Welcome to the Strategic Operation Department of Deep Space One. The Strategic Operations Department is the departments that plans and advises tactics to defend the station from outside threat.Please take a look around.


Tactical Astrometrics

Deep Space One is outfitted with a Tactical Astrometrics Suite. First installed on the USS Odyssey NCC 79002 in late 2379, and later on a majority of ships and starbases among Starfleet introduced the Tactical Astrometrics Suite in to their vessel's layout.

Tactical Astrometrics was designed to assit the Strategic Operations department in planning tactics and analysing threats to the station either natural (commets, dangerous radiations, etc) or artificial (attacking vessels, species, etc.)

It is also an area of work which allows the other non-science divisions to use. Intellgence may access intel reports from here, Flight operations may develop combat manoeuvres.

The large area in the middle is where officers can come in and find intellegence/tactical reports on anything. There is also a section dedicated for officers who plan use the ship's sensors to scan anything that can be a threat to the ship or collect data on the threat. Finnaly there is a small holograhic area where holographics can be used to plan tactics.




Currently Deep Space One is only outfitted with Eight Type Ten Phaser arrays. Four of these are the re-used phaser strips from the two Saucer sections, while the last four are mounted phaser straps. The Upper Saucer Section of Deep Space One has two that raise in to position. While Lower Saucer Section of Deep Space One has two that lower in to position.

Specifications for Type Ten Phasers:

Individual emitter segments are capable of directing 5.1 Megawatts. By comparison, the small personal hand Phasers issued to Starfleet crewmembers are Type I and II (One and Two), the latter being limited to 0.01MW. Certain large Planetary defense emitters are designated as Type X+, as their exact energy output remains classified.

In cross-section, the Phaser array takes on a thickened Y shape, capped with a trapezoidal mass of the actual emitter crystal and Phaser-transparent hull antierosion coatings. The base of an array segment sits within a structural honeycomb channel of Duranium 235 and supplied with supersonic regenerative LN2 cooling. The complete channel is thermally isolated by a high number of link struts to the vehicle framework.

The first stage of the array segments is the EPS submaster flow regulator, the principal mechanism controlling Phaser power levels for firing. The flow regulator leads to the Plasma distribution manifold PDM, which branches into two hundred supply conduits to an equal numbers of prefire chambers. The final stage of the system is the Phaser emitter crystal.

Deep Space One is configured to upgrade her offensive capability in time with torpedoes.



Deep Space One has a standard High Capacity shielding with a power capacity of 1,000,000 TeraJoules to protect the station.

Specifications for Standard Federation Shielding System:

Shields provide a Starship with protection against violent natural phenomena as well as weapons fire. Most shield systems are composed of highly focused spatial distortions which contain an energetic graviton field. The shield itself is projected by a set of emitters networked, and located on the hull of the ship. When matter or energy strikes the shield, field energy is concentrated at that point to create an intense localized spatial distortion.

The shape of the field can be varied at the discretion of the tactical officer, operations officer, or chied engineer. The most common configuration is a set of curved fields which interlock to form a large bubble over vessel, although some prefer to make the shields closely match the ships hull. In the case of the latter, shield burn-through is more likely, as the shield must enclose a somewhat greater volume. However, in the latter case those burn-throughs which do occur are much more damaging as they are directly adjacent to the hull. Most of the information on this subject is highly classified, but since even individual vessels are known to utilize both configurations, it appears that bubble shields are preferred under certain tactical situations, conformal shields under others.

Shields are carefully tuned to create windows which allow matter and energy to pass through under certain specific circumstances. For example, visible light below a certain intensity is allowed to pass through unhindered. This allows the crew of a vessel to see out whilst the shields are up, or more importantly, to use visible light sensor systems. This window renders the shields invisible to the naked eye under normal circumstances. Other windows exist to allow sensors and weapons to operate through the shields.

Impacts on the shield cause Cerenkov radiation to be released, often perceived as a flash of colour which "lights up" the shield, rendering it briefly visible. To an observer it appears that the intruding object bounces off the shields. In fact the spatial distortion becomes so great that the path of the object is radically altered, and to a zero-dimensional observer on the incoming object it appears that it is the starship which has suddenly changed location while his/her course is unchanged.

For over a century after the invention of the shield, it was impossible to use transporters to beam to or from a shielded location, but to an extent this limitation has now been circumvented. In general sensor, and weapon windows are insufficient to allow beaming whilst technically there is nothing to prevent a ship opening a window in its own shields of sufficient size to allow transport. In practice such windows are almost always large enough to be detected and exploited by enemy vessels and it is far simpler just to drop the shields briefly altogether. The more modern Starfleet shield designs have now reached a point at which transporters can be operated via a large wide-frequency window which is briefly opened over the hull emitters. This gives greater flexibility in using the transporter during high threat situations, but it remains a somewhat risky proposition. Should an enemy score even a near miss on such a window the effects on the ship would be considerable.

Beaming through an opponents shields is an altogether more difficult proposition, but this can be accomplished successfully if the transporter operator has a detailed knowledge of the shield configuration he/she is attempting to beam through. A notable example of this is the occasion when the USS Enterprise managed to beam a crew member on board the USS Phoenix whilst that vessel was engaged in unlawful operations within Cardassian space, or the Defiants use of the transporter to board the Constitution class USS Enterprise whilst that ship was modulating its shields for sensor operation . Such operations remain the exception to the. However, and against the unknown shield configuration of an enemy vessel, beam-through remains impossible.

In time Deep Space One's shields shall be upgraded with Multi Layed Shielding System generators and grid system.


Deep Space One's is comprimised of a double Duranium/Tritanium hull with a standard Structural Integrity Field. In time the hull well be covered with ablative armour for more protection.



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