More on Fascists' lies on the Beautiful Talmud
The Bible is the base for Zionists (Christians/Jews), the Talmud is the base for non Zionists religious pious Jews.
(Most Israelis do NOT know the Talmud, at all).
It is also the anti War Talmud that the non Zionists , orthodox Jews take their inspiration from.
Most orthodox Jews do NOT serve in Israeli army (even though it is basically a defense against terrorism).
In fact Dr. Dahan the Talmudic rabbi Orthodox Jewish leader was gunned down by secular Zionists, as he tried to make peace concessions with Arab leaders, prior to 1948.
1) Hebrews/Israelites, started to be called 'Jews' especially since the book of Esther in the Bible OT.
2) A Jew can be black, brown, white, etc. as long as he converts to Judaism or is born a Jew, they are all equal in Judaism.
3) Every religion prides itself on it's faith, however, contrary to Christianity, Judaism does not promote/suggest to convert non Jews, contrary to Islam, Judaism does not promote/suggest to convert or to kill the "non believers".
4) Judaism adheres to one and only one supreme that is GOD and his laws as passed by Moses, which includes the oral part, the Talmud.
5) Talmud glorifies non Jews' high morals and quotes them as models to be followed after.
The fake 'quotes' that was started by earlier anti Jewish haters, has been reinforced today by Islamo fascists, radicals that use their Quran parts, which no one refutes, against all non Muslims, or "non believers", in fact, no other religion uses violence in the name of religion, BUT radical Islam.
The FAKE "quotes" used to demonize the holy great beautiful Talmud (which was given to Moses on mount Sinai as the other part of the Torah, which combines both, the written part - Bible old testament & the oral part - the Talmud), will either completely make up "lines", take words out of context, as anti-Jewish "writers" they (mostly based on an infmaous Nazi by Mr. Hoffmann, as a "good" supremacist that glorifies Hitler, he is looking for fake signs of any "supremacy" in his Jewish victims of real supremacy)  will even claim to "know better the Talmud than those who study it & received it's explanations traditionally", will choose to "interpret" certain terms to fit it's goal of claiming such claims that no Talmudist ever heard of!
Here is some sample of the "bulk" of those "claims".

The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible
Correction, Talmud explains THE Bible, thus the Talmud is IN the Bible, not "over".
in the Israeli state
Israeli State is SECULAR!
No connection to "religion" much less to the Talmud!

Because they are not traffickers in Talmudic tradition, the black Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state.
Not true, there is a fear that they intermarried with Non Jews over the years, as Christians/Christianity prohibits marring non Christians in their faith, as Muslims/Islam do not permit to marry non Muslims, but than again the Nazi "author" of this hate piece, Mr. Hoffmann hates blacks too, so much for his caring...
Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law). Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000 rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership.
Not true, he WAS regarded as a very knowledgeable man but not a decider.
But you, as a fraud had to quote some Jewish line to make your 'article' look "credible".

The Talmud Nullifies the Bible
That's a complete lie. the Talmud is of course an EXPLANATION of the bible as traditionally brought down from Moses orally on mount Sinai.
For example, It is the wrongfully 'bible learners' non Talmudists who "interpret" 'An eye for an eye', literally, however the holy humane Talmud interprets it as a monetary penalty, ONLY!
Shmuel Safrai

Who the heck is that? "Talmudists" never heard of him!
How do Nazis always "know" more???
The famous warning of Jesus Christ

He studied the Talmud, that is also why he spoke in Aramaic.
Just What exactly would "aryan" Hitler do to Jesus the JEW?
Unfortunately, due to the abysmal ignorance of our day, the widespread "Judeo-Christian" notion is that the Old Testament is the supreme book of Judaism. But this is not so. The Pharisees teach for doctrine the commandments of rabbis, not God.
What a bunch of crap, Rabbis simply do not adhere to "men" or newly "prophets" that claim to be alive but eternal GOD!

