Armenians (the
largest remaining Christian minority) in the empire's eastern
provinces.  But Ankara denies that the mass killings were part
of a premeditated government policy, attributing them to the
turmoil caused by World War I.

In May 1998, the lower chamber of the French parliament became
the first Western legislature to recognize the Armenian
massacres as a genocide, in a unanimous vote that enraged
Turkey.  However, the bill was rejected by the French Senate to
become a law.  Early this April, the Swedish parliament passed a
resolution condemning the Genocide of Armenians.

Kocharian issued a message on the occasion of the 85th
anniversary of the Armenian genocide.  The message says:

"Dear compatriots,

"85 years ago, on April 24, with the mass arrests of Armenian
intelligentsia, the Ottoman Empire started the Armenian
genocide.  Now, bending our heads to the memory of millions of
victims of the genocide, we have to state that in 85 years the
international community has not made a proper assessment of the
tragic events of the beginning of the century.  Moreover, the
precedent of such a crime being committed against humanity and
remaining unpunished opened a way to other similar crimes.  In
this context, it is natural that for the Diasporan Armenians,
who were bereaved of their cradle as a result of the genocide,
and for our people, who regained their independence in their
homeland, April 24 should have turned into a day of condemnation
of genocide and of demand that the historical justice be

"The problem of the recognition of the Armenian genocide by the
international community is currently among the tasks of
Armenia's foreign policy.  Over the last year, the Parliaments
of many countries as well as the authorities of cities and
states have recognized the resolutions condemning the Armenian
genocide.  We will continue our activities in this direction, as
we are convinced that this crime against humanity is not only a
problem of the Armenian people, but is also of both moral and
international political importance.

"The Republic of Armenia is now a full member of the
international community and, through its painful experience, is
making its contribution to the condemnation and prevention of
genocide.  We are also deeply aware that in our region the
establishment of a long-lasting stability and regional
cooperation is to a great extent conditioned by the
Armenian-Turkish relations reaching a new level.  The admission
of historical truth should promote the creation of atmosphere of
mutual confidence and understanding in our relations.

"Now, calling the memory of the innocent victims to witness, all
the parts of our people unanimously re-affirm their resoluteness
to live and build a free and happy homeland in the great human

On Sunday evening a silent candlelight march took place to
Dzidzernagabert organized by the Armenian Youth Federation of

Following a commemorative program at the monument, 50 new
members were inducted into the ranks of the ARF.  Vetern leader
Edward Hovanessian officiated the ceremony.

A delegation of Italian Armenians, led by Petros Kuchukian,
deputy chairman of the Armenian-Italian council, and Hakob
Manukian, chairman of the Union of Italian Armenians, arrived in
Armenia to participate in the events dedicated to the 85th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide marked on April 24.

With the active participation of the Armenian community, 33 city
councils in Italy have already passed resolutions recognizing
the Armenian genocide.

Italy's parliament's Small Chamber has recently adopted a
similar resolution and submitted it to the country's parliament.
"We are sure that following Belgium and Greece, Italy will be
the third European country to officially acknowledge the
Armenian genocide," Kuchukian said to Armenpress.

The guests presented the copy of Rome City Council's decision
recognizing the Armenian genocide to the director of Genocide
Museum in Yerevan which will be displayed at the museum.

They also presented a collection of materials that had been kept
in Italy's Foreign Ministry archives concerning Armenians and
Armenia in 1870-1923.

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia
called on all Armenians to make a pilgrimage to Der Zor,
declaring the historical place a pilgrimage place for all
Armenians when speaking at a remembrance ceremony for the 1915
Armenian genocide.

In 1915 around one and a half millions of Armenians were
annihilated in Turkey and Der Zor.  In memory of the victims, an
Armenian church was built in Der Zor.  Thousands of Armenians
from Syria, Lebanon, Europe, USA, Egypt and Canada made
pilgrimage on April 24 to the Der-Zor to commemorate the

"In Turkey we saw massacres and deportation; in Syria we found
love and brotherhood," said Aram I.

"Our brothers were welcomed by the people of Syria.  And today
as full right citizens of Syria, we are proud of the progress
and achievements made by this country," continued Aram I.

