Welcome to the Security Department of Deep Space One. The Security Department is the departments that protects the station from internal threats.Please take a look around.


Security Office

Deep Space One's Security Office is located on level thirty eight. From here all of Deep Space One may be observed. The aft stations are used to co-orindate security teams, monitor crew and observe the station's current visiting guests.

To the upper right hand corner, the doorway leads to a corridor which all have entrances to the Armoury, the Brigs, Detentions cells, holding cells well as several site to site transporter rooms to allow security teams to be rapidly deployed anyone on the station.

Brigs, Holding Cells, Detention Cells

The Detention Cells take up most of Level Thirty Eight, they are primarly used to hold a number of prisoners at once. Mainly petty theives and smugglers are held here.

The Brigs are only used to hold temporary prisoners, who are kept only for short periods.

The Holding Cells are only used to hold permanent prisoners who are dangerous to the crew and the station.

All Brigs, Holding Cells and Detention cells are outfitted with transporter inhibitor networks to prevent anyone from beaming out or in, re-enforced titanium bulkheads and enhanced security force fields.

Security Teams are always present in and around the cells, including interanl surveillance are being constantly ran.


From here all hand held weapons are stored. Phasers ranging from small hand helds to rifles are kept behind secured bulkheads. Also several types of grenades including photon & shock grenades are held here, with different types of explosives.

Phaser Type II-G

The Phaser IIG is the latest hand Phaser to come out of Starfleet's R&D. This weapon has 23 settings rather than the standard 22 of the Type IIf issued to most of Starfleet. The Type IIf, due to the extra power availability, is the standard sidearm for the new StarFleet, This weapon has two additional Sarium Krellide power cells embedded into the center section, giving the Phaser the ability to reach the extra 6 power settings and longer power life. As with any sidearm, the main three type of beam are Stun, Heat, and Disruption. The added 6 settings allow for greater precision when using these functions and slightly further range.The type IIG has an extra setting an electro-magnetic disruption that will shut Borg drones down. The Type IIG is used to capture drones so the information from their neuroprocessors can be safely downloaded

Phaser Rifle Type-IVB

Sometimes referred to as assault rifles, the The Type-IVb utilise plasma acceleration to provide a powerful bolt of energy similar to that fired by pulse phaser cannons on the Defiant-class starship, and at variable power levels. The Type-IVb phaser rifle is a much larger, more sophisticated weapon than Type-III and Type-IVa. It uses an even more advanced computer control system to allow for modulation characteristics to be modified faster than in previous phaser rifles, important when dealing with the Borg. Like its Type IIG counterpart the type IVB has an extra setting an electro-magnetic disruption that will shut Borg drones down.

First placed in service in 2378, the Type-IVb Phaser rifle also includes a much more effective and elaborate targeting system and a larger energy reserve over the Type-IIIc. The Rifle is equipped with a gyro-stabilized targeting unit. This targeting unit incorporates sensors capable of detecting and tracking life forms and can perform the equivalent of tricorder short range biological scans. Images of the targeted life forms would be displayed on the units display screen.

Power: Enlarged Sarium Krellide power cell.
Power consumption: 420 watts per shot
Casing: Classified organic sensor-opaque covering
Range: 540 m
Settings: 1-18






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