A Child Ill
by Barbara Philbrook

A child ill in the emergency ward,
all Grandma can think of is offering her in Prayer to God.

I call the pastor who ask "what Hospital is she in",
I never asked I was too anxious for the prayers to begin.

How silly and negligent it was of me,
but I had only one thing on my mind you see.

No matter what the Drs. think or say,
I know my God hears us when we kneel to pray.

Possible brain tumors or heart disease,
both of these are enough to send me to my knees.

Then possibly a disease we don't even know what kind,
if I didn't know God it would blow my mind.

But I have a Father who loves us all so much,
and prayer is the way we keep in touch.

When I have a problem I take Him the request,
then I just trust as He does all the rest.

God did not give me a spirit of fear,
and He assures me He is always near.

Healing is given to those who ask and believe,
so I am waiting my good report to receive.

A child is ill we've placed her in God's loving care,
now we wait to see the results of our prayer.

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