Copyright 2000 Armenpress (Armenian news agency-my note)


Historians have long time ago proved there was no alleged
Armenian genocide on April 24, 1915.  Even such a pro-Armenian
state as France didn't recognize the so-called Armenian
genocide.  The problem was supposed to be discussed by the US
Congress as well.  But official Washington managed to cope with
the pro-Armenian lobby and the issue wasn't submitted for
consideration of America's legislative body.  The 85th
anniversary of the alleged genocide has been propagandizing by
Russian TV channels lately.  Although the state of Russia is
trying to represent itself as a country with pacific principles,
it's quite clear that its foreign policy is based on the
principle of supporting Armenia.  Russia remains a pro-Armenian
state.  This country has transformed the genocide issue to the
political plane.  The reason?  To cause damage to Turkey's
international image and justify occupation of Azeri lands.  At
the same time, the question is restoration of Russia's bygone
influence in the South Caucasus.  Georgia, too, is considered a
South Caucasus country.  We would remind you that Armenians
living in Georgia's Javakhetia region has decided to be
autonomous before the presidential election in the neighbouring
country.  Time will pass and Armenians will accuse Georgians in
genocide too.

By Etibar Mamedov
ANS News (Azerbaijan News Agency-my note), April 26, 2000

R. Kennedy: "Section 907 Hurts U.S. National Interests"
A delegation of the U.S. George Marshal Center led by its
director Robert Kennedy Is currently in Baku. "Among
others, the Center is training personnel for Azerbaijan",
said Defense Minister Colonel-General Safar Abiyev in a
meeting with the delegation Friday.
The minister informed the delegation of the military and
political situation in the South Caucasus and of the
history and consequences of the Armenian-Azerbaijan
conflict. He voiced his concern over the unfair Section
907 of the Freedom Support Act, which has been in effect
since 1992.
Mr. Kennedy said Azeri students of the Center were doing
well and their number is expected to be doubled shortly.
He regarded Section 907 as a "negative decision", which
hurts U.S. national interests. He pledged to do his utmost
to alleviate its effect. "Weakening of Section 907 is
likely to become a subject of our courses", he said.

AssA-Irada News, April 22-26
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 26, 2000

The Azeri Foreign minister V. Guliyev met with the UN deputy Secretary General on Political Affairs Keren Prendergast (exerpt of a newspiece concerning Karabakh)
The two discussed questions of mutual interests over the Azeri-UN cooperation.
V. Guliyev informed interlocutor about the current processes in Azerbaijan,
resolution of the Upper Karabakh conflict and situation in Caucasus on the
whole. He also expressed his hope the world society and UN in that number will
contribute to sooner and faithful solution of the Upper Karabakh conflict.

Mr. K. Prendergast, in turn, stated UN was attentively watching for development
of current situation in Caucasus, the Upper Karabakh conflict's settlement run.
The UN's ready to contribute to post-conflict rehabilitation, first of all, with
close participation of the UNDP and UNHCR in case of achievements of the
negotiation process, Mr. K. Prendergast said.

AzadInform   #355(435) 25/04/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 23, 2000

Statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Azerbaijan
Baku. 21.04.2000. /AzadInform/.The Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan made a
statement in connection with the Armenian reliable sources recent information
("Snark" Agency's information from April 10, 2000) about the forthcoming
elections to the parliament of the so-called self-declared "Upper Karabakh
Republic", created on the Azeri territories illegally seized by the Armenian

The Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan considers holding of the false elections to
the self-declared republic the next outrage upon the Azerbaijan's territorial
integrity and sovereignty, disrespect to its Constitution and laws as well as
rough violation of international protocols, UN Charter and OSCE principles.

The statement says, clearing up relations trough the terror and arms proves once
again how the so-called "Upper Karabakh Republic's" leadership is still a long
way from parliamentarism traditions and democracy. It is not accidental,
toy-regime appeared with an initiative of formation of legitimate government
structure at the very illegally occupied Azeri territories having conducted the
ethnic cleansing policy and evicted about 50 thousand Azerbaijanians from their
historical lands and carried out massive acts of terrorism and wide-range

The UN Security Council's resolutions 822, 853, 874, 884 OSCE Summits and the
Organization of Islamic Conference and a number of documents of other
international organizations have blamed the Armenian aggression and ethnic
cleansing policy in the Upper Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijan Foreign Affairs Ministry holds the "parliamentary elections" in
Upper Karabakh are possible only after restoration of the Azerbaijan Republic's
territorial integrity and sovereignty, liberation of the occupied territories,
returning of Azerbaijanians back to their native homes and renewal of the
region's ethnic-demographic state in accordance with the OSCE Minsk Groups

The Azerbaijan Republic Foreign Affairs Ministry calls upon all international
organizations including UN, European Council Parliamentary Assembly, OSCE Minsk
Group to condemn forthcoming illegal elections of the Armenian separatist in
Upper Karabakh and make use of all means of pressure to prevent such a political
trick and not to recognize its results.

