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Edited on July 2, 2001

28.06.01--BAKU--Politologists Eldar Namazov and Tofig Zulfugarov held a
meeting with representatives of youth organizations in Bakus Press Club
which was dedicated to working out all-national principles of
Nagorno-Karabakh settlement. The meeting was also attended by member of
the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan, Nazim Imanov, who said
negotiations are being held with a number of political parties. The goal
of those negotiations is to accept the mentioned principles as
all-national. According to Mr Imanov, its planned to discuss the issue
with representatives of the Azeri authorities. The ex-foreign minister
Zulfugarov said support of these principles by the society would serve
beefing up Azerbaijans positions. Mr Namazov, the ex-head of the
Presidents Secretariat, said in his turn that accession of the principles
would give Azerbaijan an opportunity to come out from common stance in the
conflict adjustment process. Sabit Bagirov, former Musavat Party member,
said Azerbaijan must submit four principles against Armenia�s three which
are the following: 1) Karabakh must be an enclave; 2) Karabakh shouldn�t be
subordinate to Baku; 3) Populations security should be provided.
By Lala Gafarli
ANS News, June 27-28, 2001


Nuraddin Mamedli, a leading member of the opposition Democratic Party of
Azerbaijan, told Turan on 29 June that the handing over to The Hague-based
international war crimes tribunal of former Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic is the greatest achievement of the international community since
World War II, Turan reported. Mamedli expressed regret, however, at what
he termed "double standards" that have prevented the analogous extradition
of Armenian President Robert Kocharian and other Armenian political
figures whom he claims instigated terrorism and separatism in
Nagorno-Karabakh and the massacre of Azerbaijanis. Rashad Rzakuliev of the
Liberal Party of Azerbaijan and Mirmahmud Miralioglu of the conservative
wing of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party also said they hope the present
Armenian and Karabakh leaderships will ultimately be sent to The Hague. LF
RFE/RL Transcaucasia Newsline, June 29, 2001

Azeri analyst says Russian Duma vote clears way for annexation of breakaway regions
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 29, 2001

Text of report by Azerbaijani news agency Turan
Baku, 28 June: The Russian State Duma today almost unanimously adopted a constitutional law "On admission of new constituent parts to the Russian Federation and formation of new constituent parts within the Russian Federation". According to this document, "a foreign state or a part of it" may be admitted into the composition of Russia, for which a common border with Russia is not a mandatory condition. The law prescribes that a foreign state or a part of it may be admitted into the Russian Federation "by mutual consent between the Russian Federation and a foreign state in accordance with an international agreement" concluded between them. The law also envisages the possibility of forming a new constituent part of the Russian Federation through a merger of two or more of Russia's constituent parts into one.
The former Azerbaijani state adviser on foreign policy, Vafa Quluzada, sees the law adopted today as "very alarming". He said in comments for Turan that the adoption of such a law was "a direct continuation of the Russian government's imperial policy". Attempts to restore the USSR with the help of the CIS have failed and the Russian authorities have now chosen the path of annexing their neighbours or parts of their territories to Russia. "This is primarily directed against Georgia. Russia wants it to make it clear that it can raise the issue of annexing Abkhazia, South Ossetia and even Ajaria to Russia. The aim is not just to exert pressure on Tbilisi, but to destabilize the situation in Georgia as a whole. Moscow's strategic task is to destabilize the situation in Georgia in order to foil the implementation of the Baku-[Tbilisi]-Ceyhan and TRACECA [Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia] projects and thus undermine the West's influence in the South Caucasus," Quluzada believes.
He did not rule out the possibility that this law might serve as a basis for annexing Tajikistan and Armenia, which are virtual Russian satellites and completely dependent on it economically and politically.
The law poses a threat to Azerbaijan as well because Moscow can raise the issue of joining Nagornyy Karabakh to Russia. "Therefore, those who are slow in bringing NATO troops to Georgia and Azerbaijan are committing a crime not only against the peoples of these countries, but against the world community as well," Quluzada said.
Source: Turan news agency, Baku, in Russian 1520 gmt 28 Jun 01
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

Azeris should not hope for NATO help in Karabakh, deputy minister
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 28, 2001

Text of report by Azerbaijani news agency Sarq
27 June, Sarq correspondent F. Huseynzada: Neither NATO troops nor the European rapid deployment force will assist in resolving the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov said yesterday [26 June].
He thinks that it is an admission of the powerlessness and weakness of the Azerbaijani army if the country relies on foreign assistance. In addition, he said, European power-wielding structures have no plans for a military presence in Azerbaijan, as the latter is not a member of these structures. The only aid they can render is limited to what can be provided within the framework of the OSCE. In addition, Azerbaijan has never officially declared its desire to have NATO bases or peacekeeping forces deployed on its territory.
Therefore, the deputy minister said, Azerbaijan should not hope for foreign help, but should pay greater attention to increasing its own potential.
In Azimov's opinion, Azerbaijan should at the same time develop relations with the countries of the region, including Russia and Iran.
Source: Sarq news agency, Baku, in Russian 1130 gmt 27 Jun 01
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

