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Edited on May 16, 2000

Turan,SNARK and Noyan Tapan news briefs
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 14:34:04 -0700 (PDT)
Azeri President, Minsk Group's Cavanaugh Discuss Karabakh
Turan in Russian
1334 GMT 9 May 00

Baku, 9th May:  The situation in Armenia and Azerbaijan favours the
continuation and deepening of the process of peacefully resolving the
Karabakh conflict and the USA is ready to step up its efforts to achieve
results in this direction.  In the event of a peace agreement being
reached, international financial organizations are ready to allocate the
funds necessary for the reconstruction of the territories that suffered
from occupation.  This was the essence of today's meeting between the US
cochairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Carey Cavanaugh, and Azerbaijani
President Heydar Aliyev.

    "Today we are talking about peace and the US delegations that will
come after us will be talking about the economy," Carey Cavanaugh said at
the beginning of the meeting.  He pointed out that a favourable situation
had arisen in the region and that "we can hope for genuine results in the
consolidation of peace in the next months", he said.  The diplomat pointed
out that President Clinton and State Secretary Albright were paying a lot
of attention to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.  During Clinton's
forthcoming visit to Moscow, the resolution of the Karabakh conflict will
also figure on the agenda, Cavanaugh said.

    "At the present time, we are preparing our own proposals for the US
president," Cavanaugh said.  The diplomat highly appraised Heydar Aliyev's
stance in terms of his readiness to conclude a peace agreement and added
that the Minsk Group cochairmen would meet in Geneva on 17th May to
discuss "progress in the peace process".  On 18th May the cochairmen will
meet with representatives of 12 international financial and humanitarian
organizations to examine plans for the reconstruction of the occupied
territories after their liberation.  "It is necessary to prepare for the
reconstruction of railways, power stations, homes and so on following the
signing of a peace agreement, so no time is wasted,"  Cavanaugh said.

    In turn, Heydar Aliyev said that he had always taken an active stance
in the cause of the settlement.  When the negotiating process ground to a
halt, Heydar Aliyev and [Armenian President] Robert Kocharyan had a number
of bilateral meetings, which "brought us closer to peace".  However, the
October events in Armenia [shootings in the Armenian parliament on 27th
October 1999] annulled all these efforts.  Aliyev made it clear that he
was ready to continue the dialogue and that his position had not changed.
He also said that he pinned great hopes on the activity of American
diplomacy.  "I hope that the proposals you work out will further
accelerate the peace process.  We shall do everything that is up to us,"
Aliyev said.

    Cavanaugh said that he believed in the resumption of the peace process
as the situation in Armenia had "stabilized", and Yerevan was ready to
continue the negotiations.

    Recalling that today was 9th May when victory over fascism was being
celebrated, Cavanaugh said that 10th May was Heydar Aliyev's birthday and
handed him a symbolic present - a stone from a battered mosque in the town
of Agdam in lowland Karabakh.  "I hope that this mosque will be the first
building to be restored after the liberation of the occupied territories,"
Cavanaugh said.

    Touched by the present and with eyes moist, Aliyev thanked Cavanaugh
and said that he was hoping to visit Agdam together with Cavanaugh after
its liberation.

    At the same time, Heydar Aliyev did not ask why Cavanaugh was giving
him a stone from a mosque in Agdam and not in Shusha.  Nor did he recall
that today was not only Victory Day, but also the day of the occupation of
Shusha - a holy town for the Azerbaijanis in Nagornyy Karabakh.  The stone
Cavanaugh presented drew a symbolic line which Azerbaijan should not cross
in its territorial claims.  We should recall that the Azerbaijani
opposition accused Aliyev of readiness to sign a defeatist peace, which
would mean the loss not only of Karabakh, but also of the Lachin corridor,
which links Karabakh with Armenia.

Azeri Defense Minister, OSCE's Cavanaugh View Cease-Fire

Turan in Russian
1334 GMT 9 May 00

Baku, 9th May:  Defence Minister Safar Abiyev met the US cochairman of the
OSCE Minsk Group, Carey Cavanaugh, on 8th May.