Head of the Upper Karabakh Azeri community N. Bahmanov's appeal to the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-chairmen and Minsk Group member-states

Baku. 21.04.2000. /AzadInform/. The head of the Upper Karabakh Azeri Community
N. Bahmanov appealed to the OSCE Minsk group co-chairmen and member-states in
connection with the Armenian "Snark" Agency statement from April 10, 2000 about
up-coming parliamentary elections in the self-declared "Upper Karabakh

The appeal runs, we hold nefarious purposes and political footsie as
"parliamentary elections" of the separatist regime illegally seized the power in
Upper Karabakh having deported over 50 thousand Azerbaijanians from their native
homes is a graphic witness of their aspiration to legitimize criminal authority
and strengthen results of the Armenian Republic's aggression against Azerbaijan.

So-called parliamentary elections in the self-declared "Upper Karabakh Republic"
non-recognized by any state of the world, even by Armenia are attempts to freeze
negotiations conducted between Azerbaijan and Armenia within the frameworks of
the OSCE Minsk Group.

As a head of the Upper Karabakh Azeri community, I am stating that legal state
structures might be established in the Upper Karabakh region of the Azerbaijan
Republic only after resolution of the Armenian-Azeri conflict, restoration of
the Upper Karabakh Azeri population's legal rights and returning of the evicted
Azerbaijanians back to their native homes and only under mutual activity and
participation of the Upper Karabakh Azeri and Armenian societies. Otherwise,
planned "parliamentary elections" in Upper Karabakh region of the Azerbaijan
Republic will be considered illegal and their results - invalid.

AzadInform    #353(433) 21/04/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 21, 2000

In a statement issued in Baku on 20 April, Azerbaijan's
Foreign Ministry charged that the planned 18 June
parliamentary elections in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic constitute "a crude violation of Azerbaijan's
territorial integrity," and "another attempt on the part of
the Armenian separatists to legitimize the occupation
inseparable part of Azerbaijan," Interfax reported. The
statement said that fair elections in Karabakh can be held
only on the basis of proposals put forward by the OSCE Minsk
Group, and only after a solution of the conflict and the
repatriation to Karabakh of ethnic-Azerbaijani displaced
persons. Also on 20 April, NKR parliament chairman Oleg
Yesaian rejected as "completely groundless" an 18 April
statement by Azerbaijan's Central Electoral Commission
arguing that the planned poll violates Azerbaijan's
territorial integrity and creates new obstacles to a peaceful
settlement of the Karabakh conflict.
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 80, Part I, 21 April 2000
Copyright RFE/RL

HL NOTE: The following news articles ignore such basic facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate part of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) That the puppet leaders and regime(s) of some self-proclaimed "NKR"
   entity are recognized by no state and lack any legitimacy whatsoever.

Further, the Stalin imposed name of Stepanakert in 1923, is invalid and
the historic name of the city, Khankandi, has been restored since
Azerbaijan's re-establishment of independence.

Armenian journalists are outraged by the Karabakh government's attempts to
silence two local reporters

By Mark Grigorian in Yerevan

A second journalist has been arrested by the Nagorny Karabakh regime as part
of what many believe to be a concerted crackdown on its opponents.

Vardan Taschian, a Lebanese citizen who has been working in Karabakh since
1990, was arrested this week in connection with a bid to assassinate the
enclave's elected president, Arkady Ghukasian.

The arrest follows the conviction on libel charges of another Stepanakert
journalist, Vahram Aghajanian - well known for his stringing criticism of
Karabakh's de facto regime - just days after the murder attempt on March 22,
which left Ghukasian badly wounded.

