Farlander Central ........ established 2003 ........ created and maintained by Keyan Farlander


Game Resources

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Walkthroughs

Here are walkthroughs for the game - not only to enable you to pass the mission, but to score Silent Assassin rating (and hopefully all 0's) as well.

Mission 1: Anathema

For this mission, don't bother bringing anything - you'll find everything you need in the Don's house. When the mission starts, you will be at the top of a hill overlooking the mansion. Scoot down, and crouch to the right of the door southeast of the mansion. Presently, a guard with severe bladder problem (they all seem to be incontinent, don't they?) will come out to take a whizz. While his back is turned, sneak through the door.

You will now find yourself at the bottom of the garden. Scoot along until you meet a wall. If you peek around it, you should see a flight of stairs leading to the cellar, and a guard standing at the door to the kitchen. Wait until the guard turns his back to you, and then quickly run over to the staircase and enter the cellar.

You should now be free to maneouvre without the risk of people detecting your presence. Make your way to the staircase that leads to the kitchen, and call up your map. Once everyone else has left it, and the cook's back is turned, run up the stairs and through the door to your right. You are now free to navigate again.

Make your way to the left of the house where there is a staircase leading to the Don's bedroom. Climb the stairs partway and crouch down so that you can observe what's happening on the 2nd floor without anybody seeing you. Pretty soon you'll see the Don walking out of his office onto the landing and to his bedroom, whereupon that beefy gorilla at his door will move into the office. Sneak into the bedroom and pick up the golf club. By this time the Don should be in the balcony or about to re-enter the room; it doesn't really matter at this point. Go whack his brains out. Then pick his body clean.

Now of course you realise that as long as the Don doesn't come out of his bedroom, his guard (now back at the door) isn't going to budge, so you'll have to leave the room by another way. Go out to the balcony. What luck! There are some bars missing (the Don must have whacked it after a bad golf game). Drop down to the ground floor. To your right is a door leading to the pool area. Make sure there are no guards in the garden when you scoot in. Run over to the right side, where there is a staircase going up to the roof, and climb it. Now, while crouching, inch your way over the roof and onto the ledge running across the front of the house until you are directly above the staircase leading to the cellar, then drop down, run into the cellar and unlock the door of Vittorio's cell.

...Oops, where's Vittorio?

Go back to that cellar door you came in from, check that there aren't any guards patrolling the grounds and *run* to the door leading to the outside, and out to your pickup area.

Congratulations! Silent Assassin, perfect 0's!

Mission 7: The Hidden Valley

Get to the truck with the weapons from the agency (well, the wall) by going through the trees and using their shadow for cover. Take out the guard from behind with chloroform when he's walking away from the truck. Drag him to the wall, take his clothes (if he gets hypothermia, too bad). Take whatever weapons. Go north, stick to the wall and get to the next guard tower, all the while making sure you don't face or get too close to anybody, and they're in front, going in the same direction as you. Go up the slope to the guard tower, watch the map, and when everybody's going south (well, there is usually one going north, but he's usually too far to notice anything out of the ordinary), head in the same direction. When you get to the southern wall and there's a fellow approaching, hug the wall, crouch - the damned idiot won't even notice you. Then make your way east, then south again. From the south opening, get to the secret passage. Run if you want, nobody will care by then.

NOTE: If by any bad luck, someone starts yelling 'ya me! ya me!' or something at you, do not, under any circumstances stop walking, but don't run either. Eventually they'll give up and call you a string of bad names, not that it matters!

Congratulations! Silent Assassin, perfect 0's!

Note: For some strange reason, the warnings 'Guard is checking your ID', 'Guards are alerted', and 'Guards are looking for a suspicious ninja' do not count as alerts or close encounters. To your advantage, of course.