The Talmudic commentary on the Bible is their supreme law, and not the Bible itself
it IS the BIBLE, it is the interpretation OF the BIBLE
Jewish scholar Hyam Maccoby, in Judaism on Trial, quotes Rabbi Yehiel ben Joseph: "Further, without the Talmud, we would not be able to understand passages in the Bible...God has handed this authority to the sages and tradition is a necessity as well as scripture.
As the Bible said "You shall do as your sages tell you"
[As they have been passed on by anyone who does not study the Talmud cannot understand Scripture."
There is a tiny Jewish sect which makes considerable effort to eschew Talmud and adhere to the Old Testament alone
Without the Talmud interpretation, How can they know what it means? there are so many questions.
These are the Karaites, a group which, historically, has been most hated and severely persecuted by orthodox Jewish rabbinate.
Nice try, Still, HITLER & the author Nazi of this piece, hates ALL Jews, regardless of their "believes".
(BTW. The Karaites and such, historically persecuted the orthodox).
This study is based on the Jewish-authorized Babylonian Talmud. We have published herein the authenticated sayings of the Jewish Talmud. Look them up for yourself
You don't have, no "study" but you just took out off context such phrases to make it look like what YOU wanted to come out, and also inserted the term "non Jews' which of course it is not the term the Talmud uses "akum" which means early type of pagans.
If you were really quoting what the Talmud says, after understanding a bit about the Talmud, you would not claim to have these "believes", wishful by you.
We publish the following irrefutable

Excuse me?
The implementation by Jewish supremacists of Talmudic

Old trick by supremacists to blame/brand their very victims as/of "supremacists", the only supremacy the Talmud adheres to is high morals and God, that is why it glorifies beautiful gentiles like 'Dama Ben Netina' how the Roman (non Jew) honored his parents, so that we can all learn from him and COPY him.
literature has caused untold suffering throughout history and now,
Oh really, Did it matter to Hitler if you are a Talmudic non-Communist, or a non Talmudic Zionist or a secular without any ideology? all were doomed, as well as by Mr. Hoffmann, the Nazi author of this "article"!
in occupied Palestine
Oh, Here it comes, (even if it were true such a fantasy, only for the sake of the argument, that an Aryan "white" Nazi like the author of the so called "quotes" would care about  "brown" Arabs...) Did you know that the more Talmudic you are, the more non or anti Zionist you are?
The Bible is the base for Zionism (Christian or Jewish) the Talmud is the base for non-Zionism.
it is used as a justification for the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.
What a complete lie!
The Israeli defense forces does NOT STUDY the Talmud, it is mostly secular! the IDF, that fight mass murderers racist Arab Muslim militants that push for their genocide to "wipe off Israel", motivated by Arab racism on non Arabs & Islamic Jihad on non Muslims as they quote the Quran of 'fighting the infidels' who are not more than COWS.
In fact, those that study the Talmud so relentlessly are non Zionists, and (almost all of them) do NOT serve in Israeli army.
The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews
"all who are not jews"??? in the entire Talmud you can't find such a phrase.
as non-human animals
Lie!, Where on earth have you made this up? we see your so called "evidence" (at the end portions, at the bottom) about some laws regarding after death, which somehow only YOU managed to make from humans "animals".
Some Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
Where a Jew Should Do Evil
You are caught in your own trap!
Some study alright, you, as an Islamofascist or a Nazi, you simple hate Jews, and (which is why you) associate all Jews with evil.
Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there
It does not say that, it talks explicitly about a "person  in a certain stage that his evil inclination & impulses are strong", it DOES NOT permit him to "do any evil', read the source, [the commentators including] R. Chananel explains that he should move from his local place into exile so that his heart will be broken and the materialism - impulses will vanish.
But apparently those that want to libel seem to tell us that they"understand" the Talmud "better" than the Talmud sages themselves, imagine that!
the gentile must be killed
Where Does it say that? liar! I can't find it there. Does it say that 'all Non Christians should be killed,' in your "source"?
O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews
Don't make up titles to fit your hate supremacy upon Jews.
Now you are quoting about three things, killing, cheating , robbing and you try to associate them with "non jews". your base is "cuthean"
gentile ("Cuthean") , Non-Jews ... Cuthean..."

Cuthean is not a "gentile", if you don't now something, Ask, don't make up!
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies
Do you even know what it refers to? of course not, nor did you bother NOT to associate it with the concept: "lying" itself.
Really? you writing it again, now, shall we finally go to your "proof"?
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals
LIAR! Here is what it says: "all early type of pagans have animal behavior".
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Only a person that looks for and thinks about filth, would interpret it into "filth".
Fact: Term 'Nida' does NOT refer to "filth" it ONLY refers to the halachic DISTANCE suggested.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.
Here we go again, you use the term "gentile", However, early type of pagans probably did such things.