Taschian had been working for the Tasnerod Nahang ("10th Province")
newspaper, reportedly financed by Karabakh's former defence minister, Samvel
Babayan, who has been charged with masterminding the assassination plot.

Over 30 people have now been arrested in connection with the crime, which,
many believe, has given the government a pretext to crackdown on its

Journalists from a number of Yerevan-based papers have signed an open letter
in support of Taschian, who believe his arrest was a misunderstanding, as,
they insist, there are no grounds for suspecting him of involvement in case.

The move came as the campaign to free Aghajanian, sentenced to a one-year
prison term for slandering Karabakh's prime minister, Anushavan Danelian,
was stepped up.

About 100 journalists in Yerevan held a demonstration outside the Karabakh
representative office in protest at Aghajanian's conviction. They delivered
a petition in support of the reporter, which included protest letters from
international journalists associations and human rights groups.

A delegation of journalists from the Armenian capital is set to travel to
Stepanakert later this month for an appeal hearing at the Supreme Court.

The campaign to free Aghajanian began last week when four Yerevan daily
newspapers reprinted the controversial article that landed him in jail. His
arrest and trial have provoked an international outcry. Witnesses said the
court rode roughshod over the Karabakh criminal law

In Stepanakert, meanwhile, President Ghukasian appeared to express unease
about the recent arrests when he called on Karabakh's law-enforcement
agencies to exercise greater restraint and to guard against violating
freedom of speech.

The note of concern came in marked contrast to Danelian's reported
insistence that Aghajanian's sentence was too lenient, as the journalist has
written "more than 10 offensive articles."

Mark Grigorian is IWPR project editor in Yerevan.
Copyright (c) IWPR 2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

by Gorkhmaz Hasanli Azernews Contributor

"Karabakh problem must be solved in a military way, as Azerbaijan
possesses the necessary potential for this". This statement by
members of the Karabakh Liberation Movement (KLM), retired
high-ranking military officers, has caused quite a stir in Yerevan.
Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian told an urgently convened
news briefing in Yerevan last week that "Yerevan does not heed
serious attention to Azerbaijan`s determination to resolve this
conflict in a military way, primarily because the above statement
has been made exclusively by retired military and political men, not
by official Baku".
He went on to say that Armenian government was well aware of the
situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijan line of contact and the
potential of the Azerbaijan army. The anxiety in Yerevan triggered
by a non-governmental organization in Azerbaijan has demonstrated
Armenia`s realistic evaluation of its own and of Azerbaijan`s
military might. It is no secret that the "accomplishments" Armenia
has attained on the battlefield were largely due to Russia`s
military and political support. It should also be borne in mind that
Azerbaijan lost its territories in the first years of its army
The military reform launched in recent years, extensive provision of
the army with weaponry and patriotic spirits of the armed forces
have clearly illustrated the capability of the Azerbaijan army of
fighting the enemy.
Realizing all this, as well as the fact that it is doomed to lose
the battle should the action resume, Armenia is trying to regain
confidence at least in the information war. In her recent statement,
the "foreign minister" of the self-proclaimed Upper Karabakh
Republic Naira Melkumian was quoted as saying, "I am sure Azerbaijan
will never again have the ability to wage a military campaign,
because if Baku had been confident of its military potential it
would have resumed fighting long ago".
The statement apparently pursued two objectives: first, to calm down
the panicking people of Karabakh, most of whom have already left the
place as first opportunity presented itself, and, second, to
discourage and intimidate the Azerbaijan army, which is gradually
losing hope for a negotiated settlement. The Azerbaijan President
Heydar Aliyev has repeatedly announced that every effort would be
taken to achieve a peace settlement of the conflict, but, at the
same time, Azerbaijan must always be prepared to resume military
action, which the country will have to resort to if all peace
initiatives are exhausted.

Over the last 10 years, international organizations and governments
have allocated $180 million worth of assistance to Azerbaijan, said
vice-premier of the Azerbaijan government, chairman of the state
committee on refugees Ali Hasanov Friday. He indicated that in the
first years of Azerbaijan`s conflict with Armenia was higher, but
later on it started declining. According to him, refugee aid program
are mostly designed by 2.5-7 years. In Azerbaijan, there have been
refugees for 10 years due to the delaying solution of the Karabakh
conflict. With regard to medical aid, A. Hasanov stated that the
Azerbaijan Government is currently in talks with several
international organization on provision of medical aid in
anti-malaria and other programs in refugee camps.

