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Edited on August 11, 2000

Azerbaijan's Aliyev Calls For Solution to Nagornyy Karabakh Problem

(Vienna) Die Presse
in German
07 Jul 00 p 4

Report by "w.s.":  "Aliyev Whipping Up Emotions Against Armenia"

"The major powers are not solving the problem of Nagornyy Karabakh.  They
do not regard Armenia as the aggressor even though it has conquered
territory of its neighboring country, Azerbaijan, and violated
International Law.  This was emphasized by Azeri President Heydar Aliyev
in a news conference in Vienna on Thursday [6 July].  Aliyev said that he
was now pinning his hopes on Austria, which currently holds the rotating
OSCE presidency, for settling the conflict over the Armenian-occupied
enclave of Nagornyy Karabakh, which belongs to Azerbaijan under
International Law.

    Aliyev added that, during his visit to Vienna, his Austrian partners
in the talks emphasized that they were very much interested in solving the
conflict.  Aliyev regards Armenia's "unconstructive position" as the
greatest obstacle.  Asked precisely how the Austrian OSCE Presidency could
urge Armenia to change its mind, Aliyev remained elusive:  "Foreign
Minister Benita Ferrero-Waldner is a very beautiful and wise lady.
Sometimes women can achieve more than men."

[Description of Source: Vienna Die Presse in German -- independent
centrist daily]

Ecevit's Message to Armenia

Istanbul Hurriyet (Ankara edition) in Turkish 30

Report by Muharrem Sarikaya

Ankara--Prime Minister Ecevit said that he learned from the press the
expulsion of an Armenian delegation that had been invited to attend the
[Caucasian] conference in Kars the other day.

    Touching on Turkey's diplomatic ties with Armenia, Ecevit said,
"Armenia should expect nothing from Turkey before solving its problems
with Azerbaijan."

    Ecevit reminded that the dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia
suddenly broke down last year, underlining that last year's raid on
parliament in Yerevan was the major cause for the breakdown of the
dialogue.   Ecevit added that Robert Kocharyan's narrow support in the
parliament is yet another reason for the cessation of the dialogue, and
that the dialogue had never reached the desired level anyway.

    Prime Minister Ecevit went on to say:   "We cannot be expected to
have ties with the Armenians as long as a just compromise is not reached
between Azerbaijan and Armenia.   If Kocharyan reaches a just compromise
with Azerbaijani President Haydar Aliyev our diplomatic relations could
be re-established."   Beyond this, Armenia should have no expectations
from Turkey, Ecevit said.

    Prime Minister Ecevit also noted that he is aware of the hardship
faced by the Armenian people.   Reminding that Turkey is Armenia's sole
door to the West, Ecevit said:   "I believe that the Armenian people also
wants a dialogue.   But the diaspora Armenians living under easy
circumstances are preventing the dialogue.   In so doing they are
actually harming the people in Armenia.   The Armenian diaspora is well
off.   It is not concerned about its own people.   Our only condition for
a dialogue is for them to find a just compromise with Azerbaijan.
Otherwise they should expect nothing from us."

    We reminded Ecevit of the recent anti-Turkey initiatives of the
Armenian diaspora, especially in the United States.   Ecevit replied that
he is monitoring such activities closely.

    Ecevit refused to comment on Land Forces Commander General Atilla
Ates' tough outburst against the fundamentalists and Turkey's neighbours.
  "I cannot talk on that issue," was all that he said.

[Description of Source: Istanbul Hurriyet (Ankara edition) in Turkish --
Centrist, Mass Appeal Daily, One of Country's Top Circulation Papers]

Armenian Activities Against Turkey Viewed

(Istanbul) Sabah (Ankara edition) in Turkish
03 Jul
00 p 22

Column by Sedat Sertoglu:  "Armenia"

The problems between Armenia and Azerbaijan would have been solved and the
relations between Armenia and Turkey would have been normalized if Yerevan
complied with the conditions that were outlined in the plan that was drawn
up with Ankara's initiatives and Washington's support for peace between
the two republics in the Caucasus in 1996.  But Armenia failed to do so.
Although Turkey took the first step in the peace process by opening its
airspace to international flights to Yerevan, Armenia failed to follow
suit.  Ankara's plan did not succeed when the then US Administration
failed to put pressure on the Armenian officials.

    The situation has changed now.   The effort made by the Armenians in
the United States to have their senators adopt resolutions against Turkey
one after the other and influence US television networks and newspapers
to hold our country responsible for the incidents in 1915 has negatively
affected Ankara's initiatives.