    During the meeting, Cavanaugh spoke about the need to maintain the
cease-fire regime.  He said that the Armenian leadership was of the same
opinion.  Cavanaugh said that the Armenian side had assured him that it
would not take any actions that would hinder the start of the negotiating
process.  "In 10 days, representatives of the United Nations and various
international organizations will start negotiations in Geneva on issues
pertaining to the reconstruction of the territories ravaged in the
conflict," Cavanaugh pointed out.

    The sides also discussed the role of the military in maintaining the
cease-fire regime.

HL NOTE: The following news articles ignore such basic facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate part of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) That the puppet leaders and regime(s) of some self-proclaimed "NKR"
   entity are recognized by no state and lack any legitimacy whatsoever.

Further, the Stalin imposed name of Stepanakert in 1923, is invalid and
the historic name of the city, Khankandi, has been restored since
Azerbaijan's re-establishment of independence.

Armenian-Occupied Karabakh Region Has
Not Stood 'Test of Peace'

(Yerevan) Snark
in Russian
1003 GMT 8 May 00

Yerevan, 8th May:  The president of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR],
Arkadiy Gukasyan, has congratulated the NKR nation on the triple holiday -
Victory Day, the day of liberation of the town of Shusha and NKR Defence
Army Day.

    The heroic deed, performed eight years ago by the NKR Defence Army,
was a test of the capabilities of the NKR people who expressed their
desire independently to build their present and future, the NKR
president's address said.  "And today we have become witnesses to our
undisputed success and to the respect shown to us by nations who know the
price of Freedom.  I hope that Azerbaijan also realizes the hopelessness
of trampling on the NKR people's right independently to be in charge of
their destiny," the address emphasized.

    The president expressed regret that while Nagornyy Karabakh passed the
tough test of war with honour, it could not stand the test of peace,
evidence of which was the 22nd March assassination attempt on the
republic's president in Stepanakert.  But a correct evaluation by the
people of what happened inspires hope that these difficulties too will be
overcome, the address emphasized.

    "I believe that together we will celebrate economic victories too,
that an atmosphere of justice and legality will reign in our society and
we will achieve a high level of security and freedom for our citizens",
NKR President Arkadiy Gukasyan's address said.

    [The NKR parliament held a ceremonial sitting on 8th May to mark the
three holidays, Snark news agency said in a separate report from
Stepanakert (in Russian, 1003 gmt 8 May 00).  Parliamentary speaker Oleg
Yesayan, Prime Minister Anushavan Daniyelyan, Archbishop Pargev
Martirosyan, head of the Artsakh eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church,
and representatives of the government, the army and the public attended
the sitting.  The prime minister passed on congratulations from President
Gukasyan, who remains in hospital in Yerevan.]

Tete-a-tete dialogue between Azeri and Armenian Presidents to resume on June 21

Baku. 12.05.2000. /AzadInform/. According to the Foreign Affairs Minister
Vilayet Guliyev, the straight dialogue between the Azeri and Armenian Presidents
for the resolution of the Upper Karabakh Problem will be resumed on June 21.
Minister also added, he has no information on OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs' new
proposals regarding the conflict's resolution. Vilayet Guliyev pointed in late
May the Minsk Group co-chairs would make a trip to the region and declared
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan would be protected on the basis of
recognized principles. The minister mentioned the Russian President V. Putin had
accepted the Azeri President's invitation to visit Azerbaijan with a great
pleasure. The visit's terms will be agreed by diplomatic channels. As to
forecasted positive changes in Russia's position over the Upper Karabakh
conflict, V. Guliyev stated, Russia had repeatedly promised to support any
agreement reached by the sides. Due to the minister, establishment of stability
in the South and North Caucasus will be in favor of Russia.

