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Edited on July 11, 2000

Armenia: Financial Leaders Praise Economic Plan
By Andrew F. Tully

Armenian President Robert Kocharian spent most of last week in Washington
and did not spend his time making speeches. Instead, he focused on his
meetings with top U.S. political leaders and senior financial officials
about his country's economy and the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute with
Azerbaijan. But as RFE/RL's correspondent Andrew F. Tully reports, not
everyone travelling with Kocharian was so quiet.

Washington, 3 July 2000 (RFE/RL) -- The government of Robert Kocharian, the
president of Armenia, is winning high praise from world financial leaders.

Kocharian spent last week in Washington to meet with U.S. President Bill
Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, members of Congress, and senior officials
of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Kocharian's meetings focused on two subjects -- Armenia's dispute with
neighboring Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, and the state of Armenia's
struggling economy.

Clinton linked the two during their meeting in the White House. According to
U.S. National Security Council spokesman P.J. Crowley, Clinton told
Kocharian that a lasting peace with Azerbaijan would go a long way toward
improving Armenia's prosperity. Without peace, Clinton told Kocharian, he
can expect few businesses -- foreign or domestic -- to feel confident enough
to invest in his country, according to Crowley.

Nagorno-Karabakh -- an enclave in Azerbaijan that is populated mostly by
ethnic Armenians -- has been a trouble spot since 1988. It led to brief
armed conflict for the two countries in 1992. Since then, Armenian forces
have occupied about 20 percent of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan has mounted a
blockade against Armenia.

The conflict and the resulting blockade have had their effect on Armenia's
economy by raising the cost of doing business. But they are not the only
factors stifling private investment, according to Owaise Saadat, the World
Bank's representative for Armenia. Saadat told RFE/RL that investors also
face prohibitive business regulations -- some of them relics of the Soviet
era -- and a legal system that, for example, does not ensure that business
contracts are enforced.

Saadat calls the business-investment climate "very disappointing." He notes
that there are 6 million Armenian expatriates in other countries -- mostly
the U.S. -- who are influential and have the resources to invest in their
native land -- but too often do not.

"We would like to see Armenia reap its potential, and it's not reaping its
potential. And one of the reasons for that is constantly we hear that it's
so difficult to do business there."

Nevertheless, Saadat says he is "cautiously optimistic" about the prospects
for economic growth in Armenia. He says the World Bank views the Armenian
economy as one of the best-managed among the countries of the former Soviet

Saadat acknowledges that Armenia's economic reform program was interrupted
by the attack on parliament in Yerevan on October 27 in which Prime Minister
Vazgen Sarkisian and seven other people were killed. But on May 20, a new
government was formed and political stability has returned. Saadat says the
government's economic plan addresses the problems, and now it is time for
the president to take action.

"I think if they keep on the reform track, if they accelerate it, they need
to take some very bold decisions on governance, on corruption, on issues of
civil service reform, on business environment. They have to improve the
business environment."

Saadat's comments were similar to those of his counterpart at the IMF,
Thomas Wolf. Wolf stopped short of endorsing the Armenian government's
economic plan outright. But he said the program addresses all the right
problems in the right ways. But Wolf said it is up to Armenia to decide when
it is ready to act on the program.

The Armenian president's visit to Washington was clearly intended to focus
on his meetings, not to make speeches. He spoke publicly only briefly at a
dinner that Gore gave in his honor last Monday (June 26). He had no
statement after his meeting with Clinton on Tuesday or after his sessions on
Wednesday and Thursday with the IMF and the World Bank, respectively. A
spokesman for the Armenian embassy in Washington (Haik Gugarits) said
Kocharian deliberately wanted to keep his visit low-key.

But not everyone in Kocharian's entourage was so reticent. On Wednesday, the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted in Strasbourg, France,
to recommend that Armenia and Azerbaijan be admitted to the body. Full
membership rights are expected in November.

