Starfleet Photo Record




Name: John Miamoto-Adams
Age: 21, born May 2, 2380
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Eye Colour: Hazel Green Eyes
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Single

Family: None, no marriage, no girlfriend, parents were killed by borg attack on their private freighter, the S.S New Hope. Most other surviving relatives were listed as "missing" on andor. Adopted family on Earth, in London. Lived wth them after he was put in protective care.

Description of Appearence: John is Five foot to inches tall, with dark brown hair, and hazel green eyes. He has a scar above his left eye, and one on his right shoulder, both from a fallen piece of debris when borg attacked the transport S.S New Hope, 12 lightyears outside Vulcan that he and his family were on. Medium build, around 150 to 160 pounds.

Description of Personality: John has a 'go get e'm' attitude. He always wants to be first into battle, and last out of battle. His Japanese heritage helps to keep that mentality fired up whenever he is in the training sims, or just flying a shuttlecraft. He has no family left, because of this he drowns his sorrows in a glass of scotch. He has been to counseling, and given drugs to help his alcoholism, but refuses to stop. Conseling has not helped. He was kicked off his last duty assignment because of fighting, and horseplay around the Warp Core.

History: John Miyamoto-Adams was born on May 2, 2380 in the Earth city of San Francisco. His early life had him traveling with his parents aboard their freighter, the S.S New Hope. Ran the Earth/Vulcan/Andor routes for almost fifteen years before John was born. When the borg first began attacking, John's parents took little or no notice, untill the borg began attacking the Klingon outposts near the Neutral zone, and QoNos was under attack in 2388. When QoNos fell, the Miyamoto's took notice. They stopped traveling alone, but this did not help. On January 5, 2389, the Miyamoto's Freighter came under attack just a lightyear outside the planet Vulcan. The freighter escaped, but John's parents soon died from the wounds that they recieved during the battle. John had to pilot the ship to Vulcan, and from there back to earth, being that no pilots could be spared to help him. John had already learned how to keep a warp core running from his father, and how to pilot from his mother. When he reached earth, he was placed in protective services with a family in London. he fit in quickly, and didn't have any outbursts of post-traumatic stress disorder. In July of 2398, John enlisted in Starfleet, to help defend Earth from the Borg threat. When the Borg attacked on December 23, 2398, John was at home, celebrating the christmas season with his adopted British family. He could not get to a shuttle for three days, untill the battle was finally over. When he got to what was left of the starfleet ships, he was told to go to the spacedock, where he became stationed untill a new duty assignment came up.

Starfleet Record: John had a grudge against the borg, for killing his parents, and making him watch them die right before his eyes. When he enlisted in 2398, the borg had already cut a swash of destruction through both the Beta, and the Alpha quadrents. He recieved very little practical starfleet training, due to the fact that he had just enlisted, he was pressed into service. When he was sent out to the "U.S.S Discovery" in September of 2398, he had already known of the destruction that the borg had wreaked, and would wreak upon the Sol system. When his captain ordered him to go back home for the holidays, he protested, but went with the captain's orders. By the time that he had reached earth on the 22nd of December, the battle for Sol was already shaping up. When it was all over, he was ordered to stay on the orbital spacedock. It was there that he began drinking. He first began drinking in small ammounts, but as time wore on, he began drinking more and more, untill he used drinking as a crutch. Over the next few months, and well into 2400, he finally got help after starting several fights on the spacedock. He is now currently awaiting re-assignment.

Current Assignment: Deep Space One (Starbase Cario)
Current Position: Commanding Officer
Current Rank: Captain

Previous Assignment: USS Brewster
Previous Position: Commanding Officer
Previous Rank: Commander

Service Record:
Starfleet Academy 2381-2386
Starfleet Command School 2386-2389
USS Faroh 2389 – 2394
Starbase 001 (Spacedock) 2394-2397
USS Brewster 2397-2398
Starfleet Command 2398-2401
Deep Space One (Starbase Cario) 2401-


"The rank insignias on this site where created by Steven Marriott, originally for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy the images. If you wish to obtain them and an up-to-date copy either access the Tango Fleet Website, or visit the RPG-Insignias Website. You will find all the information you need on these, and many other insignia images. Steve is more than happy to pass along his work to anyone who takes the time to simply ask.”

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