Welcome to the Command Department of Deep Space One. The Command Department is the departments that makes the critical decisions of the every day running of the Starbase. Please take a look around.



Located on Level One, Ops or Operations is one the most important parts of the Starbase.

Deep Space One's Operations center was a re-vamp of the USS Cario's bridge with improvements. The three command chairs and tactical station were removed from the middle and an operations table was installed. The entire module was reconfigured for starbase operations. Most of its parts were from damaged Galaxy, Sovereign and Intrepid class starships that were salavaged.

Each department has its own station to work from. In the middle is the operations table where the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and other senior crewmember may sit or stand to observe the running of the station.

To its right is the three secondary Operations stations. In the right hand corner is one of the three turbolifts that leaves off from Ops.
To the back of Ops to the right is the two Science Consoles. The middle console is Flight Operations console. Next to it Communications, and finally a combined console of Mission Ops/Intellgence. This console is where either the Intellgence Officer or another bridge crewmember may access the Starfleet Tactical Database.

To the upper left hand corner is the doorway towards the Conference room, a room where the Senior staff may assemble to discuss and plan current mission objectives. Opposite to the conference room is the Executive Officer's Office.

Along the left hand wall of Ops lies the Tactical stations. From here the station's armenants and defence systems are brought online.

Near the front facing the large viewscreen is the Primary Operations console. To its left is another turbolift. To its right, one doorway leads to the Commanding Officer's Ready Room with the other turbolift nearby.


Commanding Officer's Ready Room

The CO's Ready Room is a re-used Ready Room from a Sovereign class starship. From here the Commanding Officer can meet with senior staff, visiting guests or speak with Starfleet Command, while reviewing Station reports and taking time to relax from the busy life from Ops. The Commanding Officer also has a great view that looks down towards Baku from their window.


Executive Officer's Office

The CO's Ready Room is a re-used Ready Room from an Intrepid class starship. From here the Executive Officer can meet with crewmembers, host daily station meetings with department heads and review current station reports. The view from this room is similar to that of the conference room, that of the different amount of colours the Briar Patch emits.


Conference Room

The Conference Room is a re-used Sovereign class starship conference room. Along one wall it contains several consoles with a large primary console situated in the middle. From here the Commanding officer may speak with his senior staff and other crewmembers about current mission objectives and station status.



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