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Dark Obsession
His eyes were always watching him: his secret, his enemy, his sweet dark obsession
Dark Obsession is the tale of Morgan Cortez and his secret obsession for Lucian Moreno.  Their paths crossed in high school when Lucian became the ex boyfriend of Lucas Alexander as Morgan was just stepping into the picture as the new beau.  The two arrogant men always fought for attention and stature and it ignited a dark flame in Morgan that he hadn't expected.  After seven years of wanting the very man that knew how to press every button he had, Morgan comes face to face with his obsession and must face the truth about himself and the real feelings that he has for Lucian.
    The hair on the back of Morgan's neck prickled when he saw the suave serpent waltz into the Men's Fashion store.  Morgan told himself to ignore him so not to cause a scene in the middle of the Mall, but there was always something magnetic about Lucian Moreno that he couldn't shake.  He rolled his eyes in his direction, secretly hoping he would respond to his nasty look.  The more they fought, the more he liked it, but he'd never in a million years admit it out loud.  He continued to flip through the casual shirts stacked neatly by the designer jeans, pretending he couldn't hear Lucian's footsteps approaching or catching the inviting aroma of his expensive cologne. 
     "Spending more of Niko's money are we?" taunted Lucian from behind him.  He was extremely close and Morgan forbid himself to turn around, afraid he might get caught up in those intense hazel eyes.  Although they had been enemies for almost seven years, Lucian's presence always unnerved him on a sexual level.
     "I'm ignoring you, Lucian, so just keep flapping your lips.  You need the exercise." replied Morgan with his back still to him.
     "Now why you wanna go and do a thing like that.  It's not like you to back down from me, at least not until I beat your ass and show everyone what a pussy you really are." 
     "You would love for me to respond to that remark, but I'm not going to give you the fucking pleasure, Lucian." replied Morgan, holding up an emerald green Oxford shirt for inspection. 
     "Oh please--my pleasure my ass.  It's a pleasure for
you just having me acknowledge you.  Maria, could you show me some swimwear?" exclaimed Lucian, motioning to the perky, caramel skinned girl behind the counter.  Morgan's black eyebrows shot up. 
     "Listen you cocky son of a bitch, I like to act like I got some class when I'm out in public, so fuck off before I really get mad." he snapped, angrily spinning around.
     "Take the c and the l off the word and that'll be more like you, besides, I came here to buy some swim trunks so why don't you fuck off."
     "Fine, I will."
     "Cunt."  Lucian flashed his incredibly sexy smile at Maria as she stood there with the swimwear collection in her palms, inwardly entertained by their assault with words.
     "Here you go Mr. Moreno."
     "Thank you dear."  He disappeared behind the bulky scarlet curtains of the dressing room.  Morgan studied his every step, enamored by the confident swagger.  Inching his way towards the sunglasses display near the fitting room entrance, he listened carefully to Lucian's footsteps echoing in the empty back rooms as he began to disrobe.  He swallowed hard as the image of his nude body tumbled around in his head.
How could he want someone so arrogant, spiteful, and oh so fucking beautiful? he thought as he played the role of a man searching for the right pair of tinted eyewear.  His senses flustered, he suddenly felt a desperate need to escape the store before his hidden emotions got the best of him.  Haphazardly placing the sunglasses back on the display rack, he quickly pivoted on his heels to exit the building, but that throaty, sensual voice stopped him in his tracks.
     "So tell me Morgan, what do you think?" asked Lucian with a grin spread wide across his face.  Gradually turning, Morgan found Lucian standing proudly in nothing but a pair of form fitting black speedos.  His libido began to stir as his gaze zeroed in on the bulge of the sleek black material.
     "Oh my," was his unexpected response.  Clearing his throat he added, "My my my.  You've got to be out of your mind to think you've got the ass to pull speedos off."  Lucian chuckled lightly to himself as if he knew the remark was a mere coverup.
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