Finneytown Boosters Association

Board Meeting Minutes

August 5, 2007

Present: Laura Szempruch, Bob Mayer, Chuck Grosser, Beth Mizelle, Dan Howett, Lois Siegle, Patty Vogt, Karen Hesse, Ann Auffrey (scribe).

Excused Absence: Lori Viola, Steve Linder,

I. The meeting was called to order by President Laura Szempruch at 7:10 p.m.

II. There were no minutes from the last Board meeting in June. Ann will try to locate the minutes from that meeting.

III.Athletic Department Report: Chuck Grosser reported that the official first day of high school sports is August 6, 2007. Middle school sports will start the following week.

IV. Secretary’s Report: Ann Auffrey passed around two thank you notes. One note was from Tara Banks, who was one of the recipients of a Boosters scholarship this past year. The second thank you note was from the Hockey Club Team. Ann also stated she will send Shawn Maus a thank you note from the Boosters for his help in updating our brochure.

V. Treasurer’s Report: Lois Siegle reported that we took in $12,499 at the Greek Festival parking. After paying out the teams who volunteered, our total profit was $11,278. Lois also reported that the Summer Blast was very successful. We had income of $8,263 from this event. Concessions brought in $29,135 this past year. Our costs were approximately $17,000. Profit was around $12,000, which is close to 50% profit.

VI. Concession Stand Report: A newly formed Concession Stand Committee met recently to make plans for the upcoming year. Laura read aloud parts of the report. Thanks to Gary Siegle and Clay Mizelle for putting new shelves along the back wall. They also moved the sign with prices more to the front, making it more visible to our customers.

VII. Old Business

  1. New Business

Bill Hesse has resolved the hot water issue for the hot beverage machine. The question is whether our electrical source is powerful enough.

New Idea for the Concession Stand was presented by Bob Mayer: Apple Slices and Caramel. This has the potential of being a big money-maker. We would need an appliance that cores and slices the apple, and we can purchase the caramel for $15/can. This new idea was approved by the Board, and we will begin selling it this fall. Beth Mizelle will contact Brian at Gold Medal to inquire about the products.

IX. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting of the Finneytown Boosters Association will take place on Sunday, September 09, 2007, at 7 pm.



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