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Edited on 24/01/2000

U.S. DIPLOMATS DISCUSS KARABAKH CONFLICT IN ARMENIA... U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Steven Sestanovich and the U.S.
co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Carey Cavanaugh, met in
Yerevan on 21-22 January with President Robert Kocharian,
Prime Minister Aram Sargsian and other senior officials to
discuss how to speed up the stalled Karabakh peace process,
RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau reported. He said that to that end,
the Minsk Group is preparing a new peace proposal, but did
not divulge details. Sestanovich told journalists in Yerevan
on 22 January that the unresolved Karabakh conflict remains
an obstacle to improvement in Armenian-Turkish relations. LF

On 22 January Sestanovich and Cavanaugh
flew to Baku for talks with President Heidar Aliev and other
senior officials, AP and ITAR-TASS reported. Aliev greeted
the news that the Minsk Group is preparing a new peace
proposal, and expressed his hope that the conflict will be
resolved by the end of this year. LF

Copyright RFE/RL

Subject: SNARK and Turan news
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 17:31:21 -0800 (PST)

HL NOTE: The following news articles ignore such basic facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate part of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) That the puppet leaders and regime(s) of some self-proclaimed "NKR"
   entity are recognized by no state and lack any legitimacy whatsoever.

Further, the Stalin imposed name of Stepanakert in 1923, is invalid and
the historic name of the city, Khankandi, has been restored since
Azerbaijan's re-establishment of independence.

Problem of Mined Territory in NKR Seen

(Yerevan) Snark
in Russian

11:30:00 AM 13 Jan 00

   Stepanakert, 13th January -- According to the report of the
International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC] 50,000 mines of various
types were laid by the two sides during the [Nagornyy] Karabakh war.
Thousands of hectares of areas of agricultural significance, sown areas,
gardens and pastures, as well as roads and infrastructure facilities of
strategic importance were mined when part of the Nagornyy Karabakh
Republic's [NKR] territory was under Azerbaijan's occupation. Many
hundreds of people are suffering from mines in the NKR.

   Today the success of the republic's post-war restoration mainly
depends on the speed of mine-clearing. After the establishment of a truce
in 1994 the NKR government worked out a special programme on the
mine-clearing of the republic's territory. International nongovernmental
humanitarian organizations helped the Karabakh sappers at a definite
stage. The mine-clearing has recently been implemented mainly by local
forces. A separate sapper battalion and a special group is operating.
They are engaged in collecting information about the minefields. An
operational service to react to signals about the discovery of mines
exists, too. Annually up to one hundred hectares of territories are
rendered harmless. However specialists say that 10 years are needed for
the complete clearing of mines from the NKR's territory.

   The minister of agriculture of the NKR, Armo Tsaturyan, said that
total economic damage from not using the mined territories, which make up
about 30 per cent of the republic's areas of economic significance, but
in the most fruitful, low-lying and foothill zones, is estimated at many
millions of dollars.

   The observers think that a final settlement of the problem of mined
territories in the zone of the Karabakh conflict is possible only after
implementing the points of a trilateral political draft agreement
presupposing cooperation between the sides on the issue of clearing mines
with the OSCE's mediation.

HL NOTE: The following news articles ignore such basic facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate part of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) That the puppet leaders and regime(s) of some self-proclaimed "NKR"
   entity are recognized by no state and lack any legitimacy whatsoever.

Further, the Stalin imposed name of Stepanakert in 1923, is invalid and
the historic name of the city, Khankandi, has been restored since
Azerbaijan's re-establishment of independence.

NKR Plans for 'Spiritual-Cultural' Revival of Shusha

Snark (Yerevan)
in Russian

12:40:00 PM 15 Jan 00

   Yerevan, 15th January -- Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] Prime
Minister Anushavan Daniyelyan has said that by the year 2010, the
population of the town of Shusha should be 15,000 and the town itself
will undergo a revival as one of the great spiritual-cultural centres.
For Shusha, which was almost 90 per cent destroyed as a result of the
hostilities, the most topical problem is the problem of settlement, which
is directly linked to the creation of new jobs. A tea-producing
enterprise using local raw materials has recently opened in the town.
Besides that, a branch of the Yerevan jewel factory which is to provide
jobs for 300 people has been set up.