Officials of both nations welcomed the development as a step that could lead
to a lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute. In Washington,
Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian, who was traveling with Kocharian,
echoed these sentiments. And he added that Armenia's and Azerbaijan's
expected entry into the Council of Europe will be especially helpful to

"Azerbaijan will be required to make improvements toward democracy, and it
[accession to the Council of Europe] will have a positive influence on
regional stability and the [Nagorno-Karabakh] peace process."

Elin Suleymanov, a spokesman for Azerbaijan's Embassy to the U.S., agreed
that the two nations' accession to the Council of Europe would improve the
chances of reaching a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.
But he expressed disappointment with Oskanian's statement singling out
Azerbaijan as needing to improve its democratic processes.

"In fact, the Azerbaijan [expected] accession to the Council of Europe is an
indication of very serious progress toward democracy made in Azerbaijan. I
think both countries still have a lot of progress to make to reach -- to be
in -- to be full democracies at some point. We are both countries in
transition toward democracy. Yes, Azerbaijan needs to improve some things,
and so does Armenia, so do other countries.

With sniping like this, it is not clear whether the two nations' entry into
the Council of Europe and the negotiating skills of the U.S., Russia, and
France can lead to a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem any time

Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on July 7, 2000

The French, U.S., and Russian co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk
Group met in Baku on 2-3 July with Azerbaijan's President
Heidar Aliev and Foreign Minister Vilayet Guliev, both of
whom termed the group's efforts to mediate a solution to the
Karabakh conflict inadequate, ITAR-TASS and Turan reported.
On 3 July, the co-chairmen traveled to Stepanakert, where
they discussed the ongoing cease-fire and measures to
expedite regional economic development with Arkadii
Ghukasian, president of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic, and the enclave's foreign minister, Naira
Melkumian. The co-chairmen then met with Armenian leaders in
Yerevan on 5 July. French co-chairman Jean-Jacques Gailard
told journalists in Yerevan the previous day that a new peace
plan is currently being drafted, but he did not divulge
details, RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau reported. LF


The nine opposition Armenian Revolutionary
Federation--Dashnaktsutiun (HHD) deputies to the newly-
elected parliament of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic boycotted the vote for a new parliament speaker on 5
July to protest the failure to guarantee the secrecy of that
ballot, RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau reported. The 13 deputies
from the Democratic Artsakh Union (ZhAM), which supports
President Ghukasian, and seven of the nine independent
deputies nonetheless supported Oleg Yesayan's re-election as
speaker The ZhAM and the HHD are also at odds over the number
of parliamentary committees the latter will chair. LF

President Aliev held talks in Vienna on 3-5 July with Austrian
President Thomas Klestil and with Austrian Foreign Minister and OSCE
chairwoman-in-office Benita Ferrero-Waldner, ITAR-TASS and
Turan reported. Aliev termed his talks with Ferrero-Waldner
"productive," although he said she is not adequately informed
about the Karabakh conflict, according to Turan. Aliev was
also scheduled to hold meetings with OSCE and International
Atomic Energy Agency officials. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 129, Part I, 7 July 2000
Copyright RFE/RL


