Finneytown Boosters Association Board Meeting Minutes November 5, 2006

Present: Debi Diehl, Lois Siegle, Lori Viola, Bob Mayer, Dan Dennis, Wes Girdler, Steve Linder, Dan Howett, Karen Hesse, Ann Auffrey (scribe).

Excused Absence: Chuck Grosser, Laura Szempruch, Allyson Stacey.

I. The meeting was called to order by President Debi Diehl at 7:03 pm.

II. Men’s Basketball player Dan Mefford was present on behalf of the basketball team and thanked the Boosters for financial support for team t-shirts.

III. Minutes from the October Board meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Karen Hesse to approve the minutes, seconded by Lois Siegle.

IV. Athletic Department Report: Ann Auffrey reported for Chuck Grosser that the Fall Sports Awards will be held on Wednesday, November 15 at 7 pm in the PAC.

Lori Viola reported that the CHL Cheerleading Competition was held on Saturday, November 4, at Mariemont High School. The Finneytown cheerleaders did very well. Middle School and JV cheerleaders came in first place. Varsity Cheerleaders came in second place. Finneytown also won the Spirit Award.

V. Treasury Report: Lois Siegle presented the Treasury Report. Overall, concession stand sales are up from where we were last year at this time. Some income from individual sports is up and some income is slightly less, but it evens out. A motion to accept the Treasury Report was made by Wes Girdler, seconded by Lori Viola.

Steve Linder reported that the same group who worked on our taxes last year will work on them this year.

VI. Membership: Lori Viola reported that we currently have 67 regular members, 26 Wildcat members, and 21 Super Wildcat members, for a total of $5075 in income from membership. This is almost $800 higher than last year.

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

IX. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.

The next meeting of the Finneytown Boosters Association will take place on Sunday, December 3, 2006, at 7 pm in the Springfield Township Senior Center.

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