    The reactivation of the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
which was suspended when former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan was in
office, is very important for Turkey.   That is because Russia's
influence on that republic will end if it yields a positive result.   The
Armenian officials and people, who suffer from many problems, would
significantly contribute toward the peace process if they explained the
realities to their wealthy kinsmen in the United States.

    The Armenians will eventually realize that making initiatives to
improve their relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey will be in their
interest.   So, we hope that they will change their approach as soon as
possible.   The Armenians in Armenia must realize that armed terrorists
like Topalyan, who was captured in the United States, would significantly
harm the peace process.

    The Turks in the United States have established an association known
as the Turkish Forum to struggle against the anti-Turkish activities of
the Armenian community.   They themselves pay the cost of the initiatives
they make to further their struggle.   I have not been able to understand
why Ankara has not supported them.   Many of the Turks in the United
States are in influential positions.   Why has Ankara not tried to
encourage them to cooperate?   Why has it failed to organize a mini
Turkish congress in New York or Washington to inform the United States on
Turkey's views.   What can the Turkish Embassy in Washington do?   How
can it react to all the allegations against Turkey with the few officials
it has?

    Do the officials in Ankara believe that the Turks in the United
States like to read press reports and follow television broadcasts
against Turkey every day?   Ankara has informed us that the US Senate
will not pass a resolution to support the Armenian claims on genocide.
We want to ask how they established that it will not do so?   The company
Turkey hired for lobbing activities in the United States cannot influence
the US Senate.   Do the officials in Ankara believe that the letter that
was signed only by 35 of the 450 congressmen to support Turkey was a
great achievement?

    When will we decide not to deceive ourselves?   Is it impossible for
us to see the realities and fulfill the requirements, regardless of how
hard that might be?

    We expect the Turks in the United States to continue to struggle
against the anti-Turkish activities in that country as much as they can,
regardless of Ankara's indifference.   May God help them.

[Description of Source: Istanbul Sabah (Ankara edition) in Turkish --
Right-of-center, Mass Appeal Daily; One of Country's Top Circulation

The Armenian authorities on 5 August released an Azerbaijani
servicemen taken prisoner one week earlier on the border between
Armenia and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhichevan, RFE/RL's Yerevan
bureau reported. The Armenian Defense Ministry said the man's
release constituted "a humanitarian step as a way of boosting
mutual confidence." Armenia has freed nine Azerbaijani
servicemen in recent weeks, while Baku has released what it
claimed were its last two Armenian prisoners (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 24 and 31 July 2000). Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the
unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic currently claim they
no longer hold any prisoners from the other side, but accuse
the other of still holding some prisoners. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 150, Part I, 7 August 2000
Copyright RFE/RL

Ghoukassian meets with Chief Military Inspector of Armenia
Date:  Tue, 8 Aug 2000 20:15:09 -0700 (PDT)
HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

STEPANAKERT (Armenpress)-The president of Nagorno Karabakh Arkady
Ghoukassian met with the chief military inspector of Armenia,
General-Colonel Gurgen Dalibaltayan, who was in Karabakh on a
business visit Monday.

According to the president's press service, issues concerning
cooperation between the military inspections of Armenia and
Karabakh and the present situation of the Armenian-Azeri conflict
were discussed during the conversation, with Karabakh's Defense
Minister Seyran Ohanian participating.

Copyright 2000 Armenpress

Karabakh President Meets with French Leaders
STEPANAKERT (Noyan Tapan)-Nagorno Karabakh Republic President
Arkady Ghoukassian met with Hakob Artinian, Vice-Mayor of the
French town of Clamare and public figure Hakob Gyumjian, who had
come to Karabakh to discuss issues of assistance to Artsakh State
University, Monday.

The French guests told Ghoukassian about the details of the
program of creating a special computer room for studying French
by modern methods, the realization of which is expected to be
finished by the end of this year.

They also announced their intention to open a printing-house for
the University, as well as to provide 20 orphan-students with

President Ghoukassian expressed his gratitude to the
representatives of the Armenian community of France for the
assistance they are rendering to Artsakh.

Copyright 2000 Noyan Tapan

Four Soldiers Charged with Murder of Eight Civilians

YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)-The Military Prosecutor's Office, which is
overseeing the investigation into the murder of eight citizens by
army deserters Tsolak Melkonian, Artak Alikian and Grigor
Madilian, has brought charges against another four persons
connected with the case.