The co-chairs of the OSCE�s Minsk Group are set constructively. Their
present visit is aimed at fixation of the current situation and assistance to the
steps which could help to reach the conflict�s peaceful solution. This was
announced by the three co-chairs - Kerry Kavanaugh (U.S.), Nikolai
Gribkov (Russia) and Jean-Jacques Gaillard (France) - while meeting with
Armenian President Robert Kocharian in Yerevan yesterday. The co-chairs
submitted to the Armenian president the results of the negotiations held
earlier with the leadership of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh�s
Armenian community. Having highly rated the direct Aliyev-Kocharian
contacts, the co-chairs expressed readiness to promote the dialogue
between Azeri and Armenian presidents. In his turn, the Armenian president
said he held a positive opinion about the active participation of the Minsk
Group in the Karabakh adjustment. The meeting between the co-chairs and
Armenian leader lasted more than an hour and a half. It was noted that it
was important to preserve the ceasefire regime, as well as to beef up the
measures of trust between the conflicting sides. The measures of trust could
represent economic cooperation and contacts on various levels. The meeting
was also participated in by Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian,
U.S., Russian and French ambassadors to Armenia. The Russian co-chair
Mr Gribkov said after the meeting that the most important was to find a
combination of the elements of the conflict�s solution which would equally
suit all parties involved. The Group�s U.S. co-chair Mr Kavanaugh called
�very productive� the meetings held by him and his colleagues in Yerevan
with Armenia�s leadership - president, prime minister, foreign minister and
defence minister. The U.S. diplomat said the talks focused not only on the
prospects of peaceful adjustment but also the issues of post-conflict
economic rehabilitation of the region. On July 3, the co-chairs visited the
neutral Red Bridge, the restoration of which allowed to considerably
improve the transport communication between Azerbaijan and Georgia. The
diplomats said the move would have a positive effect on the communication
lines with Armenia. According to Mr Kavanaugh, their talks in Khankendi
touched among others upon the issue of reconstruction of the
Baku-Khankendi-Yerevan-Nakhchivan gas pipeline. The co-chairs
expressed their satisfaction with the whole course of their visit. The Russian
diplomat told reporters in the Armenian capital that the precise terms of the
Aliyev-Kocharian talks hadn�t been specified. �The issue will be solved by
the presidents themselves,� Mr Gribkov said. Speaking of the triple
co-chairmanship in the OSCE�s Minsk Group, the Russian diplomat said the
following: �We have a good, friendly team and we hold common
approaches that helps us a lot.�

  By Staff Writers

Edited on July 5, 2000


Armenian President Kocharian told journalists in Paris on 30 June that
the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen have given him and
Azerbaijan's President Heidar Aliev carte blanche to seek an
agreement between themselves on the optimum solution to the
Karabakh conflict, RFE/RL's Armenian Service reported. The
Minsk Group will then do all in its power to help implement
that settlement, Kocharian said. Armenian Deputy Foreign
Minister Armen Martirosian told Interfax on 29 June that
"nobody, especially the Council of Europe, will force Karabakh
into accepting a peace plan that does not fit its national
interests." LF


Meeting with the Minsk Group co-chairmen in Baku
on 2 July, Aliev characterized that body as
"the leading and strongest means for settling the conflict,"
ITAR-TASS reported. But he added that economic cooperation
between Armenia and Azerbaijan is contingent on such a
settlement. The Russian Minsk Group representative, Nikolai
Gribkov, told ITAR-TASS on 1 July that the group "is working
on very interesting initiatives" with the aim of resolving the
disagreements between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He refused to
elaborate. LF


Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Petrosian on 30 June appealed to all
Armenian veterans of the Karabakh war to surrender illegally
stored armaments and ammunition, ITAR-TASS reported. Petrosian
was speaking at a meeting of the Union of Veterans of the
Liberation Struggle established in May (see "RFE/RL Newsline,
" 11 May 2000). He stressed that that organization must
operate strictly within the framework of Armenia's laws and
constitution. LF


Robert Kocharian met with his French counterpart, Jacques
Chirac, in Paris on 30 June todiscuss the prospects for resolving the
Karabakh conflict andbilateral relations, which Chirac termed "important"
in the light of France's large Armenian community, RFE/RL's Armenian
Service reported. Kocharian also met the same day with French
Premier Lionel Jospin to discuss economic cooperation. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 128, Part I, 3 July 2000
Copyright RFE/RL

OSCE Minsk Group to assemble with its full complement on July 12

Baku. 03.07.2000. /AzadInform/. Yesterday Azeri President H. Aliyev hosted OSCE
Minsk Group co-chairmen - C. Cavanaugh (US), J. J. Gayard (France) and N.
Gribkov (Russia).