Azeris say Armenia in violation of Council of Europe charter
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 28, 2001

Text of report by Azerbaijani TV station ANS on 27 June
[Presenter] The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted at today's [27 June] session the Azerbaijani delegation's project for the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.
[Samad Seyidov, captioned as a delegation member, on phone] In line with the charter and rules of procedure of the Council of Europe, every delegation has the right to submit a written question to the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe's [as heard]. Using these procedural rules, a member of the Azerbaijani delegation, Gultakin Haciyeva, submitted a written question to the Council of Ministers. The question was disseminated in the Parliamentary Assembly today. The question says: In conditions when Armenia and Azerbaijan are both members of the Council of Europe, is Armenia's refusal to recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan not in violation of the charter of the Council of Europe?
We will demand a written reply to this question from the Council of Ministers, and this written answer will, of course, should contain demands suitable for Azerbaijan because territorial integrity and respect for international law are the greatest values of the Council of Europe.
Source: ANS TV, Baku, in Azeri 1600 gmt 27 Jun 01
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

More Than 40 Deputies Support Genocide Resolution
29 June 2001
On June 29 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ended its
summer session in Strasbourg. Samed Seidov, the chairman of the parliament
commission on international relations and head of the Azerbaijani
delegation taking part in Council of Europe meeting, told RFE/RL's
Azerbaijan Service that Azerbaijan deputies have achieved the distribution
by the Council of Europe of two resolutions on Azerbaijan.
One of them is the resolution on the destruction and illegal appropriation
of Azerbaijan cultural treasures by Armenians during the conflict between
Azerbaijan and Armenia over Karabakh. The resolution on the ecological
situation of Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of destroying forests and
polluting of rivers on the territories of Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia
and says that the Armenian nuclear power station threatens not only the
Caucasus, but also Eastern Europe and the Near East. It also accuses
Armenia of burying nuclear waste from the Armenian nuclear power station
on occupied Azerbaijani territories.

During June session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
deputies from Italy, Spain, Rumania and Slovenia joined the Resolution
distributed at the April session of the Council of Europe and called on
the Council of Europe to recognize the genocide perpetrated by the
Armenians against the Azerbaijani population from the beginning of the 19
century. More than 40 deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe support Azerbaijan Resolution.

Samed Seidov added that a delegation from Azerbaijan has submitted to the
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe a written request that
Armenia recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. He accused
Armenia of violating all international rights.
(Samira Gaziyeva)
RFE/RL Azerbaijan Report, June 29, 2001

Armenian Americans unhappy with US aid to Yerevan in 2002
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 28, 2001

Text of report by Armenian news agency Mediamax
Yerevan, 28 June: The subcommittee for foreign financial assistance of the House of Representatives of the US Congress has approved a draft law on allocating financial assistance to Armenia in 2002 to the amount of 82.5m dollars.
As the Armenian National Committee of America [ANCA] told Mediamax news agency today, the volume of the assistance has dropped by 7.5m dollars compared to 2001. At the same time, this exceeds by 12.5m dollars the sum requested by the Bush administration. The representatives of the ANCA said that they were disappointed by the subcommittee's decision.
The subcommittee for foreign financial assistance has left in force Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act which bars US government aid to Azerbaijan until Baku lifts the blockade of Armenia and Nagornyy Karabakh.
The Senate is expected to examine the draft law after the summer recess.
Source: Mediamax news agency, Yerevan, in Russian 0748 gmt 28 Jun 01
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

In a statement issued following their 22-24 June consultations in Malta,
the French, Russian, and U.S. co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group said
they plan to visit Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the unrecognized
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) during the first half of July in an
attempt to restart the apparently deadlocked peace process, RFE/RL's
Armenian Service reported. The mediators will also meet soon in Bucharest
with OSCE Chairman in Office Mircea Geoana. They also called on the
conflict parties to show restraint and avoid any action that could
negatively affect the situation in the region during what they termed "a
crucial period." In a 21 June letter to the co-chairmen, NKR Foreign
Minister Naira Melkumian expressed concern at increasing intolerance and
xenophobia in Azerbaijan and at the Azerbaijani leadership's apparent
readiness to launch a new war rather than seek a solution to the conflict
based on compromise. LF

Speaking at a ceremony in Baku on 25 June to mark Armed Forces' day,
Azerbaijan's President Heidar Aliev affirmed that "the growing army of
Azerbaijan is able to liberate the occupied territories and restore
Azerbaijan's territorial integrity" if it proves impossible to resolve the
conflict by peaceful means, Turan reported. At the same time, Aliev
expressed appreciation for the Minsk Group's efforts to mediate a peaceful
solution to the conflict. At the same ceremony, Azerbaijan's Defense
Minister Colonel General Safar Abiev similarly declared that the
Azerbaijani military is capable of fulfilling the will of the population
and orders from its commander in chief to restore the country's
territorial integrity if Armenia does not abandon what he termed its
"expansionist ambitions." LF

