Finneytown Boosters Association

Board Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2007


Present: Laura Szempruch, Chuck Grosser, Lori Viola, Karen Hesse, Patty Vogt, Lois Siegle, Bob Mayer, Dan Howett, Wes Girdler, Ann Auffrey (scribe).

Excused Absence: Steve Linder

I.The meeting was called to order by President Laura Szempruch at 7:03 p.m.

II. The minutes from the August 5, 2007 Board Meeting were reviewed. The minutes were accepted with no corrections by a motion from Dan Howett, seconded by Karen Hesse.

III. Treasury Report: Lois Siegle, Treasurer, present the report dated July 1 through September 9. 2007. Total income during this time period was $14,011.41. Total expenses were $15,457.18. Concessions for the first football game were about $1800. Men’s Soccer is averaging about $500-550, and Women’s Soccer about $300. We need to locate the water bill and pay it. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted with a motion by Beth Mizelle, seconded by Dan Howett and Wes Girdler.

IV. Athletic Department Report: Chuck Grosser, Athletic Director, reported that our fall teams are off to a good start. The following Senior Night dates were announced:

There will be free admission for students wearing Finneytown spirit wear at the following games: Volleyball vs. Wyoming; Men’s Soccer vs. Indian Hill; Women’s Soccer vs. IH.The pep band may be at these events.

The CHL Cheerleading Competition for the HS/MS teams will take place this year at Madeira on 11/10/07.

During the summer, at coaches’ meetings with Chuck, it was decided that athletic teams would engage in community service. Chuck discussed the article he read in The Enquirer about the poverty level in Cincinnati, particularly about a family with several small children in danger of being evicted from their home. Chuck called the editor and worked with a caseworker from St. Vincent de Paul. Most of the fall athletic teams were involved in this community service project to assist the family in the newspaper article as well as other families in need through St. Vincent de Paul Society. Teams collected donations of canned goods, clothing, toys, and money to purchase gift cards to local stores. The Women’s Soccer team is doing a clothing drive at a home game. Laura Szempruch suggested that Boosters make a donation of a $100 gift card from Wal-Mart, which was approved unanimously from the Board.

V. Membership: Lori Viola reported that we have 26 Super Wildcat members, 20 Wildcat members, and 32 memberships at the Regular level, for a total of 78 members, or $3400 income from membership dues. There was some discussion about changing the decal for next year’s membership drive, as we have used this same design for a few years.

VI. Concession Stand: Ann Auffrey reported that volunteerism for the concession stand is going very well, and there have been many new volunteers this year who are parents of new underclassmen student athletes. Laura reported that we are almost through a whole pallet of water due the hot water, and we should wait a little bit and order another pallet. Ice cream has not been selling, and it has been hard to keep it frozen enough. We shouldn’t order more ice cream once our current supply is sold. Lori Viola reported that a volunteer had an idea about grilling chicken kabobs as an alternative to hamburgers, hot dogs, and hamburgers. Discussion took place about this idea. Concerns were raised about dealing with raw chicken in our already crowded concession stand, and not having adequate refrigeration to properly store raw chicken.

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

VIII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm. Wes made a motion, seconded by Beth. The next Board meeting of the Finneytown Boosters Association will take place on Sunday, October 07, 2007, at 7 p.m. in the Springfield Township Senior Center.

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