Written by Ray Pang, E-mail qaz_128@hotmail.com Reactor No.1 The game begins with a train pulling in to a station. Your team dismount the train before you and promptly dispose of the two waiting guards. First search the fallen guard closest to you and you will find 2 potions. You will need to search him twice to find both potions. Follow your team and before you can get through the door 2 MPs will engage you. This is an easy battle and shouldn't even break a sweat. After this you can exit through the door. At the top of the stairs take a left and you will see the rest of the team. Talk to them and then you will be able to name yourself. After you have chosen a name the door will open and you will run in. Make your way to the bridge underneath the Intruder/Warning sign in the top right-hand side corner of the screen. You will arrive at the bridge. Cloud needs to follow his companions up the bridge. Next, make your way up to the security doors ahead and speak with Barret, who now joins your party. Now you need to speak to Biggs, he will open up the first door. Next, speak with Jessie and you will open the second door. Before you go and talk to Jessie the third time to open the elevator door turn right and proceed to the small room. You should see a sparkling box. Open it and collect Phoenix Down, Position A on Security Doors Map. Now exit the room and get in the elevator. When the lift arrives at the bottom, exit through the door on the left-hand side and you will emerge in a large room, with a small circular structure in front of you on the platform. Turn right and proceed down the long staircase towards the lower level and follow to the ground, and through the door. When you speak with Jessie she will teach you how to use the ladders throughout the game. Follow Jessie to the lower section and continue down the ladder, not forgetting to pick up the Potion. At the bottom of this ladder, turn left and follow the walkway around to the next ladder situated against the wall and descend to the bottom. Here you will find your first save point. Save your game here before moving on. As you near the opposite side of the bridge, pick up the Restore Material before moving to plant the bomb. As soon as you plant the bomb the first level boss-Grand Scorpion will engage you. The Grand Scorpion: The Grand Scorpion has two deadly attacks; the Scorpion Tail where the creature turns round and spears your characters repeatedly with its tail. And its special attack, Tail Laser, which is extremely potent and should be avoided at all cost. The best way to kill this creature is to get Cloud to attack using his BOLT spell and have Barret use his normal attacks. When the creature has its tail up avoid attacking it as this will cause it to counter attack using its Tail Laser which can do up to 80hp of damage. Instead use this time to heal both characters using Potions. Once you have defeated this boss the timer will start and you will have ten minutes to escape. But first equip the Assault before you start the journey back. As you pass Jessie you will find that she has got here foot stuck. Once you have freed her follow here back to the large room with the circular thing in the middle before entering the elevator. Speak to Jessie and Biggs and they will open the door for you. Once you through take a right and down the steps to the exit. The Escape After the escaping from the blast, the team find themselves in a small area beside a blazing doorway. They agree to split up and meet back at the HQ, a building in sector 7 slums. When the conversation has finished, follow Barret into the next area. When Clouds arrives on the next screen Barret is nowhere to be seen, but he starts a conversation with a flower girl who has been knocked over in the commotion following the recent explosion. The flower girl asks Cloud "What happened?" You will now be presented with two choices of answer. Choose "Nothing... hey, listen..." and then choose "Don't see many flowers round here." Selecting these options will give you a chance to buy a flower, follow the flower girl off screen into the courtyard. Walk forward through the courtyard and pick up the potion on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, before talking to the guy standing by the light. After talking to everyone in the courtyard proceed down to the area marked with a Red Triangle. Once Cloud enters this lower courtyard he encounters Shinra Soldiers. You can either fight them or run. If you choose fight Cloud will have to fight three separate battles in this area before he gets cornered and jumps on the train. Avalanche HQ Cloud's friends are already on the train, heading for Sector 7 Slums. He will be reunited with them shortly, making his entrance through the door on the left-hand side of the carriage. Once you are all together, follow your friends into the next carriage. Proceed to the front of the train and speak with Jessie. She will now explain the Midgar Rail System to you, along the security checkpoints. Now move to left-hand side and talk to Barret. The now arrives at the station. Everyone exits the train and agrees to meet at HQ. Proceed to the left-hand side of the screen towards Sector 7 Slums. In the top-left corner of the screen is a SAVE POINT, before saving talk to boy who will reveal some interesting facts about the pillar. After this, save your game and head to the slums on your right. Once you enter the Slums head directly to the HQ. Barret will clear the bar area and summon the team inside. There is plenty of time to do to the shops but first Cloud has got to collect his pay before he can do some serious shopping. Speak to Barret outside the HQ, and he will let you in. Once inside, Cloud meets Tifa, who is going to join your group next. If you brought a flower early on, you will be given the change to either give it to Tifa or Marlene who is Barret's daughter. After speaking with everyone, move towards the door. Barret will then run in and call a meeting downstairs. When everyone has gone downstairs, stop and talk to Tifa before proceeding downstairs via the Pinball Machine. Once you have spoken to Barret about your money, take the lift back up to the bar and walk towards the exit. Tifa will follow you and beg you to help them. When this conversation finishes, Barret will give you 1,500 Gil and agree on a price for the next assignment. Cloud wakes up in the corner of the meeting room below AVALANCHE HQ. Take the pinball lift to bar and speak with Tifa. When you talk to Barret he will ask you how to use Materia. This is a good chance to learn how to use it. Choose "OK, I'll explain it" and a tutorial will show you how to use the magical Materia. Materia is very important in the game and you should remember how to use it. Now you may exit the building and explore the slums. Go to the weapon shop (Opposite the HQ). Speak with the shop keeper and purchase three iron bangles and equip your team with them by bringing up the menu and selecting equip, then replace the bronze bangle with the newly brought iron bangle. If you don't understand, simply go to the beginners' hall on top of here. When you have finished equipping the new armour head up the stairs at the back of the shop and then enter the room at the front of the building. Make sure you visit this room. Not only because it contains an All Materia and an Ether but there is a large tutorial section. Everyone in this room hold valuable information so take some time and speak with everyone, also remember to save before exiting this room. If your partly needs rest, then return to the first floor and pay the boy 10 Gil to use his room at the top of this building. Your next stop is the Materia shop, purchase the fire Materia (You won't need to buy the Restore Materia because you should have picked it up just before you set the bomb for the reactor, unless you sold it!). With all the shopping done it's time to equip Cloud's Buster Sword. Bring up the menu, and give him Restore and All Materia on a linked slot. This will give you the cure-all spell, which lets you cure everyone in your party during battle. Give Barret Fire Materia and Tifa Lighting Materia, it's now time for your mission, head to Sector 7 Station. Train Journey Once at the station, board the train. When the train starts moving, make your way to the front of the carriage and speak to Tifa. Suddenly an alarm sounds! Shinra has moved the ID security and now the team must run from car to car to avoid getting trapped! You have 15 seconds to get to the next carriage, which is at the bottom of the screen. During this time you can collect some useful items, if you get caught then the team will have to jump off early. This however does not effect your next mission, but if you get caught on the first car, you will jump out next to a station guarded by special combatants. You cannot get past them and you'll have to travel the other way. In the first carriage speak with the drunken man lying on the seat at the back of the train to receive a Phoenix Down for taking time to talk to him. In the second carriage speak with the attendant who is stood closest to the front of the train to get a Hi-Potion. In the third carriage there is nothing to pick up, but the character moving in the opposite direction will sometimes steal something from you and the only way to get it is by chasing him and catching him. There are no items in carriage four or five. At the last carriage, make your way to the front of the carriage. It is now time for the team to jump off. Speak with Tifa and she will jump off first, now speak with Barret and then follow Tifa through the door. You will now find that the party is in a tunnel, walk straight ahead to the start of the next mission. Reactor No.5 Once the team has bailed out of the train, they find themselves inside a long tunnel. Proceed along this tunnel until you come to some security sensors. Depending on how many carriages you managed to get through will determine how far you have to travel up the tunnel to reach this point. Examining the small hole on the left will give you several options. Your only way to bypass the sensors is to go down. When you're at the bottom of the hole there is a small corridor. Walk forward and pick up the Ether, before making your way to the gap in the floor and climb down the ladders until you reach ground floor. You will now be in a large area with lots of boxes. If you carry on walking you will eventually come across Wedge standing next to the foot of a ladder. Talk to him and he will direct you to where you need to go. Both of the ladders lead to the same place so climb the ladder behind Wedge to exit. You should have noticed that the enemies you are facing are becoming stronger and stronger and their attacks more damaging. The Bolt spell is extremely useful for any mechanical enemies. When your party is low on HP you should cast the Cure All spell. Talk to Jessie and then pick up the potion before proceeding down the ladder with the black and yellow stripes, located on the far left-hand side of the camber. Pick up the Tent and then save the game at the SAVE POINT. After you saved the game, speak to Biggs who is stood in front of the ladder, before climbing to the next area. You should be able to remember the layout of this area. Move to the left and slide down to the ground floor. Move around the large platform and go through the door. The layout of this reactor is very similar to the one you blew up early. The reactor is on the other side of the bridge at the bottom of the ladder section; identical to the route you took before. After the bomb is planted, make your way back to the large room with the long staircase and proceed up to lift. There is no time limit but try not to hang around for too long. After your lift journey, exit the elevator and walk toward the room on the left-hand side, remember to pick up the Ether. The only way to get pass the doors is to press all three buttons at the same time. To do this, count to three and then hit circle. Now save the game and spend a little time building up your teams limit breaks before proceeding through the doorway towards the bridge. Run to the end of the bridge and you will soon realise it's a trap set by Shinra. Air Buster: Air Buster is a large robot produced by Shinra. He has two major attacks which he can you against you, his Big Bomber takes a chunk of your HP and his Rear Gun counterattack is also painful. You will find that Cloud is on one side, and Tifa and Barret on the other. His weak points are his back, so attack there as much as possible, the Bolt spell works well. If you took time to build up your limit breaks you can defeat him easily. Make sure you attack his back and he will be in a mechanical graveyard in no time. When you have won you will receive a Titan Bangle. Air Buster will now explode and blast a hole in the bridge. Cloud is left there to dangle; you won't be able to help him so don't worry. The Flower Girl When Cloud wakes up he finds himself lying on a bed of flowers, which is in a church near the Sector 5 Slums. The flower he met early is watching over him. Cloud is introduced to Aeris, who will soon become a member of the party. Aeris seem to be in trouble and Cloud offers to be her bodyguard, not a moment too soon. Reno of the Turks, who works for the evil Shinra Company, enters the church trying to capture Aeris. Cloud and Aeris make a hasty retreat out the back of the church, with the Shinra agents in pursuit. Once out of the back, jump across the gap to the staircase, which leads to the rafters. Cloud and Aeris soon become separated, when Shinra opens fire. When you are presented with three choices: Choose "Hold on a minute" (It doesn't matter what option you choose but if you decide to run then she would run or if you choose to fight then she would gain experience and also face the enemy) and climb the staircase to the rafters above. Once at the top you can push the barrels over to help Aeris. Each time she is attacked push the barrels in this order 1, 2, and 3 (above) counting from the left to the right via the bottom. After you have completed your task, Aeris will escape and join you on the rafters. Walk towards the huge opening, that Cloud made not so long ago, and across the slanted beam. Once out of the church, Cloud and Aeris converse on the roof before they are ready to move on. When you are on the rooftops, make your way by heading towards the top left-hand of the screen. Eventually you will jump of the rooftops a small distance from Aeris house, located in the Sector 5 Slums. Immediately save your game at the SAVE POINT, which is towards your left. Sector 5 Slums After you have saved your game, proceed to the left until you reach a turning on your right-hand side. Go into the Slums. Don't worry if you think your lost because you can't go wrong, the door to Sector 6 is blocked by two guards and you cannot get past them. When you enter the Slums the random battles will stop until you exit this area (The same rule applies to any other sector or place). This will allow you to talk to everyone in the area and to buy some essential supplies. Go into the weapon shop and buy a Titan Bangles, equip Cloud and Aeris with it (You should have another Titan Bangle from Air Buster). Before moving on to Aeris house, which is located to the right of the slums, make sure you visit the boy's bedroom. Enter the house, turn right, and climb the stairs. If you talk to the boy he will mumble something about a secret drawer in his dresser. If you search the drawer you will discover the secret drawer and 5 Gil hidden there. Be nice and leave his money. You will need to return here for a item of greater value. Before leaving the room read the Turtles Paradise Flyer No.1. This is the first of the six that, if you collect will give you an abundance of goods later in the game. When you have finished here, proceed to Aeris's house. Top right-hand side of the Slums. Before you save or enter the house, walk around the house and into the flower garden where you can pick up a Ether and Cover Materia which is hidden among the flower. You may now save your game and enter Aeris house. You will meet Aeris's stepmother Elmyra, who will ask you to leave without Aeris. Once you have spoke to Elmyra, proceed upstairs and talk with Aeris. When you wake up you will need to sneak past Aeris's door and avoid being caught. Don't run or you will alert Aeris, walk instead, this shouldn't be hard. Exit the house and head towards the entrance to Sector 6 through the Slums. Sector 6 Slums Aeris has tricked you and is waiting at the entrance to Sector 6 already. It looks like you will have to take her along with you. As soon as you have entered Sector 6, take some time to equip Aeris with some Materia. Her normal attacks are far to weak and the enemy are tough in this area. Also equip Cloud with the Cover Materia that you found in the flower garden, this will give Cloud the ability to block some attacks for Aeris. Walk ahead and turn right up the wooden slope and then across the bridge of Steel on your right-hand side. Head