Two Azerbaijani opposition politicians believe, however, that Baku has
already tacitly approved a draft Karabakh peace agreement that entails
"humiliating concessions" to Armenia, according to Bilik Dunyasi, as cited
by Groong on 23 and 25 June. Azerbaijan Popular Front Party reformist wing
Chairman Ali Kerimov told the agency that the agreement provides for "a
second Armenian state," on Azerbaijani territory, and allows
Nagorno-Karabakh to have its own currency, constitution, legal bodies, and
armed forces. Elkhan Mehdiev, an adviser to opposition Musavat Party
Chairman Isa Gambar, said he believes the Azerbaijani leadership has opted
for peace at any price. LF
RFE/RL Transcaucasia Newsline, June 26, 2001

Azerbaijan has a strong army capable of defending national independence,
President Aliyev told an official reception dedicated to June 26, the Day
of the Armed Forces. He then urged military commanders to step up their
effort toward further improving discipline in the army.
The head of state also pointed out to the drawbacks in the Defense
Ministry and a number of military units, saying that some conscription
commissariats are corrupt. Cases of abuse of power and drafting the unfit
to the army are rife, he said and demanded to put an end to this.
Defense Minister Safar Abiyev said in his address that the army is very
well prepared to fulfill any task of the commander-in-chief.
He then spoke of the road the army has covered, of its current
international contacts and cooperation within the framework of NATOs
Partnership for Peace program.
The official ceremony was followed by a musical performance.*

The decision about it was issued during the Malta consultations.
Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group have declared visiting to the region of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in early July. This decision was adopted as a result of consultations held in Malta in June 22-24. As it was turned out, co-chairs gathered in Malta in order to take off from the crisis of Karabakh regulation process and ambassador of Iran to Armenia Farhad Koleyni took part as an observer in that meeting. There is not still known any concrete result from that meeting besides the decision on visiting to the conflicting region. But co-chairs, in their joint statement spread at the end of the meeting, called the sides "be patient" and "avoid statements intensifying the situation". It seems, moderators are concerned on increasing calls at the Azerbaijani community to liberate the occupied lands by military way as a result of failure of the regulation process.
It is notable that recently several high-rang representatives of official Baku have stressed having sufficient proves in order to hold anti-terror operations at the occupied territories. And Azeri president Heidar Aliev has several times issued statements stating "the occupied lands will be liberated by military way if it is needed". Alive has again stated this opinion at the ceremony held on the occasion of Army Day on June 26. Azeri defense minister Safar Abiev while reporting the president marked that Azerbaijani army is ready to ensure the territorial integrity of the country and waits for a command from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
But the moderators should also be concerned on the statements of official Yerevan that caused breaking the next stage of talks began in the U.S. by excluding any concessions at the regulation process. Because both the Armenian president Robert Kocharian and other heads of states are repeating that they will agree with the regulation of the conflict only within the condition of full-independence of Upper Karabakh or uniting it with Armenia. And such statements cause adequate reactions of the Azerbaijani side. Recently a group of experts, with the initiative of former Azeri foreign minister Tofig Zulfugarov and policy-maker Eldar Namazov, have begun activity in order to unify the Azeri opposition forces and government authorities around a joint position in the regulation of Upper Karabakh conflict. And the purpose is to produce a document based on the principles, which are supported by the majority. Despite of the full context of the document is not known, on the basis of it stands the principle of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is stated.
As you see, the next visit of co-chairs to the conflicting region will take place simultaneously with getting "the battle of position" worse amongst the parties. What can be expected from their visit in such a condition? Undoubtedly, while the co-chair states, concretely the U.S. and Russia do not influence on Armenia that demonstrates a position without compromise, it is early to expect any result from this trip, as well. In the most optimal variant, the co-chairs may come to the region with some new suggestions. Let's remember that the first trip of co-chairs to the region in April of this year finished without any results. They thought, "The nations are not ready for a compromise".
AZERBAIJAN BULLETIN No:26 (280), June 28 2001 [ENGLISH]

Source:Turan News Agency
26.06.01--BAKU--The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are planning a visit to the
South Caucasus in the first half of July 2001. The decision was taken at
the June 22-23 meeting of the co-chairs held in La Valletta, Malta. The
statement of the co-chairs adopted after their meeting says that they had
discussed the situation at the peace negotiations taking into account the
discussions held by the presidents of U.S., Russia and France. The
co-chairs agreed on the necessity of development of the negotiating
process started in Paris and Key West. They have reached an agreement on
soon realization of joint steps towards the conflicts resolution and
informing the current OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Romanian Foreign
Minister Mircea Geoane. The mediators called on the parties to ??
from steps which could aggravate the situation in the region.
By Staff Writers

