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Roses & Thorns
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   Korina sat patiently on the beach, digging her toes into the damp sand as she thought of Niko.  Her heart pounded at the contemplation of the exquisite moment that their bodies could become one.  Every time those erotic thoughts tumbled around in her head she became riddled with guilt.  Outwardly, her body was that of an young teen, a seventeen year old with honeyed skin and chestnut hair, but it was all an illusion.  Korina Fuller had been living for nearly 2000 years, according to human chronology that is.  The Fuller sibilings had been around since the dawn of time when their faither, Merlin himself, walked the Earth along side King Arthur.  Her elder brother, Cole, began practicing black magic to protect the lives of his family and through this study into the black arts he discovered immortality.  How on earth could she tell her new best friend she was an ancient witch and how could she stop falling for this seventeen year old mortal?
     "Korina." Niko called out, trying to catch his breath.  She glanced up at him and peered into those almost soul less bleak eyes.  He looked frightened and troubled.  Chances are his brutal and abusive father had done something to him again.
     "Are you all right?" she asked, attempting to climb to her feet.  He held his hand out, gesturing that she remain seated.
     "I'm fine.  Sorry I'm late.  Gregory was whining, so I had to help him with his homework." he responded in a rushed reply.  He was lying to her and that was a sure sign that his father, Dorian Cortez, had struck again.
     "Niko, it's me.  You don't have to put on a front for me.  What did he do?"  Niko stretched out on the towel beside her and laughed sinisterly.
     "You and I both know my father is an asshole but he doesn't torment me every night.  Stop worrying so fucking much."
     "Then why are your wrist bruised?  Let me see." she insisted making an attempt to pull up his black tee shirt. 
     "Oh fuck that hurts!  Stop it Korina and just let it be." he yelled at her, but it was too late.  The awful truth was exposed once he sat up and tried to wriggle free from her exploration.  Fresh cuts and bruises were prominent across his flesh and she cringed at the image.
     "Niko baby, what did he do to you?"
     "Nothing ok.  Just drop it." he snapped, forcing the fabric of his shirt back over the discolored canvas of skin. 
     "But Niko..."
     "I said drop it Korina.  What good is it doing to do to discuss it?"
     "Yes.  I would advise you to mind your own business my sweet dear." exclaimed a menacing voice from the shadows near the cliffs.
     "Who was that?" questioned Korina.
     "No one.  Come on; let's go walk." suggested Niko, quickly pulling her to her feet.
     "So this is the little whore you've been sneaking off to see at night.  Weren't you instructed to deal with your brother?" spoke Dorian, emerging from a haze of charcoal vapor.  His eyes examined Korina as he continued and she found herself staring into the pupils of a brutual Warlock, and she couldn't look away.
     "He's asleep.  Just let Gregory have one nights sleep of peace." stated Niko, gradually stepping away from him as he advanced in their direction.
     "Niko you know what happens when you defy my orders right?  I didn't think you were that ignorant or do you just get off on the pain?" taunted Dorian, grabbing ahold of his son's sore wrists and jerking him to his body.
     "Leave him alone you bastard." yelled Korina, pushing him away.  Her tone changed from sweet and girlsh to demanding and abrasive, her true voice.  He had angered her, causing a terrifying yet exhilirating sensation to course through her veins.  The spell was breaking and her factual appearance was about to come forth.
     Dorian was shocked by both the force of this teenage girl and that she had the audacity to lay her hands on him.
     "Would you like for me to kill you cause I do have the time if that's what you're hinting at little girl?" growled Dorian.
     "Pop don't.  She didn't mean it.  She doesn't know
what you are." pleaded Niko, dashing to stand between them. 
     She tried to suppress a violent shudder, but it was happening before she could stop it.  That dark fire that her brother's black magic had placed into her was taking over.  Niko watched his father's expression change and he slowly turned to see what had him so damned fascinated.  His sweet Korina now stood before him, 5'9, long straight flowing russet hair...a fully grown woman with piercing eyes, dark like the night sky at dusk.  She began waltzing around Dorian, inhaling his rich scent.
     "Oh I know what he is: pure evil, at least that's what his pungent odor is telling me." she exclaimed.  Her voice was low and calm with an edge of something ominous in its tone that made Niko shiver.  He loved it. 
     "Well done son.  You managed to find a witch for me to play with.  You're not useless after all." stated Dorian.

Korina was an ancient witch who had lived through dragons, demons, and all forms of magic both pure and evil, but it wasn't until she came across a young Cuban teenager by the name of Nikolas Cortez that she discovered that all she wanted to do was protect him.  Now as she remains his best friend through his adult years, she questions whether he appreciates the guardian role she has taken in his life and whether he feels the same love that she has acquired for him.  It all started when the Fuller family settled for Miami as their new haven.  There Korina came across another Warlock Klan,  and from that moment, she devoted her life to protecting the Cortez's demon prince.
Part One
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