Talmud Attacks Christians and Christian Books
And just How could that be? There weren't YET, any real "Christians" at that time!
Here you choose to switch "minim" for "christians".
Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books") will have no portion in the world to come
This probably is one of the most self contradictory of your hate collection that you call 'study', How could it refer to the new testament if the Talmud wrote it long before this NT was published???
Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament. "book of the christians"
Really? 'Christians' are not even mentioned in the Talmud, not even once! Liar!
Gittin 69a . To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix with honey and eat it.
Don't quote old medicine if you don't know what they did
Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.
How did you interpret it "low"? Economically?
Fact is that many Talmudic Rabbis were in agriculture.
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Early adulthood and development were utterly different, but it does not mean "sex".
If your claim is true, Find me one Jew since the Talmud that married a "three years old", you can't find any, and Why not?
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
Can you help me find it? you switched the words there.
Why not make up a line "a Christian, a Muslim may have sex with nine years old".
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
It doesn't say it is "nothing" as you represent it here, it defines it in a term that you failed to understand because it talks about legal ramification in results or non results in the too-young girl's body, which you choose to ignore, instead you choose to put it on the act itself.
Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi
In a pattern sick intention, Here you inserted something all by YOURSELF the word "talmudic", again, in order to demonize the Talmud, you already called him 'sage' though he was called 'sage' only AFTER he repented and was sorry against all he has done, due to the reply she has given to Eliezer, the man that was a sinner was no "rabbi" of course, but he was shown compassion from God for his changing ways afterwards, then of course, you do NOT quote the Talmud about his repentance and that only after that he was called "rabbi".

Gittin 69b. To heal the disease of pleurisy ("catarrh") a Jew should "take the ... of a white dog and knead it with balsam,
Where does it say "jew"?
Again from that piece about ancient medical practice at that time, of course global medicine was hardly only a "talmud" thing.

Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.
Again you are telling us that 'akum' is a "gentile"?
Don't Christians, Muslims praise/pride for being of/in their religion?
Now, though Women are higher in spirituality OVER men, men CAN reach higher levels IF they work on themselves because of the hard work they broke through to achieve that goal, there for a male thanks for his chance to reach higher, but women by nature are HIGHER!
Tall Tales of a Roman Holocaust
Is this an attempt to ridicule the holocaust on at least 6,000,000 Jews in WW2 (by your type of people), in order to push for a new holocaust?
Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.
(Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time,
How so? name ONE such "scientific theory"! what proof is there? or are there 'fantasy-theories'?

(This before even us examining the numbers quoted in that piece about Roman atrocities).
I bet these are "theories" by those that were for the holocaust of 6,000,000 in WW2 and their followers "deny" the numbers NOW... [unless when these cruelest if mankind speak to Jews directly and "promise" 6 Million more...]
Do we know exactly how many Indians were in America, or how many Mayans were before the Spaniards came?
Actually for such an ancient nation as Jews it is only possible that many more existed!
Israelis annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Simon ben Yohai, to honor this rabbi who advocated the extermination of non-Jews.
He never did that, there's no "extermination" of non Jews in the Talmud at all, he is revered becuase of the light he gave to the entire world, he even said that he tried to exempt the entire world from punishment
(Non Jews - Muslims, Arabs also revere him!), He never did that, Where is that (at least) FAKE quote in the Talmud? in fact, this whole "piece of study" of yours is entirely based on YOUR "quote" from him as we shall see further.
As a repeater, Now of course you will double the emphasis on your "conclusion", again and again.
Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals
You said it again above/before and it is of course Not true, your evidences are not there!
One could just as easily invent that 'Christianity says that all non Christians are non Humans', Why invent such a line on Judaism? however no Muslim refutes the reference to Christians & Jews as pigs & apes in the Quran.
and specifically
Here you go, don't "generalize" baseless and then come down to "specifically" when you have generalized nothing yet with any foundation, with ANY source!
dehumanizes Gentiles as not being descendants of Adam.
How could it be? you can't find ONE Talmudic person that thinks that, what a ridiculous thing to say, Whom did Adam have if not all of us?
(Reminder, this is not the Quran that radical Muslims themselves like to quote about non Muslims being apes & pigs).
Here are some of the Talmud passages which relate to this topic.
Please quote ALL that you seem to "know", not "just some".... LOL.
Kerithoth 6b: Uses of Oil of Anointing. "Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels ...if over gentiles (goyim) or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is right,
It does not say "goyim" you made it up.
Next piece is you entire "proof" material, First main error, it is YOU who substituted "man" for 'Adam'!
"Also with regard to the dead, [it is plausible] that he is exempt, since after death one is called corpse and not a man (Adam). But why is one exempt in the case of gentiles (goyim); are they not in the category of man (Adam)? No, it is written: 'And ye my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are man" (Adam); [Ezekiel 34:31]: Ye are called man (Adam) but gentiles (goyim) are not called man (Adam).",
Another example from tractate Yebamoth 61a: "It was taught: And so did R. Simeon ben Yohai state (61a) that the graves of gentiles (goyim) do not impart levitical uncleanness by an ohel [standing or bending over a grave], for it is said, 'And ye my sheep the sheep of my pasture, are men (Adam), [Ezekiel 34:31]; you are called men (Adam) but the idolaters are not called men (Adam)." ,