Source:Turan News Agency
26.06.01--BAKU--June 26 is the Day of Azerbaijans Armed Forces. The
appropriate decree on establishing the holiday was signed by President
Heydar Aliyev on May 22, 1998. The first decision on celebrating the day
as the official holiday of the Azeri Army was made in 1991 by Parliament
and October 9 was first established as the official holiday of this
nations armed forces. The president of Azerbaijan once gain stated he
didnt exclude the military variant of resolution of the Karabakh conflict.
Speaking to a solemn ceremony dedicated to the Day of Azerbaijans Armed
Forces, the Azeri president said if the efforts on peaceful adjustment of
the Karabakh conflict dont bring positive results, then
ever-strengthening Azeri army is capable of releasing the occupied Azeri
lands and restore the nations territorial integrity.- Touching upon the
situation at the peace negotiations, Mr Aliyev expressed satisfaction with
the readiness of the OSCE Minsk Group to continue their efforts despite
failure to reach compromises by the presidents of Azerbaijan and
Armenia.- The head of the Azeri state assured the audience that he would
always defend Azerbaijans national interests and wouldnt take steps
contradicting these interests. Having expressed satisfaction with the
Armed Forces level of military efficiency, the president pointed at the
same time at the problems existing in the military building. In
particular, he severely criticized the activities of military registration
and enlistment offices (MREO) during military callup campaigns, as well as
such negative cases in military units as violation of law and order by
some commanders. The president demanded from the Defense Ministry and
MREOs to remove the mentioned shortages and take measures so that they
never happen in future again.
By Staff Writers
ANS News, June 26, 2001

Azeri ex-foreign minister has no expectations from
Malta meeting

BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 26, 2001

Text of unattributed report by Azerbaijani newspaper Sarq on 26 June entitled "Malta meeting"
Malta meeting will not ease resolution of conflict
"The Malta meeting [of the OSCE Minsk Group cochairmen] will not ease the resolution of the Karabakh problem," former [Azerbaijani] Foreign Minister Tofiq Zulfuqarov believes. In an interview with Olaylar news agency, Tofiq Zulfuqarov said that no special importance should be attached to this meeting:
"Armenia has officially declared that Nagornyy Karabakh should either join it or be given independence. The Azerbaijani side can never agree to these conditions. Given the current situation, no negotiations can yield results. For the settlement of the problem, both superpowers should exert pressure on Armenia or Azerbaijan should show its muscles. The superpowers are unlikely to pressure Armenia. The more realistic option for resolving the issue is for Azerbaijan to pressure Armenia."
Political scientist Rasim Musabayov also believes no hopes should be pinned on the Malta meeting: "The cochairmen are in fact unable to do anything. They learn both sides' positions on the resolution of the problem, listen to their opinions and put forward fresh proposals. And the sides disagree with those proposals."
Source: Sarq, Baku, in Azeri 26 Jun 01 p 9
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

Text: OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen Statement on Nagorno-Karabakh June 23
(Cavanaugh of U.S., Troubnikov of Russia, de Suremain of France) (420)

27 June 2001

After their meeting June 22-23 in Valletta, Malta, the co-chairs of
the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE), issued a statement on the latest efforts to resolve the
conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, announcing that they intend to visit
the region "in the first half of July to meet with all parties."

The Minsk Group delegations were led by French Ambassador Philippe de
Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Troubnikov, and U.S.
Ambassador Carey Cavanaugh.

Following is the text of their statement:

(begin text)

June 23, 2001


The three Minsk Group Co-Chairs held expanded consultations on June
22-23 in Valletta, Malta, to address the vital issue of advancing a
peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The delegations
were led by Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister Vyacheslav
Troubnikov, U.S. Ambassador Carey Cavanaugh and French Ambassador
Philippe de Suremain.

Building upon the results of their May trip to the region and on
recent discussions between Presidents Bush, Putin and Chirac, the
Co-Chairs thoroughly examined the current situation and exchanged
opinions concerning further work on the framework for the settlement
of the conflict developed during talks in Paris and Key West with the
participation of Armenian President [Robert] Kocharian and Azerbaijani
President [Heydar] Aliyev.

Several joint steps in the near future were agreed. In the coming days
the mediators will meet in Bucharest with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Romanian Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana, to brief him on the current
situation and future activities in the peace process. The three
Co-Chairs also intend to visit the region of conflict in the first
half of July to meet with all parties.

Expressing satisfaction with the solid and active partnership that has
been established between Moscow, Paris and Washington, including at
the highest level, the three Co-Chairs reaffirmed their common
determination to continue the close coordination of their efforts for
the speedy resolution of the Karabakh conflict and the return of peace
and stability in the South Caucasus.