towards the girder platform and down towards the tunnel, which you need to walk through. Once you are through, turn right towards the red plank of wood and proceed up this. Go down this final wooden slope and into the playground in front of the entrance of Sector 7. The Wall Market Suddenly the gate to Sector 7 opens and a Chocobo-drawn carriage with Tifa on the back appears and heads toward Wall Market. Follow the carriage to the top right-hand corner of the screen and carry on this path towards Wall Market. Wall Market is a large town with lots to do and find. Where is Tifa? you will have to look for Tifa, the shop on the far right looks like a good place to start. Walk around the building on your right and continue of the screen. There is a man in a red top and you need to speak to him. When you ask him about Tifa he explains that she is now having a interview at Don Corneo's mansion. Exit back to the south entrance of the town, where you came in. Don Corneo's mansion is the building in the most northern section of the town. Follow the path on the left-hand side to the very top, enter and speak with the man at the door. He will tell you that only females will be allowed in. Aeris suggest that the only way to get in is for Cloud to dress up as a...girl! Cloud will need a dress to trick the door man. Luckily there is a dress shop in Wall Market. Proceed downwards to the dress shop, which should be on your left. After speaking with the assistant, you find out that the dressmaker is on a heavy drinking session at the bar. Enter the tavern and speak with the dressmaker, the one on the right. Aeris manages to persuade him to make a dress. You will now have to decide what dress you want; choose "soft" and "shimmers", to receive a Silk Dress, which is the best option. Choosing anything else will result in either a Satin or Cotton dress. When you have chosen your dress you must return to the dress shop. Your dress will be ready by the time you get back and Cloud will try on his new dress. Aeris thinks that a wig is needed for a more convincing disguise. The assistant will inform you that a person in the gym might be able to help you. Once inside the gym, speak with the girl stood beside the ring. She guesses that you have come for "Big Bro.'s wig". In order for Cloud to obtain the wig he must defeat Big Bro. in a squat contest. To perform the squat you need to press the triangle, cross and circle buttons in that order. Each button performs a different part of the squat. Remember to let Cloud finish the last movement before you press the next button. If you mess up, Cloud will stop and scratch his head. If this happens simple start again. You can practice if you want, but when the competition is over you will be given a wig of some sort. There are three types available: If you win, Blonde Wig (Best). You will also receive a wig of some sort if you draw or lose (Dyed and Plain wig). You may now go directly to Don's mansion after you have but the disguise on, but you will not be picked and you will need to fight his men. For Cloud to be picked, you need some more items. Inside the tavern you will find a person bursting to go to the toilet! Talk to him and the young lady in the toilet. It looks like she is ill and requires some medicine. To require some medicine Cloud will need a pharmacy coupon. The restaurant is giving away pharmacy coupon if you buy a meal. Enter and sit down. You have a choice of three meals each costing 70 Gil. When you have finished you will be presented with three options. Choose "It was alright", to receive your pharmacy coupon. Now go to the pharmacy to exchange it. Enter the shop and the shopkeeper will recognise the coupon in your hand. You will then be presented with three choices: 1. Disinfectant Cologne, 2. Deodorant, Flower Cologne, 3. Digestive, Sexy Cologne (Best). When you have got the medicine, return to the tavern and give it to the lady. She will award you with the cologne appropriate with the medicine that you gave her. Visit the Materia shop next. There is no Materia for sale at the moment, when you speak with the owner he ask you to do a little favour. He wants to know what the vending machine at the South Inn is selling. Agree to go, and then head for the South Inn. Enter and speak with the lady at the counter. Pay the 10 Gil to stay and Cloud will find the machine himself during the night. You will be presented with four options this time: 1. Don't buy it, Nothing, 2. Buy the one fore 200 Gil, Diamond Tiara (Best Option), 3. Buy the one for 100 Gil, Ruby Tiara, 4. Buy the one for 50 Gil, Glass Tiara. When you wake up, leave the Inn and head back to the Materia shop. Talk to the owner again and he will give you the Tiara that relates to your choice. The last place you need to visit is the Honey Bee Inn. In order to get inside you will need a members card. Talk to the guy hanging around the corner and he will give you the members card to get inside. Now speak with the doorman and he will let you in. Once inside you will be asked what room you want. There are two choices available to you with the following undergarments as mementoes: 1. Group Room, Bikini Briefs, 2. &$#% Room, Lingerie. It doesn't matter which room you choose just remember to collect the underwear form the assistant before you the leave the room. Once you leave you will be unable to go back there. The last place you need to go is the makeup room door No.3. Inside are three girls doing their makeup. Speak to the lady on the far left and she will do your makeup for you. The other two rooms are occupied but you may peek through the keyhole if you are feeling nosy. You can adjust the view using the left and right direction buttons. Once you are finished at the Honey Bee Inn, return tot he dress shop and get changed for your disguise, before you proceed to Don Corneo's mansion. You should stop by at the weapon shop and buy three Mythril Armlet, a Mythril Rod, and a Metal Knuckle. If you run out of money, sell a couple of Ethers but don't sell anything else. Equip Aeris with the Mythril Rod and the Mythril Armlet, also equip Cloud with the Mythril Armlet. Save your game before going to Don's Mansion. The doorman will invite you in. After a quick chat with the receptionist he leaves you alone for a while to inform Don. This is your chance to find Tifa, Climb the flight of stairs and go round the landing to the furthest door. You will find Tifa at the bottom of the basement, when you have found Tifa the receptionist will call you from the top of the stairs. Remember to collect the Ether at the corner. Head back up the stairs and into the middle door to Don's chambers. Once inside walk to the right of his desk and he will inform you stand in a line. If you have collected the Silk Dress, Blonde Wig, Sexy Cologne, Diamond Tiara, an undergarment, and makeup, then Don will choose you for company this evening. If you collected different items, Aeris or Tifa could have been chosen. If Cloud didn't get chosen then you will have to fight your way through his henchmen before proceeding to his room. In his bedroom run round to the other side of the bed and collect a well hidden Hyper, then speak to Don. You could play with him however you like before you reveal your true identity. Tifa and Aeris will burst in and forces Don to tell them that Shinra is going to crust Sector 7 by destroying the support pillar. So they can wipe out Avalanche Headquarters. When they try to leave, Don pulls a trapdoor and cast the party into the sewers below. The Sewers Before you talk to Aeris or Tifa, equip Tifa with the Metal Knuckles and Mythril Armlet. Also, if you haven't already, equip Cloud and Aeris with any new equipment to have purchased at Wall Market. Make sure that everyone has at least one Spell Materia before checking if Aeris or Tifa is alright. As soon as all of you are alright, a large creature known as Aps attack. Aps is a unusual creature (Don Corneo's pet) whose main attack is Sewer Tsunami. He summons a huge wave, which also damages himself. Depending on where the wave came from, behind you or behind him, the more damage is done to you or him. Use magic to make this battle short, his weak point is fire, so use at much as possible on him. All other magic spells work fine as well. Watch your health and don't let it slip under 100 HP, if you are low on health, cure yourself with the cure-all spell. When you defeat him you will receive a Phoenix Down. Walk forwards and on the right-hand side you will find a stair leading to a Potion in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Now make your way back down the stairs and climb the ladder on the other side. Follow this walkway until you find a other ladder leading back down. Travel up the stairs in the bottom right-hand, turn left and make sure you pick up the Steal Materia on the right. When you have picked up this Materia, equip Tifa with it immediately and you will be able to steal items from your enemy. Now walk forwards and jump down the hole in the right-hand corner. Walk forward to the end of the path and proceed down the steps and into the filthy water. Walk to the end and turn right, before heading up the platform where the rail is broken. Climb the ladder to your right and into the Train Graveyard. Train Graveyard When the party exits the sewers, save your game before you attempt to head to Sector 7 and try to stop the destruction of the pillar. Sector 7 is just on the other side, but a maze of old trains hinder your path. Enter the train in front of you and walk left through the carriage and exit the other end. Inspect the oil barrel and you will receive a Hi-Potion. Now walk back through the carriage and climb the ladder next to the save point. Walk forwards and pick up another Hi-Potion. Continue walking along the roof until you come to the broken and turn left to the floor below. In the top left-hand corner is another oil barrel, that upon searching will reveal an Echo Screen. Head back towards the girder and turn left to walk underneath it. Now enter the train on the left-hand side. Cloud needs to turn right again to pick up a Potion. Continue down through the carriage and exit out the right-hand side. Walk up the ladder directly in front of you, onto the roof of the carriage ahead. Turn left and move to the next carriage before climbing down the ladder to the other side. Enter the carriage after turning right and walk left to the exit. Collect the Potion at the front end of this carriage before, turning right and going up the screen to the broken carriage. Now turn left and left again, in the bottom of the left-hand corner there is another Potion. You should now be able to another oil barrel behind a carriage on your left. Navigate around the rubble to search the barrel and to receive an Ether. If you encounter a large powerful creature in this area called Eligor, you can steal a Striking Staff. Which is for Aeris, this is the most powerful weapon for her in this point of the game. Equip it immediately before heading to the very northern section of the Train Graveyard. Here you will find two train engines that you need to move in order to exit this area. The first train is the one you will need to move first. Get Cloud to hop on it, do this by walking to the door, he will automatically jump on and move the trains on towards the left. Now jump back on and move the train back to it's original position. Now move the second train, when Cloud has finished he will jump out. Don't move the train back as this forms part of the bridge. Walk up the ladder to board the roof of the carriage next door. Collect the Hi-Potion and jump across to the moved locomotive. From here you can access the girder on to the next carriage, climb down the ladder and head left. You should find that you are now at Sector 7 Station. Run to the left and into the slums, where you should see that the pillar is under attack but still standing. The Pillar You are just in time to help Avalanche fight Shinra, the attack is already on the way and Barret may require some assistance. Aeris will leave the party to ensure that Marlene is safe, so you will have to scale the tower without her (Remember to save your game). You may have random encounters with Aero Combatants, use the Bolt spell to knock on the floor and you can defeat them easily. Barret is at the top and is struggling to hold the enemy at bay. When you reach the top, you will be given the chance to equip any equipment you have purchased. Give Barret all of Aeris Materia, and equip him with a Titan bangle because you can't take Aeris Mythril Armlet. So basically, Cloud has the cure-all and ice spell, Tifa has the lighting and Steal Materia, and Barret has the fire Materia. When you have finished, Reno of the Turks will drop from a helicopter and activate the self-destruct system. Reno will use two main attacks against you: Elecro-mag Rod and Pyramid. The Elecro-mag rod is fairly powerful and can sometimes stun you as well. If a Pyramid imprisons one of your characters, simply attack it using one of your normal attacks. Try not to let your HP drop below 100. To defeat Reno, keep bombarding him with fire and ice spells (Lighting also works but less effectively) and your limit breaks when they are ready. Free your allies as soon as they get trapped in a Pyramid and cure anyone whose health drops below 100 HP. Follow these instructions and you should defeat him easily. When Reno is low on health, he will back out of the fight. Once Reno has left, the party will try to stop the self-destruct sequence, but this proves to be impossible. Tseng of the Turks has decided to taunt the team from his helicopter, showing his newest capture Aeris! The party can do nothing to help her now, and the time is ticking, they must evacuate the platform before it explodes. After The Blast After the narrow escape from the destruction of the pillar, the party finds itself in the now ruined playground next to Sector 6 and Wall Market. Barret is full of anger for Shinra, because of the deaths of his comrades. The team talks for a while, and Cloud tells them that he want to learn more about the ancients. So he decides to ask Aeris stepmother, Elmyra. He walks off the screen into Sector 6 and has another flashback, now the team will join him. Before you head for Aeris's house, go back to the playground and collect the Sense Materia in the bottom left-hand corner. You are now ready to make the journey to Aeris's house (Sector 5). Make your way through Sector 6 Slums and into Sector 5, then Aeris's house. On your way through Sector 5 Slums, take some time to visit the boy's bedroom again. Providing you didn't take his money he will give you a Turbo Ether. Also, if you did not look at the Flyer, then look now. At Aeris's house, Elmyra will tell you all about Aeris and the ancients. It also seems that Marlene is safe and Aeris managed to bring her here before being captured. Make sure you rest before going after Aeris upstairs. The team has decided that Wall Market is their only hope, now that the trains are no longer in service. Elmyra will look after Marlene for a little longer, and the team leaves for Shinra Headquarters. Remember to save your game before you leave for Aeris. The party must now travel to Wall Market, to get there just take the same route you did last time. Wall Market has changed a little since your last visit and you have gain a slight reputation. If your team needs to rest, do so in the South Inn. If you don't then head to the junk shop to buy a few items, that you will need to get to Shinra HQ. Inside the shop there is two guys, talk to the guy on the right and he will sell you some Zinc Batteries. Buy all of them and you may now head to the "Wire of Hope". Or if you decide to explore Don Corneo's mansion, you can pick up any items that you haven't already collected. In the guard room there is Phoenix Down on the floor. Also, in the basement is Kotch (Don's henchmen) you can decide to help him or not, it doesn't effect the game. Now proceed to the "Wire of Hope." Wire Of Hope Your team will now have to the climb the wire to reach the Shinra HQ, located at the top. After the first wire, you will find that this is going to be a uphill struggle. Just remember that you cannot fall off, and use the circle button to climb ladders or wires. When you cannot climb anymore, jump to the left and follow the little walkway round. You should see a socket in the bottom right-hand corner, walk to it and place a battery inside. The propeller should now begin to spin, the power from the battery doesn't last very long and it soon stops. But forms a bridge to the next section that you can climb. After climbing the propeller, the team should see another socket to the left. Again, place a battery in the socket. The barricade will lift, creating a platform to the next section. Cloud and the team may now walk left across the barrier. You will not be able to carry on walking on this path any longer, but you may climb the wire on the right. You will now have come across a swinging bar, and for you to cross you must jump when it