g Abba Father
Abba Father
by Barbara Philbrook

Abba Father, what Jesus called God while praying in Gethsemane,
what God desires to be called by you and me.

Two more times this phrase is written in God's Holy Word,
telling us we will call God this each time it occurred.

Once you'll see it in Romans 8:15,
then again in Galatians 4:6 it is seen.

Both times to tell us we will call God, Abba Father one day,
telling us He loves us in a very special way.

We are told we were not given a spirit of fear,
but that through adoption we are held very dear.

Adopted by God, His children are we,
what greater joy could there possibly be?

Children of God, heirs to the throne,
we are now His descendants, each loved as His own.

This is not my interpretation deciphered by me,
it was written in the Bible, look and see.

"Abba Father" used by Jesus while pleading with God,
two other times it appears to tell us it's use, not to seems very odd.

Abba Father similar to Daddy or Father Dear,
an endearment God obviously wants to hear.

Abba Father it just sounds so right,
and I pray Abba Father "Our God" that it brings you delight.

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