   The housing problem remains as burning as ever. Many buildings in
Shusha are in a state of emergency as a result of the hostilities. Repair
and restoration work on about 20 houses is currently under way in the

   In spite of numerous difficulties, the number of educational
institutions in Shusha is increasing from year to year. [Passage omitted:
Various educations centres]

   Vladimir Kasyan, head of the district administration, is confident
that the revival of Shusha as a resort town will yield significant
financial funds for the district, which will make it possible to resolve
the existing problems. However, support from humanitarian organizations
is required for this, Kasyan believes.

HL NOTE: The following news articles ignore such basic facts that:

1) Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was, is, and will remain to be a
   legitimate part of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2) Karabakh, and seven other regions are illegally occupied by
   the Republic of Armenia, the aggressor;

3) That the puppet leaders and regime(s) of some self-proclaimed "NKR"
   entity are recognized by no state and lack any legitimacy whatsoever.

Further, the Stalin imposed name of Stepanakert in 1923, is invalid and
the historic name of the city, Khankandi, has been restored since
Azerbaijan's re-establishment of independence.

NKR Condemns Attempts To 'Destabilize' Situation

in Russian

5:18:00 AM 14 Jan 00

   Yerevan, 13th January -- The government of the Nagornyy Karabakh
Republic [NKR] made a statement today condemning the activity of some
formerly high-ranking people directed at the destabilization of the
internal political situation in the republic. The statement in particular
says that recently a certain group of people have been attempting again
to destabilize the internal political situation in the NKR, which cannot
but prompt the anxiety of the constitutional authorities of the country.
Formerly high-ranking people who have today lost the nation's respect are
included in the aforementioned group. According to the authors of the
statement, the circumstance that causes most worry is that these criminal
forces in their dirty and criminal aims are not squeamish about resorting
to terrorist acts and provocations, attempting by all means to enlarge
the ranks of the Yerkrapa organization, trying to attract veterans of the
Karabakh war into the ranks of their supporters. The statement also noted
that the forces included in the aforementioned group do not hide the fact
that their main aim is the capture of power, the restoration of their
lost positions, the use of the state budget for personal purposes and
robbery of their own nation.

   [Passage omitted: accusations against Arkadiy Karapetyan, chairman of
the Yerkrapa council]

   The NKR government statement condemns the activity of Yerkrapa and the
support given to it by forces on the territory of the republic and
simultaneously expresses support for the newly established Union of
Veterans of the Artsakh [Karabakh] War which, they say, aims to maintain
legality and law and order in the republic and also to defend the civil
interests of war veterans and members of the bereaved families.
"Nobody will succeed  in disorienting the veterans who have gone
through war, who are ready to render firm support to the constitutional
authorities in resolving the tasks facing the republic," the
government statement said.

Copyright Habarlar-L

Edited on 22.01.2000


The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Vilayat Guliyev said in
connection with the information recently spread by the Azeri mass
media that Turkey will open its border with Armenia that he had
called the Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Kadri Ecvet Tezcan
and received the latest news from him.  In his turn, the Turkish
envoy contacted the Caucasian department of the Turkish Foreign
Ministry and was informed there that the information doesn?t
correspond to the facts.  Opening the Turkey-Armenia border is
out of question and it?s nothing but allegations of the mass
media which is hungry for sensations, the Turkish ambassador

US Envoy In Armenia For Karabakh Talks

A senior US official on Friday held talks with Armenian leaders in Yerevan on prospects for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The decade-long territorial dispute topped the agenda of meetings between US Assistant Secretary of State Steven Sestanovich and President
Robert Kocharian and Prime Minister Aram Sarkisian, officials said. Sestanovich arrived in the Armenian capital earlier earlier in they and will fly
on to neighboring Azerbaijan on Saturday.

An Armenian foreign ministry spokesman told RFE/RL that the two sides were discussing ways to "spur" the Karabakh peace process that
showed signs of progress last year but has effectively stalled since the October 27 shootings in the Armenian parliament. The Armenian
authorities have been largely preoccupied with domestic affairs ever since.