is closest to you using the circle button. Don't worry if you fall, just follow the route back up and try again. Just before you do this, if you climb the wire to the left of the swinging bar. You should come across socket No.3, placing a battery in here will result in the box opening and revealing an Ether for Cloud to collect. When you have done this, climb back down and jump the swinging bar. Continue climbing up the wire, past socket No.3 until you reach another wire leading upwards, climb this. Now you should be at the top of the wire, to the right you can continue your journey upward via a pipe. At the top should be the Shinra headquarters. Shinra HQ Once the party reaches the top of the wire, they will have to decide whether to storm in or to sneak in. Both paths are very different but lead both leads to the 59th floor. The side entrance leads to nine large stairs with about ten flights per stair, but there are no enemies here. Also, for all your effort you can only collect an Elixir placed in the middle of the fifth stairway. If you want the item then come back later on in the game. When you storm in at the front, everyone will run away apart from some Grenade Combatants. They are fairly weak and should cause any major damage. After disposing of them you are free to search the level. When you take the front door, you will have to fight random battles throughout the building. These are not difficult but you will need to keep and eye on your health levels. When you search the lobby area, you will find another Turtles Paradise Flyer (No.2) pinned to a notice board. The first one is in the boy's bedroom (Sector 5 Slums). If you need some supplies then you may want to visit the shop. The shop is located on the second floor, top right-hand corner, which you can get to by the stairs near the entrance. You should notice two chests here, you cannot open them yet and you will need to return later in the game. If you want to have a look at the Shinra Motor Mobiles video, it's in the bottom left-hand side. To reach the 59th floor you will need to take the lifts, which are situated at the centre of the back wall on all three floors. Which are accessible by the stairs. From level three you will have to take the lift to reach your destination. Once the team are in the lift, a alarm will sound and there will seem to be a problem with the lift. Move to the operating console and stop the lift, every time the lift stops the team will have to fight a battle. There are several battles on the way up; none of them should prove too difficult. Eventually the elevator will stop at the 59th floor and you may exit. Once you reach the 59th floor, you may no longer use the normal elevator. Instead there is a special glass elevator that allows you access to the floors above 59th. You will need a Keycard to enter the floors above. Turn left, and run around the building until you see some enemy soldiers guarding the elevator. As soon as you approach them they will begin a fight. After this battle, Cloud will find a Keycard 60. Granting him access to the 60th floor. Now take the elevator to floor 60. When the team exits the lift you will notice two guards blocking the way, that you can't fight past. However there is a room to the left which you can enter. From here you will have to try and sneak past the four guards. Cloud will go first and the others will then follow, you must move the other characters one by one. Position Cloud behind the first statue and run to the next as soon as the guards start moving. When he reaches the middle, you will have to signal to them when it is clear using the circle button. If you get caught you will have to fight a battle and start again from the beginning. But you will only get caught four times and after that there will be no more guards left. So you can proceed to the room on the right and head up the stairs, to reach the next floor. Once you reach the next floor, exit the room and speak to everyone. There isn't much to do in this room, but if you talk to a guy near the bottom right of the screen. He will give you a Keycard 62 if you choose the "......" option, thinking that you are a repairman. If you mention Aeris to him, he will talk some nonsense about a receptionist below. There is nothing to do on this level, so go up the stairs to the 62nd floor. The first thing you should do if chat to the major, located on the left-hand side of this floor. The major will let you guess at his password, and providing you get it right; he will give you his Keycard and a special item. Hart, major's assistant, will sell you hints, which are more and more outrageously priced, every time. But this is the only way of making sure that you have got the password correct. The password changes every time you play the game; the only way of finding out the password without a dent in pocket is to follow the instructions below. On this floor are four libraries and in each one are six different files, two per bookcase. Outside is a plaque telling you the name of the library. Inside is a misplaced file, which the plaque suggests, and it has a number. That number is referring to the letter you want in the file. So if the number is three, then you will want the third letter in the file. Check all four libraries, unscramble the letters, and you should have the major's password. You will get a choice of six passwords: Best, King, Orbs, Bomb, Mako, and Hojo. The password should be pretty obvious now, when you have got the password tell the major. Providing you guessed the password correctly, he should give you Keycard 65, if you got the password first time then he will also give you Elemental Materia. Now make your way to the next level via the lifts or stairs. You do not have to visit this floor if you don't want to, but there are some handy items you could pick up. There are lots of security doors in this area and you cannot open them unless you have accessed the computer room. Which is located in a room on the bottom right-hand side. There are three coupons you can collect, which can be exchanged for items at the computer. The first door you should open is the far northern one, follow the passage on the right-hand side and open the door that stands in your way. Carry on forward until you reach another door, don't open it, instead turn left and open the door below you. Once you are through this door, turn left and go into the room to collect Coupon A. Don not exit this room, inspect the air-duct and climb in look around. Crawl forwards and turn the corner, keep crawling until you reach the junction, turn left and exit the air-duct. You should now be in a room with Coupon B in front of you for you to collect. Exit this room and turn left, open the door on your left and you should now be able to enter the final room containing Coupon C. Now make your way back to the air-duct and climb to the computer room. Access the computer and exchange your Coupons for: Star Pendant, Four Slots, and All Materia. You may now proceed to the 64th floor. This is floor is gym, there is no puzzles to solve and there are no enemies to fight. There is a save point in a room to your left; you can also rest here to regain your lost HP and MP. Searching the lockers will reveal a Phoenix Down (First row) and an Ether (Second row), on the third row, there is a Megaphone. But Cloud will not collect anything that they cannot use, it looks like you will have to come back for it later. After collecting all items rest your party and then save your game. Before proceeding to the next floor. Beware! You will face random battles on this floor. There is a large map of Midgar in the centre of this floor, but the pieces are missing. Five of these (There are six in total) can be collect from inside chests located on this floor. You can only open one chest at a time and after opening one you must place it in the map. First enter the upper room and open the lower chest to collect Midgar Parts 1, then proceed to the map room and place it in the spot closest to the door. Now open the lower chest in the lower room. Place Midgar Part 2 in the spot right of the first one. In the upper room is Midgar Part 3, place it to the right of the second one. Part four is in the lower room, place it right of the third one. The last one is in the top right, fit it in the slot right of the fourth. There is no piece for the sixth slot, when all of the parts are in place, the chest next to the stairs should be unlocked. Allowing you to collect Keycard 66. Take the stairs up to the next floor, once you have collected the Keycard. You have to spy on what the president and the others are saying on this floor. In the top left-hand side of this floor is a bathroom, walk into the cubicle. From here you can climb up to the air-duct are crawl over to hear what they are planning to do. You will learn about the evil plan concerning Aeris. Once the meeting has finished, follow Hojo to the 68th floor. When you are on this floor exit the door, turn right and walk round to the stock room. Which is located to the left of this floor. Once here, the team will have to hide and listen to their plan about Aeris. Tifa will now take a look at the specimen and Cloud will discover a tank labelled Jenova. After Clouds fit, the team should walk to the rear of the building and collect the Poison Materia from the chest next to the save point. Before making your way to the next floor, equip everyone with anything new. Also, make sure you equip Cloud with the Star Pendant and Barret with the Elemental-Poison Materia combination in his armour. Now save your game before taking the lift to the next level. You are just in time, Hojo is just conducting a experiment with Aeris and a lion-type creature. Aeris cries for help and Barret will smash the tank with his gun. The lion-type creature will spring forward and attack Hojo, but Hojo has arranged the HO512 specimen to arrive on the scene shortly. Cloud decides that it is best someone takes Aeris to safe place because Red XIII will lend a hand. Tifa is the best because Barret is more powerful and has a long-range weapon. HO512 has his own henchmen that occupy the front row, meaning that HO512 is always at the back. He can re-animate any of his fallen comrades, so only attack HO512 himself. Keep attacking him with fire and ice spells, bolt works as well but less effectively. Watch your HP levels, cure anyone whose health fall below 100HP. When he dies, the rest follows. After you have defeated him you will receive a Talisman. The party has decided that they must get out of the building as soon as possible, since they have already rescued Aeris. They split up into two groups and arrange to meet in elevator on the 66th floor. Walk into the specimen tank and collect the Enemy Skill Materia. In the south is a step of stairs leading to a raised platform. At the top you can collect two Potions and then follow the walkway to Hojo's assistant. He begs for forgiveness and gives you Keycard 68 before scampering off. You will now need to head to the 66th floor. Head back down the elevator you took up here to the 67th floor, run round to the stairs and go down to the 66th floor. Since your team members are nowhere to be seen, you decide to take the lift. As soon as you enter, Tseng and Rude intercept you and take you to the president. Captured The rest of the party has been captured as well, but there is no sign of Aeris. President Shinra informs you that he is going to use her to find the Promised Land, and he has taken her away somewhere else. After this conversation you and the party will be locked away in the cells on floor 67. Talk to your team members before getting some rest. When Cloud wakes up, he finds the door wide open. Go outside and check the fallen guard, return and wake Tifa. After searching the fallen guard together, you will find the key to unlock the other doors. Tifa will rescue Aeris while Cloud makes his way to free Barret and Red XIII in the end cell. Everywhere you look you will see dead people, and the Jenova tank no longer holds its specimen. Talk to Red XIII and it looks like it travelled to the 68th floor using the specimen lift. Follow Red XIII to the next floor and follow the trail of blood to the corridor on the right. Stop and pick up the two Potions on the side before continuing up the stairs, following the trail of blood. Once on the 69th floor, exit the stairwell and continue to follow the trail of blood through the central door. Use the save point on your left to save your game, now carry on up the long staircase to the president's office. President Shinra is dead and Sephiroth's sword is stuck into his now lifeless body. Palmer, Presidents assistant is still alive, team capture him and forces him to tell them what happened. Eventually he wriggles free and a helicopter arrives carrying the new president, Rufus. Exit the office through the door in the north to meet ex-president Shinra's son. He will explain his plans for Shinra, Cloud will tell the team to leave him alone with Rufus. The party returns downstairs without Cloud, Tifa decides to wait for Cloud by the door. You will now be asked if you would like to remove the Materia from Cloud and Tifa, select yes and make sure everyone has at least one spell. Also, someone must have the cure-all combination. The best thing to do is to give Aeris Lighting and Ice Materia, Barret Fire Materia. Leave Red XIII alone, providing you didn't tamper with his Materia he should have fire-all combination. Now you must head for the lift, as soon as you enter, you will be attacked. Hundred Gunner is large robot, short-range weapons will not be able to harm his monster, so only Barret will be able to hurt him with his normal attack. Use your limit breaks when they are ready, and use all your powerful spells on him. The bolt spell (Aeris) will prove to the most powerful against this monster. If anyone's HP fall below 100, cure them immediately. Hundred Gunner does have on particular powerful attack, Sensor Cannon. But it takes two turns to charge up, by which time you should have destroyed him. When Hundred Gunner is destroyed, Heli-Gunner will enter. Again short-range weapons doesn't harm him. The Bolt spell is, again, very effective. Remember to cure your party when their health is extremely low. You will receive a Mythril Armlet for destroying Heli-Gunner. You should be back on the rooftop by now. If Cloud is low on health, then cure him using Potions. Equip him with the Elemental-Lighting Materia combination in his armour. Give him the Restore Materia just in case, and the Fire Materia which is effective against Dark Nation. When you are ready press the Start button to start the battle. Rufus & Dark Nation, concentrate on killing Dark Nation first. If you equip the Elemental-Lighting combination in your armour, then Dark Nations attack will almost be useless. Use the Fire spell to kill Dark Nation off quickly. Rufus can only attack with his shotgun, which is relatively weak. Use your limit breaks when they become available and only cure yourself when your health is low. When Rufus is low on health, he will grab his copper and make a quick escape. You will receive a Protect Vest and Guard Source once Rufus has made his escape. Now that the battle is over, Leave the roof and go downstairs, save your game before talking to Tifa. When you have met up with Tifa, head back to the lobby to join the rest of the party. Motor Chase The team is set to go in the lobby area, as they try to escape through the front door, they discover that they are surrounded by Shinra troops. Tifa comes down on the elevator and tells everyone to get to back of the building. Cloud comes down on a Shinra Motorcycle and the rest of the team gets into a truck. The party burst out of the window to make their escape, but Shinra is close on their tails! An option screen appears: Directional Pad-Moves the bike Cross- Switch members Triangle- Main Menu Square- Hit left Circle- Hit right Start- Start game Before you begin the game, make sure you equip your characters with some Materia. Give someone Elemental-Fire combination in their armour, and another with Restore-All combination. Also equip lighting and ice spells. Making sure that everyone has a spell you may begin the game (Make sure you equip everyone with some accessory, some might not help in this battle but others will). The idea of this game is to stop the enemy bikers from attacking the truck too much, by knocking them of their bikes. The orange bikers go straight for the truck, while the red bikers will lure you away from the truck. Letting it open for other bikers to attack it. Try to stay close to the truck and don't go chasing the bikers unnecessarily. When you reach the end of the road, you will come face to face with end of the level boss. If you lost any energy during the bike chase, it will be carried over into this battle. Motor Ball attacks the party from behind so it always get the first attack, but this isn't very powerful and shouldn't cause any problems. Motor Ball is a Fire base creature and his two main attacks: the rolling fire