According to Deputy Military Prosecutor Hovhannes Palian, acting
commander of the military unit's company, lieutenant Vigen
Galstian is charged on point A of Article 265 of the Criminal
Code of Armenia which is violation of rules of duty.  Acting
commander of the company, lieutenant Vyacheslav Ishkhanian is
charged on point A of Article 268 which is abuse of office or
inaction and on point A of Article 268 which is negligence in
military service.  The man in charge of the duty detail, junior
sergeant Melsik Margarian is charged on point A of Article 265
and on point B of Article 268, and private Vigen Nurijanian is
charged on Article 206, misprison of felony.  The three
first-mentioned persons are under arrest, private Nurijanian is
left under supervision at the military unit.

Hovhannes Palian reported that the accused Tsolak Melkonian, who
harmed his lung and was operated on in hospital, is now kept in
an investigatory isolation ward.

Copyright 2000 Noyan Tapan
Referred from Habarlar-L

Edited on August 7, 2000

"Hope Erodes For Azerbaijan`s Sea Of Refugees"
The New York Times newspaper published the article
";Hope erodes for Azerbaijan`s sea of refugees" by
Douglas Frantz on July 24. The story describes the
deprivation and suffering of Azeri refugees living in
holes in the ground, tents, prefabricated houses and
railroad cars which are scorching hot in summer and
freezing cold in winter. They live without running
water, electricity or medical care, their infants die
because they cannot afford medicine.
Long after the fighting stopped, the refugees remain
victims of a little-noticed war, insufficiently cared
for by their government and on the verge of
abandonment by international aid organizations.
The UNHCR budget for the country is being reduced
from $12 million last year to $4.7 million this year,
the author says.
Although the government raised financial assistance
to the refugees to about $5 per month from $1.50,
even President Aliyev acknowledged that their plight
remains abysmal. "It is a horrible thing that hurts
my heart", Mr. Aliyev said in an interview.

AssA-Irada News, July 29-31, 2000



Alekper Mamedov, a former aide to
Azerbaijani Defense Minister Safar Abiev, told journalists in
Baku on 3 August that since 1994 the country's armed forces
have been using obsolete equipment, Interfax reported. He
claimed that the Defense Ministry had spent millions of
dollars purchasing obsolete Soviet military hardware. Mamedov
also claimed that 2,000 servicemen have been killed and about
3,000 wounded in peacetime. An investigation last year failed
to confirm similar allegations of corruption within the
Defense Ministry (see "RFE/RL Caucasus Report," Vol. 2, No.
34, 26 August 1999 and Vol. 3, No. 5, 4 February 2000). LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 149, Part I, 4 August 2000


The Azerbaijani leadership has begun settling Chechen guerrillas
in abandoned former Azerbaijani-populated villages in
Shaumyan Raion, which borders on the unrecognized Armenian-
populated Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, "Nezavisimaya gazeta"
reported on 1 August, without citing sources. The Chechens in
question are officially said to be refugees, but the
newspaper reasoned that refugees from the war in Chechnya
would be unwilling to take up residence close to the Line of
Contact, which separates Karabakh Armenian and Azerbaijani
forces. The Moscow daily speculates that the Azerbaijani
rationale is to co-opt the Chechen fighters to launch a new
military campaign to bring Karabakh back under Azerbaijani
control. LF
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 146, Part I, 1 August 2000


Azerbaijan's National Security Ministry said on 28
July that the last two Armenian prisoners of war being
held in Azerbaijan have been released, Turan and Reuters reported. Armenia
has freed nine Azerbaijani prisoners in recent weeks (see "RFE/RL
Newsline," 19 and 24 July 2000). LF


Deputy Secretary-General for Political Issues Klaus
Peter Kleiber held talks in Yerevan on 28 July after
talks with President Robert Kocharian and Defense Minister Serzh Sarkisian,
Armenian agencies reported. Kleiber told journalists later that NATO
intends to strengthen its ties and cooperation with Armenia. He said he
discussed with Sarkisian plans for creating groups of Armenian troops to
participate in international peacekeeping operations, according to Noyan
Tapan. Kleiber also said "there is some optimism" that a settlement of the
Karabakh conflict may soon be reached, adding that he understands that
Armenia "is doing its best to establish peace" in the South Caucasus. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 145, Part I, 31 July 2000


Industrial output in Armenia increased by 22 percent during
the first six months of 2000 compared with the same period
for 1999, Noyan Tapan reported on 2 August. Exports of such
products rose by 21 percent, or 4 billion drams ($7.3
million), compared with last year. First Deputy Industry and
Trade Minister Ashot Shahnazarian told Armenian State
Television that the number of people currently employed in
the industrial sector has risen by 8,000 since last year to
34,000. He noted the importance of the reactivation of
mining, smelting, and chemical sector plants, including the
giant Nairit chemical plant, which is now operating at a
profit. LF
RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 147, Part I, 2 August 2000