The mediators underscored that all parties involved in the conflict in
this crucial period must demonstrate restraint and avoid any actions
that could complicate the situation in the region.

(end text)
(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State.

Azeri forces ready for Karabakh action, defence minister tells army day meeting
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 26, 2001

Text of report in English by Russian news agency Interfax
Baku, 26 June: Azerbaijani Defence Minister Safar Abiyev has stated that the Azerbaijani armed forces are ready to liberate the occupied territory of Azerbaijan.
Speaking at a meeting marking Azerbaijani army day yesterday evening, he said that "if the Armenian authorities do not give up their expansionist plans, the Azerbaijani armed forces will be ready to fulfil the will of the people, as well as the commander-in-chief's order to guarantee the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
The meeting was attended by top Azerbaijani officials, led by President Heydar Aliyev.
Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in English 0808 gmt 26 Jun 01
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

25.06.01--BAKU--The international community is against any military
operations aimed at resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. This was
announced by Michael Lemmon, the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia. In his
interview with CNN, Mr Lemmon said no one wanted it, even those who make
pro-militaristic statements in Baku. According to the U.S. envoy, such
statements are the result of psychological and emotional situation caused
by the long-running war. And this is why those statements should not be
taken seriously, said the U.S. diplomat. The U.S. Ambassador to
Azerbaijan, Ross Wilson has also said Armenia and Azerbaijan would reach
peace. I know and Im sure that the political course of Azeri President
Heydar Aliyev does not include the military way of the conflicts
adjustment, said Mr Wilson adding that America wants peace and development
of democracy and economy in the region.
By Parvana Veliyeva
ANS News, June 25, 2001

Azeri president not to launch "anti-terrorist operation" in Karabakh - US envoy
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 25, 2001

Text of A. Ahmadov report by Azerbaijani newspaper 525 qazet on 24 June entitled "The USA will not back Azerbaijan's anti-terrorist operation"
US ambassador to Azerbaijan Ross Wilson: "US policy in the region is based on peace, democracy and economic development"
"For the time being I have no information about the Malta meeting. We should wait a little to know its results," the US ambassador to Azerbaijan, Ross Wilson, told 525 qazet commenting on the 22 June meeting of the OSCE Minsk Group mediators in Malta. As for this meeting's impetus to the conflict settlement process, the US ambassador said he hoped for this was forthcoming. At the same time, the ambassador did not rule out that the sides could come up with new peace initiatives at this meeting.
Ideas have lately been voiced that the Azerbaijani side will launch an anti-terrorist operation on the occupied territories if the negotiating process yields no results. In this case, speaking about US support for Azerbaijan, Wilson said that "I am sure and I know that President Heydar Aliyev has no intention of carrying out such a policy". Besides that, the ambassador said that US policy in Azerbaijan was based on peace, democracy and economic development.
As for Iran's participation in the Karabakh settlement talks, the ambassador said that that country would participate in the talks as an observer. Wilson said that [US cochairman of OSCE Minsk Group] Carey Cavanaugh had already pointed out that Iran had an interest in this region and that from this point of view its participation in the negotiations was understandable. The ambassador also said that relations between Iran and the USA would have no negative impact on the course of the negotiations.
Asked if it was possible for Azerbaijan and Armenia to reach agreement by the end of this year, the ambassador said that he hoped so. At the same time, he noted that there was still no information about the next meeting between the two heads of state.
Source: 525 qazet,Baku, in Azeri 24 Jun 01
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry on 23 June reported that Armenian army
troops opened fire on Azerbaijani positions in Babek Raion late on 22
June, Turan reported. On 22 June, Armenia had rejected as a fabrication
earlier Azerbaijani claims that Armenian troops had subjected Azerbaijani
villages close to the border between Armenia and the Azerbaijani exclave
of Nakhichevan to machine-gun fire on 20 June. LF

Meeting on 22 June in Baku with a four-person Armenian parliament
delegation that traveled to the Azerbaijani capital to participate in a
session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic
Cooperation (PABSEC), Azerbaijani parliament speaker Murtuz Alesqerov
proposed creating an interparliamentary "friendship group," RFE/RL's
Yerevan bureau reported on 23 June. But Alesqerov rejected a
counterproposal by Armenian parliament deputy Viktor Dallakian that the
two countries should embark on economic cooperation. While admitting such
cooperation is "inevitable," Alesqerov said it cannot get underway before
a solution is found to the Karabakh conflict. Dallakian said the Armenian
delegation was well treated in Baku. LF
RFE/RL Transcaucasia Newsline, June 25, 2001

USA and Armenia trying to hold back Azerbaijan from war, Azeri daily
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 25, 2001

