Finneytown Boosters Association

Board Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2007

Present: Laura Szempruch, Bob Mayer, Chuck Grosser, Lori Viola, Karen Hesse, Dan Howett, Julie Hammons, Patty Vogt, Lois Siegle, Steve Linder, Beth Mizelle (secretary for the evening)

Excused Absence: Ann Auffrey

I. The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by President Laura Szempruch.

II. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the October 7, 2007 Board meeting were presented. There was one correction: Lori Viola distributed the concession stand drawings, not Lois. Motion made by Dan Howett to approve the drawings as corrected, seconded by Karen Hesse. Motion approved.

III. Athletic Department Report: Chuck Grosser reported the following:

IV. Treasurer’s Report: Lois Siegle presented the Profit and Loss Statement. We have $13,000 more in the bank compared to this time last year. Steve Linder reported that the tax return in complete. Motion made by Patty Vogt to approve the Profit and Loss Statement, seconded by Lori Viola. Motion approved.

V. Membership report: Lori Viola presented the updated membership roster. We have 28 at the $100 level, 22 at the $50 level, and 46 at the $25 level. Compared to last year, there are more members at $100, but less at $25. $5050 has been collected, we’ve given out $920 in concession bucks, and $475 in concession bucks have been redeemed. Lori will follow up to see if any of the fall teams achieved 50% membership.

VI. Concession Stand Report: Generally it was a good fall season in the concession stand. The committee system seemed to work well. It was difficult to get volunteers for the last few games of the fall (that happens every year). There will be more discussion at a separate meeting about possible changes to be made in the stand, and a presentation to Chuck Grosser of the changes. We would like to have it completed before next fall.

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

IX. Adjournment: Anyone interested in discussing the remodeling of the concession stand will meet after this meeting. Motion made by Lori Viola to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Beth Mizelle. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.

The next meeting of the Finneytown Boosters Association Board will take place on Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 7:00PM in the Senior Center.






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