Premier Sarkisian, whose brother and predecessor was killed in the attack, was quoted by his spokesman as calling on Friday for a "quick and
optimal solution" to the conflict with Azerbaijan. Kocharian and his Azerbaijani counterpart Heidar Aliev are scheduled to meet next week in
Moscow on the sidelines of a CIS summit.

The US, Russia and France are the co-chairs of the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the main
international body trying to broker a peace deal on the disputed territory. Sestanovich is accompanied by the current US representative in the
Group, Carey Cavanaugh.

The US envoy arrived in Armenia from Turkey. A government spokesman said a normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations was also discussed
during his talks with Sarkisian. RFE/RL


Edited on 21.01.2000

Kars-Gumri Border to open
ANKARA (Anatolian News Agency)-An Armenian
delegation arrived in Kars Tuesday to hold talks on the
opening of the East Gate at the Turkish-Armenian border.
The meetings resulted in a decision to open the border
once a week.

The delegation, which was received by Kars Mayor Naif
Alibeyoglu, was comprised of Grigor Aranelyan, chief of
the Armenian Foreign Ministry's Near and Middle Eastern
Countries Desk; Turkish Desk Chief Arsen Avaryan,
Karen Kocharyan, director general of the Local
Administration Ministry; Gumri Mayor Vardan Ghukasyan;
Shirak Deputy Governor Seyran Petrosyan and an
Armenian television crew.

The delegation called on Kars Governor Nevzat Turhan at
his office and conferred with him for some time. In a
statement he made here, Avaryan said that the visit aims
at taking the necessary initiatives to ensure that the East
Gate is opened as soon as possible and added, "There
are no problems between the peoples of Armenia and
Turkey. The opening of this gate is very important for both
countries. We hope that our visit will consolidate our
relations. We wish to inaugurate the East Gate as soon as

Turhan expressed that the problems between Armenia
and Azerbaijan will be resolved as soon as possible with
goodwill and within the framework of good relations,
recalling that President Suleyman Demirel has taken the
necessary initiatives on the issue. He added that the
opening of the gate will greatly develop the economy of

The delegation later visited Prof. Necati Kaya, rector of
the Kafkas University, and was briefed on the economic
and technological fields in which cooperation can be
achieved with universities in Gumri and Yerevan.

Alibeyoglu, who is hosting the delegation, said that if the
East Gate opens migration in Kars will halt, expressing the
wish that the gate be inaugurated as soon as possible.
The delegation also visited Van.

Copyright 2000 Anatolian News Agency

Edited on January 19, 2000

Wolfgang Schussel: "I'll apply all my efforts to settle Upper Karabakh problem this year in accordance with the Lisbon Summit principles"

Baku. 19.01.2000. /AzadInform/. The Foreign minister of Austria Wolfgang
Schussel due to lead OSCE since this year addressed the Parliamentary Assembly's
next session on measures to be taken in the future. He expressed his hope, all
problems will be solved as a result of joint discussions during the OSCE PA
committees Antalya meeting scheduled for April and Bucharest meeting due to be
held in July.

OSCE chairman highly appreciated Azerbaijan and Armenian Presidents'
face-to-face meetings for peaceful resolution of the Upper Karabakh conflict.
Mister Schussel stated, he will do his best to make 2000 year of the Upper
Karabakh conflict's resolution. He will conduct negotiations with heads of the
both countries. Moreover, he stressed, he will apply his efforts to settle the
Upper Karabakh problem this year in accordance with the Lisbon Summit


BAKU, 18 JANUARY, AZER-PRESS.  Armenia's foreign minister Vardan Oskanyan
said the meeting of President Aliyev and President Kocharyan in Moscow
during the CIS summit on 24-25 January would show whether the time-out
that the Armenian president took following the tragedy in Yerevan
parliament on 27 October was over. The Minister added that many things had
changed in Armenia, and this should be taken into account. He went further
to say that it even after the meeting in Moscow it would be rather
premature to speak of the 'qualitative return' to the state of affairs
before the terrorist act in the National Assembly (parliament) of Armenia.

