Ache, Pain or Major Sorrow
by Barbara Philbrook

Ache, pain or major sorrow,
God will see you through till tomorrow.

Lean on God, He will get you through.
He is your strength when yours won't do.

When we're weak and our strength is deficient,
Our Heavenly Father's grace is sufficient.

When we feel that we are at the end of our rope,
God's grace takes over and we are able to cope.

When earthly friends can not quite fill the gap,
God builds a bridge as quick as a snap.

There is nothing God can not or will not do.
The Holy Bible assures us this is true.

No matter what your problem or your need,
just reach out to God, you needn't beg or plead.

God is our Father, wishing to bestow on us His best.
He loves us all the same not one more than the rest.

Just as we delight in doing for others,
God's joy comes from doing for you, dear sisters and brothers.

Ache, pain or major sorrow. Whatever your need.
The sooner you call, the sooner He can proceed.

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