Mission 8: At The Gates

Make your way southwest to the ridge, using the trees as cover (watch out for all those patrolling guards. Two will stop and talk in the trench, and then one will depart. There's another guy up on the ridge). Go up the ridge and tail the patroller. When the coast is clear, get out your chloroform, sneak up to him, and let him have all five doses! Then take his clothes and get back down. Follow the ridge until you are south of the main castle entrance. When you get to the tower, you'll be briefed on the security grids by diana. The first one you'll need to take out is the one to the east of the castle. The thing is that it's guarded by this horribly paranoid guard who's impossible to sneak by - and shoots without provocation. So what i do is take the long way - to the west. There are three guards there, but it's quite easy to sneak by them as long as you are hugging the ridges or walls AT ALL TIMES and never once turn your face in their direction. (best to face the wall/ridge)

You will now be northwest of the castle. There's a patroller north of the castle, but when he's up near the mountains, turn your face to the wall, and skirt your way northeast. From there, make your way south to the generator. Get to the ridge above the generator while the guard's back is turned, jump down, open the door and get in - and hide behind the damned thing! From there, it's easy to shut the unit down. Get as close to the gate as you possibly can while staying hidden, while the guard patrols back up north; then when he goes back down south, get out and walk south. He'll yell for you to stop. Ignore him, and keep walking. (just don't run, or the snipers will get to you)

Now make your way to the main entrance of the castle. You'll find that the laser gates are now deactivated. Now! here's the tricky bit. Open up your map and click on 'castle'. You'll notice that there are about five stationery guards, and one who moves around. While he is upstairs, going down the left staircase, hurry to the door on the *right*, and go up the stairs quickly. That way, you'll avoid being seen. Go shut down the generator. I'm *sure* you know where the last one is, and how to get there.

Congratulations! Silent Assassin, perfect 0's!

Mission 12: Jacuzzi Job

When the mission starts, run all the way to the other end of the apartment (the balcony leading to the room with the safe; make sure those female guards are turned away or are exiting Charlie's room when you do this!). If you call up your map at this point, you'll see a guard patrolling the corridor and Charlie's secretary in the room. Duck into the balcony and time it so that the secretary is at the safe and the guard is on his way to the room (but still a fair way off), then enter the room and chloroform the secretary. Make sure the safe is opened by this time!!! Steal the money, then go to the door leading to the corridor and stand to its left, and get ready your anaesthetic. The moment the guard comes in, grab him and let him have all that's left in the bottle. Get out and enter the fuse room. Call up your map again. When you see the girls in Charlie's room getting out of the jacuzzi to go to the bathroom, smash the fuse box, duck into the main hall and grab the statue, then run all the way to Charlie's room (the girls should be in the bathroom by now), kill him (make it fast!) and get the heck out of there. If you time this right, the electrician should arrive by the time you get all this done. Run to the elevator and make your getaway. It may take a couple of tries, but it should get you all 0's. I've done it in under two and a half minutes before, but the conditions have to be right.

Note: If it takes too long for the girls to leave the bedroom, the electrician might have arrived and fixed the fuse -- in which case you'd have to sabotage it all over again. And make sure those two don't wake up halfway through your little staged robbery.

Note: If you're afraid you won't make all that in time, then sabotage the fuse twice - once to steal the statue, and once before you cap Charlie.

Mission 17: The Death of Hannelore

When the mission begins, you will find yourself at the docks. Now remember this - under no circumstances are you to be seen on this level without a disguise! So go hide behind the upturned boat, and wait. Presently a guard will come down to the docks. When he comes, kill him. (I've tried drugging him, but an alert is always raised, dammit) Drag him behind the boat, and take his clothes. You are now more or less free to roam.

Walk all the way to the other end of the beach, where if you look up you'll see a door to the right of the building (left, on the map). Wait until the guard there goes off to take a leak, and then slip into the building.

Now that you're in, you need to do two things:

1. Get something to kill von Kamprad with (if you don't already), and the key to the room you'll be stashing her body in
2. Get another disguise so that you can move around inside the hospital.