C. Cavanaugh stated cease-fire achieved in 1994 could be a good basis for the
great peace and added tomorrow (i.e. today) they would trip to Gazakh region
"Girmizi korpu" (Red Bridge) and seek ways for implementation of economic
integration of 3 republics - Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. There is a need in
some measures to be taken for strengthening of mutual confidence at the
Azer-Armenian border, he said and OSCE Minsk Group would assemble with its full
complement on July 12 and meet with OSCE Executive Secretary. This visit aims at
preparation for the upcoming trip of the OSCE Executive Secretary to the region
to be made on July 17.

The Russian representative N. Gribkov emphasized holding of monitoring at the
Azer-Armenian border by OSCE Executive Secretary special representative Andjey
Caspshik and Minsk Group cochairmen could consolidate humanitarian cooperation.

The French official J. J. Gayard laid stress on more serious character of the

Azeri President Heydar Aliyev considers
economic cooperation between Azerbaijan
and Armenia unreal until peace is achieved

Baku. 03.07.2000. /AzadInform/. On July 2 reception of OSCE Minsk Group
co-chairs President Heydar Aliyev evaluated their visit to the republic after
long-term break as an event of a great importance. President stressed
negotiations between Minsk Group co-chairs as well as heads of the conflicting
states should be considered in complex form. The head of state expressed his
hope stimulation of OSCE Minsk Group's activity would be in favor of the
conflict's resolution. He appreciated OSCE Minsk Group members negotiations with
international financial organizations for embarking programs on restoration of
liberated territories. At the same time, he pointed out unfortunately it was
impossible to leave under cease-fire conditions for a long period. President
once more emphasized Azerbaijan held a constructive position and no economic
cooperation between Azerbaijan and Armenia was possible until the peace is
achieved in the region. Only after establishment of peace regional cooperati!
on will develop fast. President Heydar Aliyev advised to OSCE Minsk Group
co-chairs to make a trip to tent-camps before visiting the "Girmizi Korpu" (Red
Bridge - frontier zone between Azerbaijan and Armenia). He also called expedient
for the OSCE Executive Secretary visits Azeri tent-camps on his due July 17
visit to Azerbaijan in order to gather more detail information about the

AzadInform #401(481) 03/07/2000
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on June 30, 2000


      By FARHAD Mammadov

Strengthening of control over the political situation within the country by
the Armenian president Robert Kocharian has influenced on re-beginning of
negotiations on Upper Karabakh. The date of face-to-face meeting of Robert
Kocharian and Heidar Aliev has already been defined. This meeting will take
place on July 22, during the summit of the state leaders of the
Commonwealth of Independent States [CIS] in Moscow.

But beginning of the negotiations has not increased the hopes on gaining
any results from them. Regardless of the efforts of the Azerbaijani side,
the OSCE Minsk Group abstains from preparing of new suggestions for the
settlement of the conflict. The discussions of the co-chairmen held in
Geneva in the mid of may has resulted without any concrete suggestions. In
fact, the co-chairmen of the Minsk Group from the U.S., France, and Russia
have several times promised Azeri representatives on preparing new
suggestions in their meetings. But the Minsk Group does not want to leave
its waiting position until now and is waiting for the result that will be
gained from the bilateral negotiations.

The statement of the Armenian president Kocharian on the regulation of the
conflict on the eve of Moscow meeting decreases the probability on getting
concrete result. Kocharian has, in fact, put forward initial conditions on
the eve of negotiations and stated that the moderators have to agree with
the independence of Upper Karabakh. The Armenian president had considered
possible to hold the negotiations only on the basis of the "common state"
principle of the OSCE Minsk Group.

This principle considers independence for Upper Karabakh and is considered
inadmissible by the Azerbaijani side. The Azeri opposition has strongly
protested the "common state" model, as well. In that case, the fate of the
Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations that stopped since October of last year
is under doubt before its beginning.

