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Sector 375 - Bajoran Sector

The Enterprise has been ordered to sector three seven five to investigate the Bajoran system and to find out what happened to the Bajorans and Deep Space Nine.



Bajoran System
The Bajoran system consists of thirteen planets. After the Dominion War it was the system were Allied (Federation, Klingon & Romulan) vessels would pass through to enter Cardassian space. The system itself was first invaded by the Borg in 2385 but the Seventh Fleet along the Fourth Fleet's Task Forces Thirty Eight and Seventy Two with a combined Cardassian and Breen battle group repelled the Borg incursion. The second incursion didn't happen until January 1st 2386 where Ferengi refugees poured in to the system pursed by Borg Cubes. During the height of the battle the wormhole opened up allowing a large Dominion Armada to enter the Alpha Quadrant and repell the invading Borg vessels. The final Borg Incursion in to the Bajoran system happened in 2388. Contact was lost with the system shortly after the Bajoran wormhole was sealed to prevent anymore Borg vessels coming through from the Gamma Quadrant after the Borg had destroyed the Founder's Homeworld.

By 2378 Bajor was soon on its way to recovering after the Cardassian Occupation. In 2376 before Bajor joined the Federation. It was crucial for Bajor to join so that the Federation would have a permanent stepping stone in to the Gamma Quadrant which they could control. The Bajoran Militia was intergrated in to Starfleet and Starfleet began a massive refit and upgrades to the Bajoran Defence Fleet.

Since 2377 the Federation had been assiting with improving Bajor's defence systems. In 2380 Bajor had been outfitted with an improved Planetary Shielding System along with over five thousand orbital weapons. The Bajoran's way of life had been improved. Shortly by 2382 Bajor had been transformed in to what the other called a New Earth. Bajor was now an important member to the Federation. Bajor was a symbol of the Federation to its neighbours, the Cardassians, Ferengi, and Breen.

Contact was lost with Bajor shortly after the third Borg Invasion of the system in 2388.

dDeep Space Nine

After the Dominion War in 2376 Deep Space Nine was re-fitted once again with all new Federation technology. It was brought up to the specs that its sister station Deep Space Tweleve was at.

Command of Deep Space Nine remained to Kira Nerys. In 2376 Captain Benjamin Sisko returned from being with the Bajoran Prophets. He stepped aside to allow Kira Nerys to remain as the station's Commander while he took time out to be with his newly born daughter. Admiral William Ross promoted Kira Nerys to the rank of Captain when Bajor joined the Federation.

Deep Space Nine continued to particpate in a lot of the events effecting the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Deep Space Nine was part of the defence against the three Borg incursions in to Bajoran space. It was the home for Ferengi and Breen refugees after their homeworlds had fallen to the Borg. During the third and final Borg incursion the station was the key to sealing the Bajoran wormhole preventing the Borg using the gateway from the Gamma Quadrant. It was later abandoned while the Allied Fleet fell back to the Bajor Defence Perimeter and made their stand in orbit of Bajor against the attacking Borg vessels.

Contact was lost with Deep Space Nine in 2388



The New United Federation Of Planets

Current Status: Rebuilding
Current Star Systems Held As Members: Sol, Vulcan, Andorian, Alpha Centauri

Earth, Sol System
Current Status: Rebuilding

Current Resources are at a low. Population Growth exceeding tolerance levels. The Earth Defence Fleet currently comprises off Starfleet ships that can not leave the Sol system. Along with Klingon, Romulan, Dominion, Cardassian, Ferengi, Gorn, Tholian and other Federation member's vessels.

Vulcan, Vulcan System
Current Status: Federation Members, Rebuilding

First Race to join the Federation since the end of the Borg War. During 2400 the USS Pegasus - C visited Vulcan to find the Vulcan people had changed. Most Vulcans now have the ability to balance emotions and logic in their lives.First race to encounter Remnants (Borg Drones trying to survive after the destruction of the Borg Collective).. The Vulcan Defence Fleet is comprised of a number of Vulcan Re-designed Redemption Fighters, primarly designed to fight Remnant vessels.

Andor, Andorian System
Current Status: Federation Members, Rebuilding

Second Race to join the Federation since the end of the Borg War, currently the Andorians are re-building from the destruction left from the Borg War. Visisted by the USS Defiant - B in 2400, the Andorians had riverted to a clan based society. With help from the Defiant, the Andorian's formed their government and united the planet once again. The Andorian Defence Fleet is made up of re-fitted Andorian Cruisers used during the Twenty-Second and Twenty -Third Centuries.

Bajor, Bajoran System
Current Status: Unknown

Starfleet has evidence from long range scans and deep space probes that the Bajoran Wormhole may be re-appearing. The USS Enterprise-F has been ordered to the Bajoran system to investigate.

Centauri Prime, Alpha Centauri System
Current Statis: Rebuilding

Currently only a small population live on Centauri Prime. It was first re-explored by the USS Enterprise-F in early 2400 where an away team from the ship encountered missing Starfleet Officers who survived the Battle of Centauri. The crew also found a secret Section Thirty One base where genetically modified creatures were bred to fight the Borg. During late 2400 the base was destroyed with all of its test subjects. Only recently has Starfleet been sending small groups to re-populated the planet.

Ba'ku, Briar Patch
Current Status: Allies of the United Federation of Planets.

Their planet currently consists of a small Federation colony, a Son'a colony alongside the Ba'ku village. The Ba'ku planet is currently protected by Deep Space One and USS Enterprise NX 1701-F. Plans are being made for a Starfleet Fighter Divison to be assigned to for the planet's further protection. Starfleet is hoping with permission from the Ba'ku Council of Elders that they may set up a Starfleet Base in the Federation Colony.

Betazed, Betazed System
Current Status: Unknown.

Betazed was never invaded by any Borg vessels for unknown reasons. Contact was lost with the planet in 2396. No Starfleet vessel from the Re-Exploration Iniative has been able to visit yet. Plans are being made for the USS Enterprise to visit as soon as possible.

Denobula Prime, Denobula Triaxa System
Current Status: Allies of the Federation.

Denobula was never invaded by the Borg. Contact was re-established in late 2399 after a Denobulan vessel entered the Sol system. Since then the Denobulans have been assiting with Sol's problem with its lack of resources, although it is not fully covering the shortage and damage being caused to Earth and other Sol planets. Diplomatic talks are being held for the Denobulan people to return as Federation Members and Citazens.



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