attack and the twin burner can cause substantial amount of energy. Hit this monster with everything, but try to avoid using Fire. Bolt and Ice spells are extremely effective against this enemy. Keep a careful watch over your health and cure anybody's hit points if it falls below 200 HP. When you have defeated the boss, you will receive a Star Pendant. You must now leave Midgar and search for Sephiroth. The game changes entirely and you will find yourself on the world map. From here you are able to save the game any time you want, just select it from the menu. You are able to explore continents are many other places on the world map, whenever you are on walking around the world map you will face random battles. The party decides to meet up at Kalm, a small down Northwest of here. If you seem to be lost, or can't quite find Kalm. Then open the map using the Start or Select button. Kalm When you first arrive at Kalm, you should go into the Inn to meet up with the rest of the party on the second floor. Cloud will tell about his experience with Sephiroth and the party are keen to extract all the information possible from him. When Cloud tells the story, you will have to act out some of his actions. Cloud begins to tell the story. Cloud is on the back of a truck on his way to investigate the Mako reactor at his and Tifa's hometown, Nibelheim. The truck gets attack and you will be able to see Sephiroth slay the dragon. After the battle, Cloud will find himself at the entrance to his hometown. Sephiroth talks about his mother, Jenova. You will have the opportunity to explore the village and speak with friends and family. You will now control Cloud, visit every house and speak with everybody. In Tifa's house is a Piano and you are able to play a tune of it. There is much to do here except you can read a letter and collect a pair of Orthopaedic Underwear. When you have looked around, return to the Inn and speak with Sephiroth before getting some sleep. The following morning Cloud, Tifa and Sephiroth have their photos taken before Tifa guides them to the reactor. At the bridge walk forwards and speak with Tifa. The bridge will collapse and the party fall below. You will now need to guide everyone through the networks of tunnels to the reactor. Head into the cave and soon you will come across some natural Materia, here you will learn more about Materia and the ancients. You should now arrive at the front of the reactor. Enter the building and follow the beams. Then take the plank on the left-hand side, and jump on the chains, before going down. Now walk across the bridge and into the next part of the reactor. When you enter the room, go and speak with Sephiroth on the top of the stairs. Sephiroth suggest that the there is something wrong with value. Step over to the were the value is and fix it. After looking in the chamber Sephiroth begins to freak out. You will now be given the chance to save your game if you wish before carrying on with the story. Cloud enters the mansion to find out what has happen to Sephiroth. Climb the staircase and head right, speak with the Shinra troop and he will you that Sephiroth is around. Go into the next room and go towards the wall in the top right. The fake wall should fall down, proceed down the stairs and keep following the path, eventually will end up in the basement. Sephiroth is reading in the library about his mother, Jenova. When he finishes talking exit the room. Cloud wakes up the next day, you should go and check on Sephiroth who is still in the library. Sephiroth will tell you that he was produced from a Shinra experiment and leaves the building, saying he is going to visit his mother. Now leave the mansion and back to the village which is now ablaze. Zangen asks Cloud to help him, just check the house to the right. Sephiroth has now gone mad and has destroyed the whole village. The scene jumps ahead and Cloud will find himself at the entrance to the reactor. Head towards where Jenova is stored and you will also find that Sephiroth has killed Tifa's father. Tifa chases Sephiroth with his sword intend of revenge. Follow Tifa and you will be just in time save Tifa. Carry her to a side and Cloud will run after Sephiroth, revenging the death of his friends and family. The story ends here and Cloud is unable to remember anymore. When the party is on the ground floor, you will receive the P.H.S. from Barret. This will allow you to switch members any time, providing you are on the world or standing on a save point, some save point doesn't work. You can now exit the Inn and explore Kalm. There are quite a lot of items to collect here, before moving to the Chocobo Farm Southeast of here. In the house to the right of the Inn, you can pick up a Ether in the cupboard under the stairs. Another Ether is located in a cabinet on the second floor of the next house. Take the stairs to the right of the building and you can pick up a Guard Source next to the little girl. There is also a Peacemaker at the top of the spiral staircase at the back of the building. On the other side of the houses is another building with a Ether hidden under the stairs. After collecting all the items, you can proceed to the shops and buy some essential supplies. Buy a Mythril Sabre for Cloud, Cannon Ball for Barret (If you are using him), Mythril Claw (If you are using Tifa), and a Full Metal Staff for Aeris if you didn't manage to steal the Striking Staff from Eligor (Train Graveyard). The only Materia you haven't got in the shop is the Earth Materia, this is alright to use but useless against bosses. So isn't really worth getting so early into the game. Once you have brought all of your supplies, you may go to the Chocobo Ranch, Southeast of Kalm. Chocobo Ranch When you arrive at the Chocobo Ranch speak to the Chocobo and "Wark" back at them. They should now do a little dance, in the end they will give you a Choco/Mog summon Materia. Enter the house on the left and the old man will tell you that if you want a Chocobo you will have to speak to my grandson. His grandson is in the Stable, when you ask him for a Chocobo, he will inform you that the Chocobos outside are being looked after and you can't have them. But he suggest you might be able to catch a wild one. He will sell you a Chocobo lure Materia for 2,000 Gil, if you don't have enough money, go outside and fight some enemies on the world map. Note: When you are fighting around the Chocobo Ranch, you will sometimes fight a enemy like a squirrel but digs tunnel. You can learn L4 Suicide if you have the Enemy Skill Materia equipped when he uses it on you (This attack causes great damage to enemies whose levels are a multiple of four).He will also offer you some greens to aid you to catch a Chocobo, but these are not necessary. Leave the Ranch and equip the Chocobo-Lure Materia, before wandering on the Chocobo tracks until your party gets attacked. Sometimes a Chocobo will be accompanied with other enemies. When this happens, do not hit the Chocobo in anyway or it will become scared and run away. To catch it, simply dispose of the enemies as soon as possible. If you purchased any Greens, then throw it at the Chocobo first thing as this will distract it from what's happening around. When the enemies are dead and the Chocobo is still on the screen, you will have caught it. If you dismount when you are on the Chocobo it will run away and you will need to catch another one. Once you have caught a Chocobo you can cross the marsh safely, take care not to run into the huge shadow or you will have to fight a powerful snake called Midgar Zolom. This snake has a attack which is possible to learn if you have the Enemy Skill Materia equip when it uses it. But this attack cause about 1,000 points of damage to each character, so it is best avoided at this point of the game. On the other side of the marsh is a cave, dismount from your Chocobo and enter it. Mythril Mines Once you are in the Mythril Mine take the path to the right and follow it off the screen. On the rocky stairs is an Ether, and at the very top is a chest containing a Tent inside. On the left of the entrance to this area is a vine, and located at the top is a Long-range Materia (The vine is south of the rocky steps). Return to the entrance of the mine and take the left path down to a Mind Source in the bottom right-hand corner. From here, continue to walk left until you bump into Rude and Elena. Elena is the newest member of the Turks, these two Turks will inform you that Sephiroth is heading for Junon Harbour. Before following them up the vine to the exit, check the path to the right. You can pick up an Elixir and a Hi-Potion. Note: In this area is a monster with a swinging ball as a weapon, Madouge. You can steal a Grand Glove from him, this is Tifa's most powerful weapon at this point in the game. Also, you will run into a enemy called Ark Dragon. You can learn enemy skill Flame Thrower, if you have the Enemy Skill Materia equip on the character he uses it on. Before you chase after Sephiroth to Junon Harbour, rest your team at Fort Condor. You can play a kind of strategy game here. Fort Condor Not far from Mythril Mines is a fort called Fort Condor, it is under constant attack from Shinra forces. The man outside will ask if you will like to help them, you will not be allowed to rest here if you don't agree to help. Follow the man up the path and climb the rope, when you are in the fort climb the ladder to the main section. The guy at the table will explain why they are at war with Shinra. Once your team has agreed to help you can rest, climb down the ladder to right of this section. There is also a save point here. You may also purchase supplies from the shops above. Now that you have saved your game and had some rest, proceed up the ladder on the top left-hand side and up the stairs. You should now be at the observation post. The guy there will explain to you what the sub-game is about, and what you have to do to help them. Information about the units are as follows: 1.Conditions for Victory: To win you must either wipe out all of the troops, or destroy the enemy commander. If the enemy reaches the shed then you will have to fight them. 2.The Enemy: There are four in total types of enemies. Wyverns: Flying enemies that move at great speeds. Beasts: Slow moving but with good attack power. Barbarians: Attacks indirectly Commanders: The main target, very tough. 3.Your Soldiers: You can choose from six types of mobile allies, and four types of immobile allies. (Two are still in development). Mobile Fighters: Good for attacking and defending. Attackers: Fast moving, good against beasts. Defenders: Slow moving and does what it says. Shooters: Attack indirectly, good against Wyverns. Repairers: Has little power, but heals troops. Workers: Sets powerful Torpedoes, little power himself. Immobile Troops: Good attack, poor defence. Stoners: Fires a boulder, causing powerful damage. Catapults: Shoots a rock long distances, and large blast radius. 4.Funding: Their current funds are 15,000 Gil. You may want to contribute some yourself. 5. Controls: Use the circle button to place troops. When troops are in position press cross button to start battle. You may only place your troops behind the red line. You should begin the game by setting up some fighters with shooters behind them on the junction. Place defenders if you wish to ply it safe, and set up stoners and catapults aimed at the junction to stop any intruding enemies. When the game starts, move your line of attackers and shooter to greet your on coming enemy and place your defenders in a obstructive way. When you have halted the attack you will get a Magic Comb. The fewer the casualties, the more Gil you will receive back. You can return here later to play for better prizes. You may now exit Fort Condor and go straight to Junon Harbour, but before you that check the surrounding forests. Hidden somewhere in there is Yuffie, master of all thieves (Well, nearly). You will run into here like a normal battle, and she will be known as the Mystery Ninja (It may take some time searching for her, but it's well worth it). When you have defeated her, you will end up in a field, with a save point. Examine Yuffie and you will start a conversation. Reply to her in the following way, or she will run off with your money. Yuffie: "You spikey headed jerk! One more time, lets go one more time!" Answer: "Not interested". Talk to her again, Yuffie: "You're pretty scared of me huh!" Answer: "...petrified". She starts to leave but turns around and says. Yuffie: "I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!" Answer: "Wait a second". Yuffie: "You want me to go with you?" Answer: "...That's right". Yuffie: "All right I'll go with you!" Answer: "...Let's hurry on". Yuffie should now have joined your party, all the attacks use uses on you during the battle can't be used once she has joined. When getting Yuffie remember that she is a thief, don't use the save point or access the menu. Or your money will depart. Junon Harbour Junon Harbour is west of the forest area, the place where you found Yuffie. Before you enter the Harbour, take some time to replace the current team travelling with Cloud, with Yuffie and Barret. Remove their Materia first before you access the P.H.S to change the team. Now you can redistribute the Materia on Yuffie and Barret, make sure you give Cloud the Long-range Materia. This is because the boss Bottomswell cannot be attacked by Short-rang weapons, and Yuffie and Barret are the only two people currently in the party with a Long-rang weapon. When your team is ready, enter the Harbour. The party will arrive in a small village just below the Junon Airstrip, head forwards and take a left down the staircase to the beach. On the beach is a little girl called Priscillar playing with a dolphin. When you approach she believes that you are from Shinra and tells you to stay away. All of a sudden a large flying creature appears, Priscillar runs into the water after her dolphin. Bottomswell is a large flying creature and you won't be able to attack it using your normal attacks, unless you followed the instructions above. Your Limit breaks and spells like Bolt and Bio work well on this monster. Cloud will only be able to attack using his standard attacks if you have equip the Long-range Materia. Keep your health levels above 200 HP and just concentrate on casting spells. The two main attacks the boss uses on you are: Water Bubble and Big Wave. The first, imprisons you in a bubble that will constantly deduct your health. A bit like Reno's pyramid but more deadly, to free your character simply case a spell on it. If you equip any offensive spell with a All Materia (e.g. Bolt-All), then you can free your character and attack Bottomswell simultaneously. The second (Big Wave) is similar to Sewer Tsunami but doesn't damages himself. Watch out because Bottomswell will use this as a final counter before dying. When he is dead you will receive a Power Wrist. After this encounter, you will need to give Priscillar CPR. A lung shaped mater will appear, try to let the released the air when it is at the top. To start inhaling, press circle and press circle again to release the breath. Do this until she wakes up. The team will now be return back to the village. You need to get some rest now, remember the house to the left when you came here. The old lady has kindly let you rest there. In the morning Tifa will come and awake Cloud from his dream. Follow Tifa to the house with the long staircase and proceed up it. Priscillar will exit the house and give Cloud the Shiva Materia for saving her life. She tells the party that they are welcoming Rufus above. Priscillar suggest that with the help of her dolphin, you can use him to jump the high voltage tower. Go into the water and press square button straight away, you should land on the pole if you didn't move the direction button. If you miss then keep trying around that area. Walk left and climb the airport. When you climb up, you will see you are in the airport. This is your first look at the Highwind airship. Walk to the lift and press the button near the bottom left-hand corner. Walk forwards and into the building. A Shinra commander will spot Cloud and think he is soldier out of uniform. Enter the locker room and search the locker to find a Shinra Uniform, which you must get changed into. Hurry up! You don't want to miss the parade now do you? The commander will show you the greeting procedure. When this has finished, exit the locker room and follow the other soldiers to the parade ground. Oh no! the parade has already left without you, lucky there is a shortcut. There are Television Cameras filming the whole parade and Cloud will be able to pick up a item depending on his performance. You can check your performance at the bottom left-hand side of the screen. All you have to do is join the back rank and shoulder your gun using circle when everybody else does. This is just a matter of timing. Keep in step with the other soldiers and react quickly with their movements. The prizes you will