Finneytown Boosters Association Meeting Minutes August 6, 2006

Present: Bob Mayer, Lori Viola, Allyson Stacey, Wes Girdler, Laura Szempruch, Karen Hesse, Lois Siegle, Chuck Grosser, Shannon Minor, Ann Auffrey

Excused Absence: Debi Diehl, Steve Linder, Clay Mizelle

I. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Vice President Laura Szempruch.

David Steel and Matt Auffrey, FHS football players, were present to thank the Boosters for their financial support which allowed the team to participate in a day of team-building activities at Camp Joy. Posters with pictures of the event were on display.

II.The minutes from the Board meeting in June were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Allyson Stacey and seconded by Karen Hesse.

III. Athletic Director Report: Chuck Grosser reported that the Fall Athletic Kick-Off event will take place on Tuesday, August 8 at 7 pm in the PAC. Scott Steel has worked with Chuck to plan this event, which will follow a similar format as in previous years. Shawn Maus has put together a video presentation. The program in the PAC is expected to last an hour, and then individual team meetings will be held. T-Shirts will be distributed to the athletes in the gym lobby.

The scoreboard will be raised 5-10 feet on Thursday. Mike Morgan will add additional lighting around it.

The Alumni Soccer game will take place on Saturday, August 12. Girls will play at 5 pm and guys at 7 pm.

There will be no JV football game against Shroder on 9/2. Shroder does not have enough players for a JV team.

This will be the third try for the CHL website. The address is A sports information director was hired. The website will have stats, etc.

Thank you to the Boosters for your financial support for the football team to go to Camp Joy. This day was beneficial to the football program. Forty-one out of 43 players went.

Request was made for a donation from the Boosters to the Athletic Department for upcoming expenses, including the purchase of more banners to be hung in the gym. Discussion took place regarding the amount of the donation. Allyson Stacey reported that the Boosters generally make two donations for a total of $10,000 per year. Allyson made the motion to donate $5000 to the Athletic Department, seconded by Lois Siegle. The motion was approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Lois Siegle, current Treasurer and Laura Szempruch, past Treasurer, reviewed the Treasury’s Report. The Boosters made $10,001 during the Greek Festival parking fundraiser.

Membership Report: Lori Viola reported that the membership drive is underway. A summer mailing was done with Music Parent, Foundation and PTA. Lori has started receiving new memberships. Discussion took place regarding Boosters representatives speaking briefly at each team meeting at the Fall Kick-Off to encourage membership. Also, Boosters Board members will staff a table at Fall Registration at the Secondary Campus, this Wednesday and Thursday. Sign-up sheets were passed around.

VI. Old Business:

VII. New Business:

  1. The 300 Club fundraiser would involve selling 300 tickets @ $100. Drawings would take place monthly for cash prizes. Wes is looking into printing tickets.

  2. The stadium clean-up will be scheduled.

  3. Wes is a member of the school district’s Facilities Committee, representing Boosters, the Foundation and FAA. This committee is based on Ohio Schools Facilities Commission Assessment on our school district, and is to develop a master plan for buildings, grounds and projects. Wes would like people to call him if they know of something that needs attention, whether it’s big or small.

  4. Ann Auffrey reported that Shawn Maus showed her some sports programs from the 1970s and discussed the possibility of doing written programs for a Boosters fundraiser. The programs contain team pictures, rosters, etc. for each season. It’s probably too late to do a program for the fall sports, but maybe this could be explored for the winter and spring. Discussion about how to get pictures of the teams took place.

VIII. The meeting was adjourned by Laura Szempruch at 9:10 pm. The next Boosters Board meeting will take place on Sunday, September 10 at 6 pm. Note the change in meeting time.

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