Step right up and say hello to
Yeah I'm a girl.  See?  No... not the bear... the GIRL!  There ya go.  Shocked?  Maybe, but I don't give a hoot either way.  I enjoy deelies, dancing monkeys, duct tape, guys in khakis, and Broadway shows.  Flat Vanilla Coke, stray tabbies, and oversized Spongebob Squarepants pillows live in my room.  I like straight people, my college courses, freaks with drums, and double fudge.  Harry Potter passed my test.  I am as single as an individually wrapped cheese slice... and I don't care to boot.  I've had a good deal of boyfriends but I don't like them enough to want to think about them.  I pride myself in being an extremely picky and high maintenance person.  And apparently others like it too as I am being stalked by 9... count them 9... different suitors in the North Penn area that I am sure of. They're not good enough.  Kill them all.  It takes me 10 minutes to order a hamburger from Wendy's.  Adidas shoes tickle me pink, and I like to bum around in my Chip n Dale t-shirt... I support little rodents who know how to live it up.  Soft pretzels make me vomit; Tide gives me hives.  Gene is like my sister but I am older and frequently flaunt it.  I am tatooed and I give it 2 thumbs up.  I am short but I am one cool mofo.  Cheerleaders make me gag.  I don't like clowns, birds, overcooked broccoli, UV rays, cholesterol, bisexual exboyfriends, top-heavy people, or Avril Lavigne.  Hang her from a tree by her tie.  I jam to Prodigy and Blink 182 with a tiny hint of Beethoven.  Hair bands make me sad, KISS makes me scared.  I am as thin as an iron rod and equally as straight.  I love my pals more than my miniature foghorn.  And Forrest Gump is one of the most intelligent people in existance.  You know it to be true dontcha.  Yeah ya do.

Finny Favorites:
Book: Why... "A Separate Peace" of course... that's where Phineas and Gene came from you jerk.
Movie: "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "American Beauty"... ah yes... so messed up... so twisted... so damn cool.  I also love "Billy Elliot"... you know the 11 yr old boy who ballet dances instead of boxes.  That movie is hot.  You shut up.
TV Show: Gotta love the Sponge!!  SPONGEBOB!!!
Cartoon Character: Chip n Dale... screw Mickey... he's a homo.  And the Sponge kicks ass too.
Band: Blink 182!!  Oh that Mark Hoppus...
Song: "Still Waiting" -Sum 41... oh yes indeed... there is not one bad song on that whole cd.  ("Does This Look Infected?")
Pastime: Drawing and painting my little heart out.
Food: Sandwich and salad... Turkey breast, american cheese, lettuce and mayo on a kaiser roll... and for the salad.... iceberg lettuce with broccoli, cauliflower, hard boiled egg, and ranch dressing.  Oh boy oh boy.  And if you get it wrong... ya lose a nut... kapeesh?
Flower: Daisies... because roses just suck... but let me put as a side note that I do accept them... but only red and white long stemmed.  Six red, six white.  Write that down.
Candy: Definitely mocha flavored Crunch bars.
Drink: Milkety milkety milk... but only either whole or 2% white milk.  None of that skim crap.
Color: Sea foam green... and peach.
Animal: The Bottlenosed Dolphin thank you very much... we'll have none of those fugly "Nile River Dolphins"... tho they too deserve to live... so SUPPORT!  (I have adopted a dolphin... indeed I have.)

And thats enough of that jazz.

Now go meet Gene, you freak.
Wave like ya mean it
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