receive are: 29% or lower-Grenade, 30-39%-6 Potions, 40-49%-6 Ethers, and if you get 50% or higher-5000 Gil. After the parade you will have to listen to the conversation. The other soldiers talk about Sephiroth and that he has been seen in this area. Cloud will now be taken back to the locker room to learn the routine for the President. In the training section you can practice if you wish, when you have finished follow the soldiers out of the room and into the main street (Door on the left of the screen). Before you show the routine, you have sometime to do a little shopping. The first door on the northern wall is the Materia shop, you can buy a Seal Materia and Revive Materia here. The next shop is the item shop, stop here if you need to pick up some supplies. In the alley between shop 2 and 3 is the weapon shop 1. I suggest buying a Hardedge for Cloud (If you are planning to get the HP Plus Materia from Rufus), Atomic Scissors (If you are using Barret), Boomerang (If you are using Yuffie), and finally a Diamond Pin for Red XIII (If he is in your team). In the third door, you will see some stairs leading up. On the second floor is a Mind Source and 1/35 Soldier. In the back room is a Luck source on the floor. Follow the stairs up the top floor. Searching this area will reveal a Power Source and a ground source. On the ground floor is a man standing in the room, speak with him and he will take you to beginners hall No.2. In the lower right corner is a Enemy Skill Materia, you can learn everything in the beginners hall No.1 and more here. Now continue left down the street to another block of buildings. In the first door to the right is a bar with Tseng, Rude and Elena inside. Lucky they don't recognise you because you are in Shinra Uniform. The next door has a Materia shop on the second floor and a accessory at the top. When you have brought all your supplies, return to the bottom floor and save your game. Enter the third doorway and climb the stairs to pick up a 1/35 Soldier in the first room. On the ground floor is a Speed Source hidden there. The final door leads to the weapon shop, you may go in there if you wish but there is nothing worth buying there. Continue left and you will arrive at the scene where you will have to perform to President Rufus. The commander will shout out random orders, just follow it accordingly. The gifts are as follow: 0-50 Points - Silver Glasses, 50-90 Points - HP Plus Materia, and 100+ Points - Force Stealer Sword. Depending on what you want you should have scored accordingly, if you where aiming to get the Force Stealer Sword then you shouldn't have brought Hardedge. If you wanted the HP Plus Materia, score about 40 or 50 points then do the final move (Final move will get you 30 Points). After the show, board the ship. The rest of your party should be already here and you can now begin your journey across the water. Costa Del Sol You will find yourself in the hold of the ship, search the area and you will find an Ether in a chest and a All Materia. But Yuffie is currently in the way, remember to speak to Aeris. Make your way to the deck and speak with everybody, a sailor will sell you some supplies if you need it. Talk to Barret at the front of the ship. Now head back to the hull and speak with Aeris who hopes Barret isn't doing anything stupid. Check on Barret who is still at the front of the ship. A suspicious character has been spotted on the ship. Sephiroth is onboard and you will need to catch up with him. Select a team of three to find him, make sure you equip the two summons, Choco/Mog and Shiva. Also, have all your powerful spells equip on the three characters and Steal Materia. When you are ready make your way back down to the hold, you can now pick up the All Materia that Yuffie was blocking. You will face random battles here, when you come across a Shinra Marine steal a armour (Shinra Beta) from them. Enter the door that the sailor was guarding and you should find yourself in the engine room. On the right is a ladder, climb this and make your way round to the chest that contains the Wind Slash. Walk forwards and Sephiroth will appear briefly, eventually leaving a surprise behind. Jenova Birth is a lot more powerful than you and has two deadly attacks. First is its stop attack, which basically stops the character from participating from the battle for a limit time, if it hits. Its other main attack is the Tail Laser, which can hit you twice in succession. Keep your HP above 300 and hit this monster with your summons, all your powerful spells except Bio. Only revert back to normal attacks if you run out of MP. When you have defeated this beast you will get a White Cape. The ship is about to arrive at Costa Del Sol, before exiting the engine room. Collect the Ifrit Materia that Jenova Birth left behind. When the party arrives at Cost Del Sol, take your time to relax and explore the town. Leave the dock area and go straight over the bridge and into the house, in the basement is lots of goodies. There's a Motor Drive, Power Source, and Fire Ring. Now exit the house and look around the town. In the bar you can buy some weapons from the guy in the corner. Buy three Carbon Bangles and equip them on your team. The two market stalls are the item and the Materia shop. You can play a game of football with children if you wish, just stand in front of the ball and press circle. Hojo is down at the beach, squeeze as much information you can get from him and you should find out that you need to head west to Mount Corel. Before leaving Costa Del Sol, you may want to rest at the Inn for 200 Gil. When you are ready to leave, take the path under the bridge to exit the town. Mount Corel Head west and follow the path over the bridge and into the cave. Speak to the man at the side of the path, he will tell you that he saw Sephiroth heading up the path. Continue travelling upwards and you should come across a Mako reactor. Run the down the staircase and head south when you reach the Mako reactor. In this area you will face random battles. You can steal some nice items from them, especially the Diamond Pin from Bagnadrana. Walk across the bridge and onto some old railway tracks. Save your game at the save point before moving on, in this area you will fall three times. You can collect a couple of items by pressing left or right with circle. On the left-hand side is a Wizard Staff and on the right-hand side is a Star Pendant. Upon searching the upper track you will find a W Machine in the chest. Go round to the other side by the lower track and pick up a Turbo-Ether and Transform Materia. You need to activate the switch, which is in a small hut, located on the upper track. When you have activated the switch, the bridge will come down, allowing your party to cross it. The left wall is climbable, there is baby chicks here. You can take the 10 Phoenix Downs but you will need to fight its mother, which is fairly easy. Walk back to the where your party was located before you lowered the bridge, take the lower track this time round. Cross the bridge and proceed round the corner and take a left instead. Follow the track and you will come to a cave with a Power Source, Mind Source, and a Tent. Exit the cave and take the right track to North Corel. This village looks like a dump than it use to be. This used to be Barret's hometown, until Shinra built a reactor here. Barret isn't welcomed because he was to blame for the destruction of his town. Talk to everyone in this town, there's a Inn near the top of the rise. You can buy some supplies from the stalls. Take the path to the right and save your game on the world map, before coming back in and taking the left path. This leads to the Ropeway going to Gold Saucer. Barret will talk about the destruction of his town, now get in and head towards Gold Saucer. Gold Saucer The Gold Saucer is a giant amusement park with lots of different rides and games to play. The park has a entrance fee of 3,000 Gil for a single pass, and 30,000 Gil for a lifetime pass. When you have brought a ticket of some sort, enter through the entrance (Gold Saucer uses a different currency, GP). Barret will not feel up to playing and walks off. You now have to choose a partner to go with you around the park. Once you have made your decision head for Speed Square. The owner of the Gold Saucer is here and he will tell you that Sephiroth is looking for some Black Materia. Take the tunnel to Wonder Square, here Cait Sith will join after he has told your fortunes. Walk up the stairs, and into Wonder Square. You can win some GP from the games here. When you have finished exploring, go to Battle Square. Arm Wrestling Mega Sumo: This cost 100 Gil. Hit the circle button repeatedly until you pin his hand down. Beating the Sumo Wrestler will get you 1 GP, while beating the Wrestler will get you 2 GP. Basketball Game: Cost 200 Gil. Throw the basketballs into the hoop to win prizes. Press circle to charge up the shot and circle again to release it. You will gain 1 GP for each basket scored, if you manage to get 10 hoops then you can play double chance. But if you miss you will only receive 1 GP, but score and double your tally. Wonder Catcher: Cost 100 Gil. All you have to do is put some money in and you will get a small amount of GP, Potion, or nothing. This is a total waste of money, so don't bother. 3D Battler: Cost 200 Gil. In this game, Cloud will appear on the screen and fight a opponent. This is another version of scissors, paper and rock. High attack beats low, loses to mid attack. Mid attack beats high attack, loses to low. Low attack beats mid attack, loses to high. When you beat an opponent you will receive 1 GP. Fortune Telling: This cost 50 Gil and reads your fortune. You can only use it once per visit. Mog House: Cost 100 Gil. What you have to do is feed the Mog some Kupo nuts, so it can fly and find a girlfriend. To make it a easier game, just find it five Kupo nuts the first time and three the second time. When you have completed this game, the guy behind will give you 30 GP because he is so impressed. G-Bike: Cost 200 Gil. This is a arcade version of the motor chase you had earlier in the game. Just do what you did before, knock the bikers off their bike and protect the truck. You will receive 500 points for every biker you knock down and lose 25 points for every hit the truck takes. You will get a small amount of GP or if you did well, you will get some GP and a item. Snowboard Game: Cost 200 Gil. This game is not available yet. There are three levels of difficulty to choose from. Throughout the course, there will be balloons. Red, Blue and green each one represents a point 1,2 and 3 points. The yellow balloon will let you enter time attack mode. Set the record time and race against the ghost. You will receive points for your technique and how you perform. If you do well, you can pick up some GP and a item. Torpedo Attack: Cost 200 Gil. This game is not available yet. There are five levels of difficulty to choose from. Each one will increase in enemy subs and the ability of their commanders. To destroy a sub, just lock on and fire all four missiles at once at short-range. Watch out for the polygon mines on the columns, you will take damage if you hit one, but passing through the columns won't. You can use the sonar to find subs. Win, and you will receive 20 GP and an item. GP Exchange: Potion - 1 GP Ether - 20 GP X-Potion - 80 GP Turbo-Ether - 100 GP Gold Ticket - 300 GP Carob Nut - 500 GP Gil Plus Materia - 1,000 GP EXP Plus Materia - 2,000 GP Ghost Hotel: Inside the Ghost Hotel is the Hotel Shop (On the left of the entrance), you can buy some supplies if you need it. Just before the shop is a notice, read this as this is Turtles Paradise Flyer No.3. It will cost you five GP to rest here. Round Square: You can take a sight seeing tour around the Gold Saucer for a small price of three GP. Event Square: Sometimes there are shows here, but there are none on at the moment. You will come here later in the game. Chocobo Racing: When you arrive, speak to the lady at the desk. She will tell you the rules for the game. The Chocobo race around a virtual track. You can only bet on two classes at the moment, to bet on the higher class you must be breeding and racing your own Chocobos. Class B will cost you 200 Gil per bet and Class C will cost you 100 Gil per bet. On top of that is a registration fee of 200 Gil. If you win, you can choose either a prize or some GP. Use buttons L1 and L2 to scroll through the Chocobos and press start when you are ready. Speed Racing: Cost 10 GP. Score over 3000 points and you will receive a prize. If you do extremely well, you will receive a Parasol. Only use short burst to keep your laser power up. Ghost 40 Cactus 30-50 Blue Plane 50-60 Jet Plane 50-60 Yellow Boulder 200 Yellow Ship 60 Star 40 Icicle 40-50 Spiny Ball 70 Balloon 30 Big Balloon 70 Little UFO 60 Rocket 50 Lava Rock 70 Chopper 40-50 Big UFO 1000 Battle Square: When you get to the Battle Square, you will find dead bodies everywhere. It seem that a man with a gun on his arm did this. Dio, the owner of Gold Saucer, will come in accuse you of killing them. Before you have time to explain, he send his robots on you and throws you down to Corel Prison. When you return to Gold Saucer later, you can win some nice prizes at the Battle Square. Barret is not far away, but when you speak to him he walks away. Follow him through the gates and down to the building on the right. Beware of the Bandits that steal your items when in battle, if you don't kill them before they escape then the item is lost forever. After talking to Barret, there seem to be another man with a gun arm. The party must find Dyne, so Barret can apologise. Choose another person to go with you, equip Barret with any new weapons or armour and make sure he has some powerful Materia and summon Materia. Go all the way back to where you fell down and go through the gate and take a right. When you reach the dump head north and you should find Dyne. Barret will have to fight him alone, so before you head up, make sure he has a Restore Materia and some powerful spells. Dyne has a few good attacks to use on you. These might not be powerful, but he can fire two, one after the other. Try to keep your health above 300 HP and use your summons. Your limit breaks are the best against him. When he is low on health you will win the fight and receive a Silver Armlet. Dyne will now jump off the cliff, he will tell you look after Marlene before jumping off. The scene will now switch and you will find yourself talking to Mr Coates. To escape the prison, someone will have to win a Chocobo race. To do this you will need a manager, just now Esther walks in and decides to be your manager. On the way up to the Gold Saucer, Esther will explain to you the controls: Select -Choose Manual or Automatic. Square -Speed Up Cross -Slow Down Circle -Speed Boost Directions -Move the Chocobo Start -End the race R1 and R2 -Hold both of these to increase stamina Search the lounge and in the top right-hand corner, is Ramuh Materia. When Esther comes back the race will begin. As soon as the race starts, hold down R1 and R2 and press select to Manual mode. You short burst of your stamina to keep ahead, leave about a quarter left for the final sprint at the Space section. Press start to end the race. When Cloud has won, he will receive a letter from Dio and a Buggy as a gift. He informs that the Sephiroth is heading south to Gongaga, before you leave Esther says that she will be your manager if you decide to return and race your own Chocobos. Gongaga Now that the team has the buggy, you can cross rivers and the desert around Gold Saucer. You can only cross on certain sections, where the water is shallow. Here's the controls: Circle -Enter Buggy Cross -Exit Buggy Select/Start -Open/Close Map L1/L2 -Rotate View R1/R2 -Change View Enter your new buggy and drive south across the river. You should come to a small village surrounded by a dense forest. Before you exit the buggy and enter, take some time to build up your characters limit breaks. If you have Aeris in your group, build up here Seal Evil limit break. Now enter the village and you will find Reno and Rude. Reno and Rude will mainly use magic against your team. Have Aeris cast her Seal Evil limit break to paralyse both of them. Use all your powerful spells and summons, cure when needed. For defeating these two Turks, you will receive a X-Potion and a Fairy Tale. When the fight is over, take the right-hand path and to the destroyed reactor. Walk up and examine the reactor, a helicopter will now arrive. Hide and listen in to their conversation. They are searching for some kind of huge Materia for their Ultimate weapon. When they leave, search the reactor. When you are prompted with two options, select stretch in and get it for a Titan Materia. Now head back the way you came and take the left path. Walk under the log to reach another crossroad, before taking the right path. Walk forward and pick up the yellow Materia lying on the floor (Deathblow Materia). In this small village you