Finneytown Boosters Association

Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2006

Present: Debi Diehl, Laura Szempruch, Chuck Grosser, Dan Dennis, Pete Minor, Bob Mayer, Karen Hesse, Lois Siegle, Steve Linder, Ann Auffrey.

Excused Absence: Allyson Stacey, Lori Viola.

I.The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Debi Diehl.

II. The minutes from the Board meeting on September 10, 2006 were reviewed. A motion was made by Laura Szempruch to approve the minutes, seconded by Bob Mayer.

III. Athletic Director Report: Chuck Grosser reported that Senior Nights for all Fall Sports and Band will take place over the next 2 weeks. The Seniors will receive a Finneytown key chain with Class of 2007 and a sports logo on the other side.

The draws for Soccer and Volleyball are in one week. At least one Men’s and one Women’s game will be at home.

We are still looking for Head Softball and Swimming coaches.

Fall Sports Awards will take place on November 15, 2006.

Treasury Report: Lois Siegle reviewed the Treasury Report. Football and Women’s Soccer income from the concession stand is up, and Men’s Soccer income is down. A motion to accept the Treasury Report was made by Ann Auffrey, seconded by Laura Szempruch.

Membership Report: Ann reported that we have 58 memberships at $25, 23 Wildcat ($50) memberships, and 19 $100 Super Wildcat members, for a total of $4500 income from Membership.

VI. Old Business:

VII. New Business:

VII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. The next Boosters Board meeting will take place on Sunday, November 5, 2006, at 7 pm in the Senior Center.

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