Recently, With exposing their old lies on the internet, they desperately try to "justify" their lies with some mambo jumbo salads of untrue or unrelated or out of context "data"
The latest We've seen out there in the sea of hate industry, is a brand name of deception, not only it's content but even it's title is to deceive and to lure people into it's web of hate.
A complete waste of time of editing, cutting and pasting from here to there, editing & adjusting what he WANTS to be come out, any wonder he has a "site," Well, anybody could do that with today's computer on any subject and on any book work, but this will never change the authentic writing or divine origin, but his files for his personal games (his games are rather malicious hateful lies) alone.
In it's latest "version" of libel "reincarnation", very transparent is his "show off" in bubble of piles of supposedly-"info", trying to wrap his hate and lies in a "research" mask, is definitely not working, he makes it also seem as if he's 'revealing' something hidden, as if the champions of Antisemitism during all these 2,000 + years with their nails upon Jews' necks and onto holy books, couldn't have dug up? There goes their 'other' play of noisy song of: "revealing secrets" that crap, so  fundamental in it's statements.
It is basically no 'new' "claims", but recycled old ones into sandwiching phrases flying it around as he wishes of course, to "validate' it's empty old ones. And the 'old' true truth- penetrating replies are just as smashing.

Well, anybody can do that, wether on the Holy Bible itself, or even on any literature material, ridiculing it's metaphoric language in childish via silly "logic".
Make sure your school boy/girl doesn't follow that.
Big deal.
There's nothing moreso about the Talmud that he specifically singles out to do his DIRTY-Dedicated "job" on.


Circling around with it's only one intention to defame at all cost, it even -- typically -- takes up the slogan of "running around with circles about the Talmud," [while the real 'runner around with circles' is noone but that "knowledgebale-not" website author himself, as he tries pathetically so hard to establish his "view" via his baking new wierd despicable cookies in mixing up wrongly recipes,] of course, when boasting in it's slogan of "searching for THEIR SO CALLED: 'truth' ", they say insert the general  word: "religion," another deceptive cover for their ONLY target, the Jews!

He still goes by the same old ugly utterly rediculous "method" of taking a legal ramification, (such as penalties and other) question in "WHAT IF" situation, to make it appear as if it "allows" certain forms of immoral behavior.

One of the ugliest libels we found in that pile of garbage is something about "blood"... Got it yet?
Oh, no, he tries to be "clever" there, he even states that 'today no one would blame the Jews for that...,' but in ancient Judaism?
Here he has a clear purpose of rewriting the BLOODY History Libel Chains on the Jews, trying to switch it around with, again, running around in circles.

1) He does not seem to find any Talmud-"data" from which he could mix it up [even that mixed up mixer can't do it here...] into that "theory," Which by-the-way, it is clear from his "writing" that he does NOT believes it himself.

2) Being desperate as he is, he runs ultimately to the Bible it self, not to the Talmud, but histypical  [mis]interpretations are just that, his.

3) Than he finishes of his puke with a "final touch" of "evidence" -last chance to "prove" his "idea," via the cleaning at the circumcision by the Mohel (Dr. who performs it), traditionally by mouth, but HAS TO SPIT IT OUT, Which of course he doesn't tell you.

So he has even a "blood" symbol image there "nice" and "clickable" and this is what you get by clicking!
The rest of his toy-data?
Oh Well, he still works hard it seems, but most of "the stuff" is already chewed up and exposed repeating the old crushed & demolished "quotes" anyhow.

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