can purchase some supplies or weapons. The weapons shop is located on the first floor of the Accessory shop. After talking to everybody, go to the house in the top left-hand corner and pick up an X-Potion. You can also stay here for the night if the party needs to. There is a White Megaphone in the house on the top right-hand corner. When you are finished exit Gongaga. Return back to your buggy and head west along the coastline, then cross the river north. Note: Along this coastline, you can meet a enemy called Beach Plug, you can learn a Enemy Skill Materia called Big Guard. This skill lets you cast Barrier, Magic barrier, and Haste in one go (Which is extremely useful on bosses, to reduce their attacking power.). To get it equip one of your characters with the Manipulate Materia (Found on Cait Sith) and the Enemy Skill Materia. When you fight it, have someone control it using Manipulate, then have it cast Big Guard on your team. You now have a good defence skill that was well worth the effort. Cosmo Canyon After your party travel through the mountains, your buggy will break down outside Cosmo Canyon. This is Red XIII (AKA Nanaki) hometown and he will storm in to find his grandfather. On the far right-hand side is a man standing about. Speak with him and he will help you fix your buggy. Climb the right ladder and you will arrive at the general store. The roped off section has some good items, but you can't get them yet, so you might want to come back later in the game. Take the stairs on the most left side and speak to Red XIII. After telling a story about his parents he will run off. The team will split up to get some rest, at the top the stairs there is a advert for the local Inn. Walk back down the stairs and into the Inn, which is just above the fire. On the first floor is the bar, the Inn is located on the Second floor. Stay the night here to get some rest. When you wake up in the morning, search the room to find a Elixir. Exit the bedroom and on the wall to the right of the door is Turtles Paradise Flyer No.5. Now leave the Inn and enter the door at the top of the stairs. This is TigerLily Arms Shop and a save point. Buy some weapons if you need them and read the notice on the left of the counter. This is Turtles Paradise Flyer No.4, you may now save your game before proceeding up the stairs to the next floor. At the top of the stairs, turn left and exit the screen. Climb to the top of the stairs and enter through the door. Next, climb the ladder up to the top platform and enter the house on the left. This is Bugenhagen's observatory, speak to Red XIII and he will introduce you to Bugenhagen. He will show you his observatory along with two others. Exit the building and climb back down the ladder. On the right-hand side of the screen is the kitchen, followed by the Materia shop, and the door you came in. Enter the kitchen and you will find Cait Sith, talk to him and then choose two people to go with you. After you have chosen two people to accompany you the observatory, climb the ladder and enter the house once again. Bugenhagen is in the room, go in speak with him. He will explain to you about how the lifestream and the planet works. When the lesson is over, go back down the stairs and to the fire where all your friends are. Talk to everyone before talking to Red XIII. He will tell you about his parents, Bugenhagen now arrives and offer to show them something. Cloud and Red XIII will have to go, so choose someone else to go as well. When you have chosen your party of three, equip them with some armour and Materia. Especially Red XIII, equip him with the Diamond Pin and the Fire Ring (Which will help with the boss). When your team is set, follow Bugenhagen up the stairs, pass TigerLily Arms and to the ladder that leads to his observatory. Stop here, instead walk to the right to the sealed door. Bugenhagen will open the door and you may proceed into the cave. Once inside the cave, climb the ropes and ladders until you reach the bottom. When you reach the bottom, take a right into the next section of the cave. Inside this cave is four smaller caves with a breakable rock. Doing so will engage you in a battle but also opens doors later in the cave. When all four rocks have been broken, proceed to the next area through the door north of here. Walk forwards and turn left, walk don't run because it is very slippery. Make your way to the left-hand side and go downwards back to the early section of the cave. Pick up the Added Effect Materia and then proceed back to the north of this cave. Make your way back across the slippery path and on the right-hand side walk up the screen. Take the next turning on the left and descend the stairs in the middle, continue walking downwards under the bridge and open the chest to get a Black Megaphone. Trace your path back to the bridge and walk to the right of the stairs. At the top of the path collect the Ether from the chest. Now go back to the stairs and take the path on the left to progress deeper into the cave. In this cave you should see five different paths. Before travelling up any of these paths, make sure you have plenty of health and MP. The first path to take is the fourth one from the left, proceed upwards. The large spider web is guarded by a powerful spider called Stinger. Hit this beast with summons and limit breaks to make short work of it. Once this giant arachnid is dead, carry on to the top of the path and collect an X-Potion. Turnaround and go back to where the other unexplored four paths lie. Now take the path second from the left. Before fighting the two spiders, make sure you have full HP and MP. After the first spider, take a left and walk to the path on the far left-hand side. Walk down into the tunnel, towards the right is a secret tunnel containing a Fairy Ring from the opposite junction. Now turnaround and go back to the maze section in the north. Now fight the last spider at its spider web. When this beast is defeated, go through the hidden door open the chest to reveal a Turbo-Ether. You can now take the path to the north and fight GI Nattak and Soul Fires. But remember to check your HP and MP levels first. GI Nattak and Soul Fires, concentrate all your attacks on GI Nattak only. When he dies the others follow. This is a very unreliable way of defeating GI Nattak. Throw a Phoenix Down at him and it should miss, now throw a second one on him and it will kill him instantly (This only works on certain Playstation versions, it worked with my American Version. This doesn't work for the PC, also I haven't tried throwing X-Potion at him, which in theory should kill him). If this doesn't work, then cast Big Guard first, now throw all your summons and spells at him (Don't use fire, he likes it a lot) mixed in with your limit breaks. Casting Cure spells on him work very well, because he is an undead, and the undead take large damage from holy spells. Also, bringing back to life a undead will kill it? (Note above). When you have won the battle you will receive a Wizer Staff. With the monster gone, Bugenhagen will show Red XIII what is at the back of this cave. Pick up the Gravity Materia in the middle of the path, before following Bugenhagen to the back of the cave. He will show Red XIII his father and tells him what happened when they were under attack. The buggy is fixed and you can continue with your journey. Select a new team and walk over to the exit. As the party is about to leave, Red XIII will run down and rejoin the party. You can now head north pass the river to Nibelheim, Cloud's and Tifa's hometown. Nibelheim When you arrive at Nibelheim, you are confused by what you see. This town has been rebuilt after the fire. You will need dome rest, so head over to the Inn, first door on the left-hand side. Get some rest before you go rest before you go and explore. At the back of the Inn is a man in a black cape, talking to him will get you a Luck Source. Exit the Inn and proceed to the door on the right, this is the general store. In here is another man wearing a black cape, he will give you an Elixir. Now go to Tifa's house, which is the second one on the right-hand side of the well. Tifa's home is full of the weird people in capes. The guy in the kitchen will give you a Turbo-Ether, exit the kitchen and take the stairs to the first floor. Go through the right-hand door and speak with the guy looking out the window, he will give you a Platinum Fist. Now enter Tifa's bedroom (On the left) and read the letter on the desk. You can play the piano if you wish. The tune is: X, S, T, L1+T, L1+S, X, S, T, L1+X, O, X, S, X. You should get 1 Gil between the piano keys, play the tune again and Tifa will reach out and take the music sheet (You must have Tifa in your current team). She will find a letter from Zangen and her Limit Break manual. If you think you are good, try playing the Highwind theme: D, L, U, L1+S, D, L, U, L1+X, R, D, L, D. Exit the house and go to the final doorway on the far right-hand side of the village. Talk to the two guys on the top floor and collect another Luck Source. Now check the Shinra Mansion to the north of the village. Outside the mansion is two more strange characters, talk to them and you will learn that Sephiroth is inside. Inside the mansion is a letter to the left of entrance. The letter will inform you of something you can collect in the basement, the second one is hints for the four safe numbers. Dial 1 -The lid of the box with the most oxygen. -Upstairs in the attic is a chest, check it after you opened it to get the number. Dial 2 -Behind the Ivory's short of tea and ray. -The floor behind the piano. Dial 3 -The creek in the floor near the chair on the first floor,,, (Then left five steps, up nine steps, left two steps, up six steps) Dial 4 -Is written in invisible ink, just move your cursor over it and press circle (Right 97). Now you must search the mansion for the numbers. On the ground floor, enter the doorway to the left and follow the corridor. At the end, check the floor behind the piano. Now take the door in the top right-hand corner of the room. Walk down the corridor to the other side. In the northern room you can pick up a Twin Viper from inside the chest. Now return to the main hall, and enter the room to the right of the bottom of the stairs. Open the chest to collect a Silver Megaphone from inside this room. Now you can proceed to the top floor, take a left when you reach the top. Go into the room straight ahead of you and open the chest to receive an Enemy Launcher. Check the lid to get another number. The safe is in the most northern room. Now walk over to the right-hand side. Enter the room at the top and pick up the Magic Source from the chest. If you search the corridor you just through to the top room, you will get another number for the safe. You can now return to the safe and try to open it, you will only have 20 seconds to enter all four numbers. The numbers are as follows: 1. - Right 36, 2. - Left 10, 3. - Right 59, 4. - Right 97. You must remember not to go over any of these numbers, not even by one single digit or it won't open and you will have to try again. As soon as you open the chest, you will have to fight Lost Numbers. This is a very tough battle, especially if your characters levels are low. Lost Numbers has two sides, Purple and Red. The purple side is his physical side and the red is his magic side. If you hit this boss with lots of magical attacks, then it's purple side will die and the same for his physical side. If the purple side remains then use magical attacks, while if the red side remains use physical attacks. If you use Aeris to cast her Seal Evil limit break on Lost Number then use can paralyse him, killing him without either side dying. Attacks like summon Choco/Mog can paralyse him as well. You should begin the battle by casting Big Guard and then use all your powerful spells and summons. Your best way to win is by killing off his purple side with magic, if you haven't Aeris in group or the Choco/Mog didn't stun him. Because he has a attack that can cause around 2,000 HP of damage to one of your character. The magic side doesn't have a attack that can cause so much damage, just cure when your health is low and cast Big Guard when your barriers run out. You will receive a Red XIII Limit Break manual, Cosmo Memory. After the battle, pick up the Odin Materia and the key inside the safe. Go down to the basement, through the fake wall and down the spiral staircase, before you turn right and enter the library. Go into the room ahead of you, check the coffin and the lid will open. Vincent will be sleeping inside! Talk to him about Sephiroth and he will return to his coffin. Wake him again and he will tell you his name and talk about a lady called Lucrecia, before going back to sleep. Check the coffin for the last time, and he will tell you to let him sleep. You may now enter the library and find Sephiroth. He tells Cloud that there is a reunion taking place, and tells him to head north past Mount Nibel, before throwing a Destruct Materia at him. Pick this up and exit, Vincent should join your party before you reach the Spiral Staircase. Exit the mansion and take the path right of the mansion to the Mount Nibel, north of the here. Mount Nibel You should find that you are on the world map, beyond Nibelheim. Keep walking north until you find a path in the Nibel mountains. To the west is two hidden paths that both lead to a chest, containing some treasure. Follow the path round to the first mountain, you should find another path warped around the mountain to the north. At the end of this path is the Rune Blade, now turnaround and carry on following the path until you reach the beginning of the bridge. Before the bridge is another path warped around the second mountain. Climb this path and collect a Plus Barrette from inside the chest, before returning to the bridge and crossing it. Inside this cave is five tubes which all end up in different parts of this cave. Before proceeding down any of these tubes, walk the down the stairs and down the ladder. South of here you should find a folded ladder, proceed to climb this as normal and it will let the ladder down, allowing you to climb back up. Tube 1 - Leads to the save point and level boss. Tube 2 - Leads to the ledge above the boss, you can pick up a Powersoul here. Tube 3 - Leads to the second level. Tube 4 - Leads to a chest with a All Materia inside. Tube 5 - Same as Tube 3, the second level. When you have collected all the treasures, take Tube 1 to the save point and the boss, or you can climb down. Save your game and take care not to touch the large creature. Near the bottom of the screen is exit to a ledge, jump down and enter the cave below. Take the path on the right-hand side to the top of the cave, don't exit the cave yet as there is a secret tunnel on the left leading back down to the Elixir. Now exit the cave to the next section. You will now be at the Mako fountain that you visited early in Soldier. Next to the fountain on the left is a Elemental Materia for you to collect. Now exit the cave through the northern exit. Turn right and follow the path to the junction, now take the left path. Return to the chest and collect a Sniper CR from inside. Continue to the junction and take the right-hand path to exit the cave. Turn left and follow the path to the Mako Reactor. There is nothing to pick up in the old reactor, so take the path on the right to return back into the cave with the tubes. Now take the ladder down to the save point or take Tube 1. Save your game, use a Tent and equip your characters with any new weapons or armour. Remember to give Cloud the Rune Blade, and if Red XIII is in your team then equip him with the Plus Barrette also equip all the Enemy Skill Materia you have to your characters. You can attack the boss now. Materia Keeper is a very tough boss, as he is immune to Fire and Gravity spells, so avoid using or equipping them. The Materia Keeper has several deadly attacks that cause around 500 HP to all your characters. Cure when your health is below 500 HP, and attack using spells like Bolt 2 and Ice 2 (If you haven't powered them up yet, then you have been escaping from to many battles). If you equipped the Enemy Skill Materia, then you can learn the powerful attack Trine, which causes about 500 HP of damage. When this guy is low on health he will cure himself, so carry on hitting him with your most powerful spells and limit breaks. If you want to avoid him curing himself, then use attacks like Choco/Mog which can stun him. If this doesn't work, then cast Big Guard then all your powerful spells and summons with your limit breaks. When he is dead you will get a Jem Ring. Pick up the Counter Materia left behind and exit through the exit. Follow the path round the mountain to the world map. Rocket Town When you arrive on the world map screen, follow the mountain range and then north. You will come to a town with the remains of the Shinra space program. On the left is the weapons shop, and opposite is the Inn. Speaking with everyone will tell you little, but you will