Finny Friends
Ah for the love of Christ, why must it sound so homosexual.  *shudders*  But at any rate... you shut up and listen. :o)
I love my pals more than anything and they deserve some recognition too damnit.
To Gene:
You are one crazy bastard and you are my  twisted sister.  May we frolick through life with continued health, prosperity, luck, and immaturity.  Now please learn to dial numbers into a phone receiver or I shall hit you with the fat end of my crutch and break YOUR leg!
To my favorite "Who":
You have been my best friend since puberty... you got me through high school... and I love you forever.  Tatooes and beer pong for all!!!  And of course... nobody could ever forget the sentimental... "NO BOBBY DONT TOUCH ME!!"  WCU kicks ass!
To da Supafreak:
Ah man you are one cool fool.  And ya kick ass at clay and at dancin like ya mean it... go get a pole.  Screw everyone else... you're awesome just because you're you and I love ya!
To Smiley:
Well now isn't this a change... goddamn.  We're friends then we arent and then we are again... and I think we'll stay that way by God.  No wait... damn it I hate you.  You don't like coffee and therefore you suck.  But cows are cool... and so is good old Ben the Green... you gutterslut.
To Zoe:
You're a whore who doesnt know her ass from a hole in the ground.  Moving on...
To Canada:
You are one freakin hottie boombalottie.  It's a real shame youre Canadian.  Go date Avril.  What?  You're Polish?  Oh well then it's ok.... so ok then.
To the American Afroman:
I hate you.  Now give me my rabbit.
To the Axis Powers:
And you thought you could defeat me?!  Ah you're nutso you loon!  Trench warfare is underrated... we will bring it back!  Don't eat fishies or camels... but send the hippos to Canada... stupid hippos. 
To Anaheim:
Well now don't kill yourself laughing... I know full well that Anaheim is in California.  So.... you... you shut up.  I'm wearing a padlock around my neck... the theory of one random person having the key to the padlock.... wanna wear one?
If you're not on here... well then dont you suck!  Of course... some people on here suck too.... but I am still working on shipping them to America Jr.
Now go read Gene's.
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