Tomas Golts: "Armenians who live in California are authors of Internet web-site created against the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev"

Baku. 18.01.2000. /AzadInform/. Delivering a speech at the today's symposium in
"Hyatt Regency" hotel, Tomas Golts, US reporter on the Caucasian region,
independent journalist and author of "Azerbaijanian diaries" touched upon some
interest aspects of the Azeri-American relations. Sharing with impressions
regarding Azerbaijan, T. Golts stated, outstanding men like Kissinger and
Bzejinski back Azerbaijan in US. Noting on shortage of information, exchanged
between US and other independent states, including Azerbaijan T. Golts expressed
his hope for solution of this problem in the future. Armenians, living in
California are authors of the Internet web-site, created against the President
of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. However, not millions, but only inconsiderable part
of people can use this page. The main part of the series articles about
Azerbaijan isn't published in the US magazines and some people are interested
therein. He expressed his hope for positive opinions on Azerbaijan !
will exist forever. Dwelling on the Section 907 of the 'Freedom Support Act", T.
Golts stressed, majority of US Congressmen don't have detailed information about
this amendment. "I talked with one congressmen about the above section and he
couldn't explain why he voted for that section", said Golts and expressed a
confidence, that amendment is to be abolished in the future. He added,
preservation of this section may be an obstacle to development of US democracy.


Edited on January 11, 2000

On a visit to Ankara on 9-10 January, Heidar Aliev discussed with his Turkish
counterpart, Suleyman Demirel, the proposed Baku-Ceyhan
export pipeline for Azerbaijani oil and the prospects for
resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Aliev said the
Karabakh conflict cannot be resolved without Turkish
participation, according to AP. Also on 10 January,
Azerbaijani presidential administration official Novruz
Mamedov rejected media reports citing Aliev as having said
prior to his departure from Baku that Azerbaijan might drop
its objections to the reopening of transport connections
between Turkey and Armenia, Turan reported. Such reports, he
said, are "misconstrued." On returning to Baku on 11 January,
Aliev denied media reports that he underwent a medical
checkup in the Ankara military hospital where he was treated
for bronchitis in January 1999, Turan reported.

Copyright RFE/RL

Armenian News by Noyan Tapan, Armenpress, ITAR-TASS, January 10, 2000
(formulations represent Armenian political position)

Karabakh Defense Minister Appointed Army

YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)-Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
President Arkady Ghoukassian signed a decree January 7
appointing Karabakh Minister of Defense, Major-General
Seiran Ohanian Commander of the Karabakh Defense Army,
the Karabakh President's Press Service reported.

Armenian President Robert Kocharian arrived in Stepanakert,
Nagorno Karabakh Republic, January 6.

The following day the Armenian president held meetings with
the commander of the Karabakh Defense Army and got
acquainted with the situation on the borders.

Later that day Kocharian held a meeting with Karabakh
President Arkady Ghoukassian, Prime Minister Anushavan
Danielian, Karabakh government members and heads of the
regional administrations. During the meeting the Armenian
president was informed of the social and economic situation in
the country, problems of different ministries and establishments
and measures aimed at settling them. Kocharian stressed the
importance of developing interdepartmental relations and
cooperation between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

Kocharian held a meeting a week earlier on December 30 with
Karabakh Prime Minister Anushavan Danielian.

The sides discussed the recent processes in the republic and
the current political situation in the country.

They exchanged views on the social and economic problems
of the country and possible ways of improving the situation.

OSCE Monitors Karabakh-Azeri Front-Line

STEPANAKERT (Noyan Tapan)-A group of inspectors
authorized by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe conducted front-line monitoring in the north of
Karabakh's Mardakert region.

On the Karabakh side the group was led by the OSCE
Chairman-in-Office's Personal Representative Andrzej
Kasprzic. The monitoring went well according to schedule, with
no incidents reported.

Among the inspectors was also the recently appointed Chief of
the OSCE High Planning Group Colonel Bernard Vialatt of
France. The OSCE team was accompanied by Karabakh
Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry officials.