learn there is a Captain. Now head to the centre of the village, there is three more house here and a man standing outside the item shop. Take your time to talk to him and look at his rocket, he will give you Yoshiyuki. The house on the far right-hand side has a Power Source near the back of the house. Now search the middle house, you will find a Drill Arm in the back room. Exit the house through the back door, you will see the Tiny Bronco for the first time. Shera enters and informs you that you might be able to borrow it if you ask the Captain, and also tells you that Rufus is coming soon. The Captain is in his rocket, head towards the rocket and climb the two mini bridges. Proceed up the ladders and enter the rocket, he is making some repairs to his rocket. The Captain is not very keen on lending you his plane, so talk to him about his rocket. He tells the team about his last attempt at trying to get into space. Now leave the rocket and go back to the house where you met Shera and found the Tiny Bronco. After you have arrived, Cid comes in and the failed project is explain in detail. Rufus and Palmer will arrive soon after the story has finished, and wish to borrow the Tiny Bronco, to follow Sephiroth over sea. When Palmer enters and ask for tea, exit and house and listen in to the conversation. Shera will come out and tell you that Palmer is trying to steal the plane. Quickly enter the house and out the back to try to stop Palmer from taking the Tiny Bronco. Palmer is a relatively easy boss, providing you hit him with powerful spells like Odin and Choco/Mog. You can even win this battle without taking any hits from him. First Summon Odin followed by Choco/Mog. This should stun him, now just finish him off with spells and normal attacks (If this doesn't stun, use Big Guard for some defence against his attacks). When Palmer is low on health he will back off and has a accident. The team will get an Edincoat and the Tiny Bronco. As you fly away, Cid will run after and jump on the plane. Unfortunately, the plane gets shoot and has to crash land in the sea. Due to the damage the plane can only limp around the shallow water near the coastline. Cid decides to join the party now that his space dreams are a bit of a mess. Here are the controls for this plane/boat: D-Pad -Move Circle -Board Cross -Get Off Your next stop is Yuffie's hometown, Wutai. Move the Tiny Bronco Southwest until you reach the south beach of the island Wutai is on. When you are there get off. Note: Along this shoreline you can learn another Enemy Skill (Death Force) which let one on your allies become immune instant death attacks, doesn't include losing all your HP. Just Manipulate the Huge Turtle and make it use the Skill on the character with the Enemy Skill Materia equip. Wutai As you walk north up the mountain, you will come across a field. Yuffie will tell you that it is very dangerous ahead, and tells you to get ready. Just now some Shinra Soldiers will attack, and you will realise what the difficult ahead is. She has just stolen nearly all your Materia collection, (It varies how much Materia she takes, she will usually take about 60-70 depending on how much you have). After the battle Barret will join the team, if he already is in the group then another person will come up. You will now need to chase after Yuffie to get back your Materia. Before you head north, equip the team with the most powerful weapons. Give Cloud the Yoshiyuki as you don't need Materia slots, do the same for the other characters in your team. Follow the track north, cross the two bridges and head south. Walk under the bridge you just walk across and carry on north, cross the next bridge. Keep travelling north and you will come across Wutai in the middle of the mountain range. You will have to play a game of hide and seek in order to regain your stolen Materia. When you enter the town, you will see Yuffie before she runs off again. Walk across the bridge and around the weapon shop on the platform. Cross the bridge to your left and then the other north of where you're standing. This is the item shop, you cannot buy anything else in the other shops until you find Yuffie. Save your game before you start the long and painful journey of retrieving your Materia. Exit the screen on the left and you will arrive at a large temple. Enter the house on your left and get some rest in the bedroom towards your left. When you wake up, search the wall on your left and proceed to the end of the secret passage to get a Magic Shuriken. Take the passage to you right, around the pond and into the library. There is another secret passage here along the right, where you can pick up a Hairpin. Now enter the room next door and speak with Godo. Keep talking to him until Yuffie shows up and has a quarrel with her dad, she doesn't stay for long and disappears again. Follow Yuffie and you will find out that Yuffie has managed to give them the slip again. Return back to the entrance area, and search all the houses. In the Turtles Paradise bar (The one with a massive rock outside, left of the weapons shop) you will find Elena, Rude and Reno. They are on a vacation and are enjoying themselves with a few drinks. Now exit the bar and return to the item shop, open the chest in the corner to receive a MP Absorb Materia. Before you can equip it, Yuffie appears from nowhere and steals it. Chase her out of the building but she has already gone somewhere else. You will have to search the area again. Cross the three bridges and enter the house right of the entrance. Look behind the screen on the left and you will see Yuffie hiding there. Before you can catch her, she runs off again. The game is about to end now, return to the bar and speak with everyone inside. Someone will tell you that outside is very noisy. Exit the bar and check the large flower pot, the team will seal off all exits. Punch the pot a few times and out pops Yuffie. Finally, Yuffie will agree to give back all your Materia. Follow her to her hideout, and through to the other room. Before you enter, read the flyer on the wall, this is the final Turtles Paradise Flyer (No.6). Now enter the room and speak to Yuffie, she will tell you pull the switch at the back of the room. It doesn't matter which one you pull because both will activate a cage to fall on your comrades. Flip the switch the second time to free your imprison team. Exit the building and go to the Turtles Paradise bar. Talk to the bartender and claim your prize. Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source and a Megalixir. After this return to the temple area, and ring the bell. Go into the newly discovered door. Don Corneo is in Wutai and has captured Yuffie and Elena. He will make his escape through the stairs, before chasing him, collect the Swift Bolt and Elixir in this room. When you arrive at the next room you will have to fight three Shinra Soldiers. During this time Don has escaped. Exit the building and meet up with Reno and Rude from the Turks. The two parties agree not to bother each other while they are searching for the two girls and Don Corneo. Now return to the save point outside the item shop, save your game before heading north to the mountains. When you arrive at the junction take the path that leads north and go round the statue, take the north road again. On your left is a cave, inside you can pick up a Dragoon Lance. You can return here later when you have the Leviathan Scales from the underwater reactor to put out the fires and collect some nice treasures. Exit the cave and follow the path south, not far ahead the team will find Don Corneo. Rapps is another of Don Corneo's pets, this is a tough battle because the team has hardly any Materia. Cure your characters with Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs if they die. Watch out for Rapps Aero Attack, this does about 1,500 HP of damage. If you have reached Limit Break level 3 with Aeris, then use this limit break technique to make your team invisible for a period of time (You can't receive any damage). Or if Barret is in your group, set his limit break to level 1 and use Mindblow to try and eliminate Rapps Magic Points. When you have defeated this flying beast you will receive a Peace Ring. After you have defeated Don Corneo's pet, Reno and Rude arrive to dispose of him. The Turks receive a phone call, telling them to capture Cloud and the party. Reno and Rude decide to let them go because it's their day off today, and they helped in rescuing Elena. Now with all your Materia back (But in the wrong order) you find yourself outside Wutai. Before walking back to the Tiny Bronco make a new team with Yuffie in it. Enter Wutai again and go to the house with lots of cats in. The cat that was blocking the stairs is now gone and you can climb the stairs to collect a HP Absorb Materia from the hidden chest at the top. You may do some shopping now that all the shops are open, you should buy some new weapons for the characters in your team. Now go to Godo's house and get some rest. When the team is fully rested you must equip all your characters with some weapons and Materia, especially Yuffie. Give her the most powerful weapon and the most useful Materia, like Deathblow, Counter Attack, Restore, and the Enemy Skill Materia with Big Guard. When you are ready proceed to the temple and prepare for battle. Gorky: Start this battle by casting Big Guard and then focus on keeping your health up. Cast Regen if it is available to you and now attack with your high level magic. Like enemy skill Trine and summons, deathblow attacks work well. But only if you have powered them high enough so nearly every attack hits. If you defeated Gorky you will receive a X-Potion. Shake: Start this battle like all battles, Big Guard followed by Regen. If you have L4 Suicide, then you can inflict huge damage on Shake (You cannot kill him with this attack, just reduce his HP to one is the best you can do). You can also stun him sometimes, if you use the Choco/Mog summon. After this battle you will receive a Turbo-Ether. Chekhov: Again, start this battle like all the others. If Yuffie was equipped with the Jem Ring, then this will be an easy battle. Because you won't get paralysed by his Stare Down attack. Attack with all your powerful magic and summons, when you win you will get the Ice Ring. Staniv: Start this battle like you would start the other battles and watch your health levels. Use L4 Suicide to kill him off quickly, or use other spells if you wish. When he is defeated you will receive an Elixir. Godo: This is a tough battle, and you will be fighting Yuffie's dad. Cast Big Guard to set up your defence and then cast Regen. Godo has three faces and each one has a special skill. The white face can cast Drain, Bio 2, and Demi 3. He will attack with his Beast Sword and enemy skill Trine with his red face. Finally the gold face and cast Sleepel, mini, or Cure 2 when he starts to get low on health. Just keep up your HP and cast Big Guard when your barriers run out. Attack with your powerful summons and spells. If you can't beat Godo this time, come back when Yuffie is stronger. If you do manage to beat him you will receive Leviathan Materia and All Creations (Yuffie's Limit Break Manual). There is not a lot to do at Wutai, so exit and head south back to the Tiny Bronco and cross the shallows to the Gongaga Area. Temple Of Ancients To the east of Gongaga is a small house which sells weapons. The weapons seller will tell you about the Temple of Ancients and that you will need a Keystone to enter. Unfortunately he has already sold it to Dio, the owner of the Gold Saucer. Board the Ropeway in Corel and when you arrive at the Gold Saucer, head over to the battle square and search the showroom. The Keystone is here, but to borrow it you will need to entertain Dio. You only need to win one battle to get the Keystone, but if you manage to get through all eight you will receive a Protect Vest and a Choco Feather. When you try to leave, the Ropeway is broken. Cait Sith will arrange the party to stay at the Ghost Hotel. During the night, one of Cloud's companions will ask for a date. This is usually Aeris, but if you treated her badly then it will be someone else. Cloud and Aeris go on a date, they even take part in a show at Event Square and ride the Gondola ride around Gold Saucer. When the ride has finished, Cloud and Aeris find Cait Sith stealing the Keystone. Chase him around Gold Saucer, first to Wonder Square and then Chocobo Racing Forum. Cait Sith will give the Keystone to Tseng in a helicopter, Cait Sith is a spy and the team tries to get rid of him. But you are unable to do so because he has Marlene, he tells to that tomorrow the party will go to the Temple of Ancients after the Turks. Cloud returns to his room, in the top right-hand side you can find an Elixir. Everybody is waiting in the lobby, reform your party and exit Gold Saucer to North Corel. The Temple of the Ancients is located east across the sea. Return to your Tiny Bronco and head across the sea, before landing on the largest island with some forest surrounding the Temple (If you can't find it, use the map). Once you enter the Temple, Aeris discovers she can listen to what the Ancients are saying. Climb the stairs and enter the doorway at the top, inside is Tseng. He is badly wounded and gives you the Keystone to find Sephiroth, who is inside. Put the Keystone on the alter and the team will be transported to the lower depths of the Temple. Everywhere you look will appear to be like a maze, you can see chests and doors everywhere. First, walk forward, turn left and climb the stairs. Continue to walk forwards and take the stairs leading to the lower level. Enter the hole on your left, turn right and climb down the vine to the floor below. Walk underneath the long staircase and open the chest to find a Trident. Opposite the chest is some stairs, follow them down and climb the vine to the level above. Walk around the building and climb the stairs to the next area, before climbing another vine to the top of the structure. Collect the Mind Source from the floor and climb down the stairs. Enter the door to the left, inside here is a Ancient. He will sell you some supplies and you are able to save and restore your HP/MP. If you open the chest on the right, you can collect a Silver Rifle. Exit the room and go back up the stairs, and down the vine. Instead of taking the second stairway, turn left and collect the Turbo-Ether from the floor. Go down the long stairway and at the bottom, turn left and climb down the smaller set of steps. Walk down the screen and then climb down the vine to the lower level. Inside the chest to the right is a Rocket Punch, now head down the stairs again to the lower area. Travel to the right and the team will see another Ancient. Climb the vine and then climb the stairs next to you. Enter the arch and turn right down the next set of stairs. Climb the long vine to the top, past under the long staircase and collect the Luck Plus Materia. Now go back to the area where you saw the Ancient, turn left and enter the door. Follow the Ancient up the stairs and he will runaway from you. There are now huge boulders rolling down this walkway. To get past them, you'll have to time your dash perfectly to get under the hallow bit. Just run up to a boulder and Cloud will kneel down. Keep going and when you reach the path to the pool, pick up the Morph Materia. Carry on going until you reach the end and the boulders stop. Aeris will run towards the pool, so follow her. The pool will tell you that there is evil in the Temple, and it will show you Tseng and Elena. Sephiroth will also explain what he is doing and you will need to hurry and catch him. Walk back to the end and the Ancient will appear, speak to him and rest your team before saving. When you're ready, take a right and down the stairs. You will now find yourself in a gigantic room with a clock in the middle, press the circle button to start the hands spinning and then press circle again to stop it. When you are ready, press cross to proceed on the hands of the clock. Room I -Enemies, Toxic Frog and Jemnezmy Room II -Nothing Room III -Enemies, 8 Eye Room IV -Princess Guard (Aeris's Ultimate Weapon) Room V -Ribbon Room VI -Enter this after you have collected everything, it's a maze Room VII -Trumpet Shell Room VIII -Megalixir Room IX -Nothing Room X -Rolling Boulder room (Where you started) Room XI -Nothing Room XII -Exit (Also contains end of level boss, Demon's Gate, but it -is locked at the moment) Note: If you get knocked off by the seconds hand, you can collect a Nail Bat from the chest. After you have defeated the two Ancients Dragons. However you will have to make your way back to the clock room again. When you have collected all the items, go into Room VI. As soon as you have entered into the open, the Ancient will see you and run away. You will have to run into the cave as he is exiting it to catch him. You can also jump down the left-hand side by pressing the circle button. In the lowest level, on the left is a chest containing a Work