Here we are at home on Christmas day!  The girls opened presents with Matt on Christmas Eve so they already knew the drill.  When they came in the house and saw all of the presents it was priceless.  Here are some snapshots!
Top Left: Trinity showin off her Scooby Doo Barbie from Uncle Josh

Top Right: Corryn huggin onto her Guess What Elmo from Grandma and Grandpa

Left: Corryn getting Elmo to bite her fingers!

Below: Trinity opening her dress up set from Mom-mom and Pop-pop
Below: Trinity watching Corryn desperately try to mimic her Chicken Dance Elmo from Uncle Josh
Right: Trin with her Dora doll!  (I promise that's what it is)

Below: Cory saying "Open it!" after seeing Elmo in a box
Left and Right: Trinity ripping into another present to find a Barbie dragon from Grandma and Grandpa!
Click to see more pictures from Christmas morning at home...
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