Azernews, No.16 (146), April 19-25, 2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 20, 2000


By FARHAD Mammadov
Some days ago, Vardan Oskanian, Armenian foreign minister, gave new
statements about the secret negotiations held between the Azeri president
Heidar Aliev and Armenian president Robert Kocharian last year. In the
statement is said that during the secret talks Heidar Aliev has suggested
to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict by the way of change of
territory. In that suggestion is considered giving Lachin region of
Azerbaijan together with Upper Karabakh to Armenia and instead of this
giving Mehri region of Armenia to Azerbaijan. Besides, Armenia was promised
the possibility of forming free land relation with Iran by passing the
Azerbaijani customs without obstacle. But Kocharian had not accepted this

Let`s note that the Azeri press has been informed about the suggestion of
settling the conflict between the two countries by the way of territory
exchange just at the beginning of this year. The official Baku has not
rejected the information given by 'a diplomatic source' that does not want
to reveal his/her name.

The Armenian side has confirmed sounding such a suggestion in the
negotiations. But it was not concretely defined who was the author of this
suggestion at that point, and the Armenian opposition pressured on
Kocharian and demanded him to explain the issue. It seems these pressures
have caused giving more detailed statements by the Armenian foreign
minister about the confidential talks. And instead of this the current
Azeri leader has faced with the strong criticism of the Azeri opposition.

The oppositional leaders have denounced such a suggestion made by
Azerbaijan as a "shame" and "trading with the territorial integrity of the
country". Because non-of the territories put for the discussion as a
subject of exchange are not correspond to each other for their parameters.
The territory of Lachin region together with Upper Karabakh is tens time
more than the territory of Mehri region of Armenia.

Heidar Aliev has not shown his attitude to this information, yet. But there
is no doubt that the author of the suggestion was the leader of Azerbaijan.
Not denying this information by Aliev and officials of his apparatus until
now strengthens this opinion much more.

During the secret negotiations between Aliev and Kocharian all of the
officials dealing with the foreign policy of the Azeri government- Tofig
Zulfugarov, foreign minister, Vafa Guluzade, president`s foreign policy
advisor, and Eldar Namazov, head of the president`s press secretariat (he
was organizing confidential talks of Heidar Aliev), - resigned from their
posts. Aliev`s agreement of compromising Lachin region (this region unites
Upper Karabakh with Armenia) to Armenians has played the main role in these
resignations, according to the information spread then. Neither Zulfugarov,
Guluzade, nor Namazov have explained the reason of their resignation until
now. Now they have refused giving any comments to the statements of
Oskanian, as well. It is one of the next reasons confirming the fact that
the suggestion on the change of territories was given by Aliev. It is
supposed that former members of Aliev`s team are not willing to show
attitude to the statements of Oskanian because of pressures.

The suggestion on the territory exchange was given by the US administration
and Aliev had agreed with this suggestion by going to the compromise,
according to other information. Let`s note that during the course of the
talks between Aliev and Kocharian last year, the American president had
sent a confidential letter to Aliev and thanked him "for agreeing with the
suggestion that demanded great courage".

AZERBAIJAN BULLETIN -20 (218),April 20 2000
Copyright (c) Azerbaijan National Democracy Foundation (ANDF) 2000

Central Elections Commission statement
Baku. 19.04.2000. /AzadInform/. The other day the Central Elections Commission
made a statement regarding the Armenian SNARK Agency's recent statement made on
April 10 on intention of the so-called self-declared "Upper Karabakh Republic"
formed on Azeri territories illegally seized by Armenian separatists, to hold on
June 18 the parliamentary elections.

The statement says, the Armenian leaders dreaming of establishment of new
"Armenian state" on the territory of the sovereign Azerbaijan enjoying full
rights of the UN, and in that way, non-reckoning with relevant provisions of
known international documents recognizing the principles of territorial
integrity of the world countries, desire to demonstrate the next political show.

With regard to this light, the Central Elections Commission of the Azerbaijan
Republic blames insolent intentions to hold elections to the so-called
"parliament" of the illegally "state structure" established on Azerbaijan's
territory and considers such an action a big disrespect for inviolability of the
world states' territorial integrity.