Now, this - and ONLY this piece (with it's misinterpretation, with repetitions) is the ENTIRE "base" that you base YOUR invention of "dehumanization", that is trying so hard to convince us all to believe what no Talmudists believes.
[This is the ONLY "base" that you have even invented upon it as if anyone says that some are "sub humans".]
Here we have come to your entire gist.
Shall we examine what it means "kruyin adam"? or you want to claim that you understand Talmud better than ANY Talmudists has ever understood it's language".
Because you/your "study" are based on an ignorant that "transferred" the word "Adam" from Genesis, that "man" onto the term of R. Simon's relating to people AFTER death which talks only about laws impurity of priests as defined in the Bible. incidentally, the Talmudic Midrash [Midrash Proverbs 9] applies the same exact laws (as R. Simon's) to the priests in case of Rabbis, Are Rabbis therefor "not human"?
Can you now explain how the Talmud says in Aboda Zara 3a that a non Jew that learns Torah is as high (in a sense) as the Jewish high priest because it says [Leviticus 18] "which man [Adam] will do"?
Clearly it does not talk about "human" & or "humans" as the Nazis, fascists those that really differenciate between humans would like you to believe.
Those that prefer to take out half words to suit their hate - lies.
The Talmudic expounders on the spot explain / say explicitly that it does not refer to "human", but to the TYPE of 'Adam' that is mentioned in regards to laws of a priest.
Even those non-Jews who happened to be enemies of Jews are called "Adam" - Human, in Psalms 124.
Just like Adam was called Adam.
As it is in Talmud Guitin (43) the Talmud confirms the validity of any Non Jew's buying & selling in Jewish court because, of course they are "Adam", the SAME Humans, that is derived from the (same) term "Adam" Psalms 115, that the earth [the L-rd gave] to Adam [all] humans, mankind.
In short, the term "Adam" specifically mentioned in reference to priests laws have nothing to do with common "Adam" term to "humans", non Jews are not only Humans, they can even reach as high as the Jewish high priest.
In Berakoth 58a the Talmud uses Ezekiel 23:20 as proof of the sub-human
You have invented the "sub human" status (we already saw your so called "proof"), it does NOT exist in the Talmud but in Nazi Germany, in Neo Nazism [or in medieval type of Christians that used to demonizing the Jews and massacring them] and in radicals that use the Quran (Islamo fascists) to say that Christians & Jews are apes & pigs or all non Muslims are cows.
Moses Maimonides

Before even examining what you SAY that he "says", Question:
Is he "Talmud"?
Since when? he was about 800 years ago...
Then again you inserted "christian books" as IF it is referred to in the TALMUD (which of course is a false idea historically speaking), No sense of real history.
How can you know how many Jews there were, if you have no historic sense at all, or any sense of it's content at all for that matter as you twist any quotation around?
But in order for you to change to being pro humanity, harmony and peace, you have no choice but to follow the Talmud golden rule for mankind:
The base for the entire Torah is: "Do not do unto others what you don't like to be done to yourself". The holy Talmud Shabat 31.
May the L-rd that gave the Torah, the written one [Bible OT] & the Oral one [Talmud], establish peace, love and harmony for all humanity.

Back to Part 1, Re: Lies on Talmud


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