W. Taylor: "US organizations can render
any economic assistance to Azerbaijan
despite the Section 907"

Baku. 12.05.2000. /AzadInform/. On May 11, at the Finance Ministry there was
arranged a sitting of the US-Azerbaijan Bilateral Work Group on Economic
Cooperation. The ministry reports, co-chairmen of the group - Avaz Alakbarov,
Finance Minister and William Taylor, Coordinator of Assistance Programs to the
NIS, Department of State, discussed the present state of bilateral relations and
their broadening outlooks. The meeting was held in accordance with the
Memorandum on Assistance to Economic Reforms, Transition to the Market Economy
and Cooperation, signed between the governments of two countries on January 20,
2000. Experts-members of the Work Group held an exchange of opinions on forming
of the active mechanism in order to broaden the bilateral economic cooperation,
determine development perspectives in Azerbaijan, maximize rationality of US
programs in our country, form the favorable legal basis, provide our republic's
loyalty to the market reforms, correctly fix directions of assistance, remove
bureaucratic obstacles on the way of cooperation and timely achieve the goals.
Yesterday W. Taylor held a press conference with participation of Avaz
Alakbarov, Finance Minister. The Finance Minister stated, this bilateral
cooperation would cover all spheres except for political and security ones.
Improvement of tax and customs policy, assistance to the small and medium-scale
entrepreneurship, removal of obstacles in the privatization sphere etc. are
among these areas. W. Taylor added the Work Group would be also engaged in the
settlement of the problems (those related to social life of refugees and IDP-s)
soon after the peace in the Karabakh region is achieved. According to him,
though the Section 907 is valid, US TDA (Trade and Development Agency) and Ex-Im
Bank can render any economic assistance to Azerbaijan.

AzadInform  #367(447) 12/05/2000
News referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on May 12, 2000

By FARHAD Hajibeyli
The last incidents in Armenia could stimulate beginning of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations that stopped after the assassination
happened at the Armenian parliament in October of last year. Let`s note
that as a result of that terror act, besides the pro-Russian prime minister
of Armenia and parliament chairman, some government officials were killed.

At present, the Armenian president Robert Kocharian could strengthen his
positions much. Some days ago, Kocharian dismissed the Armenian defense
minister, who is known as a person close to the Russian military-political
bodies and opposite to the president, from his position, at the same time,
made the government that claimed his resignation to resign.

In observers` opinion, after such steps of Kocharian, the influence of
Russia on the Armenian leadership has weakened. It is supposed this factor
will stimulate beginning of the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia
again. Because the official Yerevan was stating, until now, that the main
obstacle for beginning the negotiations is related with the political
situation within Armenia, and has already begun putting initial steps for
the beginning of the negotiations. Perhaps, the US will take the main role
in the regulation of Upper Karabakh conflict this year, too, as it was in
the previous negotiations.

Two days ago, Mr. Kerry Kavano, co-chairman of the US at the OSCE`s Minsk
Group, visited to the conflict region. He has stated that the Minsk Group
is working on the new suggestions in his meeting with the leadership of
Armenia and Azerbaijan. Mr. Kavano has been closely interested in the
situation within this country on being in Armenia and in his opinion, now
the official Yerevan is partially ready for holding the talks.

But if the negotiations begin again and go not in the framework of Russia`s
interests, but with the advantage of America, then can it be stopped
unfinished again? The very aggressive policy of Russia on the Caucasus
gives ground to state that Moscow could increase its efforts for beginning
the military operations at the conflict region again for restoring its
influence on the region.

Even if the negotiations go without any obstacle, there is very little
probability that there will be come to a concrete peace plan. The official
Yerevan has, several times, stated that will never agree with any other
plan, besides that of the "common state" plan of the Minsk group. The
'common state" plan, in fact, considers Upper Karabakh as an independent
state. This plan has been rejected by the official Baku.

At present, the Azerbaijani side expects new suggestions from the Minsk
Group for beginning the negotiations. But such suggestions are not given,
yet. Because the OSCE puts the responsibility for the settlement of the
conflict on the sides and states that the new suggestions will be only on
the basis of mutual agreement of the two sides. But in fact, there is not a
possibility that Armenia, which claims independence status to Upper
Karabakh, and Azerbaijan could come to an agreement.