On the other hand, the Azeri president Heidar Aliev has stressed that there
is no possibility to go to unilateral compromises in his latest speeches,
as well. "After my meetings with Kocharian last year I stated the necessity
of going to compromises. But the opposition of the country immediately
began propaganda against me. The opposition is suggesting to settle the
conflict by military way and criticizing me because I do not support this
way", stated Mr. Aliev. He has also strongly criticized the position of the
U.S. on the settlement of the conflict. Aliev has stressed that the U.S.
and other Western countries could not call Armenia that occupied 20 percent
of Azerbaijani territories as an occupant. Besides it, Azerbaijan has been
used of the Section 907 that has over 1 million of refugees: "Such position
of the U.S. is unfair", stressed Mr. Aliev.

This speech of Aliev was after the Azerbaijani government has been strongly
criticized by the international organizations, as well as the U.S. recently
in connection with the state of human rights and democracy in the country.
Perhaps, he has hinted that he could prefer the role of Russia in future in
the regulation of the conflict by criticizing the position of the U.S. in
Upper Karabakh conflict.

Vartan Oskanian, who is accompanying President Robert
Kocharian on his official visit to the U.S., told a
correspondent for RFE/RL 's Armenian Service in Washington on
29 June that he believes the accession to the Council of
Europe of both Armenia and Azerbaijan will have a positive
impact on regional stability in the South Caucasus and on the
prospects for resolving the Karabakh conflict. Oskanian also
said that Kocharian's talks with U.S. leaders were likewise
"very important" for the peace process in that they provided
an opportunity for the Armenian side to clarify its
negotiating position. He said he believes that consequently
the U.S. now understands more clearly which proposed
solutions could expedite a settlement. The U.S., French, and
Russian co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group that is trying to
mediate a settlement of the conflict are to travel to Armenia
and Azerbaijan in the next few days. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 127, Part I, 30 June 2000
Copyright RFE/RL

Council of Europe
Parliamentary Assembly approves Armenian and Azerbaijani applications for membership
STRASBOURG, 28.06.2000 - The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
voted to approve the Armenian and Azerbaijani applications for
membership to the Council of Europe today, declaring that both
countries are progressing towards a pluralist, democratic society
which respects human rights and the rule of law. With the accession of
the two countries, the Council's membership will pass from 41 to 43

The Assembly judged that the two countries have the political will to
carry on the process of democratic reform already undertaken in an
effort to bring their legislation and legal practice into line with
Council principles and standards and considered that their membership
could help establish a climate of confidence necessary for a peaceful
solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The Assembly also noted the commitment of the two countries'
presidents to respect the cease-fire agreement until a final answer to
the conflict can be found and to continue their efforts to negotiate a
peaceful solution based on acceptable compromise for all involved.

It set out the commitments the two countries must now honour,
especially by ratifying the European Convention on Human Rights and
some of its protocols (Protocol No. 6 abolishing capital punishment in
particular) and the other major conventions of the Organisation. The
Assembly asked Armenia to demilitarise its prison system, adopt a law
on an alternative military service, amnesty conscientious objectors,
and allow religious services to take place without discrimination in
its reforms concerning national legislation and human rights.
Azerbaijan was asked to ensure that its planned elections be free and
impartial, liberate or re-try prisoners held on "political grounds"
and guarantee freedom of expression and the independence of the media.

The Assembly's opinion will be forwarded to the Committee of
Ministers, the executive body of the Council made up of Foreign
Ministers from member States, which will decide whether to act on the
Assembly's opinion. If so, it will then invite the two Caucasus states
to become full-fledged members of the Council of Europe.

Note for editors
Armenia and Azerbaijan entered their applications for membership to
the Council of Europe on 7 March and 13 July 1999 respectively.

The Armenian and Azerbaijani parliaments acquired "special guest"
status at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly on 26 January
and 28 June 1996 respectively.

Since 1996, Armenia and Azerbaijan have taken part in various Council
activities within the framework of intergovernmental co-operation and
assistance programmes and participated in the work of Council
Assemblies and Commissions. In addition, both countries are already
parties to a great number of the Organisation's conventions.