The recent tough statements voiced in Azerbaijan have made the Armenian lobby become more active
Soon relevant commissions of the US Congress will hold hearings on the subject of the well-known Section 907 [ban on US government aid to Azerbaijan] and on aid to Armenia and Nagornyy Karabakh in 2002. According to reports from Armenian sources, a commission of the House of Representatives is to examine this issue tomorrow, on 25 June. Similar hearings of the relevant Senate commission are set for the second half of July.
In connection with this, the Armenian diaspora of the USA has already stepped up its activity. Members of the Armenian lobby have appealed to American Armenians and called on them to be "vigilant". The appeal says that the Armenian diaspora should ensure that Section 907, which restricts aid to Azerbaijan, remains in force and that the volume of aid to Armenia and Nagornyy Karabakh increases. We should note that a minimum of 90m dollars is expected to be allocated to Armenia next year.
As before, pro-Armenian forces have again become active on the eve of the congressional hearings into this matter. In order to gauge the scale of this activity, it is enough to look at statements by congressmen controlled by Armenian financial groups in the USA. First a group of congressmen came up with an initiative to build the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline via Armenian territory. Everyone should concur that this initiative smacks of political adventurism rather than looking like a real proposal and of course, official Washington did not take this adventurism seriously. The view expressed by Steven Mann, adviser to the US secretary of state on Caspian energy issues, that George W. Bush "totally and decisively" supports the Baku-Ceyhan projects confirmed these thoughts.
After that, Congressmen Joseph Pitts and Thomas Tancredo appealed to President George W. Bush, trying to draw to his attention the human rights situation in Azerbaijan, election fraud, corruption and other violations.
Recently another congressman, Frank Pallone, sent an open letter to Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev. Pallone did not conceal his concern over Aliyev's statement that "Azerbaijan is ready for war at any time". "I cannot understand how such a provocative (?) statement can prepare the population for peace," the congressmen said, and stressed the need for a swift solution to the conflict.
In the opinion of the congressman, who is openly pro-Armenian, "by lifting the blockade of Armenia, Heydar Aliyev will demonstrate his peaceful intentions to the world community".
[Passage omitted: Further details]
We can conclude from all this that the recent bellicose statements voiced at all levels in Azerbaijan have started to give the Armenian side and their protectors serious grounds for concern.
It is no coincidence that the letter to the OSCE Minsk Group cochairmen sent on 22 June by the "foreign minister" of the Karabakh separatists, Naira Melkumyan, and Frank Pallone's letter take the same tone: Both Melkumyan and Pallone are complaining about statements by Azerbaijani officials and the opposition regarding liberation of the occupied territories by military means. Melkumyan regards these statements as an obstacle to peace and the US congressman as an obstacle to the repeal of Section 907.
In the meantime, the US ambassador to Armenia, Michael Lemmon, does not agree with what has been said about the preparations for war in Baku. In an interview he gave to the CNA news agency yesterday, Mr Lemmon said that "the world community was unambiguously against the resumption of hostilities in Karabakh". [Passage omitted: Further details]
It is clear that the USA and the Armenians are trying to do everything possible to hold back Azerbaijan from a resumption of hostilities. Baku is openly being told that if Azerbaijan takes such a step, "the world community will have its say".
Are these threats a bluff or are there serious intentions behind them?
Whatever the case, everything depends on the Azerbaijani authorities.
Source: 525 qazet, Baku, in Azeri 24 Jun 01 pp 1, 3
/BBC Monitoring/ � BBC.

Azeris stand to lose if Armenia joins Baku-Ceyhan - Azeri paper
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jun 25, 2001

