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Our Group

It was more a Friday morning, I don't remember if September, or October, or..., ah!!! That is what fewer matters. It was a Friday morning, about the eleven hours of the morning, when to 7th series I of the School of the Foundation of Teaching of Mococa's city, in Brazil, of the year of 1999 it was having its last class of the week, the class of Philosophy. Our dear companion Prof.ª Carmem Lygia Caldeira gave a wonderful class on the Allegory of the Cave, of Plato. Me and my friend, Filipe Motta, totally involved by that wonderful class, we noticed, after three years tends philosophy classes in the school, that our thoughts, our " flights ", our utopias, or same our dreams, more they could not be restricted to a weekly class of philosophy. Our thoughts wanted to fly higher, they wanted to free of the limited, they wanted to free of the current of the world of the shades and to reach the world of the ideas. Well then, it was what did!! Immediately our teacher Carmem that we felt counted and soon an idea jumped of our thoughts: why not to form a group of people, of true lovers of the philosophy, for if they gather during the week and to show, to demonstrate, to count and to discuss our thoughts? Carmem, extremely animated, said that she would be ready helping us to any moment and that, before anything else, he/she wanted to be one of the group! Because that enthusiasm, that willpower that our teacher demonstrated us was that made us to dive of body and soul in that project. Already the following week, we got to organize the people that would like to participate in the group and, without losing time, went seek a place for we could meet, what was relatively easy, since the management of our school gave us quickly a room of the school so that we could gather. Because that was CARPE DIEM'S beginning! During the year of 1999, we met every Wednesday. In the year of 2000, our group meets every Thursday, in the room no. 3 of the 1st building of the School of the Foundation of Teaching of Mococa, of the 18:45 at 19:45 o'clock.

Grupo Carpe Diem Filosofia - Mococa SP


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Carpe Diem Filosofia

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