Bewdley Monopoly
Here it is, everything you need to play the game you've all been waiting for- Fingers Mcnasty's very own, Monopoly- Boodley Edition.

Save the links on the right to download the full size colour board, command cards, property cards and currency and read the rules below.

The board will have to be printed on at least A3 paper so i bet no one will play this. All the cards are word documents and as many of the currency as needed can be printed but i hope you'll agree that this is a massive fucking acheivment.

I could have learnt sign language or collected money for starving Africans, but instead I made this- for the people of 'Boodley'.

Dare Cards
Community Pest Cards

Properties 1
Properties 2


The basic rules are the same as original monopoly so I won't bother to go through it all. The main board layout and the relative quantities are exactly the same as in normal monopoly. Apart from the obvious property, services etc. name changes, the main differences are highlighted below:

Community Chest cards are now 'Community Pest' cards.

>Chance cards are now 'Dare' cards.

>Currency is 'fags' and a fag is worth 1/10 of a pound was in the original monopoly. That means all property prices, starting currency etc. is 1/10 the original. 1 fag = 10 butts so eg. a price is 2.4 fags this is 2 fags and 4 butts.

>'Tags' replace the original houses on owned properties, and 'Acts of vandalism' take the place of hotels.

I think that's it, so peace out and enjoy peckas like!
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