Copyright RFE/RL


On July 23-25, Armenia's defense minister and political grey eminence
Serge Sarkisian paid his first official visit to the United States. On July
27-28, official Yerevan hosted NATO's assistant secretary general for
political affairs, Klaus Peter Klaiber. And in September, NATO's Secretary
General George Robertson is scheduled to arrive on a groundbreaking visit
to Armenia. Cumulatively, these visits represent an incipient movement from
the theory to the practice of "complementarity" in Armenia's foreign
policy. That principle entails taking Western interests as well as Russian
ones into account in the South Caucasus. Ultimately it entails steering a
more balanced course than Yerevan has done in recent years.

In Washington, Sarkisian signed an agreement on technical assistance to
Armenia's customs and border control services with U.S. Defense Secretary
William Cohen. Under a wider U.S. program against proliferation of mass
destruction weapons, Armenia will receive US$300,000 worth of American
detection equipment to prevent the unauthorized transportation of nuclear,
chemical and biological arms and components. The agreement represents a
first, if small step in terms of providing U.S. military assistance to
Armenia. The Pentagon has, moreover, agreed to provide equipment and expert
assistance for humanitarian de-mining in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
theater. The equipment and training will be provided mostly by U.S.
civilian personnel on the Pentagon's behalf. An Armenian-U.S.
military-to-military relationship has not yet been established, but does
not seem too far down the road. One cautious half step in that direction is
inherent in the de-mining program.

Sarkisian, who welcomed the prospect of military relations with the United
States, seemed astonished to find out from Cohen that thus prospect is
hindered by existing anti-Azerbaijani legislation (fostered by the Armenian
lobby) in Washington. Highly controversial, this legislation--known as
Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act--bars U.S. government aid to
Azerbaijan. Under such circumstances, U.S.-funded military assistance with
Armenia but none with Azerbaijan seems out of the question. As a corollary,
Sarkisian was led to conclude that an early solution to the Karabakh
conflict would open the way for U.S.-Armenian military cooperation. The
Armenian minister also held an unprecedented meeting with the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Henry Shelton, and invited a senior
delegation from the Pentagon to visit Yerevan in September.

On July 27-28 in Yerevan, Klaiber conferred with both President Robert
Kocharian and Foreign Affairs Minister Vardan Oskanian, as well as with
Sarkisian, on the possibility of Armenia's participation in NATO's
Partnership for Peace (PfP) program. As the Armenian leaders again admitted
on this occasion, their country's participation in that program thus far
has been almost nil. Yerevan has all along been wary that displaying
interest in PfP would offend Moscow. That reserve seems now to begin
melting. Returning from Washington, Sarkisian redefined the terms of the
problem by stating that Russia is ahead of Armenia in terms of relations
with NATO, and that Armenia therefore has some catching up to do in that
respect. Yerevan's official line now seems to be that it will not go any
further than Moscow in terms of relations with NATO, but will take those
relations as a benchmark of how far Yerevan itself may go. Such a
redefinition entails the obvious possibility that Yerevan may construe that
benchmark in accordance with its own interests, not only those of Moscow.

NATO does not take a position on the Karabakh conflict; rather, it defers
to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to mediate a
political solution. However, NATO offered through Klaiber--and will almost
certainly offer through Robertson when he visits--the alliance's good
offices in terms of confidence-building between Azerbaijan and Armenia
and--no less important--between Armenia and NATO member Turkey.

The Armenian Foreign Affairs Ministry's spokesman struck an unprecedented
note in redefining the country's policy: "Armenia realizes Russia's role in
the region and the world, but believes that it also needs to develop
cooperation with other countries and with NATO. Nowadays, NATO is the most
influential and effective organization in the sphere of military and
political security" (U.S. Defense Department briefing, July 24; Mediamax,
Noyan-Tapan, Snark, July 25-30; see the Monitor, March 15, April 4, June 1).

Jamestown Monitor: Armenia.
Monday, July 31, 2000 - Volume VI, Issue 148
ferred from Habarlar-L

Edited on July 31, 2000

ANS News, July 30, 2000
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 01:07:35 -0700 (PDT)


We support the conditions laid down by the Azerbaijan National
Resistance Movement for release of occupied Azeri lands and
announce our readiness to render every kind of assistance to ANRM.
This was announced by the Centre of Young Nationalists of Turkey in
their address to the world?s Turkic peoples.  The address says that
Karabakh is not only Azeri land, it belongs to every Turkic native
in the world and it must be their duty to release the region
occupied by aggressive Armenian state.  Turkish nationalists said
they could help their Azeri colleagues to gain victory in winning
Karabakh back.

