Abundant Blessings
by Barbara Philbrook

Abundant Blessings are being given to me,
and I deserve none according to what I see.

I receive such joy in my heart,
by the work in which God allows me to take part.

I appreciate the birth of each new day,
and all of the wonderful things that come my way.

I can walk and talk and smile some,
and share with the world about God's Kingdom.

I'm so far from perfect it boggles my mind,
how could I be this loved by a God so kind.

A God who gave His only begotten Son,
and would have done so had I been the only one.

My mind can't phantom I just can't see,
how God could have that much love for me.

But though I can't quite understand,
I'm so grateful He holds me in the palm of His hand.

Even though my mind won't totally conceive,
I'm blessed to have the faith to believe.

Faith He provided a long time ago,
so that when I heard the truth I would know.

Know without the tiniest doubt,
that no matter what happens He'll work it out.

Abundant Blessings poured out continually,
because of God's great love for you and me.

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