A Candlelit Service
by Barbara Philbrook

A candlelit service commemorating Jesus' birth,
reminding us of why He came to this Earth.

Bringing to mind once again the salvation story,
and why we hold our Heavenly Father in such Glory.

Giving us each a chance to refresh our memory,
of what Jesus did for you and for me.

Showing us just one more time,
that we serve a Father whose love is sublime.

Giving those who haven't yet invited Him in,
another offer of a new life to begin.

Introducing those who may not have yet heard,
the remarkable truth found in God's Holy Word.

This is the time that once each year,
we celebrate God's love for sending Jesus here.

We remember Jesus coming to live on Earth,
for sinful souls who had no worth.

Leaving His Father there on the throne,
coming to be rejected and subjected to pain never before known.

Knowing those He came for would His love betray,
and yet loving so deeply He came anyway.

So once again we gather together and unite,
as we honor God with theses candles of light.

This candlelit service is our way to say,
"Thank You Dear Jesus for being born that day".

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