By Staff Writers


The government of Russia approved the agreement on cooperation
between Russian Federation and Armenia in the field of peaceful
using nuclear power.  The agreement envisages that the parties will
cooperate also in the sphere of construction of nuclear power
plants on the territories of other countries as well.  Commenting
on the agreement, the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Vilayat
Guliyev noted that Azerbaijan didn?t approve conclusion of an
agreement between Russia and Armenia.  According to him, the
cooperation in such a strategically important sphere as using
nuclear power could cause damage to Russia?s image as a mediator in
the Karabakh resolution process, since it must preserve neutrality
in the relations between the two countries.  Asked how the
cooperation could promote proliferation of nuclear technologies in
the region, Mr Guliyev noted that Armenia and Azerbaijan joined the
UN?s appropriate resolutions and bears responsibility for the
obligations it assumed in this field.

By Staff Writers


The workshop "The Community Development and Leadership" organised
by the U.S.  Academy for Cultural Development under the assistance
of the U.S.  Agency for International Development and the
Massachusetts and Alabama universities is completing its work in
Baku today.  In January, lecturers of the universities called a
group of people who are respected among members of the communities
of refugees and internally displaced persons and actively focus on
their problems.  The main objective of the training was to enhance
social and economic activity of this category of population.
According to the workshop participants, it is being observed today
among refugees and women-invalids social apathy, unwillingness to
take any measures, the habit of full dependence upon the
surroundings.  The refugees laid the whole concern about their life
upon the state and international relief organisations and live in
hope of humanitarian aid.  The participants of the January training
were proposed a method to battle these undercurrents and to attract
members of the communities to the active public life.  16 from the
local community leaders have been sent to further training to the
Massachusetts University.  And now, those 16 men were conducting
the two-week workshop in Baku for the next group.  30 participants
of the workshop are to be given appropriate certificates.

By Staff Writers


The hot weather increased the problems of Azeri refugees and
internally displaced persons scattered throughout the country and
especially of those who settled in the lowlands Agjabedi region.
It should be noted that the region?s Takhtakorpu settlement was a
pasture of the Lachin region.  900 refugees from the Lachin region
settled here.  Some 300 houses were built in the area in 1996
thanks to a number of German and Turkish relief organisations.  A
part of the refugees still live in mud-built hovels.  But these
people who are accustomed to the mountain air say it is impossible
to live in Takhtakorpu.  The settlement residents say that they
lack drinking water in summer months.  There are power shortages as
well.  The deputy head of executive power of Lachin, Aydin Abbasov,
too, confirms that light and water problems crop up after the days
became hotter.  According to Mr Abbasov, the governing body of the
Agjabedi regional power network says the shortages are linked with
the hot weather influencing power transformers.  New artesian wells
are planned to dig in Takhtakorpu with the help of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees to meet the high demand for drinking

By Vafa Ibrahimova
Copyright ANS

Nakhchivan Comes Under Fire

From 8.30 till 9.05 on July 22, units of Armenian Armed Forces
based 3 km south-west of Barsruni residential area of Vaiksk
province subjected the positions of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces in
the Karmachatah village of Babak province of the Nakhchivan AR
to sustained gunfire, Defense Ministry said Monday.
No casualties are reported.
This cease-fire violation was the third since July 20.

AssA-Irada News, July 24-25, 2000

Armenia Shatters Cease-Fire Again

From 11.47 p.m. on July 21 till 00.30 a.m. on July 22,
Armenian Armed Forces based in the Chinari residential area
of Armenia`s Berd province subjected the positions of the
Azerbaijan Armed Forces based in the Agdam village of Tovuz
province to sustained large-caliber machine-gun fire.
The shooting ceased after retaliation with no casualties
reported, Defense Ministry said Saturday.


by By Vugar Mamedov

Azerbaijan and Armenia can finally settle their bitter
dispute over Karabakh but must be prepared to make significant
compromises, the president of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe said Tuesday.

The countries can "take the courageous steps necessary
to settle the conflict now," Austrian Foreign Minister Benita
Ferrero-Waldner, who holds the OSCE's rotating presidency, said
in Baku.

Azeri President Heidar Aliev told Ferrero-Waldner that
1 million Azeris had become refugees because of the war and that
to better understand the issue, mediators should visit their
camps more often.