Leaders of the "Upper Karabakh Republic" which isn't and will be not recognized
by any state ever, create new bars to peaceful settlement of quite a tense
situation by negotiations.

Only the Central Election Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic possesses right
for holding any elections on the sovereign Azerbaijan's territory. Armenian
nationalists' such a spontaneous action is the next attempt to violate
Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

AzadInform #351(431) 19/04/2000
News referred from Habarlar-L Newslist

Edited on April 19, 2000

Armenian News
USAID Issues Report On Assistance To Nagorno

HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

WASHINGTON--The US Agency for International Development
released a report last week providing an overview of the US
assistance programs for Nagorno Karabakh, reported the Armenian
National Committee of America

In 1997, Congress, over the objections of the State Department,
mandated a $12.5 million assistance package for Nagorno Karabakh
conflict victims. Since then, Congress has annually appropriated
increased aid for Nagorno Karabakh, with the level for Fiscal Year
2000 set at $20 million. The ANCA has joined Members of Congress in
expressing growing concern about delays in funding allocation and
project implementation in Nagorno Karabakh.

During testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on
Foreign Operations, ANCA-Eastern US board member Aram Sarafian
stressed that: "While we have welcomed these Congressional
appropriations, we remain deeply troubled by the slow pace of the
Administration implementation of its aid package for Nagorno
Karabakh. Apparently driven by the same policy considerations which
impelled the State Department to attempt to block this aid in the first
instance, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has
failed to administer this appropriation in a timely and effective manner.
We are troubled by what appears to be an unhealthy politicization of
our foreign assistance program. Humanitarian aid should be distributed
based on need, not the dictates of the government in Baku or any
foreign capital."

In testimony before the same House subcommittee, Congressional
Armenian Caucus Co-chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) noted that "I
am concerned that much of this aid has been slow in reaching its
intended recipients within Nagorno Karabakh. I hope the
Subcommittee will include language directing USAID to ensure the
delivery of this assistance on a timely basis."

Construction Of Major Karabakh Highway To Start In

YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)--The All-Armenian "Hayastan" Fund is
one of the most efficient structures in Armenia, Armenian President
Robert Kocharian said at the April 17 meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the Fund. He pointed out the importance of the targeted projects
being implemented in Nagorno Karabakh and the disaster area.

Board Director Vahan Ter-Gevondian reported that unlike general
receipts, the funds assigned under the targeted projects are
increasing. It was pointed out that the construction project of the
North-South highway in Karabakh has been prepared, and seven
organizations won the first stage of the contest for the project
implementation. The construction will begin in May.

Karabakh President Undergoes Third Operation

YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)--Nagorno Karabakh Republic President
Arkady Ghoukassian, who was shot in the legs last month in a
botched assassination attempt, is taking a course of treatment at the
Yerevan Mikaelian Institute of Surgery where he just underwent a
third operation. Surgeons completely obliterated the damaged part of
the bone of the president's left leg and placed an Ilizarov orthopedic
device. Director of the Institute of Surgery Hamlet Tamazian said that
the state of Ghoukassian's right leg is satisfactory, but it will take
several months of recovery to heal.

Armenian News Digest by Asbarez, Noyan Tapan and Armenpress, April 18, 2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 18, 2000

The Armenian government on 17
April handed over to the International Committee of the Red
Cross two Azerbaijani servicemen held as prisoners of war in
Armenia for the past 18 months, ITAR-TASS and Reuters
reported. Late last month Azerbaijan had released what it
claimed was the last Armenian prisoner it was holding. A
further 11 Azerbaijani prisoners of war are believed to be
held in Armenia.
Copyright RFE/RL

Two Azeri captives returned
Baku. 17.04.2000. /AzadInform/. Today two Azeri captives were returned from
Armenia on the initiative of the Red Cross Society, National Security Ministry
Press Service reported. Ahmad Rahmanov (21) and Rovshan Huseinov (21) are the
returned captives. Head of the NSM PS Araz Gurbanov says, number of the missing
people during the conflict amounts to more than 5000. But the Red Cross Society
states that only 13 men are held captives in Armenia.

It should be noted, on March 31 Azeri side returned to Armenia a captive Garib
Melikyan (20).

