Welcome to the Science Department of Deep Space One. The Science Department is the departments that investigates everything from biology, chemistry and physics.Please take a look around.


Primary Science Lab

The Primary Science lab is where all members of the science department gather for daily meetings or for general research purposes.

It is located on level thirty four, and takes up two levels. The upper section on thirty four and the lower section on level thirty five.

To the lower right hand corner is access to three holodecks. From here holographic research can be carried out.


Science Labs

Standard Labs

Depending on the study field a majority of the labs on Deep Space One have a similar layout with consoles and work stations to test or analyse experiements.

Astrometrics Lab

The Astrometrics lab is designed with special enchanced sensors to assit the Stellar Cartography lab in scanning spatial bodies.

It also co-orindates with Flight Operations incoming traffic and mainly focuess on guarding the Briar Patch with its numerous anomolies.

By 2400 all Starfleet vessels and stations were outfitted with an Astrometrics lab as standard.

Other science labs on Deep Space One include:

Stellar Cartography
Cultural Anthropology

Well as numerous others, all labs are situated through levels thirty four and thirty five.

Medical Facilities

On level sixteen contains all the medical facilities. Deep Space One's medical facilities are extensive and advanced.


Sickbay is the main medical facilities which is used every day. In it has the Chief Medical Officer's Office, well as a single surgical bay, and four bio beds. It is a re-use of the USS Cario's original sickbay with improved systems. A full medical team is always on duty with at least two doctors, four nurses and one Emergency Medical Holographic program.



Trauma Wards 'Emergency Room'

The Trauma Wards are where in the most dire situation is where all the critical patients are taken to be assed and helped in anyway possible. There are three Trauma wards on level sixteen, also nicknamed the Emergency Rooms or ER they have their own personal site to site transporters to be able to beam patients to particular areas of the Medical Deck. A full trauma team is always on standby in the ER, while two others are on standby in sickbay or in the Medical crew lounge. These Trauma Teams consist of four qualified Doctors, sixteen nurses, and three Emergeny Medical Holographic Programs.






Exam Rooms

Situated off from the Trauma wards, here is where all patients who are not critical states are sent. From here they are assed and medication is provided. At least two nurses are present in this room when there are patients resting.






Recovery Wards

From here those who have had operations are taken to recover and re-cooperate. At least four nurses and one Emergency Medical holographic program are present.







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