Aliev and Armenian President Robert Kocharyan are
scheduled to hold negotiations in Yalta in August and in New York
in September.

Ferrero-Waldner, who came to Azerbaijan after talks
with officials in the Armenian capital Yerevan, also presided
over the opening of a permanent OSCE office in Baku.  The new
office, at the City Mansion Hotel, will employ six international

At the event, Ferrero-Waldner announced the release of six Azeri
soldiers from Armenia.

Azeri Foreign Minister Vilayat Guliyev said the OSCE's
arrival in Baku is timely considering Azerbaijan's recent entry
into the Council of Europe.  The OSCE is to help Azerbajian
fulfill its obligations as a council member.

In coming months, a NATO information center a European
Union representation office are to open in Baku.

Copyright 2000 The Baku Sun

Three More Azeri POWs Delivered To
Baku From Yerevan

Three more Azeri Prisoners-of-War (POWs) have been
delivered to Baku thanks to the mediation of the
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC).
The POWs have been brought to Azerbaijan by a special
flight from Yerevan, according to the State Commission on
prisoners and unaccounted for.
All the three - Elshan Islamov, Kamran Rahimov and Elnur
Kamranov - fell into Armenian captivity when serving their
military terms in the frontline zone.
On July 18, the OSCE chairperson-in-office Benita
Feffero-Waldner brought 6 other Azeri POWs from Yerevan.

AssA-Irada News, July 20-22, 2000


Under an agreement signed in Washington on 24 July by U.S.
Secretary of Defense William Cohen and visiting Armenian
Defense Minister Serzh Sarkisian, the U.S. will provide
Yerevan with $300,000 worth of equipment and training to
improve customs and border controls, the FNS reported. The
equipment includes devices to detect nuclear, chemical, and
biological weapons or their components. AP quoted Sarkisian
as saying that Yerevan expects to develop military-to-
military relations with the U.S. once the Karabakh conflict
is resolved. LF

RFE/RL NEWSLINE Vol. 4, No. 141, Part I, 25 July 2000

Copyright RFE/RL

U.S., Armenia Plan Weapons Control

July 24, 2000

Filed at 2:10 p.m.  EDT
By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Armenia will receive $300,000 worth of U.S.
equipment and training for improved border control as part of an
agreement on limiting the spread of weapons of mass destruction,
Defense Secretary William Cohen said Monday.

At a signing ceremony with his Armenian counterpart, Cohen said
the equipment will include nuclear and contraband detection kits
to help Armenian authorities stop unauthorized movement of
nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and components.

``We have similar agreements with nine other countries that want
to work with us to control weapons of mass destruction,'' Cohen

Serzh Sarkisyan, the Armenian defense minister, said his country
expects to develop military-to-military relations with the United
States once the conflict between Armenia and neighboring
Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh is resolved.

Armenia has had a cease-fire with Azerbaijan for five years, but
has failed to resolve disputes over independence claims by
Nagorno-Karabakh, which is controlled by Armenia but is located
within Azerbaijan.

The United States' primary concern in the region is a planned
pipeline to carry Caspian Sea oil, being extracted by U.S.  and
European oil companies, across Azerbaijan to the Mediterranean at
Ceyhan, Turkey.

Cohen said no U.S.  troops will be sent to Armenia in connection
with the agreement on controlling weapons of mass destruction.

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

Britain's Blair Urged to Recognize Genocide
Date:  Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:16:53 -0700 (PDT)

HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

LONDON--A group of Parliamentarians from both Houses of
Parliament will be presenting a Petition to British Prime
Minister Tony Blair Wednesday at 10 Downing Street, calling on
the British Government to recognize , as a case of genocide , the
mass-killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

It is the first time that Members of Parliament are handing
petitions , supporting the application and advocating on behalf
of the a British-Armenian group and it is the first time that
petitions will be received by the Prime Minister .

The Petition is signed by 57 Parliamentarians and thousands of
British citizens, among them artists, bankers historians,
scholars , businessmen and teachers.  The British, Armenian and
international media have been invited to report.  A letter ,
drafted by the Members of the Advisory Board ( historians and
holocaust experts invited by the Group ) , will accompany the

This presentation, following the magnificent "Requiem Service to
commemorate the victims of the Genocide" at St.  Margaret`s
Church, Westminster on May 8, has been organized by the
British-Armenian All-Party Parliamentary Group and the
Parliamentarians attending the presentation are Members of the

Meanwhile, during what is termed an "Early Day Motion" parliament
member Jane Griffiths and a written question by Lord Walpole have
been presented to the government , in both Houses, urging the
government to recognize the Genocide.

