Hello my name is
So, you've come to stare at the BEAST have you?  What?  Are you Canadian, you frick?  Ok, now that I have that out of my overactive little system, we can begin.  Yes I am the younger of the bastards.  I am Gene Von Kerpal.  The first.  And just for the record, I have been known to entertain myself with overpriced, extremely uppity, country club swarays where all of the "stuff the shirts" go about dabbing at their noses with pink embroidered hankerchiefs while scratching their infectious flaking nut sacks most commonly referred to as the scrotus-hang-low-blyiss.  This is my mind.  Enter.  Moisten your pantaloons.  Teehee.  There are a few cool ones out there and my Finny is one of them.  Ahh but alas for some of you, for I share a completely plutonian relationship with Finny, so... sorry to you ass nubbin rubbin gay-bi advocates, for this is NOT your one-stop shop and drop.  Gay is a scary thing it is it is.  And I suggest that all of you keep your distance from those who behave in this odd manner... mainly the Philly Fanatic.  Like my counterpart, I.... enjoy things.  I really do.  But unlike her, I have long red hair, and piercing blue eyes that like to stare at a person until the short hairs on their neck stand aloof and they sqirm and turn to face me... only to be frightened by my dangerous yet beautiful set of natural fangs.  They are au natural and they are longer than anyone's that you have yet met.  Speaking of fanged fiends, (you know, "friend" without the "r" is fiend), I am infatuated with the sanguinary kind, and for all of you dolts out there, that means that I am in love with Vampires.  All vampires.  So Buffy can fist it and fist it hard until she dies because I hate her guts.  Oh man.  What a freakin moron!  She is what I hate more than... than.... ANIME!  And do I hate anime!  Well I do!  So YOU fist it!  But what I DO enjoy are MY khaki pants with the buddy lee pockets!  And color guard is cool too.  Power to Forte and FUCK DALLAS!  Man, if you are a vampire, gimme a looksie.  I can handle the dark gift.  And FIST all of you pretenders!  Shoosh!  I'm skiing!  Only not well.  So that's ok.  I also have a problem with sticky lipstick that your hair gets stuck in.  I really really do.  And I love birds, all birds, minus condors.  Screw those "U-G-L-Y you aint got no alibi you ugly" birds.  And that's all too much for me.  And I vote for all the music that Finny did.  And screw all you players out there... you know who I'm talking about!!  And I love all my friends!!  And I'm spent.
Go back... ya frick.
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