Acts of Kindness
by Barbara Philbrook

Acts of kindness are very important you know,
even though the results sometimes don't show.

An act of kindness may in someone's memory abide,
with great results nurturing growing and spreading wide.

The evidence invisible to the human eye,
but constantly brewing where it continues to lie.

Many years may pass before the result is shown,
unrecognizable now due to how much it's grown.

Maybe we aren't to know all the good it did,
maybe that's part of the reason from our eyes it was hid.

Acts of kindness that grow and forever expand,
often being passed from hand to hand.

Do an act of kindness to another my friend,
don't worry about it, God decides where it will end.

When you receive a kindness pass it on to one in need,
kindness expands by sharing it, not by greed.

Pass kindness on, allow it to grow,
where it will end up we never know.

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