Board Games
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These are some of the Board Games I play and a little about them, as well as pictures of my models.


    Bolt Action is a skirmish (in this case, platoon) level tabletop wargame. It's very similar in its mechanics to older 40k, including its use of templates. The only dice you need really are two different sets of D6's, but Warlord's proprietary "Order Dice" are also useful due to being easily readable and serving also as scatter dice. Activation in BA is non-sequential, rather the order of units is determined by drawing a die representing either one of your, or the enemy's, units from a bag until all units have gone. After which, all the dice go back into the bag. If you're a fan of the time period, it's definitely worth playing on Tabletop Simulator or virtually. While it has a decent sized fanbase, the game can be very easily broken. There is a definite bias towards the British and the Japanese, Flamethrowers are absurdly powerful, and tanks often don't see use due to their cost ineffectiveness.

Rating: 3 out of 5

    AK-47 Republic is another skirmish level wargame that takes place in modern Africa (1950s-Present). While I've not played too much of it due to its obscurity and reluctance amongst my peers to get on board with it, I enjoy it. There are events that go on before the game starts that impacts how much of your army will be deployed and when, and while the different armies don't have radically different playstyles they're different enough while still being realistic. You can tell there is an emphasis on fun by the rules and the assortment of army building resources such as name and flag generation tables that can really help your band of militia truly be your own.

Rating: 4 out of 5