During the confidential bilateral negotiations between the Azeri president
Heidar Aliev and Armenian president Robert Kocharian last year, Aliev
stated that he is ready to compromise Armenia. But strong protests of the
Azeri opposition abstained Aliev from his compromising position. If he
again thinks to settle the Upper Karabakh conflict by the unilateral
compromises of Azerbaijan, undoubtedly, the political situation within the
country will tense.

Vafa Guluzade, former state adviser on foreign policy of Azerbaijan,
presently the president of the Caspian Research Foundation, says that there
is no base to optimistic thought in connection with soon settlement of the
Karabakh conflict: "First of all, there will be made attempts causing the
beginning of military operations again". Mr. Guluzade has not also excepted
that if the war begins again, Azerbaijan could lose new territories
including Ganja and Yevlakh cities of Azerbaijan. He is sure that similar
scenario has long been prepared and exists at the corresponding
administrations of Russia. The goal of this scenario is to make Azerbaijan
to return under the Russian protectorate. Instead of this Moscow will help
"liberating" one part of the occupied territories.

In Mr. Guluzade`s opinion, if the conflict begins again, there is no use of
inflaming opinions that the West will defend Azerbaijan. Because the West
has not corresponding means.


USA Determined To Take Urgent Measures
At Resolving Karabakh Conflict

The U.S. co-chair in the OSCE Minsk Group Carry Cavano, who is also
U.S. administration`s envoy for the conflict, met with President
Aliyev Wednesday. The U.S. diplomat said his country intends to take
decisive steps in the issue of resolution of the Upper Karabakh
He stated that the purpose of his visit to the region was to help
accelerate the peace process and revitalize the dialogue between
parties to the conflict.
Mr. Cavano had visited Tbilisi and Yerevan before arriving to Baku.
According to him, "there are tremendous opportunities for moving
things off the ground in the foreseeable future". Mr. Cavano said
the U.S. President and Secretary of State were interested in the
solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict, restoration of peace
in the Caucasus and intend to multiply their effort in this
He added that the Upper Karabakh issue would be high on the agenda
during President Clinton`s visit to Moscow scheduled for June.
According to Mr. Cavano, MG co-chairs will meet in Geneva May 17 to
discuss new proposals at conflict settlement, while on May 18
representatives of 12 international organizations will make an
assessment of restoration operations in the territories to be
liberated from under Armenian occupation. Also to be out-lined in
Geneva is the plan of settling refugees in these territories.
President Aliyev underscored the importance of the endeavor to
resolve the conflict and emphasized Azerbaijan`s adherence to a
negotiated settlement of the dispute.
In conclusion, the U.S. diplomat congratulated President Aliyev on
his birthday, by presenting him with a piece of stone from an Agdam
mosque. Moved with the gift, the President made a wish to visit the
mosque together with Mr. Cavano after the town is liberated.

International Conference On Refugee Problems Due In Baku
An international conference dedicated to problems of refugees and
IDPs who lost home as a result of the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict
is due in the Gulistan Palace May 18. The conference, to be
organized by the Azerbaijan Government, will focus on socio-economic
problems of refugees and displaced persons, as well as their
employment-related problems.
The forum is to be attended by representatives of a number of
international organizations, including UN and World Bank. President
Aliyev is also expected to attend the conference.

AssA-Irada News, May 10-11, 2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on May 10, 2000

CareyCavanaugh, the U.S. co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group,
which is mediating a solution of the Karabakh conflict, told
Azerbaijan's President Heidar Aliev in Baku on 9 May that
ways of resolving that conflict will be among the topics
discussed during U.S. President Bill Clinton's visit to
Moscow next month, Reuters reported. Cavanaugh expressed the
hope that "real results in strengthening peace" can be
achieved in the next few months. Meeting on 8 May with
Azerbaijani Defense Minister Safar Abiev, Cavanaugh stressed
the need, which he said the Armenian government also
recognizes, for measures to strengthen the cease-fire along
the Line of Contact, which separates Armenian and Azerbaijani
forces, Turan reported. LF
Copyright RFE/RL

On May 18 OSCE Minsk Group chairman to discuss new proposals in Geneva

Baku. 10.05.2000. /AzadInform/
. Yesterday Azeri President Heydar Aliyev hosted
the OSCE Minsk group US co-chair K. Kavano.