Text of Zahid Safaroglu report by Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni Musavat on 23 June entitled "Is the Armenian option for Baku-Ceyhan safe?"
Armenians are doing everything to have the occupation forgotten
Our malevolent neighbours have recently started speaking more frequently about an Armenian option for Baku-Ceyhan [oil main export pipeline]. The fact that a group of pro-Armenian US congressmen recently came up with a legislative initiative supporting this route inspired the Armenians even further.
We reported on the congressmen's initiative in one of our previous editions. The MPs sent a letter to the US trade and development agency proposing to revise the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline's route, which has already been agreed, and lay it through Armenia. The US congressmen first of all based their proposal on US Secretary of State Colin Powell's recent statement that "Armenia's integration into international institutions is a priority for the USA". Moreover, they especially stressed that 400m-700m dollars would be saved under the Armenian option for the pipeline.
In turn, Armenian analysts go even further and say that in the event of the Baku-Ceyhan strategic oil pipeline running through Armenia the probability of resumed hostilities on the Karabakh front would considerably decrease. In all, according to our neighbours' logic, the sooner Armenia's communications with Azerbaijan and Turkey open, the deeper mutual trust will become and in the long run this will have a positive effect on progress in the talks on Nagornyy Karabakh within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. There have recently been many reports on this in the Armenian and Russian press.
It is obvious that the Armenians are trying to present themselves as a peaceful and creative civil nation skilfully benefiting from the interests of international forces in the region. As though there was no other normal nation in the region interested in integration into the West and the region's economic rise. This is the propagandist aspect of the issue.
Now let us suppose that while Azerbaijan's land remains under occupation, communication lines open between Armenia and Turkey and Azerbaijan, Baku-Ceyhan runs through Armenia and oil starts flowing to Western markets via this pipeline. Has the aggressor state's economic rise started? Has Armenia become stronger in every sense? Has its image of an occupier, the Karabakh problem, slipped into the background? Who can say that after this the settlement of the conflict will be a priority both for Western countries and Armenia? No-one. This problem will be the last thing to interest the West and America, which have invested massive funds in the region. And what about Azerbaijan's means for pressuring Armenia? Do you think they will decrease or increase?
They will certainly decrease. Now let us see, if we cannot properly exert pressure on Armenia which is economically weak and is in a blockade now, will we able to exert pressure on the neighbouring country whose economy and army will have strengthened (at our expense) and which will be more attached to the West, by peaceful means? We repeat that at that time, Armenia will at least not be perceived as an aggressor state, as is currently the case. After all, people will say then: if Armenia was an occupier, why did you establish economic-trade and communications-transport relations with them, and in addition lay the strategic oil pipeline through their territory? We will be at a loss to answer this.
Namely, what the Armenians are saying about "mutual trust" is nothing more than a soap bubble. Is it not clear that such statements are product of typically Armenian slyness?
As for the decreased likeliness of hostilities resuming if Baku-Ceyhan ran through Armenia, yes, this is partly true. It is a fact that a resumption of hostilities in the territory through which runs the oil pipeline, into which billions of dollars will have been invested, will primarily be a threat to the USA, UK and France, where the oil companies are from. This is another negative point for Azerbaijan. So, if some day we have to resort to the military option, we will first have to find common ground with the USA, UK and France. After all, the pipeline will also run through Karabakh. Will we be able to find common ground?
Incidentally, all the mentioned countries are among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.
Source: Yeni Musavat, Baku in Azeri 23 Jun 01

CoE: Seizure and destruction of Azerbaijani cultural heritage
Doc. 9147
27 June 2001
Motion for a recommendation
presented by Mr Rafael Huseynov and others

This motion has not been discussed in the Assembly and commits only the
members who have signed it


            One of the tragic consequences of Armenian aggression towards
the Republic of Azerbaijan besides the occupation of 20 per cent of the
territory of the country is the destruction and seizure of Azerbaijani
national and cultural heritage.  In spite of many appeals by international
organisations, Armenia has not made any constructive steps towards
providing security for the cultural wealth of Azerbaijan left in the
occupied regions.

            500 historical architectural and more than 100 archeological
monuments, 22 museums, 4 art galleries, 927 libraries, 85 musical schools,
4 state theatres remain on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

            As a result of military actions, the Museums of Historical and
Regional Studies in Kelbajar and Lachin, the Museums of History of Shusha
and Karabakh, the Stone Monuments Museums in Zangelan as well as many
others were plundered and destroyed.

            The occupations caused the levelling to the ground of unique
monuments of the Bronze Epoch v Khojali Barrow Field with about 100

            The Assembly is deeply alarmed by the transformation of the
Azykh Cave, a precious monument, which is one of the oldest places of
human civilization, into an ammunition dump.

            The number of cases of misappropriation of Azerbaijani works
of art and literature by Armenians verified by the Copyright Protection
Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan cause serious concern to the
Azerbaijani people.

            Taking into account that the cultural heritage created in the
course of many centuries does not belong only to a separate nation or a
country but also is a constituent part of world culture, the Parliamentary
Assembly appeals to the Committee of Ministers to take the necessary steps
to promote stopping the destruction and misappropriation of the
Azerbaijani cultural heritage.

Signed : [1]

Huseynov R., Azerbaijan, EPP/CD

Aliyev B., Azerbaijan, SOC

Aliyev G., Azerbaijan, EDG

Angelovicov?, Slovakia, SOC

Gamzatova, Russia, UEL

Hajiyeva, Azerbaijan, EPP/CD

Huseynov A., Azerbaijan, EDG

Kalkan, Turkey, EDG

Marxer, Liechtenstein, EPP/CD

Polohani, + the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -, EDG

Saglam, Turkey, EPP/CD

Seyidov, Azerbaijan, EDG

Shakhtakhtinskaya, Azerbaijan, EDG

Tanik, Turkey, EDG

Taylor, United Kingdom, EPP/CD

Telek, Turkey, EDG

Vakilov, Azerbaijan, EDG

Vanoost, Belgium, SOC


[1]           SOC: Socialist Group

                EPP/CD: Group of the European Peoples Party

                EDG: European Democratic Group

                LDR : Liberal, Democratic and Reformers Group

                UEL: Group of the Unified European Left

                NR: not registered in a group

CoE: Ecological situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan (mountainous Karabakh,
Shusha, Lachin, Gubatli, Zengilan, Kelebecer, Agdam, Fizuli, Cabrail)

Doc. 9148
27 June 2001
Motion for a recommendation
presented by Mr Seyidov and others

This motion has not been discussed in the Assembly and commits only the
members who have signed it

            Considering the global importance of ecological problems in
the present world, the Council of Europe is greatly alarmed by the
ecological situation, which has emerged in the territories of the Republic
of Azerbaijan (mountainous Karabakh, Shusha, Lachin, Gubatli, Zengilan,
Kelebecer, Agdam, Fizuli, Cabrail).