Glove. The Ancient has set patterns, so learn them and then catch him, after you have catch him you can rest and save your game. Now you can enter the door on the top level, which was previously locked. You will encounter several Sephiroths in this room, after he has disappeared Cloud will have another fit. After this fit, Cloud will examine the wall which shows a meteorite speeding towards people on the Earth. Aeris talks about the spell Meteo which Sephiroth is planning to cast. The Temple will now shake and you will have to fight the Red Dragon. Cast Big Guard straight away to give your characters some protection. Do not use Fire or Gravity based attacks as he is immune to it. Use your Summon Materia and Limit Breaks to defeat this monster. Cure when needed, when he is dead you will receive a Dragon Armlet. Pick up the Bahumut Materia left behind and equip it to one of your characters straight away. To the right is a alter, on it is the Black Materia. But you cannot take it out of the Temple without killing one of your characters. Cait Sith will volunteer because he is a stuffed remote controlled toy. Rush back to the clock room and head straight to number twelve. Try to open the door and you will have to fight Demon's Gate. Start this by using Big Guard and casting Regen (If possible). Now use your new Summon Bahumut and other powerful spells and summons available to you. Avoid using Poison, Gravity or Earth on this monster as he is immune to them. This is a tough battle, so keep up your barriers (Big Guard) and when you defeat him, you will get the Gigas Armlet. Cait Sith will come through the door and have a conversation with your team (If he is not in the group). He will then go and get the Black Materia from the alter. The Temple will now vanish and after the dream like sequence, Cloud will find himself at Gongaga Inn. Barret and Tifa are by your sides, now locate your Tiny Bronco and find the forest you saw in your dream. Bone Village Make your way up the river past the Gold Saucer and keep on following the coastline north, and then east. When you arrive at the most northern continent, find the forest near the middle of the continent. Leave your Tiny Bronco by the beach, and head towards the village in the forest. This village is a excavation site, you will learn that to enter the sleeping forest you will need the Lunar Harp. Speaking with the guy next to the entrance to the sleeping forest (Top left-hand side of the screen) will tell you that Sephiroth and Aeris has already been through the forest. You will need to dig up the Harp, speak with the foreman and he will lend you some men to dig for you. He will also sell you some goods, buy some Diamond Bangles for your team and equip them. The Harp is located at the top, near the bone tent. The best way of getting the Lunar Harp is by setting up three men in different places on the highest level. Then, after you have set the bomb, follow where they are looking until their line of sight meets. Dig there and you should find the Harp the next morning in the chest. You can also dig for other items, like a Mop and a Buntline. With the Lunar Harp in your possession you can enter the forest. As soon as you enter the second screen the forest will greet you, now run to the left and head upwards, you should see a Red Summon floating around. This is the Kjata Materia, if you don't see it or it ran away. Go back a screen and then enter it again. Now continue through the forest. You will now see a large tree trunk, go underneath it and on the other side is a chest containing a Water Ring. After collecting it return back to the entrance and take the small steps on your left and go through the tree trunk. Continue walking up this path and you will arrive at the World Map screen. You are in between the canyons, straight ahead of you is the City of Ancients. City Of Ancients When you enter the City of Ancients, you will come to a junction. Take the left one and you will come to a house with a SAVE POINT and a chest containing a Magic Source on the upper lever. Carry on to the left, walk down the stairs and walk right to the chest. Collect the Aurora Armlet and head back to the junction, take the right path this time. You will see several houses here, walk as far right as you can and enter the house north. Climb the stairs to the top and open the chest to collect a Guard Source. Now exit this building and search the next one. On the ground floor is an Elixir, go and rest at the top floor. Cloud will wake up halfway through the night and tell the team he can hear Aeris calling him. Before exiting the building, collect the Enemy Skill Materia hidden partly by the third bed. Return to the junction and take the middle path, enter the building and climb the stairs to the top to collect a Comet Materia. Before proceeding down to the lower level and taking the stairs down to the city, take sometime to equip Cloud with the Water Ring and Enemy Skill Materia which will help against the boss. Also equip Earth to someone and have Summons like Titan, Bahumut, and Kjata equipped on your characters. Make sure you also equip all your characters with a Enemy Skill Materia if possible, you can learn Aqualung from this boss. After this is done proceed down the stairs into the city, save your game before jumping the pillars. Cloud will have another fit and draw his sword, don't press too much buttons as this will affect Cloud. Just as Cloud is about to strike, the rest of the team jumps in and stops him. Down comes Sephiroth and delivers the final blow. Aeris will drop to the floor and her White Materia sinks to the depths. You can't save her, Sephiroths escapes and leaves another Jenova for you to deal with. Jenova Life uses mainly water based attacks. Start the battle by casting Big Guard and then using all your summons like Titan, Bahumut, and Kjata. Quake 2 or 3 and Comet works very well against this monster. You can only learn Aqualung if you have Enemy Skill Materia equipped on your characters. If Jenova Life casts Reflect, destroy it immediately using Debarrier. Watch your health levels and when you defeat Jenova you will receive a Wizard Bracelet. With the monster gone the team can lay Aeris to rest. You can now save your game if you wish before moving onto the next Disc. Coral Valley You will begin the next area outside one of the shell shaped buildings in the eastside of the city. When you walk to the left, Cloud will have another fit and see Sephiroth. When Cloud comes round, head north and take the right path to exit the city. Go around the shell to collect a Viper Halberd from the chest, before climbing to the top of the shell. When you reach the top you will see a cave on your right-hand side. Once inside the cave, climb the second crack to the chest and collect a Bolt Armlet, and jump the gap to the right. Inside the next chest, the team can pick up a Hypno Crown. Navigate yourself around the cliff to collect a Megalixir from the top right corner. When you have collected this item, head as far left as you can and then up to the ladder. Climb down this ladder to pick up a Magic Plus Materia. Now climb the ladder until it ends, to the right is another cave. In front of you is a Power Source inside the chest, exit this cave to return to the world map screen. Once you are out follow the mountains to the left and you should come across Icicle Inn. Great Glacier At the far end of this town is a man in the tress. Talk to him and when you try to leave, two Shinra members and Elena will show up. Elena will try to knock Cloud out, when she does this press left and she will be sent rolling out of town. If you manages to hit you, then you will wake up in one of the houses. Now go in the house right of the entrance, inside is a boy with a Snowboard. Speak to him and he will let you have his snowboard, collect after the cat has moved away. Head over to the Inn and go to the upper floor, searching the window in the bottom left-hand corner will reveal a X-Potion. Leave the Inn and enter the house near the snowman on the far right of this town. Searching the back room will get you a Hero Drink and a Vaccine. Also collect the Glacier Map from the front room before you leave. Now enter the house on the far left. You can learn about Aeris and her family on the computers, you can also collect a Turbo-Ether downstairs near the windowsill. Enter the weapon seller next door and purchase any weapons you might want for your characters. You should at least buy an Organic sword for him, if you are rich then buy some weapons for the others in your current team. Before taking to the snowboard course, take sometime to equip the Elemental-Ice Materia combination in your armour to protect you from ice based attacks. When you are ready, head over to where you and Elena had a fight and down the slopes. Your controls for the snowboard are: Square -Brake Cross -Jump D-Pad -Move left or right, down to brake Start -Pause/Unpause L1/R1 -Quick turn, left or right You have to make your way through the course. You will come across two cross roads where you can go left or right. So you can end up in four different places. When you reach the bottom check your position (Using the landmarks as reference) with the map, press the square button. Your goal is to go to the base of Gaea Cliffs, marked with a red tick. Entrance: This is the square at the bottom of the map. To return to Icicle Inn if you walk south here. Mountain Cave: This is the area right of the entrance. There are no items to collect here but there is a icy slide that will return you to the world map at the back of the cave. Forest: The forest is a Y-shaped crossroad, with a Mind Source in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Aeroplane Tail: There are no items to collect here. Lake Cave: Pick up the Potion on the lake shore before crossing to the other side. You must jump from block to block, when you jump onto a block the surrounding blocks will either disappear or reappear. This depends if the block is submerged underwater or visible. If you fall into the water you will start from the shore again. At the back of the cave you can pick up a Safety Bit from inside the bag. Steaming Lakes: Touch the water on the left-hand side of the screen, now if you come across a person in a cave. Try to touch her and you will have to fight the Snow Woman. After you defeated her, you can collect Alexander Materia from the floor. Mountain Crossroads: When you arrive at the mountain crossroads, take the path on the right. Continue walking until the screen repeats itself (The first time, so you will be on the second screen). On the right near the cliff is the Added Cut Materia, it may be hard to spot because of it colour. Snowstorm: This is close to your finally destination when you reach this area. You can put landmarks to help you navigate through the snow. There is a cave at the middle where you can pick up an All Materia from inside the tent. Don't spend too long on this area or you will pass out. But you will end up in Mr. Holzoff's house (Next to the Gaea Cliff). The Crater After collecting and visiting all the areas, return to the man's house to get some rest. Remember save your game before going outside. Once you and your team is ready, head up the slope to the mountain. This is the only time in the game where you can explore this area, so collect everything the before moving on. When Cloud starts climbing, make sure that his body temperature doesn't fall below 26°C or he will pass out and awake at the old mans house. Keep Cloud's body temperature around 37ºC. To raise his temperature, press the square button rapidly. Remember that you cannot raise Cloud's temperature while climbing, so do it when you are on a ledge. You can't go anywhere apart from up in this area, so climb quickly. When you reach the top you will see a small cave. Take the path left after you go through the first door. Follow the trail to a cliff with a boulder on it. Examine the boulder, when prompt push the boulder off the cliff. This will make the lower trail possible for use. Now go back to where you veered off and head for the next set of cliffs. In the next cave to the right is a hidden chamber with a Ribbon inside a chest. Now return to the path, head north and then west. You will enter a room with huge icicles that you will need to fight. Move along the edge and you will face the first of the four battles against the bats and icicle. Use fir based attacks to win easily. You need to break all four of the icicles so they drop to the room below. You can now collect the chest that was previously out of reach. When you collect the Ribbon, open the purple chest to the Northeast. You can now go to the room that was once had a blocked passage and turn north. Follow the passage until you get to another exit. This will lead you to the upper path and it will take you outside. Touch the water to replenish your HP/MP before saving the game. You must equip your characters with armour or accessory that guard or absorbs both ice and fire. Just down the passageway is a huge beast, Schizo. When you fight this beast you must remember that its right side is fire-based and his left is ice-based. Casting identical spells will heal him, but if you cast the opposite it will damage him. Both sides are invulnerable to gravity and can cast a Quake 3 on the entire party. You can defeat him if you cast Big Guard and then Regen. Now cast Ice 3 on his right side and Fire 3 on his left side. Keep this up and mix in a few Non-Elemental summons, like Bahumut and Odin. When Schizo is defeated you will receive a Dragon Fang. Continue down the path and climb the cliff when you are outside. Head down the slope and at the bottom Tifa will insist on joining you (If she isn't in the current team). Now carry on to the left. Climb down to the lower path and pick up the red summon Materia, Neo Bahumut. If you come across a fallen follower, check him and sometimes you get an item. Save your game at the save point and use a tent to restore your HP and MP. Equip the team with anything that protects or absorbs against Fire. You will see Rufus, Scarlet, Heidegger and Hojo in the Highwind. Ignore them and exit this area on the left, climb this hill all the way to the top. The wind is strong and has formed barriers. Only cross when the wind has calmed down. If you get knocked back you will have to fight a monster before you can try again. Just stand as close as possible to the wind and make a run for it when the wind is calm. Later there will be green barriers that must be avoided. Wait for the wind to calm down, and when the barrier has just gone past, run for it. Later you will have to make it through lighting as well as the other barriers. You will bump into Sephiroth as he is killing a few of the followers. Do not miss the chest near the first that contains a Kaiser Knuckle. He will escape and leave another Jenova behind. Jenova Death uses fire based attacks: Red light and Tropic Wind. If you have equipped your team with items that protect or absorbs against fire, then this will be a easy fight. Cast Big Guard (Like all other battles) and then Regen. Level 3 attacks can cause reasonable damage, but use your new Neo Bahumut summon and Bahumut first (Along with other summons). If Jenova casts Silence on a team member, use the Esuna spell or the item remedy to cure them. Once he is defeated you will get a Reflect Ring. Cloud will pick up the Black Materia, but he can't use it just yet. Move on to the top and save your game. Restore some HP to those that is low on health before moving on. There is another barrier here, this time with lighting to make it even move tricky. Continue down the path and the team will arrive at a replica of Nibelheim. Sephiroth claims that Cloud was made by Hojo just like the others. Cloud realise the folly in his memory and recovers before it can destroy him. Rufus and co. has finally arrived at the centre of the creator and is just in time for the awaking of the weapons. Whoever is carrying the Black Materia will now get a visit from Tifa telling them to go to the centre of the creator, but this is actually Sephiroth. Cloud will take the Black Materia and you will need to move Cloud away from the screen towards Sephiroth. Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia and all hell breaks loose as the weapons awake. Weapons Attack When you come to, you find that you are imprisoned back in Junon Harbour. Cloud is no where to be seen and you are unaware of his where abouts. After Talking to Barret, Rufus and Heidegger will show up. They have decided to blame you for all the trouble caused and kill them. Tifa gets dragged away to the gas chamber, and one of guards drops his key. When given the chance, examine the door to make Barret try and open it. Talk to Cait Sith and exit throught the door. When weapons attack the city, it sets off the gas value and gas is pumped into the chamber that Tifa is in. Now turn right and follow the road, continue right after the weapon has risen out of the water and when you arrive at the airport head for the Highwind.