On the Assembly's initiative, the Presidents of the Armenian,
Azerbaijani and Georgian parliaments set up a regional parliamentary
co-operation programme, consisting in meetings and parliamentary
seminaries in their three capitals and in Strasbourg. The first
meeting in the region, in September 1999, helped create a climate of
confidence and d?tente among their parliamentary delegations.

Press Contact
Sabine Zimmer, Council of Europe Press Service
Tel. +33 3 88 41 25 97 - Fax. +33 3 88 41 27 89
E-mail: [email protected]

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Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on June 29, 2000

Apparently yielding to pressure from the U.S.,
the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted on
28 June to admit both Armenia and Azerbaijan to full
membership in the council, RFE/RL's Armenian Service
reported. Both countries have been guest members since 1996.
The Legal and Political Committees of the assembly concluded
that admitting both countries simultaneously would contribute
to democratization and to a solution to the Karabakh
conflict. The Political Committee had considered last month
postponing Azerbaijan's admission, which it proposed should
be contingent on the conduct of the parliamentary elections
due in November (see "RFE/RL Caucasus Report," Vol. 3, No.
21, 26 May 2000). Council of Europe Secretary-General Walther
Schwimmer said on 28 June that the two countries' accession
will probably be formalized by the Committee of Ministers in
November. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 126, Part I, 29 June 2000
Copyright RFE/RL


The yesterday meeting between U.S. President Bill Clinton and his Armenian
counterpart Robert Kocharian lasted 45 minutes. It was obvious before this
meeting that the two leaders would discuss the issue of peaceful solution
to the Karabakh problem. But there were no comments on the meeting and Mr
Kocharian and members of his delegation left the White House without
talking to reporters. The Armenian president�s escort encountered Azeri
picketers which were holding picket at the time. The action participants
chanted the slogans �Kocharian Is A Military Criminal!� and �Stop Armenian
aggression!� The picketers said their goal was to bring to the attention of the
American public the aggressive role of Armenia and protested against arrival
of the Armenian president in the U.S. The picketers also called on the U.S.
authorities to abolish the Freedom Support Act�s Section 907 and to hold an
objective stance in the long-running Armenia-Azerbaijan standoff.

                  By Staff Writers
Copyright ANS

Letter to the President Bill Clinton
His Excellency Bill Clinton
President of the United States of America

Dear President,

We would like to appeal to you regarding the unrealistic policy of the USA
towards Armenia and Azerbaijan and to request a presidential waviour of the
section 907 of the Freedom support Act which favors the aggressor-Armenia
and punishes the victim-Azerbaijan.

Yesterday there was a rally in Capital Hill and we would like to say that we
share their views on the subject and we like to express our deepest
appreciations and support to the Azeri Community and members of the
Azerbaijan Society of America for their just protest rally against the
Armenian president Robert Kocheriyan,s visit to America on June 28, 2000.

Mr. Kocheriyan leads a country and an ethnic group that illegally occupies
20 percent of Azerbaijani lands, has massacred thousands of civilians and
forcefully has displaced 1,000,000 Azeri civilians.
Furthermore, Armenia acts like a puppet of Russia and -to an extend- Iran in
the region. In doing so Armenia has been instrumental in undermining the
entire regions stability, security, economic growth and democratic
development. Armenia with its ethnic expantionism and alliance with Russia
and Iran, also is an obstacle to the democratic Wests interests in the
Caspian region.

American administration and the West should refuse to meet with the Armenian
authorities until they leave  the occupeid Azeri lands, abandon their ethnic
expantionism, cease their alliance with undemocratic countries and make
concrete commitments to the democratic course in the region.

West's policy and actions should be consistent with its interests, otherwise
there is a risk of nonconformance of the people and a tendency to fall back
to the old orbit. The danger becomes more real when one conceders the fact
that there is no shortage of old orbits advocates both in high and ordinary
segments of society and the region.

Very sincerely,

Azeri Community Association of Ontario (ACAO)
1111 Finch Ave. West
Unit 160
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Contact person:
Javad Zarrin

* ACAO is a grassroot, nonprofit and Canada based organization.

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