Farlander Central ........ established 2003 ........ created and maintained by Keyan Farlander


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Dead Man Running!

This is utterly, utterly weird. I was playing Redemption at Gotranno, had slain all those damned bodyguards, and was now moving in for the kill.

Now, I tried a variety of different ways of killing Sergei (who by now I am convinced is a malevolent ghost), all of which gave really peculiar results.

Fibre wire: I assumed that, because H2 had so many glitches, that I could strangle Sergei through the confessional door. So what resulted was that every time I did this, I'd see 47 throttling open air - or, conceivably, an invisible person - and draw it down to the ground. Only there would be nobody there.

Knife: Even spookier, each time I tried the knife I saw Sergei mysteriously walk through the confessional door backwards, stay there for a few seconds and then vanish again.

Guns: Having given up on close-combat weapons, I decided to try and shoot Sergei from outside the confessional, and then moved inside and shot him some more. This of course led to the cutscene where Sergei whops Vittorio a big one, and crashes through the wall of the confessional.

So I decided I would try shooting again, now that I knew *exactly* where Sergei was standing. So I moved to the same spot in the confessional and shot up a bullet storm. This again led to the cutscene.


In the cutscene you could see that Sergei was very very dead and slumped over; to my astonishment and horror, his gun then proceeded to menace Vittorio and speak with Sergei's voice! And then - this is the most Twilight Zone-y part - I saw the body of Sergei get tossed out of the confessional..... after which the very dead corpse proceeded to haul its way ON THE GROUND past the confessional door!!!

After I'd recovered from my shock of seeing a corpse moving independently past the door, I rushed out of the confessional only to see the door to the left (if you're facing the confessional) bang shut. It was locked. So I called up the map to see where Sergei had gone off of.... and the map said that Sergei was still in the confessional. I went to check, and there was only Vittorio inside.

At this point I seriously began doubting my sanity, and decided that the best thing to do would be to turn off my laptop, crawl into bed and whimper. Which was more or less what I did.

I would've taken a photo of it, only I was utterly stupefied, astonished, horrified beyond words. Has Hitman 2 become House of the Dead 2?

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