The BAAPPG was founded in 1992 by the Earl of Shannon and Odette
Bazil and Dr.  Armen Sarkissian, its founding President, who was
unanimously elected life-president on May 4.

At the Group's initiative, the corresponding Group, namely the
Armenian-British Parliamentary Group has been founded in Yerevan
within the Armenian Parliament.

The Group ( the largest among Parliamentary Groups of the former
Soviet Union ) has 31 Members at the House of Commons , 27 Peers
at the House of Lords and "Friends" ( non-Parliamentarians) who
help with their financial contribution.  Its objective is to
encourage two way flow of information between the UK and Armenia
in Parliamentary activities , to foster friendship and
understanding at the highest level between UK and Armenia, to lay
the foundation for long term cooperation between the two
countries , which will assist in the development of a stable
democratic system in Armenia, to organize debates in both Houses
of Parliament , where important political , military , judicial ,
economic , religious and educational issues concerning Armenia
can be discussed and where influence can be exerted , through
majority support, over beneficiary changes of governmental
policies towards Armenia.

The Group has organized exchange visits of Parliamentary
Delegations, talks by eminent speakers, debates in both Houses,
concerning Karabakh, double-taxation between Britain and Armenia,
arms sale to Azerbaijan, British mercenaries enrollment in
Azerbaijan, exchange of POWs , bilateral relations with Turkey,
Armenia's membership in the European Union, the blockades imposed
by Turkey and Azerbaijan, the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide, the lobbying for British Embassy to open in Armenia and
British Council's presence in Armenia.

Round-table discussions have been held to discuss the oil routes,
the Transcaucasus, land-mines in Karabakh, the British
government's policies vis--vis Armenia and the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide.

The Group has organized meetings and receptions in honor of
visiting Armenian dignitaries, and addresses in the Houses of
Parliament, where they have put forward the views of their

With the support of its Parliamentary members , the BAAPPG has
been the stepping stone for the launch, in Armenia, of the
English-speaking Union, the Byron Society of Armenia, the signing
of the "Friendship Agreement between Gumri and Hucknall" and the
training visit of Armenian civil servants of the Ministry of
Social Services

The group has been able to issue monthly circulars to its Members
and keep them well informed of the situation in Armenia and

Copyright 2000 Asbarez

Noyan Tapan and Armenpress News Digest, July 25, 2000

Date:  Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:19:04 -0700 (PDT)

HL NOTE: Some or all of the following news articles ignore such basic
facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate and internationally recognized part of Azerbaijan;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   armed forces of the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) Puppet and self-proclaimed (Nagorno) Karabakh Republic ("NKR") is an
   illegitimate and criminal entity, not recognized by any international
   organization or state;

4) As of 1992, Khankandi has been restored as an official historical name
   of the town, that was renamed to Stepanakert by J. Stalin in 1923

Draft Agreement on Military Bases Approved

YEREVAN (Armenpress)-The Russian government has approved a draft
protocol between the Russian and Armenian governments on changes
and additions to the September 1996 agreement.  The agreement
lists the points of deployment of the Russian military base in
Armenia and procedure for the transfer and use of plots of land
for the deployment and functioning of the Russian military base.
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov signed the agreement,
July 11.

The draft protocol was submitted by the Russian Ministry of
Defense and accepted with the help of the Russian ministries of
foreign affairs and justice.  The decision of the Russian Defense
Ministry states that negotiations should be held with Armenia and
that the protocol should be signed on behalf of the Russian
government after an agreement is reached.  During this process,
changes and amendments may be made to the proposed draft.

In accordance with the protocol, the two governments have agreed
that the points of deployment to the Russian military base as per
the appendix to the agreement, is invalid.  The list of points of
deployment as defined by the protocol will beocme provisionally
valid from the date of signing.

Armenia and Azerbaijan integrate
into Europe together

Date:  Wed, 26 Jul 2000 09:23:03 -0700 (PDT)

HUMAN RIGHTS July 26, 2000

Erika Dailey:  7/25/00

Armenia and Azerbaijan together have taken a sudden leap forward
in the last few weeks toward full institutional integration into
Europe.  Yet their human rights record will continue to set them
apart from their fellow "Europeans" for the foreseeable future.

On June 28, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
approved Armenia?s and Azerbaijan?s membership applications,
which had been under consideration since 1999.  (For background,
see Eurasia Insight).  The Council of Ministers is almost certain
to ratify the parliamentary decision.