West Uncertain Over Azerbaijans
Territorial Integrity

             By Elkhan Shahinoglu Azernews Contributor

  During discussions of the UN resolution on cooperation between UN
  and OSCE at the 54th General Assembly session, a provision on
  Upper Karabakh was introduced to the section on conflicts, which, in
  its turn, brought about the issue of Azerbaijans territorial integrity.
  The provision on recognition of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
  was reportedly approved by the majority of votes. However, it was
  not elaborated that the majority in favor of Azerbaijan was achieved
  thanks to a one-vote advantage (see table).
  55 out of 109 countries voted for the recognition of Azerbaijans
  territorial integrity, as only Armenia voted against. However, 53
  states, mainly representing the so-called Western world (almost all
  OSCE and its MG member-states) abstained. USA, Great Britain,
  France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain, Russia, Baltic, Eastern
  European and Scandinavian countries voted neither for nor against,
  i.e. the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan for them is still a matter
of  consideration.
  Needless to say that the population of Azerbaijan has, to put it mildly,
  been taken aback. We have heard so many assurances of friendship
  and solidarity from representatives of Western countries visiting
  Azerbaijan over the recent years, so many sweet words as to the
  irreversibility of our sovereignty, territorial integrity, inviolability
of   borders... We have got so used to considering USA, Russia, France,
  Germany, Great Britain, Japan as our strategic partners, especially in
  the wake of their interest in Azerbaijans hydrocarbon potential.
  At the same time, neighboring Iran, for instance, which has been
  subject to] various reproaches both on part of the authorities and
  opposition in Azerbaijan, has supported Azerbaijans territorial
  integrity. The list of 55 states which have upheld our sovereignty also
  includes almost all Muslim states, most of the CIS states, a number of
  Asian, African, so-called third world countries, which, just like
  Azerbaijan, are experiencing injustice reigning the world.
  Time will show whether Azerbaijan will make the necessary
  conclusions and alter its priorities.

For               Against                 Abstained

Azerbaijan      Armenia          USA
Argentina                              Australia
Bagladesh                              Austria
Belarus                                  Albania
Benin                                     Germany
UAE                                       Antigua
Bahrain                                 Belgium
Bolivia                                   Bulgaria
Bosnia                                   Great Britain
Brazil                                    Denmark
Brunei-dar-Salam                  Erithrea
Burkina Faso                         Estonia
Bhutan                                  Ethiopia
Venezuela                             Ireland
Vietnam                                Sweden
Kazakhstan                           Switzerland
Qatar                                    Spain
Guatemala                             Israel
Ecuador                                 Italy
Algeria                                  Japan
Afghanistan                           New Zealand
Indonesia                               Greece
Jordan                                   Canada
Iran                                       Cyprus
Yemen                                   Costa Rica
Columbia                               Lithuania
Kuwait                                   Latvia
Georgia                                  Liechtenstein
Libya                                      Luxembourg
Madagascar                            Mauritius
Malaysia                                 Macedonia
Maldives                                 Malta
Mexico                                   Hungary
Morocco                                  Monaco
Egypt                                      Norway
Mozambique                           Poland
Moldova                                 Portugal
Nepal                                     Romania
Oman                                    Russia
Uzbekistan                             San-Marino
Pakistan                               Slovakia
Paraguay                              Slovenia
Peru                                     Somalia
Saudi Arabia                         Togo
Thailand                               Philippines
Tanzania                               Finland
Tajikistan                             France
Tunisia                                  Croatia
Turkey                                  Netherlands
Turkmenistan                       Honduras
Ukraine                                Czech Republic
Uruguay                                South Korea
India                                     Sri Lanka
South Africa                          Djibouti

Strategic partners abstain from voting for Azerbaijan's
territorial integrity

Posted Thursday, January 06, 19100
- 13:51 GMT by News Editor

The voting at the UN General Assembly in New York on 15th
December showed the world's real attitude towards
Azerbaijan.  On that day the then OSCE chairman, Norway,
put forward a resolution "On co-operation between the UNO
and the OSCE" at the assembly's 54th session.

Armenia proposed adding a clause about the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict to the ssection on resolving conflicts
in line with the [OSCE] Istanbul summit's final
declaration.  Azerbaijani diplomats quickly proposed
adding expression "Azerbaijan's territorial integrity" to
the clause.  On this issue Azerbaijan and Norway came
from similar positions.  Seeing such a development of
events, the Armenian representatives remembered the
Lisbon events.  They tried to prevent Azerbaijan's
territorial integrity from being mentioned in the

By an Armenian representative's proposal, the addenda
were put forward for separate voting.  On behalf of the
European Union and Minsk Group co-chairmen, Finland and
the USA actually backed Armenia's stand.  The US
representative recalled his country's obligations within
the Minsk Group on the Nagornyy Karabakh settlement and
said that they would not be able to vote for documents
beyond the Istanbul summit.

