A Call To Pray
by Barbara Philbrook

At three twenty five this morning God called on me to pray,
I didn't know for whom or even what to say.

But that really didn't matter because I knew my Father knew,
and in no time at all I perceived I was praying for you.

God woke me up to use me as confirmation,
that it was with Him that you had that conversation.

He wanted to have me give an assurance to you,
that what you thought you heard was indeed very true.

He said you are His child and you mean the world to Him,
and to tell you He's thrilled you invited Them within.

Now the voice will be easier for you to recognize,
the next time He speaks will bring tears to your eyes.

Because you are filled now with awe and happiness,
to hear in His voice such a loving caress.

Enjoy your conversations you'll have them all of the time,
and you'll find that each becomes more sublime.

We are so Blessed to have a Father so filled with loving care,
to wake us in the morning just remind us He's there.

He know the desires deep within our heart,
and is waiting for us to know too so those desires He can impart.

You desired to hear Him speaking to you,
well He woke me to confirm it, your desire has come true.

Your reaction was "What a vivid imagination",
but God wants you to know that was an actual conversation.

Listen closely He'll be talking to you some more,
and it will be a voice you come to genuinely adore.

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