St. Anthony Indian School

Grade 5-8 Language Arts
Grade 5 Homeroom
Grades 5-8 Music
Grades 5-8 Team Leader (First semester)
Weekly Bulletins Index
For Students and Parents
Language Arts Strategies
St. Anthony Website
Language Arts Class Syllabus and Daily Activities
Language Arts and Music Projects Index
Contact Information:
Felicia Samson
[email protected]
c/o St. Anthony Indian School
P.O. Box 486
Zuni, New Mexico 87327
Language Arts Assignment Lists Index
Language Arts/ Homeroom 5 Student Recognition
2004-2005 Website
Music Class Syllabus
2006-2007 Website


I am excited to be starting my second year at St. Anthony's.  This year, I am teaching Language Arts and Music for the upper grades.

Our classes will be engaging in various projects throughout the school year. To see what's happening in class, use the
05-06 Class Syllabus and Daily Activities link or the Weekly Bulletins Index link.  For specific information on a strategy used in class, use the Language Arts Strategies link.  To see when assignments are due, use the Assignment Lists Index link.

In addition to school-wide recognition, students will be recognized in class every six weeks for the following:  Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Perseverance, and Helpfulness.  Use the
Student Recognition link to see who is selected!

Looking forward to another school year!  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Felicia Samson
August 11, 2005


Updates and News: 
Thank you for selecting me to be the Intermediate Team Leader!  I am excited to help our team be the best it can be! (September 2005)

Thank you for selecting me to be the PTO Secretary for the 2005-2006 school year!  I am excited to become more involved in this group! (September 2005)

Ms. B will be taking over as the Intermediate Team Leader as of second semester.  Thanks for having confidence in me, and your support throughout first semester! (January 2006)

Projects Index added.  Hopefully, this will give us a clear view of the activities we have participated in for music and language arts this year.  Unfortunately, I am unable to access some of the handouts that were created for some projects, as they were created on Primo. (March 2006)
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