K. Kavano announced all representatives of the OSCE Minsk group would assemble
in Geneva. Participants of the meeting scheduled for May 18 will hold exchange
of opinions on new proposals on forwarding the peace process. The US
representative pointed out then the Minsk group worked over two directions:
first - to elaborate new acceptable proposals and the second - to prepare for
May 17 meeting to be held between Minsk group co-chairmen and representatives of
the UN specialized organizations, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies as well as international financial
organizations. Restoration works to be carried out in the territories to be
liberated from Armenian occupation and refugees' returning back to their homes
will be the central topics of the meeting. K. Kavano stressed he would be
heavily engaged in resolving problem and stated it was a convenient time to
prepare for peace achievement. US representative pointed, US President B.
Clinton and Secretary to State Madeline Albright were closely interested in
resolution of the Azeri-Armenian conflict and stated B. Clinton was expected to
visit Moscow soon. Discussion of the Armenian-Azeri conflict will be on the
agenda during the US President's Russia visit. K. Kavano said: "B. Clinton can
use the result of Armenia and Azerbaijan visits to once more consider relations
in Moscow negotiations". "We are closer to the peace" - said K. Kavano and
emphasized the Armenian leadership's was also loyal to peace. Azeri President
Heydar Aliyev pointed interruption of peace processes since the last October
wasn't Azerbaijan's fault and appreciated Minsk Group's OSCE desire to give a
new impulse to peace negotiations.

AzadInform  #365(445) 10/05/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on May 9, 2000

The Azeri town of Shusha was occupied by Armenian militants on May
8, 1992.  The Armenian occupants razed the town to the ground
slaughtering tens of civilians and taking tens of others as
prisoners.  Since then, Armenians have been describing the town as
their own.  Rare museum exhibits, as well ancient Albanian churches
and Muslim mosques were destroyed under Armenian fire.  This day
was marked as the day of mourning by Shushans who hope to return to
their homeland soon.

Ilgar Mikayiloglu

Armenian occupational forces attacked Azerbaijan's mountainous town
of Shusha on May 8, 1992.  The town?s population made 23,900 by the
time it was occupied.  Those thousands of refugees have settled in
some 700 settlements throughout Azerbaijan.  Some 200 Shushans have
got disabled during the Karabakh War.  Those Shusha refugees who
temporarily reside in Baku are eager to return to their homes.
Meanwhile, rumours are being spread among Bakunians that even if
Azeri lands are released from under Armenian occupation, some
refugees won?t come back there.  Time will show what will happen to
Azerbaijan and its refugees.

By Samir Mehdiyev
Copyright 2000 Azerbaijan News Service

A. Rahimzadeh addressed 103rd Conference of Interparliamentary Union on Upper Karabakh problem in Jordan
Baku. 08.05.2000. /AzadInform/. The deputy chairman of MM A. Rahimzadeh,
chairmen of Commissions M. Mamedov, A. Manafova and people's deputy S. Askerov
came back from 103rd Conference of Interparliamentary Union held with
participation of parliamentary delegations of 129 countries in Aman (capital of
Jordan), the chairman of MM Economic Policy Affairs Standing Commission M.
Mamedov said. At the first day of the conference chief of Azeri delegation, A.
Rahimzadeh addressed with report on separatism and Upper Karabakh problem.

M. Mamedov pointed Azeri delegation had plaid an important role in the process
of inclusion of some items on refugees into the final document of the

During the conference MM members met with German, French, South American,
Turkish, Jordanian, Arab, other African countries delegations and European
Office of the UN.

