Finneytown Boosters Association

Board Meeting Minutes

December 2, 2007

Present: Laura Szempruch, Lori Viola, Beth Mizelle, Patty Vogt, Steve Linder, Bob Mayer, Lois Siegle, Ann Auffrey (scribe).

Excused Absence: Chuck Grosser, Julie Hammons, Dan Howett, Karen Hesse.

I. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. by President Laura Szempruch.

II. The minutes from the November Board meeting were read. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Steve Linder, seconded by Lori Viola.

III. Membership Report: Lori Viola reported that we have total income of $5125 from our membership dues. A membership roster was distributed.

IV. Concession Stand Report: The first home event for the winter sports season was the Women’s Basketball games on Thursday, November 29. Everything went well. We sold 3 pizzas and 24 hot dogs. The popcorn machine doesn’t seem to be working as well. We have three events the week of December 3. Laura volunteered to open the concession stand for the 9th grade boys’ game on Tuesday, December 4.

We have permission to go ahead with our outside concession stand expansion. We need to give notice to the district when we will begin, so the items that are stored in the garage next to the concession stand can be moved. Laura requested that an e-mail be sent to our membership in the hope of finding some commercial-certified contractors to do the work for us at a reduced cost. Ann is to do this, as well as to ask Shawn Maus to put a notice in the E-Formant.

Beth Mizelle reported that she was not able to use the Sam’s Club card the last time she went shopping for the concession stand.

Discussion took place regarding checking prices at Gordon Food Services. It was decided that we didn’t want to shop numerous places, and that we were happy with the quality and prices of the items that we purchase at Sam’s Club and Gold Medal.

V. Old Business:

VI. New Business:

VII.Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:47 pm by Bob Mayer, seconded by Patty Vogt.

The next meeting of the Finneytown Boosters Association Board will take place on Monday, January 6, 2008, at 7 pm in the Springfield Township Senior Center.





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