Welcome to the Operations & Enginering Departments of Deep Space One. The Operations Department is the departments that looks after all of the systems on Deep Space One. The Engineering Department is the department that maintains the station's support vessel, the USS Enterprise. Please take a look around.


Main Engineering

Deep Space One's main engineering is all based around one of the main power sources on the starbase, the primary matter/antimatter reactor. The warp core is a re-used warp core from a Sovereign class starship. The starbase is not just powered by a single warp core but by a number of fusion reactors as well. The warp core mainly powers the primary systems that need the most power.

From the different stations all of the station's sytems may be run from here. It is known as the Second Nerve Center of Deep Space One.

Main Engineering is located on Level Forty Forty, with the upper part of Engineering taking up space on Level Forty Three.

Underneath on Level Forty Five to Forty Six in secure and protective shelters are the antimatter pods.

On level Forty Eight to Forty Nine contains the fusion reactors, again all are in secure and protective shelters.


Cargo Bays

The Cargo Bays are located on levels thirty nine to forty and fifty four to sixty two.

The reason why Deep Space One has such a large cargo bay facility is the importance of it having the ability to re-supply the Re-Exploration Task Force without having to call in for resources from Earth.

Each cargo bay is protected by the security division. Basic authorisation is required to enter the more secured cargo bays on levels fifty four to sixty two. Meanwhile the Cargo Bays on thirty nine to forty allow all to enter with them sigining in on the entrances and signing out when they leave.


Transporter Rooms are situated on a majority of all levels on the station. Each cargo bay has one, with their ability to to beam large amounts of cargo. The shuttlebays and runabout pads also have transporters to beam the smaller auxliary crafts in, but this is not always practised.

Primary Personal transporters have been modified with Dominion technology to transport in longer distances.



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