Statement of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry
Baku. 17.04.2000. /AzadInform/. The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia made a
statement in connection with the Azeri Foreign Affairs Ministry's statement from
April 10 of the current year regarding the Russian-Armenian staff-command
excises held in Armenia.

The statement says, Russia's military presence in Armenia is a fact of peace and
regional stability not directed against anybody, all the more against friendly
Azerbaijan. Russia is open for the widest cooperation with all states of the
region over all spheres, including military collaboration. Establishment of
confidence, stability and peace throughout the all Caucasian region meets our
interests. The Russia's foreign policy course conducted by the ruling circles as
well as the Russian president V.V. Putin's initiative on acceleration of the
"Kislovodsk process" prove the above mentioned. Azeri Foreign Affairs Ministry's
worry with the staff-command excises in Armenia is groundless. We shouldn't
consider faithful Azeri FAM's statement running as if some "destructive forces"
in the Russian Federation are responsible for "aggressive policy in the South
Caucasus region".

Our military collaboration with Armenia is being carried out in accordance with
law-treaty basis and isn't at variance to international duties of the both
states before the third countries.

By the way, we repeatedly offered to the Azeri site to accelerate cooperation
between military establishments and military forces of two states, to transfer
it on the planned basis like other CIS countries, including Armenia. As to
Karabakh Armed groups, they have nothing to do with the held staff-command

Russian-Armenian military collaboration have no influence upon the settlement of
the Upper Karabakh conflict. Russia believes settlement of all Caucasian
problems, including the Upper Karabakh conflict is possible only through
negotiations. We are supporting and appreciating face-to-face meetings between
Azeri and Armenian Presidents. We hope they will come to compromise.

AzadInform news bulletin for 17/04/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on April 14, 2000

Robert Kocharian traveled to
Stepanakert on 13 April, where he met amid tight security with senior
members of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic's leadership,
RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau reported. Unconfirmed reports say Kocharian was
accompanied by Armenian Defense Minister Vagharshak Harutiunian. Kocharian
also met with units of the Karabakh Defense Army, whose former commander,
Samvel Babayan, is currently in detention charged with masterminding the 22
March assassination attempt on the enclave's president, Arkadii Ghukasian.
Copyright RFE/RL


Armenian armed forces broke the ceasefire regime on April 12
having opened fire from their positions located on the
occupied side of Murovdag Mountain.  The positions of the
Azeri army located near the Gulustan village of the Goranboy
region were shelled.  The shelling continued from 7.00 p.m.
till 7.35 p.m.  The shelling stopped after the return fire of
Azeri soldiers.  According to the press service of the
Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan, no victims are reported.

By Shahin Kazimzadeh
ANS News, April 13, 2000

Karabakh Criticizes Azeri Media Misinformation
Noyan Tapan and Armenpress News, April 13, 2000
HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

STEPANAKERT (Noyan Tapan)-The Press Service of Nagorno
Karabakh Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement April
12 running:

"Azeri mass media recently disseminated articles entitled `Forgotten
apparitions of the war' and `Supply of human organs.' The articles
contain obvious figments about the conditions of Azeri hostages and
POWs, and about Armenians' cruel treatment of them. The articles
also contain discrediting information of Armenians allegedly selling
organs of killed Azeris.

"The Karabakh authorities have always actively cooperated with
representatives of international organizations dealing with problems of
hostages and POWs and provided these organizations free access to
the places where POWs are kept. The State Commission for the Affairs
of POWs, Hostages and Missing Persons has assisted humanitarian
missions, in particular, the International Committee of the Red Cross.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thoroughly verified all cases of
surrender of POWs and hostages to the Azeri side, held a number of
meetings with representatives of the State Commission for the Affairs
of POWs, Hostages and Missing Persons, Karabakh Health Ministry
officials, ICRC and NGOs, as well as compared the lists of the persons
surrendered to Azeri side in different periods with the list of the names
contained in the aforementioned articles.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the information provided by
the Azeri mass media does not correspond to the facts. This
information is part of the unceasing Azeri propaganda campaign aimed
at discrediting the Armenian side.

"We draw the attention of the parties concerned to the fact that the
NKR authorities prefer to refrain from propaganda attacks, considering
that such actions prevent the creation of an atmosphere of
confidence between the two countries and hinder the process of
peaceful settlement of the politico-military conflict between
Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh."

News referred from Habarlar-L

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