Azeri Foreign Affairs minister will host the chief of US OSCE Minsk Group K. Kavano
Baku. 08.05.2000. /AzadInform/. The chief of the US OSCE Minsk Group Kerry
Kavano and Azeri Foreign Affairs minister Vilayet Guliyev met today. It is
expected, Azeri President H. Aliyev will host K. Kavano after meeting at the
Foreign Affairs Ministry. Before coming to Baku, Mr. Kavano was in Armenia. He
discussed Armenian internal political state and Upper Karabakh problem's
resolution development ways with Armenian Foreign Affairs minister Vardan

AzadInform  #364(444) 08/05/2000
Copyrights Habarlar-L

Carey Cavanaugh, who is the U.S. co-chairman
of the OSCE Minsk Group charged with
mediating a settlement of the Karabakh conflict, met with
President Kocharian and Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan
Oskanian on 7 May in Yerevan, RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau
reported. He was scheduled also to meet with Arkadii
Ghukasian, president of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic, in Yerevan. Cavanaugh told journalists the object
of his visit is to assess the political situation in Armenia
and the prospects for advancing a peace settlement. He
disclosed that the Minsk Group is drafting a new Karabakh
peace proposal, but he refused to give any details or say
when that proposal might be submitted to the conflict
parties. He said he will meet with his French and Russian
counterparts as well as with international agencies in Geneva
on 18 May to discuss funding for reconstruction and the
resettlement of displaced persons and refugees. LF

Cavanaugh met in Baku on 8 May with
Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Vilayet Guliev, ITAR-TASS and
Turan reported. He assured Guliev that the new peace proposal
must be acceptable to all parties to the conflict. Azerbaijan
rejected the previous draft proposal of November 1998, which
envisaged the creation of a "common state" comprising
Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. LF


Noyan Tapan on 8 May quoted an unnamed Armenian Defense
Ministry spokesman as denying media reports that the Russian
military bases in Georgia that are to be closed will be
transferred to Armenian territory (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 28
April 2000). LF

Copyright RFE/RL

Edited on May 8, 2000

Armenian president spells out principles
of Karabakh accord

  YEREVAN. May 5 (Interfax) Any Karabakh settlement must provide for
equality of parties to the conflict, recognition of Karabakh's links with
Armenia and international security guarantees for the population of
Karabakh, Armenian President Robert Kocharian told a German parliamentary
delegation on Thursday.

These principles are incorporated in the latest plan advanced by the OSCE
Minsk Group for Nagorno-Karabakh that has been accepted by Armenia and
Karabakh but rejected by Azerbaijan, the presidential press service quoted
him as saying.

Direct talks between Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders are useful in that
they give the parties first-hand knowledge of each other's position,
Kocharian said.

All the three countries south of the Caucasus Mountains are developing
along the same economic lines, albeit at different rates, he said. As one
entity they are attractive for big business, Kocharian said.

The delegation left Yerevan on Friday.

Copyright 2000 Interfax News Agency
Interfax Russian News

Karabakh settlement should be based on equality
By Tigran Liloyan
   "Any document on the Karabakh settlement should be based on the
principle of equality of the conflicting parties and should contain
international security guarantees to civilians," Armenian President Robert
Kocharyan said during a meeting with a German parliamentary delegation on

Kocharyan said that the latest proposals of the Organisation for Security
and Cooperation in Europe Minsk group to form a "single state" between
Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh took account of these principles. All
possible options of a peace settlement are being discussed at the moment,
the Armenian president added.

He noted that his talks with the Azerbaijani President Geidar Aliyev were
useful and had enabled the two leaders to create a better impression of
each other's positions.

Kocharyan also said that the three nations in the South Caucasus were
developing in one vein along similar economic patterns. He believes that a
deeper democratization process will promote understanding among the
countries of the region and will also make them more predictable.

Copyright 2000 ITAR-TASS News Agency

Karabakh elections will promote regional peace - Armenian presidential aide

  YEREVAN. May 3 (Interfax) The elections in Nagorno Karabakh will
contribute to a peace settlement in the region, Armenian presidential
press secretary Vage Gabrilian told Interfax on Wednesday.

"Only authorities elected and broadly supported by the people can see
through decisions on resolving the Karabakh problem," he said.

Nagorno-Karabakh representatives are regularly involved in talks held
within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group in charge of resolving the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Karabakh, Gabrilian said.

Since the declaration of independence in the 1991 referendum, the
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is for all practical purposes independent and
has no links with Azerbaijan at all, he said. Baku "must take a realistic
view of the facts," Gabrilian said.

