Finneytown Boosters Association

Board Meeting Minutes

October 7, 2007

Present: Lori Viola, Beth Mizelle, Steve Linder, Bob Mayer, Lois Siegle, Ann Auffrey (scribe)

Excused Absence: Chuck Grosser, Laura Szempruch, Dan Howett, Karen Hesse, Patty Vogt.

I. The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by Vice President Lori Viola.

II. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the last Board meeting on September 9, 2007 were reviewed. There was one correction: Beth Mizelle was present for this meeting. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Steve Linder, seconded by Beth Mizelle.

III. Treasury Report: Lois Siegle, Treasurer, presented the Treasury Report and indicated that we are waiting for a check from FMPA for $1169 for Pepsi from the Summer Blast event. The loan for the Gator was paid off at U.S. Bank.

IV. Membership Report: Lori and Lois reported that we have 26 members at the $100 level, 22 members at the $50 level, and 36 members at the $25 level, for a total of $4600 in membership dues. Ann said she would e-mail Chuck Grosser about football coaches’ memberships.

V. Athletic Department Report: Ann read a report from Chuck Grosser with the following information:

VI. Concession Stand Report: Football is doing well. We brought in about $2000 for the Homecoming Game and about $2800 for the Wyoming game. We took in about $500 for the girls’ Star Soccer Night. We have water coming on Tuesday. Ann reported that scheduling volunteers is going well, though it’s hard for the JV games due to the time they start. Many people are still at work at that time.

VII. Old Business

Options: We send everyone a letter saying we didn’t sell enough tickets and we will have one drawing with multiple winners. (We did not have a quorum, so no voting was done on this issue)

VIII. New Business

IX. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 pm by Bob Mayer, seconded by Ann Auffrey.

The next meeting of the Finneytown Boosters Association Board will take place on Sunday, November 04, 2007, at 7 pm in the Senior Center.






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