Get objective #1 done first. Go all the way to the opposite end of the building. If you look at your map, you'll see a room marked (!). There's a guard on duty there, but he's got a bladder problem as well, so you can slip in easily while he's stuck in the john. A ha! What have we - a key, and a bottle of poison. How convenient. Take both.

Now get out of there (make sure the guy's back in the loo before you exit), and go out into the compound again. Now if you call up your map you'll see that there's another (!) in a room to the right of the building. Go there, and you'll see a white garment lying on the bed - obviously belonging to one of the patients. Put it on.

Now get out, and go to the centre hall. Ignore those guards, and walk to the lounge. There's a nurse sitting with a patient on one of the benches. Approach her. She'll conveniently mistake you for another patient (apparently, bald men with head tattoos are commonplace here), and take you upstairs to see von Kamprad. While she's harping on and on about the kidney you won't need, inch over to her desk and spike her glass of water (need I say with what?), then sit back and watch as she dies a violent death. Haul her out of her office (best to drag her through the front door), and stash her body in the hidey-hole.

Mission accomplished!

All you have to do is get the hell out of there. Now, you can either change back into the guard's uniform and go out the same way you came in..... or you can walk out onto the compound and jump into the pond. (amazingly, this doesn't alert the guards. I guess it's normal for patients to jump in for a mid-day dip, fully-clothed) Walk/run to the opening at the far end, and climb in. Hooray, you are now in the sewer. If you check the map, you'll see that there's an opening northeast of your direction... just about where the docks are. Run to the opening, get out, and get your sorry butt on the speedboat.

Contratulations! Silent Assassin!

Mission 18: Terminal Hospitality

This mission emphasizes just how stupid cult member guards truly are. When you begin the mission, you will find yourself at the docks. Go hide behind the boxes until the guard's turned away from you, then go up the nearest flight of steps. There's a cult member at the top; wait until he leaves, and then make your way to the hill where the temple is located. I won't go into too great detail, since it's fairly easy to elude the cult members - just try to approach the temple from its left, so that you'll be out of sight of the two guards who will be there (keep reading). Make your way to the pool (a ha, another).... how lucky for you that there happens to be an extra set of orange garments there! Make sure the guards' heads are turned (those in front of the pool) before you change into those clothes.

Now scram! Walk towards the path in the hills in front of you... that will bring you to the southwest corner of the building. If you check your map at this point, you will notice a (!) near the wall. Go check it out. You will find a large window that you can conveniently crawl through.

You are now in some kind of a storeroom. Go to the door, pick the lock, and go out. Make your way to the doctor's office, but don't even go near the door until the nurse leaves her post for a 'fresher. Inside the anteroom and the office you will find nightvision goggles and (how convenient) the doctor's outfit. Grab everything.

Now that you're dressed as a doctor, you can pretty much move freely about without drawing too much attention to yourself. Go to the elevator, and go down to the basement where the operating theatres are. Once you reach the basement, make your way south of the floor - you're going to need tools for surgery. There are plenty of places where you can pick up a scalpel (check your map); after you have adequately equipped yourself, work your way to the southern-most room where you will find a generator. Go turn it off. The entire building will be plunged into darkness.

See what the nightvision goggles are for now? Put them on - you'll now be the only one in the building who's able to see in the dark. Make your way back to the operating theatres. Deewanna Ji is scheduled for open heart surgery, isn't he? So look in every door until you see the picture of a heart attached to the heavy equipment. Go in - there's no need to sneak around; you're as good as invisible. Once you're close enough to the guy, you'll be prompted to kill him. So do it.

Now to make your escape. The best way (since the elevators are probably out of order) is use the stairs. There's one to the right and another to the left of the theatres; I would recommend the one to the right. Cooly make your way upstairs, and out of the building. Trust me - no one will really care where the hell you go, or how long you take.

Go back down to the docks and .... who the hell is that shooting at 47? Looks like a clone! Don't get tempted to go after him (it's a trap); just get the heck out of there, and to your exit point.

Congratulations! Silent Assassin, perfect 0's!

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