As is known, Azerbaijan's territorial integrity was not
mentioned in the OSCE Istanbul summit's declaration.  The
USA is indirectly admitting that it does not recognise
Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.  Thus the voting
resulted in Azerbaijan's favour by one vote.  Fifty-five
countries voted for the addenda, one voted against and 53
countries abstained.  Seventy-eight countries did not
participate in the voting for various reasons.  Finally,
the resolution "On co-operation between the UNO and the
OSCE" was put up for voting and passed with 124 votes in
favour.  Armenia and China abstained.

What they failed to obtain in Lisbon and Istanbul the
Azerbaijani diplomats obtained in New York.  But it is
difficult to speak about the resolution's positive
influence on the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict, because, the main thing is that with their
abstention the countries responsible for the resolution
of the conflict, namely the USA, Russia and France, voted
for keeping the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan a
disputable issue.

The countries that are described as strategic partners of
our country were abstainers, while neighbouring Iran, to
which all possible things are addressed daily,
unconditionally recognised Azerbaijan's territorial
integrity.  This is not nonsense but a demonstration of
the unskillful activity of those responsible for our
foreign policy.  It is not by chance that they have not
given a wide report about the essence of the event to the
press so far.  Actually, all the strategic allies of
Azerbaijan, except Turkey, refused to recognise our
territorial integrity.  We will return to the matter in
our next issues.

Another Aliyev-Kocharian Meeting Due In Davos
  According to a reliable source, President Aliyev is expected to leave
  for Switzerland late in January to attend an international economic
  forum in Davos. The forum will focus on issues of expansion of
  inter-state economic relationship and opportunities of economic
  assistance to transitional economies.
  A meeting with the Armenian President Kocharian has been

In a statement issued on December 27, 1999, the Foreign Ministry of
described Armenia�s plans to open seismological stations on the
occupied Azerbaijani territories as an unacceptable violation of the country
�s territorial integrity.  Armenian armed forces occupy 20% of Azerbaijan�s
territory as a result of aggression, which resulted in the displacement of
an estimated 1 million people.

Azeri MPs visit China, to raise issue of missile supply
to Armenia

Posted Thursday, January 06, 19100 - 13:52 GMT
by News Editor

An Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation led by Deputy
Speaker Arif Rahimzade has left for an official visit to
Beijing.  The Azerbaijani MPs will hold a number of
meetings at the Chinese Foreign Ministry.  Caspian agency
learnt form diplomatic sources that during the talks the
Azerbaijani party will raise the issue of the return of
Typhoon missiles that China gave Armenia some time ago.
However, a compromise option is on the cards for the
solution of the problem:  the Chinese party can supply a
similar number of Typhoon missiles to Azerbaijan.

Source:  `525 gazet', Baku, in Azeri 05 Jan 00 p9

Kocharian held talks in Stepanakert on 7 January with Arkadii
Ghukasian, president of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic, RFE/RL's Stepanakert correspondent reported.
Kocharian's visit to Stepanakert was said to be a private one,
pegged to the first anniversary of his brother's death in a hang-gliding
accident, but he also met with the enclave's Prime Minister
Anoushavan Danielian and with district administrators,
according to Snark. Also on 7 January, Ghukasian named the
unrecognized republic's defense minister, Seyran Ohanian, as
commander of the Karabakh Defense Army. LF

UN allocated $ 600 thousand to carry out restoration works in Fizuli region

Baku. 10.01.2000 /AzadInform/. According to the Agency of Restoration and
Reconstruction of Territories, aid campaign, started by UN since 1998 for
carrying out re-building works in liberated territories is going on up-to-day.
UN granted $ 600 thousand to conduct restoration works in Fizuli. Of total $ 240
thousand were distributed among 393 families to make different production works.

At the same time the Agency had completed improvement of a street named after UN
in Horadiz settlement.

All news are copied from the Habarlar-L Internet News Distribution Litserver.

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