Parliamentary elections in Nagorno-Karabakh are scheduled for June.

Copyright 2000 Interfax News Agency
Interfax Russian News

Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on May 4, 2000

   Armenpress and Noyan Tapan Armenian News, May 2, 2000
HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

Karabakh Preparing For Victory Day
STEPANAKERT (Armenpress)--The people of Karabakh will celebrate three
holidays May 9,- Victory Day, Shoushi Liberation Day and Karabakh
Defense Army Day.  A commemoration committee has been set up to prepare
for these festivities.

Karabakh's leadership and representatives of public organizations are
expected to visit the Stepanakert and Shoushi Memorial Complexes.
Festive events in the military units and educational institutions are
also planned.

One of the Karabakh regiments will be named after Vazgen Sargsyan -
former Armenian prime minister killed by terrorists in the parliament
chamber last October 27.  The opening of the monument to Soviet-era
Armenian hero Nelson Stepanian will take place.

According to prime minister Anushavan Danielian's decision, financial
assistance will be granted to those injured in the Great Patriotic War,
participants of the military actions and persons related to them, as
well as to the widows of those perished during the war, families of
soldiers perished during military actions in Karabakh.

International conference on problems of refugees and IDP-s to be held on May 12

Baku. 03.05.2000. /AzadInform/. On May 12, in Baku there will be held an
international conference on problems of refugees and IDP-s, the State Committee
on Refugees and IDP-s said.

The main initiator of the conference is this committee's leadership. Besides
this, the committee leadership intends to enable some international financial
humanitarian organizations to attend this conference.

The main goal of the conference is the settlement of the problems of the people
from this category and gaining of the necessary financial aid.

The following table shows the data on the refugees and IDP-s in the republic:

    a) FAMILY
Refugees from Armenia
     a) 42 645
     b)196 847
      2. From Central Asia
     a) 10 574
     b) 51 649
      3. Settled
     a) 51 105
     b) 237 926
      4. Not settled
     a) 2 114
     b) 10 570
      5. With work ability
     b) 127 626
      6. Employed
    b) 89 549
      7. Unemployed
    b) 38 077
      The damage caused (1988)
       180,6 billion manat
    a) 147 359
    b)  616 546
      The total damage caused to the occupied regions
       $53,5 billion


AzadInform  #361(441) 03/05/2000

AFP: Armenian crisis should not affect Nagorno-Karabakh peace efforts says U.S.
WASHINGTON, May 4, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The United States
said Wednesday the current political crisis in Armenia, spurred by the
sacking of Prime Minister Aram Sarkisian, should not affect efforts to
forge a resolution to its dispute with Azerbaijan over

"We just don't think (this) is related to the peace process," State
Department spokesman Richard Boucher told reporters.

"Armenia's political leaders have all expressed their commitment to a
peaceful resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute and that's what's
important to us."

On Tuesday, President Robert Kocharian fired Sarkisian and Defence
Minister Vagarshak Arutyunian, saying he had been forced to act
because of an internal power struggle that was paralyzing the country.

Boucher noted that Kocharian and the prime minister had had many
disagreements in the past, though analysts in Armenia have blamed
months of crisis on sharp tensions between the military and the
president, notably over the enclave.

The Armenian enclave was ravaged by a six-year war of secession that
left more than 30,000 dead and almost one million displaced after the
ethnic-Armenian majority launched a secession bid in 1988.

Despite a cease-fire concluded in 1994, little progress has been made
on a political solution to the republic's status.

Copyright 2000 Agence France Presse

Is Russia Still Arming Armenia?
Wednesday`s issue of "Azadlig" newspaper reports, quoting a Chechen
secret service source, that president of Armenia Robert Kocharian has
received representatives of Russian Defense Ministry and Intelligence
Agency in Yerevan.

The meeting was attended by all Armenian power ministers.
Participants of the discussion touched upon military issues in view of
resumption of military action on the Armenian-Azerbaijan
line-of-control.  Also reported is Russia`s intention to send another
portion of heavy weaponry to Armenia, including rocket-mounts.

AssA-Irada News, May 3, 2000

News referred from Habarlar-L

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