A Chip On Your Shoulder
by Barbara Philbrook

A chip on your shoulder, are you itching for a fight,
even though in your heart you know it's not right?

Do you go around looking angry and grim,
and if someone disagrees with you, challenge him?

Does your life consist of one conflict after another,
as you challenge each acquaintance, sister or brother?

Do you have the proverbial chip on your shoulder,
and you find it weightier than a huge heavy boulder?

Oft times anger can be caused from our past.
The hurt and the pain make the anger last.

It's possible not to even remember the cause.
You think and think but don't remember what it was.

It is impossible to remove this burden on your own,
but I know of the solution because I was shown.

Take it to the cross and place it there,
and when you leave, it will be Jesus' to bear.

A chip on your shoulder that need not be,
Jesus said "Come all ye who are heavy laden to Me."

"I will give you rest" is what He said.
So take Him your burdens, they'll be His now instead.

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