Armenia and Azerbaijan marched closer still to the heart of
institutional Europe on July 17 and 18, when the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) opened offices in
Yerevan and Baku, respectively.  Although both countries have
been OSCE member states since 1992, to date they have been
virtually absent from OSCE decision-making.

What is striking about decisions concerning Armenia and
Azerbaijan is the timing.  The two countries, bitter enemies in
the struggle for control of Nagorno-Karabakh, have consistently
crossed the thresholds of membership in various organizations in
lock step.  The OSCE offices were opened within one day of each
other; the Council of Europe?s Parliamentary Assembly approved
their membership bids on precisely the same day.

Nevertheless, Armenia and Azerbaijan were the last of the
eligible Soviet successor states to be approved for membership in
the Council of Europe, largely because of the organization?s
concern for these countries?  human rights practices and the
prospect of inducting states that are still, technically, at war
with each other.  Both the Council of Europe and the OSCE have
emphasized the need for Armenia and Azerbaijan to reach a
peaceful settlement of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and to
insure free and fair elections.

Both organizations also have made an attempt to focus badly
needed attention on Armenia?s and Azerbaijan?s human rights
practices.  OSCE Chairwoman-in-Office Benita Ferrero-Waldner
reportedly raised human rights concerns with government officials
in both capitals and, in Azerbaijan, with leaders of the
political opposition, as well.  Her visit also secured the
release of at least nine prisoners of war from Armenia and the
Nagorno-Karabakh region - a human rights victory in and of

In an effort to promote structural reform, legal experts from the
Council of Europe have spent years conducting "compatibility
studies" of these countries?  respective legal codes with
European human rights standards.  Such studies identify specific
areas in need of reform.  Legal experts also have painstakingly
cultivated ties in governmental and non-governmental circles
alike, hoping such ties can potentially speed the implementation
of reform.

The two international organizations have recommended each
government take a distinct course of action to address their
individual human rights problems. The Council of Europe's
Parliamentary Assembly, for example, recommended that Armenia
"demilitarize its prison system, adopt a law on an alternative
military service, amnesty conscientious objectors, and allow
religious services to take place without discrimination in its
reforms concerning national legislation and human rights."It
asked Azerbaijan "to ensure that its planned elections be free
and impartial, [that it] liberate or re-try prisoners held on
political grounds and guarantee freedom of expression and the
independence of the media."

Unfortunately, these more substantive issues are subsumed by the
overall signals of approval the Armenian and Azerbaijani
governments believe they are receiving from European powers.
Part of the misunderstanding - and of the disappointingly limited
human rights reform that will almost certainly result -- comes
from the form rather than the content of the European bodies'

The OSCE and Council of Europe traditionally focus on technical
and legal reform, such as amending laws to comply with European
standards This approach is doomed to isolated victories at best
in Armenia and Azerbaijan because it is predicated on a faulty
assumption: that laws there are implemented fairly and
evenhandedly, and that judicial remedies exist to correct cases
of failed implementation.

On the contrary, widespread corruption means that justice is
routinely bought in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Police, prosecutors,
and judges can all be bribed, or otherwise influenced. In
addition, opposition politicians and critically minded
journalists are often jailed and harassed arbitrarily. Police
are willing to resort to torture to extract confessions from
criminal suspects, and courts use the confessions to convict
them. Laws - good or bad - cannot be a guarantor of human rights
in an atmosphere of government-sponsored lawlessness.

Symbolic concessions to abuser governments, such as approving
their membership in the Council of Europe on the same day, are
not simply diplomatic politesse. They come at the cost of
masking the substantive, nuanced recommendations about urgently
needed reform. The implication, sadly, appears to be that
institutional Europe is willing to overlook Armenia's and
Azerbaijan's bad human rights records, as long as they are
equally bad.

Editor's Note:Erika Dailey is an editorial consultant to the
Central Eurasia Project, covering human rights-related issues in
the Transcaucasus and Central Asia.Between 1992 and 1998, Ms.
Dailey worked as a researcher and human rights advocate for Human
Rights Watch, based in New York and Moscow, covering principally
the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Russian Federation.  Since
1998, Dailey has worked as a human rights advocate for Human
Rights Watch, the International League for Human Rights, and the
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. She has a BA in Slavic
Studies from Princeton (1986) and an MA in Central Asian Studies
from Columbia (1991). She has lived in and traveled to the
Caucasus and Central Asia regularly since 1987.

Copyright 2000 The EurasiaNet
Referred from Habarlar-L

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