            There are two national reserves (Karabakh and Basitchay) and
four temporary reserves (Lachin, Gubatli, pre-Araz and Damalti) in the
above-mentioned Azeri territories.  These national reserves with their
unique natural landscapes, fauna and flora are absolutely not controlled
by Azerbaijan and according to the available information are
systematically plundered.

            The total area of woods in the above-mentioned territories was
264.000 hectares.  At present all the precious species of trees in the
said area have been felled and animals have completely disappeared.  As a
result, the vital biological relations among the natural complexes have
been violated and an ecological crisis has emerged.

            The chemical analyses of the water in the river Araz, the
biggest branch of the river Kur, the most vital water artery of
Azerbaijan, show that the level of pollution of water exceeds the
admissible norm for many times.  Taking into account that the main
branches of the river Araz (Okhchuchay, Razdan, Arpachay) run through the
territory of Armenia, and bearing in mind the fact that the Republic of
Armenia has not ratified the (Convention on the Protection and Usage of
Transborder Water Arteries and International Lakes (Helsinki 2000), the
Assembly expresses its great concern about the situation which has

            Taking into consideration the high seismicity of the whole
Caucasian region (earthquakes in Spitak in 1988, in Baku in 2000), the
presence of the atomic power station in the Republic of Armenia is a
potential source of danger for life not only in the Caucasian region, but
also in the whole of eastern Europe and the Middle East.

            Taking as a guide the provision ratified by the Republic of
Azerbaijan in the February of 2001 to the Basel Convention on Controlling
the Transborder Transportation of Dangerous Wastes, as well as taking into
consideration the fact that the above-mentioned Azeri territories are
completely uncontrolled, the Assembly expresses its alarm and fear on the
possible dumping of nuclear wastes of the Armenian atomic power station in
the Azeri territories.

Taking into account the above, the Assembly calls on the Committee of
Ministers to take the necessary steps to prevent the expected ecological
catastrophe in this unique part of the European continent, which is under

Signed : [1]

Seyidov, Azerbaijan, EDG

Aliyev B., Azerbaijan, SOC

Aliyev G., Azerbaijan, EDG

Angelovicov?, Slovakia, SOC

Gligoroski, (the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, EPP/CD

Hajiyeva, Azerbaijan, EPP/CD

Huseynov A., Azerbaijan, EDG

Huseynov R., Azerbaijan, EPP/CD

Irtem?elik, Turkey, EDG

Landsbergis, Lithuania, EDG

Shakhtakhtinskaya, Azerbaijan, EDG

Taylor, United Kingdom, EPP/CD

Telek, Turkey, EDG

Tudor, Romania, EDG

Vakilov, Azerbaijan, EDG

Zarubinsky, Ukraine, EDG


[1]           SOC: Socialist Group

                EPP/CD: Group of the European Peoples Party

                EDG: European Democratic Group

                LDR : Liberal, Democratic and Reformers Group

                UEL: Group of the Unified European Left

                NR: not registered in a group

CoE: Recognition of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan by Armenia
Doc. 9140
26 June 2001
Written Question No. 396 to the Committee of Ministers

by Mrs Hajiyeva

            The Committee of Ministers, at their 108th Ordinary Session on
10 and 11 May 2001, discussed the situation in the Balkans and
Caucasus.  During the meeting the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Armenia, Mr V. Oscanyan, declared that Armenia does not and
will not recognise the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan until the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is settled.

            Taking into consideration that

-           both Azerbaijan and Armenia are full members of the Council of

-           the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan is
recognised by all the international organisations, including the UN, the
OSCE, the Council of Europe and by all the world states;

-           one member state of the Council of Europe, Armenia, does not
recognise the territorial integrity of another member state, Azerbaijan;

-           Armenia has occupied 20% of the territory of Azerbaijan, and
that this has led to mass violation of human rights.

            Ms Hajiyeva,

To ask the Committee of Ministers to invite the Republic of Armenia

-           to respect such principles of International Law as territorial
integrity and sovereignty of states and to recognise the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan;

-          to secure immediate withdrawal of the Armenian military forces
from the occupied Azerbaijani lands.

Signed[1] :

Hajiyeva, Azerbaijan, EPP/CD


[1]  EPP/CD: Group of the European People's Party

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